-Caveat Lector-

Previous thread: Re: [CTRL] Remember to say "Guns save lives...

In a message dated 99-05-01 12:27:43 EDT, Joshua2 spews:
<<Now it's an " Unquestionable " human right to bear arms?>>

Yes, it is unquestionable.  Rather than providing a long list of the
leading constitutional lawyers who agree that the Constitution
is clear on this issue, we might suggest Joshua2 do his own
homework before flying off the handle and looking so foolish.

What we all must understand, is that the Constitution itself has
been suspended for some time now (War Powers, etc.).  We
have seen this fact documented in previous posts to this group.

Critical to our approach to this debate, is to realize that the
Constitution, whether it be suspended or not, is verily, IN-
CAPABLE of making guaranties toward the Rights of men.


Whether they be pro-gun or anti-gun, most people would
acknowledge that mankind has certain, Inalienable Rights.

Since the dawn of time, since mankind had children to protect;
and since mankind had realized that he possessed SOMETHING
which others would TAKE:  Mankind has sought out ways to pro-
tect that which has been placed under his care.

Undoubtedly, primative mankind utilized the most primative
"home defense" weapon of them all: THE ROCK.

We might wonder how long the forefathers of today's NWO crowd
protested, forming human (like) chains around a mountain, where,
inside one of it's caves, was held the first NRA meeting....

NRA: The Neanderthal Rock Association

The anti-rock picketers held signs that said, "ROCKS KILL"....

While pro-rock Rights advocates wore square (the wheel
had not yet been realized) buttons that stated:

"You'll take my rock out of my cold, dead fingers."

So long as mankind has loved ones, property, or Inalienable
Rights, which are continually held in jeopardy by the hands
of those who desire to rule mankind with an iron fist, we will
never see a successful ban on rocks, kitchen utensils, or

There exist, on this globe, plenty of citizens in other countries
who have made the mistake of handing over their guns to gov-
ernments that became their Big Brother for life; and we have
all [at least] witnessed the effectiveness of the Chinese dis-
sidents throwing rocks at tanks.  At the end of the day, the
rock throwers go home, still living in a communist country.

If Joshua2 is earnest in his desire to live in a country
without guns, HE SHOULD MOVE TO ONE.

In a message dated 99-05-01 12:27:43 EDT, Joshua2 spews:
<<You fuckers>>

"Fuckers" as a pronoun, how quaint.  With that in mind, I am
now offering 10 to 1 odds-- that Joshua2 is NOT in the running
as a future candidate to be a contestant on Jeopardy.

In a message dated 99-05-01 12:27:43 EDT, Joshua2 spews:
<<You fuckers are too crazy to be trusted with lethal devices.>>

Since the ratification of their own gun laws, Canada reports
that gun-shot wounds are down dramatically; yet, the exact
opposite may be said of their new problem of homicides
commited by stabbing.

Does the term-- "lethal devices" -- include steak and butcher knives?

(What about those evil rocks, too?)

Having evolved so little from your neanderthal anti-NRA
forefathers....Will you, Joshua2, ape their footsteps?

(INSERT: NRA/Charleton Heston  vs. The Planet of the Apes joke)


Seriously, though, are we to forget the lessons of our history?


  "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty.  Suspect every
   one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will pre-
   serve it but downright FORCE.  Whenver you give up that FORCE,
   you are ruined."

-- Patrick Henry, at the Virginia Convention

Are gun owners to actually believe that they can set down
their guns and trust the government?....worse still....

Are gun owners to trust those BEHIND the government,
to act in an honorable fashion toward the Inalienable
Rights of men, *after* they have removed the "FORCE"
with which mankind would have defended those Rights?

Has history revealed this to be the pattern of success?

NO, history has shown us time and again, that this
pattern of disarming the peoples leads to their own
enslavement and/or annihilation.

Certainly, those who propose to take the "FORCE" behind man-
kinds ability to defend himself from tyranny, will NOT be trusted.

Neither will the gun owner relinquish his ownership.

The "powers that be" have already shown their lack of trust to-
ward the public, and this mistrust is voiced in the NWO robots
like Joshua2-- who have been brainwashed into NOT realizing
that the defense of ALL mankind's Inalienable Rights are
hinged SOLELY upon the Right to DEFEND THEM.

All of the actions of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission
clearly point toward their disbelief and contempt toward the
ability of the masses to govern AND protect themselves.

Has not history already shown us time and time again, that
when the masses become unable to defend themselves, a
class of dictatorship emerges?

  "Guns will make us powerful; butter will only make us fat."

--Hermann Goering, radio broadcast (1936)

Throughout history, governments that have become too powerful,
(such is the nature of the beast), have consistently proven them-
selves to show reckless disregard to mankind's Inalienable Rights.

  "...The balance of power is the scale of peace.  The same balance
  would be preserved were all the world not destitute of arms, for all
  would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them
  aside...Horid mischief would ensue were half the world deprived
  of the use of them...the weak will become a prey to the strong."

