Forwarded for your education.

Post Number 138: Genetically altered food-Introduction
This is the first of 6 important Posts, but it is the only one I am
going to send.  If you wish the rest of this information, please E-mail
me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and request the following:
Post Number 139, Genetically altered food, Part I
Post Number 140, Genetically altered food, Part II
Post Number 141, Genetically altered food, Part III
Post Number 142, Genetically altered food, Part IV
Post Number 143, Boycott Genetically altered foods

What you are about to read is self-explanatory, with one exception.  I
do not think that what is happening can be stopped, because "They" will
simply change the rules so that nothing is said about the genetic
manipulations, and you and I will be none the wiser.  Well, perhaps you
will not be, but I will.  This is one of the reasons I live where I do,
and if you will review Post Number 127, Cancer, you will begin to
understand more of what is going on here.  That being said, awareness by
the people of what is actually at stake is necessary, I for nothing else
than to slow down the process.  And, who knows, some of the idiots that
are promoting this may some day wake up and realize that it is their
food as well.

As for stopping what is happening; that WILL NOT happen until YOU stop
empowering the so-called government by participating in their fraud and
deceit.  I suggest you read my series and the book Strategic Withdrawal
to understand.  Now, the rest of the story.

The Campaign for Food Safety
April/99 posted from a notice by The Campaign for Food Safety

is planning to remove all current labeling requirements for irradiated
food. The FDA has approved irradiation for essentially all foods,
including fruits and vegetables. Without labeling, there will be no way
for you to know if your food has been irradiated. If labels are
eliminated now, only a public health catastrophe can reinstate them.
Irradiated foods could be on your table within a year-some facilities
already exist, and hundreds more could be built.

The labeling requirement has been the sole impediment to widespread use
of irradiation. Irradiation proponents fear that even the current
requirement -- a tiny statement no bigger than the ingredients, and no
statement at all for irradiated components of mixed food -- will scare
consumers.  The FDA proposal to remove labeling practically begs for
'consumer focus' studies that will tell it how to 're-educate' the 77%
of the public that does not want irradiation. Irradiation has powerful
friends in the food processing and nuclear industries, the medical
establishment, and the Federal government.  For several years they have
been engaging in a covert public relations campaign to convince us that
irradiation is the answer to food safety problems, like contaminated
Guatemalan  raspberries and lunch meats. But if you look at the news,
these problems are overwhelmingly concentrated in the meat and poultry
processing business. Jack-in-the-Box and Hudson Food lost a lot of
money.  Irradiation is really just a quick (and temporary) fix for poor
slaughterhouse sanitation, and a way of disposing of nuclear wastes by
selling them to private industry and leaving the taxpayers to fund the
inevitable clean-up costs.

It is completely unethical to impose irradiation on people who do not
want it in order to protect the factory-farmers from the consequences of
their business practices. And the FDA is trying to keep this issue out
of the spotlight --- it won't post comments on the internet.

Send a comment to the FDA demanding labeling, the use of the terms
"irradiation" or "irradiated" and the use of the radura symbol. Tell the
FDA you feel proposed alternative terms such as "cold pasteurization"
and "electronic pasteurization" are misleading and should not be used.
Say that the absence of a statement would be misleading because
irradiation destroys vitamins and causes changes in sensory and spoilage
qualities that are not obvious or expected by the consumer. A general
statement opposing irradiation will NOT help, because the FDA requests
comments on only two issues:

1) Whether the wording of the current radiation disclosure statement
should be revised; and ,

2) whether such labeling requirements should expire at a specified date
in the future."

The complete proposal is at:

E-mail your comments TODAY to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and put the docket number in the "Subject" line. The
docket number is #98N-1038, "Irradiation in the production, processing
and handling of food."

Send a copy of your letter to your congressperson and your senators, and
tell them that as your representatives, they are responsible for
representing you, and you don't want to eat irradiated foods in any
form. At the very least, these foods should be prominently labeled, and
all irradiated components of a food should be identified.

ACT NOW! THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE!! If the FDA eliminates labeling, U.S.
exporters of irradiated foods will be able to successfully claim that
other countries' labeling laws are "restraint of trade" under
international trade rules. Our actions now are critical!

For more information contact : The Campaign for Food Safety, 860 Highway
61, Little Marais, Minnesota 55614, or try ph
213/387-5122 and [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Kurt Schanaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear WCAPI List Members:

The time has finally come for WCAPI to kindly ask each and every one of
you to consider participating in a new global campaign to STOP the
injustice being committed against not only humans, but also all life
forms in general. The injustice is genetic manipulation of our world
food supply through what is called "Biotechnology" or "Bio-Tech".

