-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/02/99) -- An article  in  the  May  4,  1999  "National
Examiner"  reports  on  sightings of a "mysterious English nurse"
bearing an eerie  resemblance  to  the  late Princess Diana.  The
nurse, ghost, vision, or whatever it is, has been helping  Kosovo
refugees  reunite  with family members amidst the Yugoslav chaos.
Perhaps the nurse is only  a  look-alike?  Not so, say the Brits:
they have no Diana  look-alikes  amongst  their  small  staff  of
nurses in the region.

"Ru   Mills"   (pseudonym),   shortly   after  the  August,  1997
assassination  of   Lady   Diana,   predicted   that  "miraculous
appearances" of Diana would not be long in  coming.   But,  added
Mills,  these  sightings  would be caused by advanced holographic
technology and not by any supernatural cause.  The image of Diana
would  be  manipulated,  warned   Mills,  by  forces  seeking  to
establish  a  new  one-world  religion.   Who  controls  the  new
religion controls the world.

According to Mills, "Somewhere in my writings,  I  quoted  Oswald
LeWinter who said that the visions of Diana would begin to appear
in  April of 1999."  In her book, "Diana, Queen of Heaven," Mills
specifically states that "CIA  asset Oswald LeWinter told private
investigator and researcher Mike Coyle, that 'very soon,  visions
of Diana will begin  to  appear  all  over the world.'" [1].  The
mysterious nurse of Yugoslavia, twin of Lady Diana,  may  be  the
start of an avalanche of Diana apparitions.

CNNS special correspondent Mills has contacted this news  service
recently  with further information, based on her knowledge and on
what her inside  sources  are  now  revealing  to her.  They warn
that, concurrent with Diana apparitions, the U.S. stock market is
dangling precipitously over an immense chasm.

Diana  visions  could  be   appearing  in  tandem  with  economic
collapse.  One of Mills' sources tells her "that  the  New  World
Order (NWO) faction is actually using their own money to keep the
stock  market  up.   He said the old investors, the 401K accounts
and retirement accounts are  trapped  in  the market, so they are
bailing out.  But no new investors are coming in right now, so in
order to keep the market going up at the rate it has  been  going
up,  the  NWO  and  Federal  Reserve  are having to put their own
private money into the market."

This source's information is  corroborated by a different source,
says Mills.  Her second source independently confirms a teetering
Wall Street stock market and that  the  NWO  "have  been  plowing
their own money into the market."

The  U.S.  stock  market's  performance  has  been an astonishing
phenomena during this decade.  Like  a Tower of Babel, it reaches
further and further into the sky.   Like  with  the  "unsinkable"
ship,  the  Titanic,  there  is  a  widespread  sentiment  of  an
invulnerable stock market.

But articles published  in  The  New  Australian lately have been
screaming of danger to market  investors.   Calling  the  current
situation  a "roller-coaster," Gerard Jackson advises that "Panic
selling combined with  frenzied  buying  tend  to  appear only in
overvalued markets whose behaviour is more akin to musical chairs
rather than considered appraisal of a  stock's  potential  value.
Similar  behaviour  was observed during the South Sea Bubble, the
'20s stock market boom and the so-called greedy '80s."

What is really fueling the Wall Street bonanza,  writes  Jackson,
is  credit  expansion:  "As I never tire of pointing out, the Fed
has let loose and allowed  broad  money  to  grow at about 11 per
cent annually.  This, by any measure, is  a  very  high  rate  of
monetary  growth  and  by its very nature has artificially pushed
down interest rates, which is the Fed's intention anyway."

In a separate article published  by  The  New  Australian,  James
Henry  agrees  that the USA "good economy" is headed for trouble:
"I do not know  a  single  stockbroker  who thinks the good times
will last.  Without exception, they believe that the economy  has
reached the peak of the business cycle."

Sean Corrigan, again writing in The New Australian, echoes market
pessimism  and  provides hard facts:  "Main Street now has 70 per
cent of its net worth in the form of financial assets compared to
61 per cent  a  decade  ago,  but,  more strikingly, equities now
represent 29.3 per cent of net worth versus 12.2 per cent in 1988
as their market value has increased 17  per  cent  a  year  as  a
trend."   Translated,  this  means  that  the  typical American's
perceived wealth is largely based upon an over-inflated financial

"It can't happen here" is an ages-old sentiment, routinely proven
wrong.  When will the market  crash?   This  editor  cannot  say.
Will it crash? Yes, it will crash.

We  now  have  a  generation  of  young  people  who  have  never
experienced what it's  like  when  even  McDonalds is not hiring.
How good the U.S. economy actually has been during the  1990s  is
itself debatable.  How will innocent babes  handle  the  wolf  of
harder  times?

Suffering,  they  say,  is  the  great  awakener.  And comforting
visions of Princess Diana will be there to soothe our distress.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] *Diana, Queen  of  Heaven*  by  Rayelan Allan.  Now available
from Adventures Unlimited, www.adventuresunlimited.co.nz
Phone: 815-253-6390. Fax: 815-253-6300.

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outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

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