-Caveat Lector-

Sorry to break in on the same note, but Damian Cooper is right. Consult the
establishment Jewish magazines over the last decade and you'll see that
smashing the Orthodox Serbs was a priority --- fear of the Orthodox Serbs
helping the Orthodox Russian part of the Russian military or unity with them
is a concern to the worldwide Zionist establishment. For BF to ask, what
proof of there is this type of analysis -- betrays that BF shares with
apparantly a cast of thousands a proclivity to get lost in the alphabet soup
conspiracies and ignore what is screaming at them for their televisions,
radio stations, and news magazines; while there are the group of
disenfranchised, censored Jews like Naom Chomsky of MIT and the moderator of
the MER list (I think his name is Brodowsky) tryiing to stem the tide, the
overwhelming majority of visible Jews, tied in with the Zionist
establishment, is calling the shots and is reaking vengeance against the
citizens of Serbia with our US superior weapons. There is no excuse for this
barbarity. Has anyone noticed that every prominent Jew who was trying to
save their boy-puppet Clinton in office is now blood-lusting to throw
American ground troops into Serbia? Let me give you a starting list, and
then give you some reading that will absolutely "blow your mind" to use the
outdated vernacular. Here's the list of Save Clinton-Now ground troops
'Zionist' Jews: Geraldo Rivera, Larry King, Sen. Joe Lieberman, Sec of Def
Cohen, Sec of Hate Madeleine Halfbright, Cong. Wexler, Cong. Jerry Adler,
Charles Grodin, Sen. Arlen Specter -- in fact if anyone can find a prominent
Jewish leader in politics or media who was for saving Clinton but is now
against ground troops, please enlighten me.

Now, BF, here's your proof many times over that the Zionist-Jewish
establishment controls American media, politics, and is the dominant force
in world affairs, - where the author is Jewish I'll put a -J after their
name -- the reason for this is that the testimony of Jewish writers is
obviously more valuable than non-Jews in this area, especially for those who
think such talk is always related to "anti-Semitism"; here goes: The Zionist
Connection, Alfred Lilienthal-J; The Zionist Factor, Ivor Benson; The
Controvery of Zion, Douglas Reed; Open Secrets, Israel Shahak-J; Isreal's
Sacred Terrorism by Livia Rokach (Livia is a Palestinian but here book in
based on the diary of high level Israeli leader Moshe Sharett-J, with a
forward by Noam Chomsky-J; Far And Wide, Douglas Reed; The Kingship of
Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation, Fr. Denis Fahey; Red
Symphony, an interview with Rakovsky-J conducted by one of Stalin's men in
1938, as Rakovsky was fighting to save his life, and, as one of Rothschild's
men, he did -- this book is one of the most important documents of the
century, and it goes a long way toward's kicking the wind out of all those
misguided modern day Hitler admirers, if it is understood properly; From
Admiral to Cabin Boy by Admiral Domville; Red Fog over America by Wm Guy
Carr; Pawns in the Game, Wm Guy Carr; Behind Communism, author escapes me,
might be Britton; the Red Thread by Andrei Krylienko; And, for those of you
who are still with me,  here's the final blow to the modern brainwashed
truth-seeker of all types: a whole body of evidence is emerging which
reveals that both the little Jews and the little Germans, and everyone else,
was caught in the Pincers of the anti-Christ financiers running the world's
money, AND that (prepare for brain meltdown) that the founders of Isreal and
the Nazis cooperated all throughout Hitler's rule -- with the early Zionists
such as Ben Gurion abandoning hundreds of thousands of Jews to the Nazi
concentration camps -- which were by and large run by Zionist Jews! No?
