-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: Goat Sucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: T O R N A D O S

Gnocci's Tornado wrote:

    It seems that the Kosovo crisis is taking an unexpected turn. There are
    indications that a meteorological weaponry that Russians call  MTVR-1 is
    currently in use to create atmospherics disturbances over the U.S.

    It seems that the Pentagon is panicking, and Clinton is even talking
    halting the air strike against Yugoslavia!? There was a web site about
    weapon, I can't speak Russian but [what] I understood is that it does
not need to
    be applied over the region one wants to attack and that [it] is not

  It is tornado season in the united states of medium tactical vehicle
replacements (MTVR)


  Secret Rulers Control America's Weather

  A weather modification Grid System has been set up by the Elite One
  World Government of an astonishingly advanced nature. The Grid System
  consists of three enormous underwater cables laid along the continental
  shelf of our East, West and Gulf Coasts (the latter from Florida to
  Each cable is powered by an underground nuclear power plant and can be
  made positive or negative relative to Earth. The power plants act like a
  giant battery; one pole grounded to Earth and the other to the cables.

  The effect of these three grid cables along the coasts is to create
  fields which span the continent of the United States. These power fields
  control electrical charges in the upper atmosphere producing jet-stream
  shifts. Experiments are conducted with the cable set at either a positive
  a negative potential, and also alternating from positive to negative. What
  is going on now is weather warfare, and the era of weather strategy is
  underway. The Russians also have weather control, making use of their
  formidable cosmospheres (massive antigravity spacecrafts), which is more
  localized, but much of what has been happening more recently has been
  due to the secret government. These two factions are in competition for
  control of America's weather with the purpose of world domination.


  HAARP, Weather War, And EMF Mind Control
      From James Shannon
        Author Uncertain
          Dec. 23, 1997

  In May of 1988, I wrote an article for the Canadian Intelligence
  Service headed "Weather War?"

  The preamble written by the editor said this: "Her story, indeed, is
  'stranger than fiction.' And it's only the beginning, the first glimpse of
  a new and uncertain factor in human affairs, opening up unimagined
  physical possibilities - but also threatening our very survival."

  Those words were indeed prophetic. Advanced technology based on
  the original works of Nikola Tesla is being developed at an alarming
  rate. This discoverer of alternating current power source and
  transmission system (among other accomplishments was a genius
  before his time. In spite of this, his name is unfamiliar to most
  because soon after his death in 1943 his data was removed from
  libraries and his only claim to fame now is the Tesla Coil. He hoped
  his discoveries would be used for peaceful, life-enhancing purposes.)

  While traveling in Alaska in the summer of 1994, we visited the
  Copper Valley area hoping to explore the old mines. A large
  intimidating sign blocked all access to this region. I didn't think too
  much of it at the time, however I later learned of a highly secret
  project being constructed there and was able to locate a book
  published in Alaska discussing the HAARP system, that being an
  acronym for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project.

  The authors of "Angels Don't Play This HAARP" base their
  information on documents they were able to view which came out of
  secret meeting of the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military.
  HAARP is a ground-based "Star Wars" weapon which has the
  capability to manipulate the environment in such a way as to change
  weather patterns, disrupt global communications systems, disrupt
  human mental processes, negatively affect health, and impact the
  Earth's upper atmosphere in an unnatural and damaging way. By
  interfering with the Earth's magnetic field there is no assurance that
  damage on an irreversible global scale will not occur.

  All participants involved in designing HAARP are part of a giant
  partnership of government, the military and many private
  corporations which form defense intelligence contractual networks,
  and it is done in secret. Critics of the project believe that large groups
  of independent scientists should be talking a close look at these
  developments before the project is allowed to continue.

  A biggest "ionospheric heater" in the world is located on the HAARP
  site. Focused energy could be beamed up to the ionosphere where
  the radio-frequency waves would interact powerfully with charged
  particles that are always trapped up there.

