-Caveat Lector-


I wrote the bulk of the short essay below several years ago (1994) in
response to an assignment in a college literature course. Although I have
edited it to reflect present tense, the essential message has remained
unchanged. With all the talk of gun control in response to our latest
school killings, I thought it was appropriate for discussion--if not
somewhat prophetic.
Off To The Races?

Picture in your mind a huge circular racetrack. Not just any racetrack,
this one is
three-dimensional, with multiple levels, one above the other. You are running
wildly down the center of the track, with approximately one hundred-million
on either side of you. Within each lane, there is a person just like you,
running with equal intensity--in fact, it appears that they are chasing
you. All are running
clockwise along this circular racetrack in relays which are typically eight
hours long. The race itself, however, lasts a lifetime. Off to the left of
the track is a nameless and fearful void. Off to the right, and center of
the track, is a dung pit. The sole objective of all members of the race,
appearing in each lane and somehow just out of reach, is a big green
carrot. Catch the carrot and you "win" the race. On each progressively
higher level of the racetrack, there is a progressively bigger carrot to
chase. From where you are, and from a distance, it appears that the lane
just above you is moving slower and therefore will facilitate the easier
capture of the larger carrot. If you run fast enough and step over enough
people on your way, you may graduate to the next highest level, in hopeful
pursuit of the larger green carrot. Even so, total concentration on your
part will be required in order to catch either of the carrots on any of the
levels, including the level you are on. Therefore, all other priorities,
such as family and friends, must fall by the wayside in your relentless
pursuit of the carrot. Onward and upward you tumble, pursuing the ever
larger carrot, until at the end of your life you begin to slow down, and
finally stop running in exhaustion. The guardians of the track, in their
infinite compassion, sense your dilemma and have your lifeless body tossed
over the side of the track, into the dung pit.

If this sounds crazy to you, you will understand what it is that drives so
many of us crazy at the end of our "race." Replace the last three letters
of "carrot" with
"eer" and you will understand why it is so crazy for us to be runners in this
"race." For all of our lives, we are in service to our employers in pursuit
of our "careers," while placing the needs of our families in a lessor
At the end of our useful lives, the time when we are most in need, our
will toss us into the proverbial dung pit. If that wouldn't make anyone
crazy, nothing could!

At the end of my life, I am not going to ask myself whether I had spent
enough time at work, but whether I have contributed to life through my
family and friends. I am not going to worry about whether I "owned" the
finest car or the biggest house, but rather did I leave my family secure,
or saddled with overwhelming debt.

Nowhere on the planet is there a better example of misplaced priority than in
America. Every morning, approximately two hundred-million of us march off
to the "races", armed with cellular phones, beepers, fax machines, and
laptop computers to pursue the carrot. The only problem is, we leave our
families at home to fend for themselves. Why is it a wonder to us then,
when we have to leave work to get our kids out of jail or out of the
morgue. Maybe I am crazy, screaming "wake up" so loudly, but I don't think
so. Our lives follow a linear course from beginning to end, not along an
endless circle. So who then, is operating under the illusion of fulfillment
through a "career."

Edward  ><>
"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge
of tomorrow's revolutionary force." Edward Britton   ><>
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