Let's begin again: Perfidy by Ben Hecht-J (Hecht was the screen writer for
the movie Farewell to Arms, among others - his 1961 book is in major
libraries, and he was a true believer who helped the other true believers --
he is obviously himself quite bewildered as he recounts the record; The
Transfer Agreement: THe secret Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish
Palestine by Edwin Black-J; The War Agains the Jews - Lucy Dawidowicz-J
(although Lucy is a cover up artist in some respects, but the evidence is
there) -- same goes for David Wyman-J, The Abandonment of the Jews, Wyman
presents evidence he is constantly at a "loss" to explain. Before Hitler
Came, by Brunder-J, still only in German; In the face of the Gallows, by
Frank (Hitler's lawyer, himself half-Jewish);   . . . One last tidbit with a
small build-up: The Zionists had to get hundreds of thousands of Jews to
Palestine for the credible establishment of Israel, which was the first act
of the United Nations. So these top Zionists had to somehow convince
hundreds of thousands of unwilling Jews to get to Palestine; A decent man
named Otto Strasser is overwhelmed in Germany by an upstart socialist named
Adolph Hitler who received overwhelming money from Wall Street (see Wall
Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony Sutton or WHo Financed Hitler by
James Poole -- the original 70s edition, as the recent on has 200 pages
missing) and Rothschild money (talked about by Rakovsky in Red Symphony) who
begins saber rattling against German Jews; next, International Jewry calls a
boycott against Germany in 1933 to be lifted when enough Jews are
transported to Palestine; Next Roosevelt (always best friend to the
Zionists) closes America for all practical purposes to Jewish Immigration
from 1935 to 1945 -- Jews are left with one out -- go to Palestine. Now
here's the tidbit: the first ship carrying Jews to Palestine from Germany
was captained by a Nazi officer (high up) and the ships name was changed
from the Hofhausen (crossed out) to Tel Aviv (painted on) AND -- the ship
flew two flags: the Swastika and the Star of David! Needless to say there's
much more - but this should keep the plate full for any serious researcher.
Many of these books are hard to find, but are usually at big library's; some
are readily available. Best Wishes, Jim Condit Jr. P.S. Nazi official
Rudolph Hess, who had made the surprise mission to Churchill in 1942 at
which landing he was jailed till the end of the war -- sat all alone in
Spandau prison from 1945 to 1989 -- with four countries (US, FRance, USSR,
and Great Britain) each sending soldiers to guard this big prison with just
Hess in it -- each country taking one week every month. Why did he sit
there, never allowed to talk to his family without a NATO official present
to monitor? He sat there as a warning to all those high officials in
Britain, Germany and elsewhere who knew about the tranfer agreement between
the Third Reich and the founders of Israel.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 5:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [prj] Political Insight Into the Origin of the War with
> Serbia
> having your own post office, right in your home. No more tripsto
> buy stamps. Meter refills itself. Save up to 20% on postage. Try
> it free for 90 days. Click here!
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> ******************************************************************
> ************* << END
> Damian B. Cooper wrote:
> >
> having your own post office, right in your home. No more tripsto
> buy stamps.
> Meter refills itse
> > A lengthy but interesting analysis into Internationalism's
> > War of Aggression.
> >
> > I've not heard of "Western Forum" before.
> >
> > DBC
> >
> > >A Western Forum Editorial
> > >Domain:  http://westernforum.webjump.com
> > >
> <snip>
> >  Zionists have their own individual
> > >interests.  At a minimum these interests run parallel to corporate
> > >interests - i.e., whatever benefits the corporations also happens
> > >to benefit Israel - but often are simply one and the same thing.
> > >No one can dispute the extensive  Zionist influence in the
> > >government of the United States since World War I.  Today,
> > >they occupy the majority of the Clinton administration.  It
> > >seems reasonable to conclude that multi-national interests have
> > >been strongly - if not completely - under Zionist management
> > >for almost a century.  <snip>
> BF>What proof is there of this?  It would appear to me that if Zionism is
> an outgrowth, in the secular sense, of the Freemasonic-Novus Ordo
> Seclorum paradigm, though an extension that is not atheistic or
> globalistic, then it would oppose the interests of the neo-Holy Alliance,
> or the Rockefeller-multinational-national security state New World Order.
>       And how has America been ruined by "mandatory democracy", as if
> we had any such thing?  Brian Kennedy, or someone, should answer this for
> me so that I understand, once and for all.