  The heating effect of the focused beam would then dramatically push
  a plume - a large section of the ionosphere - up and outward from
  Earth. One critic of the project called it "skybusting."

  The Earth is protected from harmful cosmic rays by the Van Allen
  Radiation Belt in conjunction with the Earth's magnetic field. The
  ozone layer protect us from ultra-violet light. If this dual barrier is
  weakened, allowing these high-energy particles from the ionosphere
  to enter the atmosphere, serve damage could be caused to the DNA
  blueprints of all life on Earth. This is only one of the disastrous
  effects of which the HAARP system capable.

  Co-author Jean Manning, in conversation with a ham operator,
  learned that as early as 1975-76 the Soviet Union was beaming
  radio-frequency signals toward North America. Ham operators were
  picking up the 10-hertz (pulses per second) frequencies which they
  called Woodpecker signals because of the tapping they heard from
  extremely low frequency (ELF) waves. It was speculated that his
  ELF frequency could resonate the neurons in the human brain over
  great distance, resulting in mood changes in a large part of the

  These ELF waves could cause communication interference, power
  failures, and weather modification designed to have a devastating
  effect on food production.

  HAARP records disclose that when the project is up to full power, it
  will be able to send very low frequency and extra low frequency
  (VLF and ELF) waves at energy levels sufficient to affect entire
  regional populations. What other objective can there be but to control

  What is even more ominous is the authors' picture of what they refer
  to as the "psychocivilized society." After reviewing HAARP
  documents and Air Force materials, the possibility is there for the
  HAARP transmitting system to be used "inadvertently or
  intentionally to after mental functions." Early research on the brain
  was conducted on animals, using electrodes inserted into the brain to
  produce different kinds of behavior. Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado
  developed his research so that brain-manipulating effects could be
  achieved at a distans, and by changing wave form, could completely
  change the thinking and emotional state of the subject. Even these
  achievements can and are being used to help people with various
  mental dysfunctions, but the potential for abuse appears too easy to
  resist for the "mad scientists" working on HAARP.

  A European leader in alternative medicine, Dr. Reijo Makela has
  developed a technique whereby a patient's chemistry is rebalanced
  by using a combination of low levels of chemicals and the right
  frequency from a properly-tuned transmitter. He has had enormous
  success in treating debilitating diseases.

  However, the military approach can be used for just the opposite
  result. A tiny amount of chemical (below generally accepted levels
  for toxicity) could be introduced to the enemy by some means
  (perhaps water or air supply); then the right frequency could be
  directed toward them, activating the otherwise harmless chemicals.
  This would render the enemy powerless, and international
  agreements regarding chemical warfare would not have been

  A radio transmitter carrying a pulsed wave of 6-12 pulses per
  second, acting in resonance with the radio waves which serve as a
  carrier, could it modulated in just the right way disrupt minds and
  cause serious negative health effects on humans and animals. This
  technology is well within the capability of HAARP and they intend to
  use it.

  We are now the age of sophisticated electromagnetic technology
  which can interfere with the Earth's magnetic fields all the way up to
  the ionosphere. The consequences of such aggressive tampering with
  our natural environment are not known, nor to the HAARP designers
  seem to care, brushing aside any attempts to develop a regulatory
  presence. Frustrating those who are anti-HAARP is the veil of
  secrecy and deception which covers the project.

  In order to "prepare" the people to accept these mind-bogging
  advances in technology, little bits of information are "leaked" out,
  like a trial balloon, to test the reaction. However, it seems that basic
  strategy and application remain committed to secrecy.

  Perhaps the most ominous aspect of the HAARP technology is the
  connecting of the military non-lethal research with civilian law
  enforcement agencies. This means that law conforcement can use
  this technology against the government's domestic "adversaries" -
  one can only surmise who these adversaries might be. We are given
  a clue in the policy for non-lethal weapons which states: The term
  'adversary' is used .. in its broadest sense, including those who are
  not declared enemies but who are engaged in activities we wish to
  stop... Bear in mind that these weapons are "invisible" - when used
  to alter thinking and behavior the victims is unaware of an "attack."

