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Date: June 18, 2007 3:14:58 PM PDT
Subject: Who is Jon(athon) Moseley?

Who is Jonathon Moseley?

by Deborah Stevens


On Wednesday August 16, 2006 a person named Jonathon Moseley posted an outrageously false and libelous hit piece against Professor Steve Jones, Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer, and the society Scholars For 911 Truth on WorldNetDaily, which was thoroughly refuted by Dr. Fetzer on WorldNetDaily on August 18. Moseley bore false witness against Professor Jones by alleging that he was "calling for the violent overthrow of the government " during the televised panel discussion of the L.A. Scholars Symposium which aired on CSPAN multiple times. Moseley even had the audacity to repeat this deliberate falsehood by adding that "millions of people heard him [Jones] say it" during a debate with Dr. Fetzer and Alex Jones on the Alex Jones show earlier this week.

Jonathon Moseley stated at the beginning of the interview that he is an attorney and that his brother-in-law owns the publishing company associated with the Swift Boat book that attacked the war record of John Kerry, the Democrat's candidate for President in 2004. An internet search revealed that Moseley is also the Executive Director of the U.S. Seaport Commission, a public policy organization that warns against foreign control and ownership of the U.S. ports. This organization is also part of another policy- forming group, the U.S. Intelligence Council, which disseminates publications regarding threats of China and concern of our ports.

It would be interesting to know if these entities are CIA assets. Perhaps Moseley would like to tell us.

More searching led to what looks like a press release disguised as a news article in July of 2005 which suggests that he had served as the Executive Director of yet another entity, the Legal Affairs Council, in 2005 and had endorsed and promoted the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court. More search shows that The Legal Affairs Council is another organization that develops policy whose mission statement includes "sharing intelligence about legal and government relations issues that impact advertising and marketing." Their stated purpose is to "Develop and respond to identified Government Issues" and "Educate Government officials about the value of interactive advertising." Even though Moseley's hit piece against Dr. Jones wasn't endorsed or represented by the LAC, this still leaves one wondering if Dr. Jones, Dr. Fetzer, and the Scholars For 911 Truth society are considered "identified Government issues" that Mr. Moseley needed to "respond" to.

The LAC is but one of an assortment of councils that are all part of the larger Interactive Advertising Bureau, where these councils of the IAB apparently advise the government on all different aspects of advertising & marketing. The LAC appears to be the government's legal advice team in this regard. In other words, it looks as though the LAC works out the legal details for what may be one of the goverment's more substantial propaganda machines, the IAB. Thus Moseley was in charge of the LAC last year and heavily propagandized the John Roberts nomination.

Moseley's unbelievably juvenile tactics during the debate as well as his complete lack of preparation was obvious. But one thing just stuck out so much - it was the tone and frequency of his voice that led me to question whether the person who was debating with Jones and Fetzer could actually even be old enough to be the person in the photograph posted on the U.S. Seaport Commission's website.

I discovered the webpage of his private lawfirm which is posted on lawguru. I did some simple addition of some numbers provided on his own site to determine his approximate age. Moseley stated that he had been an attorney for eight years when he started his own firm. His earliest message post to this site was around April of 2004. To go through the normal process of becoming a lawyer, presumable one would need 4 years of college and three years of law school. Once you add in the eight years of experience he claims he had under his belt as of 2004, his age would have been approximately 33 years old at minimum in 2004, which would make him 35 years old this year at minimum. A photo of Moseley on his U.S. Seaport Commission site confirms this deduction.

The person who debated with Jones and Fetzer sounded and acted like a much younger person. I found it difficult to believe that this strikingly immature sounding person could be the man in that photo at least 35 years of age, an attorney with the presumptive maturity, experience, intelligence, and critical thinking skills that (one would have thought) ought be required to qualify him for the positions such as the current Executive director of the U.S. Seaport Commission and the past Executive Director of the Legal Affairs Council. It was not easy to imagine that the person I heard on the radio and communicated with in emails could qualify for such positions, much less possessing the clout to endorse a U.S. Supreme Court Nominee and to have it taken seriously.