We realize that you may have been asked hundreds of times in the past to
put forth your efforts for initiative upon initiative, and that many of
you, especially in the U.S. may have tired of being asked to take action
and to expend your energies throughout previous years. However, we feel
there has never been a more important and pressing call to action as one
which has to do that which provides all of us with life! The subject
here is our food supply, and how many national governments have joined
with the U.S. Government in declaring biological warfare against the
citizens of all nations on a global scale. During the month of April,
hundreds of countries assembled together as a multi-national effort to
impose a new set of rules against genetically engineered foods, called a
Biodiversity Protocol.  However, the United States Government and
several others pulled together, wielding strong-armed tactics and
trade-war threats and killed the conference. Since this protocol was
scrubbed by the United States interests in money-making schemes, it is
now time for CONSUMERS, just like you and I, to pull together in protest
of this massive food experiment being conducted against each and every
one of us. WE are the people. WE drive the markets. WE have the power.
WE will prevail!!

Biotechnology is a new, untested scientific discovery which deals with
the fabric of all life on earth, the genetic threads and sequences which
make everything unique.  Genetic code is what ensures that humans remain
humans, swine remain swine, sheep remain sheep, cattle remain cattle,
tomato plants remain tomato plants, etc.  Genetic code is also extremely
complicated, and scientists who are messing with the threads of life
could NEVER possibly know all intricacies involved. Genes are what
determine how a persons eyes are colored, what color the hair is, how
tall one grows to be, how big your feet are.  Ever since life appeared
on Planet Earth, nature has ensured that genetic coding remains only in
each species, so that human genetic sequences cannot get into a pig,
that wax-moth-insect genes cannot cross barriers and get into potatoes,

With Biotechnology, scientists are playing God (and Goddess for those of
you in the Earth-Based religions of duality), and are deliberately
crossing natural species' boundaries by cutting DNA information out of
other species and implanting it where it doesn't belong.  Since 1996,
Biotech corporations and chemical companies such as Monsanto, Novartis,
AgrEvo and others, have been rushing foods onto our world grocery stores
that have not been adequately tested by INDEPENDENT agencies for
long-term safety. These foods come from plants and animals which have
had genetic modifications performed on them. We now have potatoes which
contain moth-insect genes and DNA, tomato plants which contain Atlantic
Shellfish genes, pigs which have human genes imbedded in them, and other
foods which now contain new, lab-grown viruses and bacteria which have
been genetically prototyped.  No one, not even the scientists who have
done this, are truly knowledgeable regarding what new cancers, mutations
and genetic diseases may develop as a result of this new technology! And
what is truly disturbing regarding this horrifying technology is that
the United States government agencies have been paid off by these large,
multi-national organizations to allow these new, potentially hazardous
living organisms to be marketed on our grocery store shelves, and we are
eating these experimental foods TODAY!

Now here is the real kicker! Since these foods are experimental, so they
can see what they will do to those who eat it over the next decade or
more, we are now lab rats... guinea pigs on a laboratory bench. And the
governments of the world are letting these scientists feed us these
untested foods because the corporations have cute little working
friendships with those in the highest seats of our government agencies.
As the old adage goes, "Money talks, bullpucky walks".  Politicians love
money, and the multi-billion dollar multi-national corporations who are
force-feeding all of us this experimental atrocity are giving
politicians however much money they desire, and even JOB OFFERS for when
the politicians leave their offices, and they are now puppets, and we
are the spectators. Basically, what it amounts to is that they don't
care how many people this new technology could strike down, make
extremely ill or kill. The main interest here is money, and as far as
they are concerned, that is all there truly is in life.

Whether many of you may not agree with this statement or not, it is
never-the-less true in all regards. The governments of the world and the
World Trade Organization have DECLARED BIO-WAR AGAINST THE WORLD
POPULATION!! Since they have taken the offensive against us by doing
chemical and biological experiments on us without giving us the benefit
of having genetically tampered food ingredients labeled so we have free
choice in what we eat, it is now up to all of us to educate the masses
as to what is happening without our knowledge.  And, we are not on the
defense.  If we don't act today, there will most certainly be a
terrifying global kill off, while government officers and biotech
corporations simply shrug their shoulders and say, "We thought it was
safe, and how could we know these new problems would occur? We are

It has been asked of our internet email list members to FORWARD this, as
well as the next several emails in this series to everyone they can
possibly get it out to. You may have received it from an aunt or an
uncle. You may have received it from a concerned and loving mother or
father. Your grandparents may have given it to you in a birthday card
(thank goodness you lived another year!!) Or, you may have received this
in an internet email box or other internet medium.  It doesn't matter
how you have gotten hold of this email, fellow brother or sister! What
does matter is that you realize WHO you are!

