-Caveat Lector-

Sunday May 2, 2:02 PM

A Tale of Two 'Rapes'

What do Sherife Alickaj and Juanita Broaddrick have in common? Both say they
were physically over-powered and then raped by men currently on opposite
sides of America's Kosovo conflict.

In Saturday's New York Times, Alickaj identified her rapist as an unnamed
Serbian policeman -- in the first firsthand account bolstering rumors that
Serbs have been methodically brutalizing Kosovar women as part of a campaign
of ethnic cleansing.

Broaddrick's has identified her rapist as President Clinton, the very same
person who has rushed U.S. warplanes into the Balkans to the defend Alickaj
and her countrymen against Serbian atrocities.

But note the difference in New York Times coverage of the Alickaj and
Broaddrick allegations. Saturday's page A8 headline prominently displayed
the "R" word: "An Albanian Tells How Serbs Chose Her, 'the Most Beautiful,'
for Rape".

The Times coverage of Broaddrick's allegation was much more hesitant,
beginning with its page A16, Feb. 24 headline, "On Tortuous Route, Sexual
Assault Accusation Against Clinton Resurfaces".

Alickaj told the Times that she and five female friends were intercepted by
two Serbian policemen after fleeing their apartment in Pristina. The guards
escorted them back home, where they were strip searched. Alickaj was
isolated then told by a guard, "We are letting the other girls go because
you are the most beautiful." Then the sexual attack occurred.

Alickaj's unsworn account was backed by two of her friends interviewed by
the Times, which gave a thoroughly unskeptical presentation of her story.

Broaddrick, who also had supporting witnesses, came under much tighter
scrutiny by the Times; in a story that ran only after it appeared elsewhere
in the prestige print press.

"The problems with Mrs. Broaddrick's accusation are obvious," explained the
Times. "There is no physical evidence to verify it. No one else was present
during the alleged encounter in a Little Rock hotel room nearly 21 years
ago." And motives were important too, as the Times pointed out,
"(Broaddrick's) accusation has long been fodder for Mr. Clinton's legal and
political opponents."

But wait. Doesn't Ms. Alickaj's allegation suffer from the same problems?
There's no physical evidence of her month-old attack. She was assaulted only
after her Serbian tormentor had removed witnesses from the room. And Alickaj
and her friends are proud Albanians who evidently hate the Serbs, motive
enough to perhaps exaggerate or even fabricate such an explosive charge.

In fact, both Alickaj and the Times are guilty of gross exaggeration in this
report. Only near the end, after the paper screamed "Rape" in it's headline
and cited the word repeatedly throughout the text, does the reader learn
that no such thing actually happened to the 18 year-old Albanian woman:

"The officer, Ms. Alickaj said, then forced her to perform oral sex. 'I was
lucky not to be raped in another way because I was having my period,' she

Raped in another way? According to several dictionaries we consulted,
heterosexual rape is defined exclusively as forcible sexual intercourse,
i.e., coitus -- which did happen to Juanita Broaddrick, but not to Sherife

With the new expanded definition of the "R" word here, Inside Cover wonders
if Paula Jones would have gotten more favorable treatment from the Times and
other press organs had she complained, perhaps, of attempted rape?

"Anyone who defends Clinton might as well hold down a woman while he rapes
                                        --- Cheryl Enyart


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