Jonathon Moseley came to the radio debate fortified with faulty reasoning, smoke-and-mirrors, and juvenile tricks. He had not even researched the issue of the Northwoods documents, and he was warned a day ahead of time that point would be debated. Instead of preparing to either refute the point or agree that it's true, he just simply stated that he didn't believe it exists I would never hire this man to be my lawyer.

I continued searching on the Internet for information. A Whois search for the domain registration of the websites usseaportcommission.org and usintelligencecouncil.Com listed as the administrative contact a company called Cenotaph Media which could not be found on the Internet after extensive searches. According to wikipedia a cenotaph is a "tomb, or a monument in honor of a person or group of persons whose remains are elsewhere." Does this mean that the media dissemination that Mr. Moseley participates in could be considered "death media"?

After more searches online I found an email written by Moseley in June 1995 to Senator Connie Mack under whom Moseley interned. In this email Moseley asks for certain limited government regulations to protect consumers and businesses. He specifically encourages an increase in C.O.D. Postal Service transactions. He claims these transactions do a lot to protect the buyer as well as the seller because neither pays ahead of time, so risk is reduced on both sides. It doesn't sound too bad until it gets to the part where he says that, "However, there is still a hole: A dishonest con-artist can send a BOX that contains junk rather than the product being offered. The U.S. Postal Service should allow recipients to OPEN the box and VERIFY that it contains the product ordered BEFORE paying for it (but in the presence of the post office staff, so that the recipient MUST pay before getting the product)."

This was shocking. He actually seemed to be asking the government to be the insurance company for C.O.D. Postal shipping. The ramifications of this type activity could eventually lead to government having authority to open any mail it wished and perhaps much worse.

But then that letter made sense to me when I discovered that he is the Vice President for a company called Transguard, which "develops and delivers acutely needed and customized solutions for the gem and jewelry industry". Jonathon Moseley advocates the open box C.O.D. Postal shipping policy that would sandwich the federal government between buyers and sellers causing the government to function as a sort of insurance company, which would be to the advantage of someone trading in very valuable items like gems, but which policy would be at the expense of Americans possibly becoming even more subject to government surveilance in the postal system and could lead to an increase in the power of centralized federal government in general. I also find it quite striking to realize that he holds the position as executive director of a policy advisory council to our federal government regarding the security and ownership of our ports, which could directly affect the business he is involved in.

I still cannot understand why Jonathan Moseley is so viciously attacking the 9/11 truth movement and the Scholars for 9/11 Truth. He has been sending me threatening emails with extremely flawed logical arguments trying to convince me repeatedly that we are asserting such things as, "Everything you are saying is that the foreign threat is NOT Real, we do NOT need the Patriot Act, we do NOT need to give The Presidency powers to catch terrorists, etc., etc." and, "As to leaving the country undefended, CLEARLY that IS the Goal of the movement. " He has referred multiple times to the American Scholars Symposium as a "Hate Fest" and wrote, "The Hate Fest was all about George Bush 'grabbing' more Legal powers by 9/11. In other words, if there is no foreign threat, you say, Bush Does not need these powers to fight an ENEMY THAT ISN'T THERE." We obviously have never said any of those things. I have tried to debate and reason with him to a certain extent, but debate and reason with this man is in vain. Frustrated, I wrote that his logic was insane. He wrote, "The insane logic, dear friend, is yours. What else did you think you were doing when you started playing with the safety of your nation?" At the end of the email he gave what seemed to be a death threat, in all capital letters. "PERHAPS YOU DON'T THINK THROUGH WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE YOU AFFECT THE SAFETY OF YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR NATION. But what else do you think is the consequence of what you are doing?"

Moseley takes the Constitutional principles that we support but twists our language with false logic in an effort to tie our position to foreign policy. Perhaps I could explain it to Mr. Moseley like this. We are not saying that we don't need the Patriot Act and that Bush doesn't need all those anti-terror powers because there does not exist a foreign enemy. We are saying that the Patriot Act is unconstitutional on its face. We are saying that certain powers that the president asserts in the so-called war on terrorism are unconstitutional on their face. Our Constitution, which establishes us as a sovereign and independent nation grants every citizen individual rights and liberties and freedoms and our rights stand and cannot be infringed upon no matter what is going on in the rest of the world and no matter who or where our enemies are.