  The authors provide a brief history of discoveries relating to the field
  of electromagnetic, beginning with Tesla's inventions in 1886 and
  ending with HAARP. Since 1994 HAARP has been testing its
  equipment, with 1998 being the projected date for a fully-operating
  system. The authors also warn us that it is not just the United States
  citizens who are in jeopardy - the HAARP system is a universal tool.

  As early as 1975, the Canadian government was aware of the use of
  weather modification as a weapon. Are they also aware of the
  expanded technology of the HAARP system? Since this use of
  electromagnetics will affect every one of us in some way, perhaps it
  would be appropriate to question your MP.

  Will this be the modus operandi to bring in the New World Order?

  (Angels Don't Play This HAARP" - Advances In Tesla Technology,
  by Jean Manning and Dr. Nick Begich).

  and, what in the HELL could be next.... by HAARP?

  -A Volcano eruption? -Earthquakes? -A hundred feet high wave?
  -Ebola virus? -or the beginning of "The New World Order" with
  micro-computer under your skin?

On the Fourth of July, 1976, the former Soviet Union began broadcasting
huge, pulsed electromagnetic fields from three gigantic 40-million watt
transmitters which beamed those signals halfway around the world to the
U.S. This electronic assault disrupted and jammed radio and television
broadcast signals, enraged the FCC, and irritated ham radio operators, who
quickly dubbed the signals 'The Russian Woodpecker,' because of their
pulsed cadence.

To date, the Russians have completed nearly 30 of the huge transmitters
which emit signals primarily in the very dangerous 10-Hertz range, otherwise
known as Extreme Low Frequency (ELF). The technology is based on the
brilliant work of the peerless electrical genius, Nikola Tesla. So, what
does the 'Russian Woodpecker' do and how does it do it?
Consider the following:

These 'Tesla' transmitters create massive 'standing' ELF waves that form
major high pressure 'blocking systems' that change the normal high altitude
jet stream pattern, force it to the north, and actually retard the normal
patterns of incoming weather systems. Ever notice the television weather
satellite pictures showing the jet stream pushed north and a big stationary
high pressure blocking nearly every major rain system that approaches the
southern half of California?...

Regarding the 7-year drought, which appears to be rearing its arid head
again, the 1/13/93 edition of Discovery Magazine stated:

     Scientists would be happy if they learned one thing from this
     (seven year) drought: What causes the massive high pressure
     system to build up just off the California coast and stay
     there, like a double-parked delivery truck in rush-hour traffic,
     pushing storms to the north?

Odd things were also being reported back in the winters of the early 1980's:

     A ridge of high pressure has hovered nearly 800 miles off the
     Coast for the past two months, blocking the usual flow of moist air
     the Pacific.

             --Time 1/1981

     For the past four months, a single weather pattern...causing the
     is one of the most unusual national patterns ever recorded...such long
     lasting (high pressure) centers were unheard of until 1977 (when the
     Soviets began the 'Woodpecker' transmissions --ed.)

             --Washington Post 2/2/81

It is important to note that the end of the 7-year California drought in the
winter of 1992-93 coincided exactly with the well-documented period of
solar magnetic storms that disrupted all electromagnetic transmissions here
Earth including the 'Woodpecker.'

Last summer's Midwest flooding was probably no accident, either.

     An unusual shift in the jet stream, acting as a barrier (is causing the

             --Newsweek 7/26/93

     The stagnant high pressure zone acted like a barrier, preventing the
     flow of weather patterns from west to east...

             New York Times 7/29/93

     It is extremely unusual for weather patterns to persist for so many
     The reasons for the weather patterns to become fixed...are unclear.

