Thursday 06 May 1999 London-UK [k24/699]

From: Parveez Syed
Shanti Communications, Global Media Monitoring Unit
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NATO betrays Kosovans? (Editorial)
by Parveez Syed (c) Shanti RTV

LONDON-UK (SC/SRTV) - NATO is set to betray Kosovo to appease
Serbian Christian despot Slobodan Milosevic; help improve US VP
Al Gore's election odds and help Russian dictator Boris Yeltsin,
according to sources close to the US and European war alliance.

Is anyone surprised by this lousy, sorry performance? Was it
worth the mass human misery and destruction? What was the plan?
What are the real NATO objectives? What was the covert agenda
behind the proposed new UN resolution on the Balkans? Now there
is a race to find suitable words to subvert the UN-SC, again.

According to Milosevic the American leadership was too cowardly
to scare the Serbs. "There is no clear, legal UN mandate for the
NATO's actions in the Balkans. So, NATO is now on the brink on
total humiliation. The US and European politicians and soldiers
can only take on starving, armless slaves who won't hit back
cowardly parasites," a source close to Milosevic told Shanti RTV
news agency.

"The outgoing US president Bill Clinton and draft dodger has no
intention to take the Democrats into next year's presidential
election mired in a messy endless ground war in the Balkans, even
if US Congress allows him. Besides the ethnic cleansing of
Kosovo is almost complete, and now irreversible," a Western
intelligence source told Shanti RTV news agency. "No serious
steps are being taken to organise and prepare the huge
quantities of material and temporary housing needed to enable
the Kosovans to return to their homeland, even if the Serbs are
driven out. The super power and NATO alliance led by Clinton is
now looking for a face saving way out of the Balkans. He is now
facing another humiliation," the intelligence source explained.

The US War Powers Act requires the US presidents to seek US
Congressional approval for deployment of US forces outside the
US within sixty days. In this case before Tuesday 25 May 1999.

Despite repeated assurances that everything is going to the plan
and on schedule, British prime minister Tony Blair lacks the
power and means to change NATO policy. Blair, who is often
refered by his political opponents as 'the total control freak',
can not reverse the ethnic cleansing. So, he ordered his Home
Secretary Jack Straw to take a token number of refugees. This
reflects Her Majesty's Government's concerns, convictions and
commitment. Blair's opponents in the official Her Majesty's
Opposition want a smaller token gesture, and Tory MP Norman
Fowler is almost ready to play the race and religious cards.

Blair has been praised by the secretary-general Muslim Council of
Britain (MCB), Iqbal Sacranie, at a reception in London on
Wednesday (05 May 1999) for his "courageous, moral and
humanitarian stand on Kosovo" and for "bold initiative he has
taken in support of the beleaguered people of Kosovo in their
darkest hour". Sacranie said: "we hope that such stand is going
to inform other areas of our foreign policy; for example,
Palestine, Kashmir and the continuing suffering of the civilians
in Iraq".

Re-assuring 250 MCB delegates at the reception, Blair - who was
in the Balkans on Monday (03 May 1999) - said: "I was on the
border where the refugees were arriving. It was one of the most
disturbing, shocking few hours of my life. They are the Muslim
victims of a terrible crime - a crime that has haunted the 20th
century - ethnic cleansing. They are the reasons for our military
action. Each one of the stories I heard from those refugees
stiffened my resolve to continue until we have created a safe
future for them. Ours is a battle to protect and strengthen the
values and freedoms we hold most dear". He told the delegates
that "we will not stop, we will not rest until the refugees are
able to return safely to their homes, protected by an
international military force".

So, how is it most likely to play out when Clinton or the US
Congress pulls the carpet? Well for start any US-Russian
brokered deal will leave the Serbs with power and authority to
create Greater Serbia. Genocide and ethnic cleansing will be
legitimised, again, to help Greater Serbia become full member of
the EU and NATO. Kosovan homeland, freedom, rights and
independence will be sacrificed forever to appease the despot
and his cohorts in Russia and the Middle East.

US-Russian occupation force - otherwise known as an international
armed presence - would work with genocidal Serbs regime to
represses Kosovans who dare to return to their homes. The events
of past century were gradually bringing the human race to the
realisation that the state is more important human and economic
rights. Kosovan and Bosnians were driven out of their homes in
the interest of certain US-UK values principles. It is an endless
crusade to exclude Muslim enclaves and states from Europe, NATO
and EU membership. The crisis in the Balkans is a stark reminder
of how far the crusade would go. NATO is allegedly fighting for
humanity but the 19-nation Western alliance did not have a
clear, legal UN mandate for its action.

Developing....... for updates and further information contact
Shanti RTV news agency by email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Presented by: Shanti RTV (c) 06 May 1999 [ref k24/699]
[The author, Parveez Syed, is an investigative journalist and a
mass media programming consultant. He has exposed many liars,
subverters and deceivers. Moles and whistleblowers e-mail leaks
and briefings to him. His copyrighted, unique features are often
developed into probing factual television documentaries. The
features are archived on thousands of websites worldwide]
Parveez Syed's direct contact details are:
One Stuart Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 8RA1 UK
Tel: London-UK 0044-831-196693;
***{After 30 September 1999 dial code change 0044-7831-196693}***

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