The specific powers that are allocated to the President and Congress and the Judiciary branches are defined and limited by the Constitution. The allocation and limitations of those powers stand no matter what is going on in the rest of the world or who or where our enemies are. The founders of our constitution even warned about getting into foreign entanglements because that would threaten our sovereignty. I am saying that the Constitution is not dependent upon foreign policy. Foreign policy must comply with the Constitution, not the other way around! Jonathon Moseley seems to have all this backwards. Now either he does not understand the Constitution, or he does not know how to use proper logic, and he places foreign policy ahead of our Constitution and our sovereignty.

Insofar as Jonathon Moseley places foreign policy ahead of the Constitution, this is a scary thing because he is into so much media dissemination as well as holding the executive director position in a policy-forming group that advises the government. Since foregin policy is determined by the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, and other administrative figures, who by and large ignore the Congress, Moseley thereby abdicated the meaning and the implementation of the Constitution to the administration. Perhaps this could be the reason that he wrote such terrible and completely false things about Dr. Jones, Dr. Fetzer, Alex Jones and Scholars for 9/11 Truth. It is because we are standing up for the Constitution and our sovereignty and believe that the American people deserve to know the truth about their own government.

It would seem that Mr. Moseley's blizzard techniques are not limited to his Internet posting attacks on Scholars for 9/11 Truth. I discovered that there have been numerous complaints about some of the organizations with which he is associated regarding relentless requests for donations directed at elderly people. Even after these people and their families notify these groups in writing to stop asking for donations, the requests continue to come in the mail. Bill Gephart of KUTV Channel 2 in Salt Lake City did a televised news piece about it on June 26, 2006. Bill Gephart held up a huge handful of what he called "scare political mail preying on some nationalistic theme" all sent to one 86-year old woman in Utah, and saying she was not alone in receiving this barrage of mail and donation requests from these organizations concerned about the threat of China taking over our ports.

Bill Gephart reports that the mail was traced back to a charity called the U.S. Public Policy Council (no website found) out of Frederick, Maryland, of which the U.S. Seaport Commission is a project. Gephart also reports only 33% of contributions actually go to any program. The National Council on Aging lists several complaints, one concerning someone's mother with Alzheimers' disease being inundated with requests for contributions by the U.S. Seaport Commission even after the family notified the U.S. Seaport Commission in writing several times for the requests to cease. One concerned family even went so far as to petition the Mayor of Frederick, MD in September 2005, to shut down the U.S. Seaport Commission because it appeared to be a scam, and this family named Jonathon Moseley specifically.

Jonathon Moseley apparently takes his blizzard techniques to the courtroom as well. In 2003 Tracy Ammons, a former lobbyist for the Christian Coalition hired Mr. Moseley to represent him in a lawsuit in which Mr. Ammons sued the Coalition for $123,500 in unpaid compensation. "His lawyer Jonathon Moseley filed more than 80 pleadings and motions in Arlington Circuit Court, for which Circuit Judge Joanne Alper slapped Mr. Ammons with $83,000 in sanctions for frivolous pleadings," as reported by the Washington Times on October 13, 2005. The article reported that at the time the matter was under arbitration.

I find it very interesting to notice that in his emails, Moseley refers to the Patriot Act and claims how we in the 9/11 truth movement are saying that "we do NOT need the Patriot Act." One of the main services his company Transguard offers is to help companies in the gem and jewelry industry be compliant with the Patriot Act so those companies can keep themselves safe from being accused of money laundering or terrorism under the Patriot Act. Perhaps his company needs the Patriot Act more than our nation does. I also find it quite striking to realize that he holds the position as executive director of a policy advisory council to our federal government regarding the security and ownership of our ports which could directly affect the business he is involved in. The Transguard company website is also the only site I could find which listed his professional credentials.

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