            --Storm, The World Weather Magazine 9/93

As far back in April, 1969, Spectrum, a publication of the prestigious
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, featured an article
by Seymour Tilson which stated:

     Workers in the field of atmospheric electricity and cloud physics have
     accumulated sufficient evidence to suggest that electric fields in the
     Earth¹s lower atmosphere play a critical role...perhaps the critical
     role...in the development and behavior of clouds that produces

Mr. Tilson was correct. Exactly one year after the 'birth' of the Russian
Woodpecker, July 4, 1978, the U.S. Government conducted its own ELF weather
experiment which created an enormous downpour of rain over six counties of
northern Wisconsin. This ELF-generated storm generated winds of 157 mph and
caused $50 million in damage, levelling Phillips, Wisconsin, and destroying
350,000 hectares of forest.

The first published alarm about Soviet weather control warfare came from
Dr. Andrew Michrowski of PACE (Planetary Association for Clean Energy). In
a published paper in 1978, Dr. Michrowski described how he had placed
monitoring stations all across Canada and determined that "the Soviets
managed to establish relatively stable and localized ELF fields (over North
America) which were able to hamper or divert the jet stream flow in the
Northern Hemisphere."

Several years later, Michrowski stated in a PACE Newsletter (Vol.4, #4):

     ELF fields...propagate vertically to the ground, creating 'standing
     waves'...that can redistribute energy and momentum in (atmosphere)
     through cumulus convection. It has been consistently noted that
     variance of the (Soviet) ELF transmissions leads to a subsequent
     change in the route of the jet stream flow in the Northern Hemisphere
     within 72 hours.

The 2/81 PACE Newsletter reported that the Soviets turned off their ELF
Woodpecker signal for a brief period in 1980: "During the two-week lull,
the Northern Hemisphere's jet stream was NORMAL... ...with the return of
the Soviet ELF transmissions, the jet stream was deflected (again) by a
persistent (high) pressure ridge extending from the Yukon to Arizona."

There is much more, but I think you get the picture. 'Everyone complains
about the weather, but nobody does anything about it,' doesn¹t function
any more. Nikola Tesla said, in June, 1900, " The time is very near when
we shall have the precipitation of the moisture of the atmosphere under
complete control..." If you have ever read a biography of the great
genius, you'll know he wasn't joking.

Does the U.S. government have its own series of ELF/microwave
transmitters? You bet. Can ELF be used to do more than engineer
and influence just the weather (like human beings, for example)?
Yes, it CAN and IS. But that's another story...

Secret Weapons Technology


  "For the sanctity of the individual
  and the inALIENable rights
  upon which the Founders created
  our SpaceTime Contiuum!"

InterCongressional Humanoid Rights Caucus

Dialogue on assembled chemical weapons assessment

The DOD has committed to meaningful public involvement
in the assessment program, and has stated that such
involvement is critical to its success. In response to this
commitment, a public interest group, known as the Dialogue
on Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment
("the Dialogue") has sought to consult with the DOD to
discuss issues relating to the assessment program. The
Dialogue consists of a diverse group of interested individuals
from the chemical weapons stockpile communities; federal,
tribal, and state environmental regulators; and national
activist organization representatives that regularly work on
chemical weapons issues.

During the committee's consideration of the National Defense
Authorization Bill for Fiscal Year 1999 (H.R. 3616), a concern
was raised that the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public
Law 92-462; 5 U.S.C. App.) (FACA) might apply to the
Dialogue in its consultative relationship with the DOD on the
assessment program. The program's near-term deadline would
make it unlikely that a formal charter process for the Dialogue,
which would be required under FACA, could be completed in
sufficient time to meet the deadline for the assessment program's
final report to Congress and, concurrently, incorporate public
involvement. In response to this concern, the committee
consulted with the House Committee on Government Reform and
Oversight, the committee of jurisdiction on issues related to
FACA. In the opinion of that committee, FACA does not apply to
the Dialogue in its relationship with the DOD on the assessment

* (Not to be confused with "Peach" Recombinant Deoxyribonucleic Acid!)

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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