==============RUMOR MILL NEWS  AGENCY ==============


RMNews Today on FOXNEWS, former Clinton advisor Dick Morris
raised the possibility that President Clinton is covering up and delaying
the investigation of  the Chinese nuclear espionage scandal because China
is blackmailing him.

Over a year ago, RMNews issued an article titled: Blackmail, Treason,
Impeachment, Assassination. Here is the link:
<A HREF="http://www.anaserve.com/~wethepeople/rumills2.htm">Blackmail,
Treason, Impeachment, Assasination

Dick Morris said today that if Clinton retaliates in any way over the
Chinese theft of our nuclear secrets that the Chinese may strike back
against Clinton by providing the missing witnesses in the Democratic
campaign fund scandal. This not only will take Clinton our, but it will also
take out vice President Gore.

In the article  RMNews published on blackmail, we pointed out that we
have a president who has left himself open for blackmail on many
different levels by many different people, agencies and government.

>From his sexual escapades, to the many mysterious deaths,  illegal
banking transactions, bribes, extortion, threats, rape, and lying, this
President has left himself wide open to blackmail from the highest bidder.

What do we mean "highest bidder?" We mean the people who can
threaten him with death and deliver it, if he does not do what they tell him
to do.

Clinton  lives in a constant state of trying to keep one blackmailer happy
in order to keep himself alive long enough to try to "neutralize" the
blackmailer. In the case of people like Mary Caitrin Mahoney, the ex-
intern who was slain gangland style in the Georgetown Starbucks, she was
not powerful enough to protect herself. In the case of China, Bill Clinton
must dance to their tune because HE is not powerful enough to protect

All China has to do is give their U.S. based agents the okay to take down
Air Force One, and that is the end of Bill Clinton. So, what does Bill
Clinton do in order to stay alive long enough to figure out a plan to keep
the Chinese from killing him?

Our President does what the Chinese wants him to do. The first thing is
stall the investigation into the theft of our nuclear secrets in order for the
Chinese to get ALL the nuclear secrets. To do this, President Clinton had
to employ blackmail himself. In this case, he blackmailed Janet Reno with
sordid sexual material from her past. If this wasn't enough to turn our
Attorney General into an accomplice in treason, he used his trump card,
which is, "How is your family these days? I'm glad to see that they are all
ALIVE and well."

When you play the game at this level, you know what an inquiry like this
means, especially if it comes directly after you are asked to commit
treason by the President of the United States.

I do not want to believe that Attorney General Reno would sell out our
country to protect herself from having her sordid sexual secrets revealed.
Everyone has something in their past that they don't want revealed, but
would they place the lives of 250 million U.S. citizens in danger just to
cover up their shame?

I don't want to believe that anyone is capable of  sacrificing America to
save themselves. (Others will sacrifice America because that is part of
their agenda, but this is another story.)

I do believe  every one of our elected and appointed officials are capable
of selling out our country to protect the people they love, like their
mothers, fathers, grandparents,  husbands, wives, girlfriends, brothers,
sisters, nieces, nephews, grandchildren.

There is only one way to prevent being blackmailed in this way. It is to
immediately call a press conference with every member of your family
present, and inform the public, not only of the threat by the President to
kill your loved ones, but of the information that you have which the
President does not want known. This won't guarantee that you life will be
saved, but it will guarantee that people will know why you were killed.

It is clear that the President and his minions have silenced people like
Alphonse D'Amato, the first Senator to look into the Whitewater scandal.
It is also evident that Senator Fred Thompson is being blackmailed or
threatened. In the case of Senator Thompson, he had a career in
Hollywood before becoming a Senator. What did he do in his Hollywood
days that has been documented on videotape?

There are no doubt hundreds of others on Capitol Hill who are being
crushed beneath the jackboot of the Clinton presidency with the threat of
blackmail or worse.

But with the recent bombing of the Chinese Embassy, the stakes have
risen. If this President is allowed to stay in power, with the Chinese
blackmailing him at every turn, not only will China take over Taiwan, but
they will expand into the Philippines, all of SE Asia, Hawaii, Mexico,
Central America and the United States.

In the early 50's, a Yale educated writer named John Hersey wrote a novel
called White Lotus. It is about a post nuclear war with China. The
American people have been reduced to nomads living in wagons which
they circle each evening to protect their people from being captured by the
slave traders. The slave traders steal the healthiest and the strongest and
ship them to China where they are sold as slaves. Imagine everything you
know about black slavery in America, from the forced labor, to the
tortuous beatings, to rape; and apply this to the Americans who are slaves
for the Chinese.