>       The only thing I agree here is that NATO and the US are
> manipulated in all of this, just as the Slavs are.  But Zionists are only
> a mnaipulated entity too, and are quite a pain in the "tuchus" to both
> schoolss of orthodox political globalism, even as the yearning for the
> Messiah may represent a globalist urge of some kind.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Bill Richer
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 1:16 AM
> Subject: [CTRL] Kosovo War, planned?
>  -Caveat Lector-
> 1998 and refers to the 1996 and 1998 Bilderberg Meetings and Kosovo...
> (This is me speaking, btw, in these next three paragraphs.)
> The first time I ever heard the word "Kosovo" was over two years
> ago in the
> reports which forecast how the Bilderbergers hoped to bring about a
> debilitating war of attrition in the heart of Europe with
> tendrils eventual
> spreading towards Russia, Syria and Israel.  No doubt, in the interim,
> Bilderberger agents provocateurs have been working full time on
> all sides to
> foment the present war.  The following is about the 1998 Bilderberg-creep
> meeting with references to the 1996 meeting.
> These creeps are hoping this war will spread into Greece, Cyprus, Turkey,
> Bulgaria, RUSSIA, and finally, involve the US in their nwo malevolence.
> Lucifer must have some magnificent palaces all ready for these heroes of
> hell-creeps when they shed their mortal coils - and I do mean coils, as in
> snakes...  Sky dragons?  Dracs?  And what is the traditional
> symbol of China?
>  The dragon.  Remember, Albania is and always has been a Red
> Chinese puppet
> and a drug conduit to the west via the KLA for drugs from China
> and SE Asia
> Since what the nwo Intelligence Update's 1996 report said was
> going to happen
> has now come to pass in Kosovo in 1999, I re-read the following with great
> pause because of what it may foreshadow for the entire region (Greece and
> Turkey and Cyprus) and for Russia and the Middle East and the US.  The
> Bilderberg-made storm clouds are gathering!  I am so awestruck by
> the level
> of deceit and evil these nwo manipulators are into that I cannot
> say another
> word.
> Brad
> "The Coming Kosovo War, Greece, Turkey, And Cyprus...
> "In our June, 1996, Special Report on the Bilderbergers, the New World
> Order Intelligence Update warned that the globalist elite had planned a
> Balkans war which would become the "Vietnam of the '90's"; and that, if
> they could not get such a war going by inflaming the Serbs through the
> use of NATO "snatch squads" to seize suspected war criminals for trial
> at the Hague, their plan was to use Kosovo as the flashpoint to ignite a
> regional conflict which would ultimately embroil the Yugoslav
> federation, Bosnia, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Macedonia, the
> Western European military powers, the United States, and by extension -
> as allies of Turkey and Greece - Israel and Syria. Now, from virtually
> nowhere, the well-financed Kosovan Liberation Army has sprung into the
> limelight and the scene is being set for a Balkan war of unbelievable
> carnage and merciless hostility.
> "We further warned that, if the war in Kosovo took too long to engineer
> or eluded the elite altogether, then their fall-back plan was to create
> a vicious conflict between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus, and to push
> the war back into the Balkans area from there."
> [Copyright (c) 1998, New World Order Intelligence Update. This article
> may be reposted to Internet conferences and Web sites if unaltered and
> unedited. Prior permission to otherwise reprint or reproduce is
> required, and may be obtained by contacting John Whitley as detailed
> below.]
> CONTACT: John Whitley
> Phone 416-481 4868
> Fax: 416-322 3686
> TORONTO, 16th May, 1998
> The 1998 meeting of the secretive and immensely-powerful Bilderberg
> Group closes tomorrow at the luxurious Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire,
> Scotland. The 120 or so Bilderbergers, who normally converge at their
> pre-selected venue with as much secrecy as possible, had hoped that
> their selection for the May 14th - 17th conference this year, 15 miles
> south of Ayr and a quarter of a mile away from the A77 trunk road to
> Glasgow, would - together with armed and black-clad police at the the
> property entrance and around the perimeter - guarantee their
> previously-inviolate privacy.
> NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,
> this material is distributed without profit to those who
> have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
> information for research and educational purposes. For
> more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
> Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are
> sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections
> and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
> minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
> suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> ========================================================================
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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