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----- Original Message -----
To: <@thequest.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 1999 9:43 AM
Subject: More about Indyk and Zogby - Washington Scene

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: A Regular MER Feature
:                 MORE ABOUT  MARTIN INDYK
:                         Part II
: MER - Washington - 26 April:  It's a nice arrangement for Martin Indyk -
: the Israeli/Jewish lobby's point man whom the Clinton Administration has
: quite unbelievably made the Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle
: East.  That puts him in charge of "Peace Process" with access to the
: highest secrets of the American government of course. The old adage about
: the fox being asked to guard the hen house comes to mind.
: Indyk was brought to Washington by "the lobby" specifically to infiltrate
: the Washington power structure as well as to open relations with those
: who head up the Arab "client regimes".  And indeed that he has done with
: gusto.  He was not even a U.S. citizen at the time Bill Clinton was
: elected President.  Then his nationality was Australian, his alliance
: Israeli.  His original appointment in 1992 to the National Security
: Council at the White House was a major political pay-off to "the lobby"
: for its intense help getting Clinton elected...and Bush/Baker defeated.
: Now, in a way only Washington-insiders can really appreciate, Indyk is in
: a position to subtly manipulate both the President and the Secretary of
: State, spending full-time with matters Middle Eastern while they are busy
: with so many other headaches.
: But all that's a much larger tale.  The matter at hand is much more
: straight-forward.  As a pay-off to Jim Zogby, the despised head of the
: "Arab American Institute" (AAI), and even more so to one of Zogby's main
: patrons, Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar, also a close friend of Indyk,
: last year Indyk made Zogby's son, Joseph, one of his "Special
: Assistants".
: What a move!  It allowed Indyk to claim he was bringing Arab-Americans
: into the State Department while in essence he was really further paying
: off Zogby for his vociferous help in publicly supporting his nomination
: as Assistant Secretary of State. Back then the Arab American
: organizations should have lead a serious attack against Indyk's
: appointment; but instead they all bowed to Zogby who has totally
: outmaneuvered them on most matters, and to Bandar, who controls them on
: important matters, and there was hardly a whimper.
: Then recently, when the far right-wing Zionists who control much of the
: "organized Jewish community" criticized Joe Zogby for things he had
: written about Israel in the past, Indyk at first came to Zogby's
: defense...but not for long.   Now Indyk is clearly a Clinton man -- he
: knows very well how to deceive and manipulate, how to twist and turn, how
: to back-slap and sell-out practically at the same time.
: The remarkable thing in this case is how Indyk has maneuvered so that he
: looks to many like a good guy -- i.e. less extreme than the Zionist
: zealots -- while in fact doing something it was in his interest to do in
: the first place.   Little is known at this point about Joe Zogby
: personally; and who knows he might even be a different type character
: then his despicable father who is one of the most self-serving and
: exploitative persons in Washington shamefully trading on his Arab-
: American name for personal gratification and selling out everyone and
: everything for personal gain.
: For some years now Zogby has played a growing public relations role in
: Washington.  He is trotted out in front of the media whenever the U.S.
: government or the Arab client-regimes want someone claiming to be an Arab
: American to mouth their positions and rationalize their policies.  The
: often gullible American media brings him foreward to "debate" Jewish
: Americans -- creating the false illusion of "even-handedness".  The
: Saudis have even given Zogby a weekly TV program on their "Arab Network
: of America" (ANA).  But the damage Zogby does behind-the-scenes as he
: manipulates and coerces, badgers and propagandizes, is far more severe
: than what happens in public.
: Last week then, after having previously offered Joe Zogby a more
: permanent job at the State Department, Indyk went up to New York to hold
: a private meeting with the leaders of many of the Jewish organizations.
: Here too the procedure and symbolism were all wrong; but no one seems to
: notice, or if they do to have the guts or the forum to speak up.  True,
: some of those he went to meet represent the Jewish power elite who put
: him in his job in the first place.  But what in the world is the
: Assistant Secretary of State flying up to New York City to hold a
: private, off-the-record, meeting with the heads of American Jewish
: organizations about one of his own "Special Assistants"?  It's unseemly.
: But then that's a minimal word for so much of what happens in Washington
: these days; more in the era of Clinton than ever before.
: In now appears that Indyk has understood his new marching orders, that
: son Zogby is being "encouraged" to depart "voluntarily" from the State
: Department, and that possibly a place is being found for him at the
: Justice Department dealing with "less sensitive" matters.  Once again
: "the Lobby" is triumphant -- no one, not even one of their own, should
: cross them on anything for whatever reason.  This indeed is how
: Washington is held in check by this powerful and dangerous lobby when it
: comes to matters Middle Eastern -- just as is the case with the the
: National Rifle Association on matters relating to guns, the health care
: industry on matters relating to medicine, and the arms industry on
: matters relating to foreign policy and the military.
: And so once again the word goes out to any who want to speak up and be
: critical of the Israelis...you better not.
: As for the group of fledgling Arab American organizations -- now they are
: the real losers and dups in all this.  You'd think they would have come
: to Joe Zogby's defense.  You'd think they would have realized that all
: this is much bigger than Zogby's father, who most of them privately
: despise...and fear.  It's really about, as Indyk has said publicly, Arab
: Americans being able to serve in high positions in Washington and retain
: any integrity and dignity so that they can at the same time speak up on
: important issues of the day, especially those involving Israel and the
: "Peace Process" and the Middle East -- as Jewish Americans do so
: vociferously while holding so many of the key foreign policy positions in
: Washington. Hell, the recent head of the Democratic National Committee
: was a former President of the Israeli-Jewish lobby!   But as usual, the
: Arab American organizations are collectively, and without exception,
: incompetent, co-opted, and miserably mislead.
: Now Indyk of course was being disengeneous with his own comments.  He
: didn't mean real or numberous Arab Americans.  He meant "controlled" Arab
: Americans...the "Uncle Ahmed" types if you know what we mean; the
: occasional token Arab-American; to put it more crassly, "Nigger" Arab-
: Americans (about which his friend Zogby could write the book).
: So much for the Indyk/Zogby connection.  It's only an example after all
: of a much larger dangerous situation -- admittedly one of the grosser and
: most unique examples.
: In a nutshell, the dangerous situation is that big money and associated
: public relations operations -- all originating from specialized lobby
: groups and associated governments and corporations -- can oftentimes
: seriously manipulate and corrupt policies as well as appointments of the
: American government.  With their intensely narrow focus, their ability to
: hire long-time professionals who are often in Washington longer than
: senior elected and appointed officials are, and the incessant needs
: politicians have for campaign contributions (and waiting jobs), the ways
: of Washington are a cesspool terribly in need of a total housecleaning.
: One more thing.  It's not just top American government officials who get
: manipulated and intimidated.   Much of the American media is in a similar
: boat.
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