Did John Hersey write this book as a warning for us, or did he write it to
mock us?

Everyday that President Clinton stays in office is another day closer to a
confrontation with China which could lead to nuclear war and the
destruction of the country we love.

Did President Clinton purposely target the Chinese Embassy on orders
from China? What could be gained from this? The Chinese espionage
scandal has faded a little. Will it disappear completely? Was it done to
take the heat off the Cox Report and the ongoing investigation? Or will
the Clinton administration use the "accidental" bombing of the embassy
as a way to ignore China's human rights abuses or the tremendous
imbalance in trade with China?

The Clinton administration has given China total access to every secret
the United States has. Clinton has no more to give them. Therefore, why
do they still need him? He must understand this. He must see the
handwriting on the wall. He must shake in his shoes each time he boards
an airplane.

If he understand this, he knows the only hope he has of staying alive is by
creating total war and chaos on a worldwide level. This of course plays
into the hands of his other masters, the New World Order.

If he provokes a war with China, he will have the excuse to round up all
Chinese in America and put them into concentration camps. Hopefully
this will get all the Chinese covert agents who have orders to kill him.

If he is successful in rounding up Chinese, he can use a similar excuse to
round up anyone else he considers a threat to his well being, whether it is
Christians, Constitutionalists, Chinese trained Mexican guerillas in the
Atzlan Liberation Army, members of the Trench Coat Mafia, people with
tattoos and red hair, left handed people, psychics, college graduates,
people who read the wrong web pages, people who hoard food for Y2K,
Pepsi drinkers, veterans, gun owners... and the list goes on and on and on,
subservient only to his  daily level of psychosis.

If the President provokes a world wide war, he  will have a good reason to
hide in a nuclear safe bunker and direct the war from there. In there he
will feel reasonably safe from all the people who want him dead.

In the article titled Blackmail, Treason, Impeachment, Assassination, it
was implied that when a president is blackmailed it is likely that he will
commit treason. To avoid having the full extent of his treason exposed,
Congress will  find a quasi serious charge on which to impeach him. If the
impeachment fails, the last resort is assassination. Bill Clinton is a smart
man. He must know he has reached the last resort.

It appears that not only is he being threatened from the Chinese, but one
of our Sources said that he had been told by the New World Order to
confiscate all the guns and do it NOW. If he fails to follow their orders
and get the new gun laws passed in a timely and rapid fashion, then he
will be killed by a gun, and this will force Congress to finally pass
draconian gun laws which will be labeled, the Bill Clinton Memorial Gun

At the moment, RMNews believes that President Clinton is being
blackmailed not just by two groups, but  by three  powerful groups, each
with their own agenda.

1. The Chinese want him to create an environment where they will appear
justified in doing anything they want to do, whether it is seize Taiwan or
launch a nuclear war against the U.S.

They don't need to have built and perfected their rockets, they can send in
a nuclear bomb with any Chinese businessman. They can put a backpack
nuclear bomb in a box of toys destined for Toys R Us. Their network of
internal spies can then move the bomb and take it to any location they

When the nuclear explosion happens, who will be ask, "Did it come on a
missile or did they bring in it through COSCO shipping lines?"

2. The New World Order wants Clinton and his clones, Blair of England
and Schroder of Germany, to create a world wide war. They want to do
this to usher in the New World Order, but also to further line their pockets
with the money made from weapons of war and the blood of the innocent
cannon fodder. See RMNews article dated: Digest 16, Sunday, May 9th, NATO
purposely targeted Chinese Embassy. Link:
st E-mail Communities
</A> Nato Purposely Target Chinese Embassey

3. Faction Two wants to destroy NATO, the New World Order, President
Clinton, and his ideologically synchronized sycophants. They want to do
this because they believe that the only way to keep the world from falling
under a one world government is to bring back the former Soviet Union
and the Iron Curtain. When there are two or more equally powerful
countries in the world, no one country can impose its will on all nations,
as the United Nation, which is the front company for the New World
Order, is trying to do right now. See the article, Kosovo, The Truth behind
the Headlines, Link:
<A HREF="http://members.xoom.com/sevengates/RumorMill.htm">RumorMill</A>
Kosovo, The Truth Behind the Headlines

How do we get out of this dangerous situation before hundreds of millions
of innocent people have to die in the rich power brokers war?

The first thing we must do is get rid of President Clinton. He and most of
his cabinet need to be charged with treason and war crimes. They need to
be arrested immediately.

We need to get out of the United Nations and expose its real agenda to the
people of the world.

