-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday May 4, 12:01 AM

Jesse's P.O.W. 'Coup'

The Rev. Jesse Jackson has succeeded where all others had failed,
miraculously securing the release this past weekend of three American G.I.
hostages held captive by Slobodan Milosevic since March 31.

Though the results achieved by Jackson are no doubt the most welcome
development yet of Bill Clinton's Balkan War, Inside Cover wonders just how
big a diplomatic coup this really was.

A quick review of last month's news reports reveals that as far back as
three weeks ago freedom for Sgt. Andrew Ramirez, Sgt. Christopher Stone, and
Spec. Steven Gonzales seemed very close indeed.

Though it's been forgotten in the sea of praise for Jackson's efforts, on
April 8 the New York Times reported that Cypriot President Spyros Kyprianou
had already worked out a deal for the release of the three Americans; an
agreement which apparently had Milosevic's blessing:

"On Tuesday, Mr. Kyprianou received word from the Yugoslav Embassy in
Nicosia that his plan to bring the three servicemen out of their
imprisonment in Belgrade had been approved," the Times reported.

And lest there be any doubt that the deal was done, Cypriot Ambassador to
Washington Kozakou-Marcoullis added, "Mr. Kyprianou is not going (to
Belgrade) to negotiate their release but only to pick them up on a
humanitarian mission."

In fact, peace seemed to be breaking out all over that first week in April,
with the Times noting, "If Mr. Milosevic releases the soldiers, it would be
his second peace gesture of the week. On Tuesday he announced a cease-fire
that was rejected by NATO."

So then, what happened to postpone the release of our P.O.W.'s till Rev.
Jackson arrived on the scene?

Evidently NATO (with the Clinton White House at the helm) wasn't quite ready
to see Ramirez, Stone and Gonzales freed. The night before Kyprianou's
visit, U.S. warplanes were ordered to bomb the daylights out of Belgrade,
inflicting the heaviest damage of the war to date.

Suprise, suprise. The next day Slobo was in no mood to do the U.S. any
favors and Kyprianou's mission collapsed in failure.

The Cypriot President minced no words about who was to blame, telling the
Times on April 10, "From the moment I announced my initiative to undertake
this purely humanitarian mission for the release of the three Americans, the
bombings were intensified." In short, Kyprianou blamed the U.S. for
sabotaging the deal.

The next month, who should turn up to replace Kyprianou as liberator and
hero but Rev. Jackson, to whom Mr. Clinton owes much for his support
throughout the year of Monicagate and impeachment. This time the White House
did nothing to torpedo freedom for the G.I.'s.

Apparently, Mr. Milosevic decided three weeks ago that keeping our soldiers
captive did little to advance his interests. It's good to see that Mr.
Clinton has finally arrived at the same position.

"No blood for blow jobs"
   --a placard


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