The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

NOTE FROM TiM EDITOR: Back in Phoenix, again, as you can see.  And starting
to dig out from a huge backlog of e-mails which have accumulated while we
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Issue S99-66, Day 43, Update 1
May 5, 1999; 0:45AM EDT


Brussels             1. "Ain't Gonna Go There!;" Also, NATO's "Resolve"
                                Buckling as Target Signs Spread in NATO's

Phoenix              2. TiM Web Site Voted 33rd Among Internet's Top 100 Sites

Belgrade             3. New High Tech Weapons Cause New Types of Injuries

San Diego          4. From a Celtic to a Serb: Praise Your Work


1. "Ain't Gonna Go There!;" Also, NATO's "Resolve" Buckling as Target Signs
Spread in NATO's Capital

BRUSSELS, May 4 - A TiM reader from the NATO capital complemented a comment
which we had received from a high-level U.S. military source - that both
German and Italian planners walked out of a NATO ground force planning
committee meeting with an, "(We) ain't gonna go there."
TiM Ed.: Well, we're not sure that the Germans and the Italians would have
necessarily used such American slang, but we are quite certain that both
nations knew they would have their posteriors handed to them if they were
to encroach upon the Serb territory.  Again.  As Hitler and Mussolini also
found out.
Meanwhile, back to that Brussels-based TiM reader, here's a message we
received today:

"Working in the European Commission, I have put on my door one of this
target faxed to me by a friend.  It shocked some people around, but I
resisted and now a second target appeared on another door.

This war is a crime against humanity, nothing less and it is awful to live
in a country participating in it.

The Serbs are the only Europeans left with a sense of honor - I bow to them
and pray for them.  The only consolation left is the unity of all Orthodox
churches in condemning these bombing."

2. TiM Web Site Voted 33rd Among Internet's Top 100 Sites

PHOENIX, May 4 - It just goes to show you what happens when one speaks
God's truth.  The Truth in Media Web site has just been voted No. 33 out of
the top 100 sites on the Internet.  We wish to thank you, our loyal readers
and supporters, for your votes. Here's a message which we have just
received about it:

"You may have seen it earlier, but we wanted to let you know personally
that your site has been voted on the global Internet Homepages Top 100.
Well, almost. It is now a Runner Up, at #33 This chart is not compiled from
traffic, but from personal votes submitted by your own readers."

You can see the Runners Up at

3. New High Tech Weapons Cause New Types of Injuries

BELGRADE, May 4 - "We can turn the power off (to Serbia) whenever we need
to, and whenever we want to," arrogantly boasted the NATO spokesman, Jamie
Shea, during today's press conference at the NATO HQ in Brussels.
TiM Ed.: We are sure you can, Mr. Omnipotent Worm (see the photos of the
effects of NATO's graphite bombs dropped near Nis, Serbia, available at our
Web site - just click on the Photo Album section).  But can you look at
yourself in the mirror?
Here's a letter which we have just received from a doctor at the Yugoslav
Military Hospital, the best equipped and staffed medical facility in
Yugoslavia, as far as this writer is aware:

"In my professional career as a professor of maxillo-facial surgery I have
operated and helped in healing of many injured people. I have treated all
kinds of wounds, from arrow and spear wounds (Eritrea in 60's) to serious
reconstructions from car accidents and cancer. One of such reconstructive
treatements bears my name in the world's literature.

Before my retirement in 80's I have editored the world renown journals,
such as the Journal of Maxillo-Facial Surgery and the Dental Corps Int. I
have also published scientific papers in these and the other scientific
journals abroad. I was a founder and a long time head of the Maxillo-facial
clinic at the VMA hospital in Belgrade, the well known "Army" hospital,
popular among the civilians. and famous in the Balkans, the former
Yugoslavia and recognized in the world. The VMA hospital is a modern
hospital built in 80's and has been damaged in the NATO bombing campaign on
several occasions."

Well, with that as the intro., here's now the main course served out by
this world-renowned Serb doctor;

"We, the VMA hospital, treats the NATO cluster bomb victims. This kind
wounds was new even for the two experienced surgeons, Dr Lazar Davidovic
and Dr Dragan Markovic. They have operated for three weeks on Kosovo,
Pristina under extremely difficult conditions: no water, no electricity.
These two cardio-vascular surgeons have treated the injuries of small
Sadrina, Albanian girl whose arm was saved in spite of the difficult injury
from the cluster bomb. Dr Davidovic and Dr Markovic reports are full of
previously unwitnessed injuries, such as victims' bones crashed to such an
extent so that they were pulverized by cluster bombs.

It should be recalled that cluster bombs are banned by the Geneva
Convention. However, they are intensively used in bombing all over
Yugoslavia in the lasting bombing NATO campaign."

Professor Dr Antonije Skokljev, General Major in Retire, Ex-Head of the
Maxillo-Facial Surgery Clinic VMA Belgrade

4. From a Celtic to a Serb: Praise Your Work

SAN DIEGO, May 4 - And you thought that "Braveheart" was only a movie?  It
is a real life scenario, reincarnated in a 1999 setting.  In Serbia and
Kosovo.  Check out the following message which we have received from Kelly
Cowan, a TiM reader from San Diego, California, but more importantly, a
"Braveheart" of his own:

"Bob, thanks for keeping us all informed on this issue.  I and many other
'onditional patriots' praise the work you are doing and your bravery in
going to Yugoslavia, while dodging bombs.  It is the mark of a man with
integrity and heart.

Thus far, I have opposed this war only in terms of logic and facts. Last
weekend, I attended a Serbian Orthodox church service and put faces to
those dehumanized and demonized people.  This strengthened my resolve to
oppose NATO aggression and added an unexpected element.  I feel a kinship
with these people and now better understand the situation which led us all

These folks have courage and character none of us Americans could even
imagine.  They have endured hardships  even our revolutionary ancestors
couldn't relate to.  They have defended their country against invaders
since the day of it's inception.  They have been "ethnically cleansed" from
Croatia and Bosnia, now from their last stronghold first through mass
immigration and now bombing and terrorism.

They have been called "Nazis" even though they lost a significant
proportion of their male population fighting off the SS Waffen's attempts
to occupy their country.  They repelled the Nazis while outnumbered 10-1.

It seems lost on the Jewish-Americans running this war that Serbia never
oppressed the Jews.  In fact, they have protected them at the times they
most needed it.

They (the Serbs) have been called "communists," even though they have
fought off Stalin.  They have been called "ethnic cleansers" when they
themselves have been victims of the mass purges because they were
Christians. They have even been accused of being drug-runners, even though
they have  battled the KLA drug-running routes through their nation.

These people have been screwed by our nation. They have been screwed by
their neighbors, first as Hitler's allies, now as the allies of the
drug-dealing KLA separatists. They have been screwed by the Albanians they
were so tolerant of until the mass terrorism began.  They have been
tolerant of the complete demographic shift and have endeavored to pay for
the Albanians' average 9 kids per family.

 They have been taxed to death to pay for Albanians' infrastructure and
social programs.  So they finally object after being consistently
terrorized by these Muslims, who play innocent while harboring and
shielding terrorists in their villages, and allowing them to use said
villages as staging areas.

I think Milosevic has been rather kind in his removal of them before
shelling KLA operations bases."

Kelly Cowan, California
(Country: Independent Nation of Celtica, according to this writer)
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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