We must impose new campaign contribution regulations as well as return
to the paper ballot to prevent election fraud.

Is there any real  hope that this can be achieved?
* * *

I can't answer that question, but I can report that while all of the country
has been focused on President Clinton and his aberrant behavior, another
faction has been creeping into power. In the past, I have referred to this
faction as Faction 3 or the rogues.

Once I insulted them so badly I was forced to apologize after being
upbraided by a member of Faction 2 who not only preferred working with
them, but deeply admired them.

I am still gathering information on what Faction 3 is doing and what it
expects to achieve by its actions. At the moment I can tell you that they
have somehow maneuvered a shift in the balance of wealth. I have been
told that they are threatening Faction One, the New World Order,  with the
collapse of stock markets world wide and the bankruptcy of their banks
and businesses.

The philosophy of this Rogue Faction  is a redistribution of wealth to the
major players, plus a pittance thrown to the peasants... you and me. Their
plan is called Win-Win, 30-30-30-10. That means 30% to the New World
Order, 30% to Faction 2 who represents the old European Monarchs
which the New World Order destroyed and deposed, 30% to the new
Rogue Faction 3, and 10% to the communities.... that means you and me.

They believe that if it is a Win Win situation to everyone involved that the
redistribution shift will go off with no hitch. In other words, the New
World Order is faced with the total destruction of the planet, or 30% of
the wealth. What would you take?

Of course you have to be sane to make the choice that allows the world to
survive. And who do we know that exhibits periods of reckless insanity?

I am still gathering information about this new Faction. I have known
about it for years now, but I never thought they were powerful enough to
force both the New World Order and Faction 2 into a bargaining position.

As I gather more information on this new faction, I will pass it on.
# # # # #

                  WEB PAGE UPDATE

I want to thank all of you who wrote to point out the mistakes in the
webpage. The most devastating mistake was one that neither I nor my
webmaster caught because it only was noticed by people who use
Netscape Navigator. My thanks to those who took the time to describe
what was happening and send it to us, especially David and CHARLEE
who both went beyond the call of duty and did an analysis.

The web page  will continue to grow. The next item which needs to be
added in the Wilcher page. Paul Wilcher was a lawyer who was
bankrupted by the crooked bankruptcy courts in Chicago. He lost a real
estate empire valued at 60 million dollars. He began investigating the
bankruptcy courts. This led him to Washington D.C..

His investigations led him into the crimes of the CIA. One of his leads
caused him to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy. The
more he investigated the more the threads all seemed to go back to certain
people within the CIA.

He became the lawyer for  imprisoned CIA operative and October
Surprise pilot, Gunther Russbacher. Wilcher prepared the document which
Russbacher submitted to the House October Surprise Taskforce, a
document they never read.

As a result of working with Russbacher and his SEAL team, Wilcher was
given information on the Waco tragedy. He was told that seven of  the
Davidians were part of a government mind control project that was
creating "sleeper" terrorists similar to the cult in Japan that attacked the
subway with saran gas.

Wilcher wrote a 100 page letter to Attorney General Janet Reno in which
he described what was really going on in Waco and why the government
really wanted the compound destroyed.

Wilcher made an appointment with the Attorney General, but he never got
to see her. He was met in the hall outside her office by two men who
threw him up against the wall, beat him, threatened him and took the

Wilcher immediately called Russbacher in prison to ask for help. He  fled
Washington before Russbacher could get a SEAL team to him. No one
ever heard from him again. His body was found one month later. The FBI
sealed his apartment, seized his computer, all his discs and printed

His reports are compelling reading. It takes a lot of time to scan them in,
reformat them and post them. They are also so voluminous that there will
be no way I can post everything he wrote, but I will try to give an idea of
who Paul was and why he was murdered.

Thanks again for your many comments.

By the way, the counter isn't working. It has been stuck on 248 for the last
two days. I know this because one of our faithful and loyal readers said
she was trying to run up the counter to make it look like our web  page
was getting thousands of hits, but the counter never changed.  I do thank
her for her efforts.

The OneList List Server.
If you haven't lareday signed up with the One List Server, please do so as
soon as possible. Very soon this will be one of the only ways to be assured
that you will receive every post RMNews issues.

Some of our stories are too short to be posted on the webpage. Also, some of
the posts will be from other people's emails and articles. These will be
timely and informative, but they won't ever be posted on the webpage.

Here is the link to the list server from the Rumor Mill News webpage
 <A HREF="http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/RuMills">ONElist E-mail Communities
</A>  Click on this to sign up. Thanks, Ru Mills

==============The Uncensored National Rumor===============

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