-Caveat Lector-

>From a friend.......

Hi everyone -
I received a note from the editor of SpiritLife Newsletter.
He sent in a channel as part of it - to be shared to all :

Here is an excerpt from the most recent channeling from Archangel Ariel,
dated May 4th, 1999.

Archangel Ariel Channeling
through Isaac George, Sedona, AZ May 4th, 1999

        There is a hundred day window that began on May 2 and that continues
through August 11th, 1999.  This window is an opportunity for many of the
starseeds and lightworkers to finish many of their personal issues, to
complete the karmic effects of some of the choices they have made in this
lifetime and in others.  It is also a time frame during which the planet and
the mass-consciousness of humanity is cleaning up their act.

It is very important to be most aware of one's thoughts and emotional
responses during this time frame, as it will have an outward effect, an
outward response in the environment very quickly.  You are reaching a time
within this  hundred day cycle when the planet herself will no longer be
present within the photon belt directly.  However, your sun's activity
within that realm of energy is going to be significant and increase
exponentially between now and the August 11th Solar Eclipse and beyond.

What you will also see is corresponding response within the weather patterns
and also within the political and social arenas that will look very much in
the way of chaos.  There is also going to be a corresponding chaotic
fluctuation within the financial markets and also within the various hot
spots around the planet.  You have a situation that is brewing in the Middle
East that has not yet been understand by most of your media and analysts.
This is a delicate time coming up between now and August 11th.

To look at the immediate future we will look at May 11th through the end of
May: This is a download of new energies that will be coming in, some of it
traveling with your solar winds, some of it coming in from the galactic
solar center Alcyone (the Central Sun).  Also on this rise of energy will be
carried many of the encodements necessary to awaken the next level of
humanity.  This awakening will create a ground swell of people seeking
assistance between the period of July and December.  That is why  most of
you will be very busy attending to the confusion and attending to the
release of emotional trauma and patterns that have been held in the
physical, mental and emotional bodies of individuals.

There will also be those who will be seeking to become more awake and more
aware of their function.  Now how does this translate in terms of the
process of lightbody?  Between now and the end of May you will be seeing a
new quotient of the lightbody process activated.  There is going to be some
of the beings that were raised in the first group from 1987 to 1997 who will
begin to translate into tenth level lightbody.  This has happened to some
degree but not consistently nor with stability for some individuals.
When this occurs it will be a quantum shift on some level for the beings
that are awake and have been in the awareness that they are starseeds, that
they are also highly evolved souls that have come to assist the planetary
birthing process.  This will be come more and more evident through the
months of June and July.

In the month of June, particularly near the end of June there will be the
beginning of a solar cycle initiated.  From the time that the planet
actually exits the photon belt, the 15th, 16th or 17th of June, and then at
the end of the month there will be a major solar eruption, solar storm, that
will impact the planet by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July.  This could be of
such severity that it may incapacitate for a temporary time most of the
planetary communications on one side of the globe.  It could also trigger
severe tornado and thunderstorm activity. It could also bring hurricane
season into being much sooner than its regular cycle of  late August through
early October.  Therefore,  it is most important to be in awareness that
these things are part of natural evolution, natural forces.

Some of the galactic forces that are in attendance in your world will do
what they can to modify the effects of the solar storm before it actually
depresses the magnetosphere of your planet and creates the atmospheric
disturbances mentioned.  There is to be a step-up of this activity as you
have seen through the news reports of massive tornado destruction in
Oklahoma and Kansas.  This is the tip of the iceberg.  These have been the
result of the coronal mass injections that have been occurring since May 1st
and 2nd.

There will be more of an interrelatedness observed by your scientists and
meteorologists between the solar activity and the weather patterns on the
planet.  It is not all because of the manmade greenhouse effect; it is not
all because of the emissions from fossil fuels and the effects on the
ionosphere and the ozone layer.   What is occurring is a response to cosmic
events on a scale unprecedented.   They have not yet fully understood the
connection between these things.  However, their instruments are beginning
to record that there is a symbiotic relationship between all these events
and the effects that you are seeing in terms of weather.  It will be a while
yet before they will understand that there is also a connection between the
behavior of the mass consciousness on the planet and how severe these events
can be and how severe the solar events can be as well.  There is a
connection between it all.
So, from the time from  the middle of June to the end of June there will be
a cranking up of the solar storm activity.   July itself will feel somewhat
like a rubber band  that is stretched too far.  This will be held there for
most of the month.  This will create tension and a sense of impendingness.
This will be an energy pattern that will be most edgy for most people.  For
what it will be producing as a response to this energy form after the solar
storms begin to impact the magnetosphere is to create in the emotional and
mental bodies a wave front that will release all enemy patterning, that will
release the concept of duality from the consciousness of humanity.
Therefore, they will begin to understand on an intuitive level that all of
the enemy patterning that has been fostered by the various dark government
agencies, by the various churches and religious institutions to create
separation, to create non-alignment with all humanity - these things will no
longer be invisible.  The people, when they begin to wake-up will see the
folly of these belief systems that they have held as sacred for centuries;
indeed in some cases for millennia.  This is the main underlying pattern of
distortion that will be released prior to the solar eclipse and the grand

During the month of July , and prior to that, many of the lightworkers,
seeded ones and awakened ones will be shifting like game pieces on a
chessboard from one geophysical location to another.  This is in order to
balance the entire process and to prevent people from being too clustered in
one safe spot.  It is a necessary part of Spirit moving through humanity to
adjust the balance and ratio of light on the planet through individual human
beings.  Through the individuals who have been awakening and who have been
clearing and who have been in service. They will be placed in positions that
will assist the planet in the adjustment of tectonic frequencies,
geomagnetic stress, social upheaval, economic displacement, and political
chaos.  So all of these different effects that will be felt as a result of
the energies will be modified by the correct relationship of all beings that
are seeking to be of service to Gaia and to humanity.  They will need to be
relocated into those positions and to those locations where they will be
able to affect the most modifying influence for all of these storms that are
occurring.  We do not speak of just meteorological effects.

