-Caveat Lector-

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international papers

Let's Blame Bill

By Alexander Chancellor

The frustration of the bellicose British press at the half-hearted
pursuit of the war in Kosovo vented itself Wednesday in an
editorial in the Times attacking President Clinton, who, it said,
has "proved his absolute inadequacy as a Commander-in-Chief,
stumbling on a stage that is bigger than his talents can match and
performing with hesitancy, frailty and fear." It added, "[T]his war
will not be serious until Mr Clinton listens to the Pentagon,
rather than the latest opinion poll. He has never countenanced a
campaign plan; and in the absence of one, even air power has been
misapplied. ... Mr Clinton has retreated into the semantic
ambiguities for which his presidency has become infamous." The
editorial concluded that "[f]or Nato, for European peace and for
Britain, the true, high reckoning begins: it is called failure."

The Daily Telegraph led its front page Wednesday with a report that
both Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair were struggling
"to hold back a growing tide of criticism of their leadership of
the Kosovo conflict." Along with other papers, the Telegraph
reported cracks in British bipartisan support for the NATO
offensive. In an article in the Telegraph, the Conservative Party
spokesman on foreign affairs, Michael Howard, called for the
establishment of a committee of inquiry into the war and the
"diplomatic failures" that preceded it. Howard described the
bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade as "an act of gross
incompetence." He said, "To use outdated street maps for an
operation of this kind beggars belief."

The liberal Guardian led Wednesday on "gloom" in NATO as China and
Russia hardened their demands for a halt to airstrikes before they
will agree to support peace moves in the United Nations. Having
consistently urged the use of ground forces, the paper finally
recognized in an editorial that "the possibility of a ground attack
has dwindled." It said that the British and the French have been
willing to do their bit but that Clinton "could not muster the
will, or lacks the necessary political weight, to commit the United
States to ground action." The central issue now, it said, is that
"NATO forces, acting for the Kosovo Albanians, must have
preponderant physical power on the ground, whatever the formalities
of status may be." The liberal Independent's front-page lead spoke
of "an unmistakable whiff of panic and confusion in the West's
councils of war."

There was gloom on the continent as well. Le Monde of Paris led its
front page Wednesday with the headline "Kosovo emptied of half its
population" and said in an editorial that President Slobodan
Milosevic knows--"because we have been at pains to tell him"--that
he need not fear a land offensive, and he knows the limits of the
air bombardments. "He can, at his leisure, test the unity and
determination of the allies," it added. "One way or another, it is
always he who holds the cards." On Tuesday, the Greek daily Ta Nea
published a leaked NATO document warning that Albania, Montenegro,
and Macedonia are in imminent danger of economic and political
collapse because of the Kosovo crisis. The displacement of nearly
600,000 Kosovar refugees threatens to destabilize the entire
region, it said. The "restricted" memo, dated April 29, was
reported to have been sent by NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana
to the alliance's 19 member states last week.

With only five days to go before voting in the Israeli general
election, the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is
reported to be reconciled to defeat. The main headline Wednesday in
the daily Maariv quoted Netanyahu as saying, "I'll apparently
lose." One senior Likud Party official told Yediot Aharanot, "We
don't have many good reasons to be optimistic." Meanwhile, two more
public opinion polls showed that Labor Party and One Israel leader
Ehud Barak is moving inexorably ahead. The Jerusalem Post led
Wednesday on Netanyahu deciding, because of the polls, to take
personal charge of Likud's TV advertising campaign.

Ha'aretz led on Defense Minister Moshe Arens accepting the
possibility of a Palestinian state. He reportedly said that recent
developments have made territorial compromise inevitable. The
Jerusalem correspondent of the Independent of London described the
hatred among different religious and ethnic communities that has
surfaced during the Israeli election campaign. In one TV debate,
Yusef Lapid, a Holocaust survivor and founder of the Shinui Party
which seeks to reduce the influence of ultra-Orthodox Jews,
challenged Eli Suissa, the ultra-Orthodox interior minister, with
the words: "Maybe you'd like to put me in a concentration camp?" To
this Suissa replied, "You've already been in a concentration camp
and you didn't learn your lesson."

The firing of Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov by Boris
Yeltsin two days before impeachment proceedings against the
president were due to begin in the Duma provoked little surprise in
that country's newspapers Wednesday. Kommersant said Primakov has
been under threat of dismissal for at least two months, and that
Sergei Stephasin, Yeltsin's choice to succeed him as acting prime
minister, has already been offered the job at least three times.
Segodnya said it is understandable that Yeltsin ran out of sympathy
for a man whose main political support came from Communists, who
"have proclaimed as their basic goal the overthrow of the
president." Nezavisimaya Gazeta said Primakov is going without loss
of face because he is already recognized as the man who saved
Russia from an abyss. His chances of winning the next presidential
election, if he decides to run, are "very high," the paper said.

In an editorial Wednesday on the booming U.S. economy, the
Financial Times warned that the country is running out of workers.
With unemployment at a 30-year low, there aren't many motivated
people left for the labor market to absorb, it said. "As Alan
Greenspan pointed out last week, faster adoption of new technology
has helped productivity growth to increase. But this may well prove
temporary. When the economy runs out of workers, the laws of supply
and demand take over."

Le Monde ran a front-page article about unexpected difficulties
facing the new single European currency, the euro. It said the
European Central Bank has a major problem creating a consistent
monetary policy because of growing economic disparities among the
countries of "Euroland." It said, "While some Euroland countries
are enjoying American-style growth, others are on the brink of

La Repubblica of Rome reported Wednesday that the singer Michael
Jackson has been fined 4 million lire (around $2,200) for
plagiarism. He was found to have copied 37 notes from a song by
Italian pop star Albano Carrisi in his song, "Will You Be There?"
The judge agreed there were extenuating circumstances because both
songwriters had been inspired by old blues music.


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