The Boston Globe

China looks to rein in sect

By Charles Hutzler, Associated Press, 05/08/99

B]EIJING - Shocked by throngs of meditating
protesters on their front door, Chinese leaders
are preparing a methodical campaign to discredit and rein
in the martial arts sect they now see as a threat to
Communist Party power.

President Jiang Zemin has formed a high-level task force
to monitor the group, and government operatives have
started taking names and infiltrating the sect, Chinese
sources inside and outside the party said.

The swift preparations underscore how rattled senior
leaders were by the sudden sight of thousands of silent
practitioners of Falun Gong, the Wheel of Law, outside
party headquarters on April 25. At once, the group was
transformed from an obscure school of Yoga-like exercises
and meditation into a challenge to the communist hold on
China's future.

During the daylong protest, the devotees sat on the
sidewalks around the dark red-walled Zhongnanhai. At a
late-night meeting with Premier Zhu Rongji, demonstrators
suggested that they, not communism, could save China,
said a party source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

''I'm an atheist,'' the source quoted Zhu as saying.
''You can't force me to believe your teachings.''

It was the largest demonstration in Beijing - internal
police estimates put the crowd at 30,000 - since the
military crushed student-led democracy protests on
Tiananmen Square 10 years ago, and it came six weeks
before the sensitive anniversary of the crackdown. On top
of that, the protesters surrounded Zhongnanhai, something
the students of 1989 did not dare.

Unnerved by their brazenness, Jiang wrote a directive
chiding security agencies and provincial leaders for
being caught unaware and undermining a five-month
clampdown on dissent to ensure peace this year. ''We
called for `stability above all' but our stability has
fallen through,'' the party source quoted Jiang's letter
as saying. ''Our leaders must wake up.''

The Wheel of Law has been considered politically neutral.
It is one of the many forms of qigong, a blend of
Buddhist and Taoist ideas and slow martial-arts exercise
that are designed to channel unseen forces to benefit
health and clear the mind.

The Wheel of Law has become one of qigong's most popular
schools since it was founded in 1992 by Li Hongzhi, a
former soldier who has since left China for the United
States. The Chinese government estimates its devotees
number 10 million to 70 million.

Wheel of Law followers state total faith in ''Master Li''
and are convinced practicing his teachings makes people
healthier and more moral citizens. His lectures hint of
dark forces at work in the universe and suggest expert
practice brings clairvoyance and other supernatural

After a magazine article by an eminent scientist warned
Chinese youths to stay away from the Wheel of Law,
followers thought their practice was under threat. They
converged on Beijing from several provinces to demand
legal protection for the Wheel of Law. But the party
Real Estate      source contends their demands included state media
                 coverage of their teachings and special meeting areas -
Help             privileges granted only to party-approved groups.
Contact the
Globe            Organizers of Wheel of Law activities in Beijing reached
Send us feedback by telephone declined comment.

Alternative      Party leaders are convinced by the demonstration that the
views            group is disciplined and well-organized, despite its
Low-graphics     claims to have no hierarchy. In their eyes, the Wheel of
version          Law verges on the semi-religious secret societies that
Acrobat version (sought to overthrow unjust emperors.

 This story ran on page A02 of the Boston Globe on
                 © Copyright 1999 Globe Newspaper Company.


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