--excerpt from "Thoughts on Defensive War" -- Thomas Paine

It is always the ruling class, behind the scenes, using the puppeted
responses of Joshua2's everywhere, in their attempt to convince man
that ONLY the government should have guns.  When gun control is
proclaimed from the puppets, it appears as a "grass-roots" campaign,
and not the blatant NWO propaganda which leads to a police state.

Whether it be the macrocosm of war, or the microcosm
of self-protection, the same may be proven true.

We call to mind the German couple (man/woman) slain in Florida.

When asked WHY they had singled out the couple--purposely
choosing them for assault and robbery (that ended in murder)--
the assailants openly and honestly stated that the tourist couple
had been picked out, SPECIFICALLY because they knew that
the tourists had no guns to defend themselves.

The human condition is the factor that cannot be ignored for
the purpose of emotional legislation, and the acts of the few--
who commit massacres like that of Columbine, will never be
successfully escalated into taking the Rights of the MILLIONS
upon MILLIONS, who do NOT go on shooting rampages at high
schools, fast-food franchises, or post offices.

Joshua2 may ignore the underlying factor (the human condition)
of this subject at his own peril, but not to the loss of others.

Joshua2 uses his "First Amendment Right" to speak out against
others politically--those with whom he disagrees...and he believes
that his OPINION toward collecting all guns over-rides the Rights
of others.

  "If liberals interpreted the Second Amendment the way
   they interpret the rest of the Bill of Rights, there would be
   law professors arguing that gun ownership is mandatory."

-excerpt from anti-gun lobbyist Michael Kinsley,
 quoting the New Republic's  Mickey Kaus

What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.

What Joshua2 needs to realize, is that his OPINION toward col-
lecting all the guns, comes to a screeching halt--ending at the
very beginning of the next persons "Second Amendment Right".

The only way the NWO crowd can sucessfully take away guns,
is for them to completely destroy the American population's
belief in the necessity of the Constitution at all.

When that is achieved, the NWO has awakened the rest of
America to that which we already know: They have *already*
done away with the Constitution, and are simply waiting to
make it "legal" within the minds of this nation's remaining

In a message dated 99-05-01 12:27:43 EDT, Joshua2 spews:
<<We're gonna take your guns away. Na na na na na.>>

Your sing-song will turn to lamentation, the moment you or any
of your "we" constituency make an attempt toward forcibly
taking the guns from the law-abiding citizens of this country.

There are over 17 million registered gun owners in this country,
with an estimated three times that amount UNregistered; and
this fact brings to mind two more quotes:

  "Americans [have] the right and advantage of being armed--
  unlike citizens of other countries whose governments are
  afraid to trust the people with arms."

--James Madison

  "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed;
   as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme
   power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword,
   because the whole body of the people are armed, and con-
   stitute a force superiour to any band of regular troops that
   can be, on any pretense, rased in the United States."

--Noah Webster

Again, with 17 million registered gun owners, and
an estimated THREE TIMES that amount of gun
owners that remain UNregistered....

Joshua2 and his NWO compatriots had better rethink their strategy.

Coming right out and attempting to take the guns--which rightly
belong to Americans--will only result in the needless shedding
of blood....A large portion of which, will not be there own, they
will use their brainwashed minions like Joshua2.

If the NWO crowd are as serious as we know them to be,
it is better that they continue in their present course:

  1) Dumbing down Americans like Joshua2.

  2) Getting people like Joshua2 to chant their slogans FOR them.

  3) Letting enough tragedies like Columbine happen, to use
      the emotion of Joshua2's everywhere--who, do to their own
      ignorance and self-centeredness, end up destroying their
      own rights FOR the NWO crowd.

  4) Wait forty (40) more years, until the NWO crowd has an
      entire generation of people brainwashed just like Joshua2.

Joshua2, I believe that you are part of one of America's problems
that is growing at an exponential rate: Cultural Illiteracy.

While you believe yourself to have a valid and educated opinion,
you actually lack the base information; you lack an adequate
level of comprehension; both of which deprive you from under-
standing the unstated context behind that which you read,
even though you believe that you understand.

You cheer that the chocolate rations have gone up, when
they actually went down-- and do not know the difference.

Afterall, if this was not the case...How might we explain your
blatant disregard for the facts, which history has left us for the
benefit of making future decisions?

In a message dated 99-05-01 12:27:43 EDT, Joshua2 spews:
<<Try basket weaving instead.>>

Gun owners need not hide behind gun ownership as a "hobby".

Gun owners own guns, to protect the rest of their Inalienable Rights.



Lastly, we need not bring up this argument:

"Cars kill thousands of people, but they don't outlaw cars."

This argument is easily debunked by the anti-gun ninnies who
are quick to point out that CARS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO KILL,
but that....."Guns are designed to kill".

Yes...Yes, they are.  Guns ARE designed to kill.

They are also designed to protect the Inalienable Rights of men.

Their powerful design, may also serve the purpose of killing
people bent on taking that which does not belong to them....

....like the Inalienable Rights of the rest of mankind.

:::goes back to playing DOOM:::

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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