After the end of July and into the early part of August it will be quiet.
There will be a sigh of relief, a quiet space, a resting point.  This
feeling will occur even through the intensities of the solar eclipse ,which
is a trigger point and also the grand cross ,which will be a spectacular
display for the astronomers, and for all people interested in the heavens.
Beyond that point you will not see the effects of this grand alignment until
October of 1999.  This is what we foresee as the time frame that you will
see the greatest upset and chaos within your economic and financial markets.
  This is the completion of a cycle.  Think back to your history  books to
the last time you witnessed your stock market crash.  It was  October 1929.
You are seeing the completion of a 70 year cycle - October 1999.  This will
be the first warning of the changes  initiated by this conjunction in the

If there is not enough of a shift by the lightworkers , not enough people
waking up there may need to be the disturbances as foretold not only on the
geophysical level but also in the realm of human relationships and political
alignments regarding war  in the earth and war on the earth.  You may see a
situation deconstruct itself into chaos in the Middle East.   However, it is
our fervent request that all conscious, awake beings on this world choose
rather to send a positive ray of Light, Love and Hope not only to the planet
but also, specifically, to the regions you would know as Israel, Saudi
Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and the various other smaller
countries in the region including Turkey.  There is a powder keg effect -
all it will take is some one to light the fuse for there to be despair and
woe in this region and if it is ignited there it could well spill over into
other regions.   We do not see this as  an inescapable situation - there is
no such thing.   So we are giving as what would be loosely termed outcomes
based on  choices made at this time. A consequence for things not attended
to and ignored and set aside.
However, if there is enough light grounded if there is enough intention made
it will be alleviated and shifted.  What is going to potentially occur with
your financial markets and institutions is a situation where greed will
outweigh reason, and you will have the corresponding correction made to
bring the scales back into balance.

That in itself is an indication of the natural order of things - the cycles
of balance.  And indeed it occurs in the month of balance, October.  The
scales have tipped too far in one direction and therefore it is important to
recognize that as Light comes in and as people allow the light to irradiate,
situations that have been out of balance for far too long, that the natural
evolution is to bring the pendulum back the other way, and usually what
happens is that the pendulum has to swing to the same point on the opposite
side of where it has been, before it can come back to center. This is not a
tragedy, this is not a punishment, and this is not a judgment. It is merely
what is.  So you can see that there is a multiple layer of cause and effect
coming into play here.  It is not just one thing.  It is not just Y2k, the
photon belt or political and economical alignments or imbalances it is all
of it wrapped up together.

So our challenge to the human race is, how would you choose it to be ?
How would you make a difference so that it does not have to be a severe
correction or a tough lesson with many tears?  We can only give you a mirror
of the consequences of choices.  We cannot fix it for you, and neither would
you want us to.  For if there were to be  intervention you would not
progress.  There would be no evolution.  And yet this creation cannot and
will not be allowed to be destroyed by your own hands.  And it will not
happen - it cannot happen.  This is a path or scenario that has been caused
by energies that have  not been aware of their own light, thinking to set
themselves up in a form of governance that is separate from its own source.
It cannot be.  It is illogical.  How can one divorce oneself from your own
life and expect that you can continue to exist? It does not make any sense.
It has never made any sense and it never will.

On the personal level, each of you needs to focus and dedicate yourselves to
understanding your own situations, your own processes, your own examination
of self, your motives, your intentions, your belief systems , your wounds,
and you clean those up to the extent that you can do that. Then allow the
light that you are to project outward to attract others to heal and create a
feeling of safety and holiness all around you, and fun and joy as well.
Then you will see change occur on the mass scale.  This rule, this
reflection of the law of cause and effect is also working.  As it is changed
one by one by one it changes it for the whole.

So now you have the opportunity, those who have awakened, those who have
chosen to awaken, those who have chosen to remember to work on your selves
during the next ninety days.  This is the task; not to focus undo attention
on what is occurring in the outer environment.  Be aware, yes.  Be in fear,
no.  Be in the intention of sending love and light where ever it is needed
for the highest good of all concerned.  Do not be overly concerned about
self and the preservation of self.  This is not a time to dig a hole, crawl
in  and cover yourself up.  Nor it is a time to say " I will only gather
with this group.  These ones are of like mind and therefore I do not wish to
have interaction with any other beings."  All beings, whether they be awake
or not are your brothers and sisters.  All life will be asking for your
attention and support, especially the animal kingdom, especially the
domestic animals, and the devic kingdom.  Send special greetings and support
to those who maintain the molecular and atomic web that creates this planet
that you are standing upon, for they are working very hard to keep it
together.  So they need to know that you are allies, that you are stewards
in stewardship with them.  As you are also in stewardship with your cetacean
relatives.  So it is merely a matter of consciousness.  How awake can you
be?  How much can you walk your talk and not be concerned with what your
brother or sister are saying or doing?  That is the bottom line of this
message. That is the challenge. That is the also the opportunity and the joy
of service.

Thats all for now. If you have any questions, or wish to contact us, please
call (520) 284-2196.
In the meantime, we wish all the best and Godspeed.

In Love, Light and Laughter,
Isaac & Donna


"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson

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