World Citizens Against Planetary Injustice (WCAPI) does have a central
office, and does accept donations for projects poised to fight
environmental, biological and toxicological injustices against the world
population at large. However, we are not promoting WCAPI as a central
non-governmental organization at this time, and we are NOT asking for
donations of any kind. We are asking you to take ACTION, and are making
you aware that if you are concerned and loving enough toward yourself
and your fellow humankind that you are willing to pass this on and to
take the ACTIONS we are forwarding, then you are very much, without any
doubt, a World Citizen Against Planetary Injustice!

You have all seen how effective the recent "Gas-Out" was in getting
millions to protest the high fuel and oil prices which are set by oil
companies within the United States! And all it started with was one
individual who had finally had enough and wrote an initial email which
he forwarded to all of his friends and relatives, and asked them to each
make it a point to get it out to as many others as possible.  Some
people simply forwarded the email to their friends on the internet, who
did the same, who did the same, and-so-on.  Some even printed it out and
photocopied it and passed it around by hand to others, asking them to
each make 10 copies and hand them out.  In turn, each of those 10 were
asked to do the same.  Before the media could catch on, and before oil
companies could do anything to stop it in time, the internet was on
FIRE, and there were already millions of people across the United States
who were well informed (just what governments DON'T want people to be),
and they had all made a pledge not to buy gasoline on a given day.

Since the millions of people all pledged to follow along in protest,
many gas companies literally lowered gas prices so as to take the heat
off of the situation, which goes to prove that gas prices were set to
make a tremendous profit because they were still able to lower prices
and remain in business.

WCAPI wishes to commend the gentleman who initiated the "Gas-Out"
program. All it took was ONE PERSON to get millions of others to do the
same. Good work chappy!!

In a way, my dear reader, the "Gas-Out" was just a test run on a long
and weary battlefield. But you know what? It made one HUGE difference,
and people stood up to take notice! All of us who took part in the
"Gas-Out" received truly amazing media coverage, and for good reason!
Who can ignore millions of people who are doing the same thing on the
same days?  No one can! WCAPI now asks for the process to be repeated,
only this time on a GLOBAL scale! What can work in the United States can
also work on a global basis.  If it weren't so, then the internet
wouldn't be called the "World Wide Web".  It is a proven fact that the
internet was originally started by the United States military, to serve
as a decentralized network which could survive a severe nuclear attack.
It was designed so that if one network node was destroyed, the
communications would be routed around the destroyed node and continue to
reach ALL of those which had not been destroyed.

Thanks to the United States military, the internet could very well be
the undoing of the global multi-national, super-rich biotech and
chemical companies who think that just because the U.S. Government has
made them feel invincible with laws being passed in their favor, they
can get away with MURDER. I feel it is time for all of us to give them a
lesson they will not soon forget.  Together, we CAN do it friends! It is

OUR money in our pockets they are after.  We must simply pick a few
weeks to deny them our money and to let them know what we are up to!!!
Another interesting fact about being a participant in this initiative is
that it CANNOT be stopped!  If millions of us pass this on almost
religiously, and see to it that others do the same, it is as a giant
boulder rolling down a mountain, picking up speed and NEVER being
stopped!  Let's DO IT my fellow consumers! Let's take our money away
from those who think they have to hide potentially deadly experiments
with our food!

If you have received this letter, and we sure hope that you did, you
should be aware that there are four other parts to it. IF you haven't
received the other four parts, please send an email, write or call the
person listed below and ask him/her to send you the other four
documents. You will NEED these! Here is a listing of those four
documents of planetary action:
Genie Out of the Bottle Initiative, Part I
Genie Out of the Bottle Initiative, Part II
Genie Out of the Bottle Initiative, Part III
WCAPI's Boycott the Genie Initiative

Below is the contact information of the person who has sent you this
documentation. If you are planning on printing or forwarding all of this
documentation, please ensure that you establish yourself as a LEADER and
edit below by inserting your personal contact information in place of
what is already there.  Thank you so very much for your time in helping
with this initiative. We assure you that by being an active participant
in this initiative, you are one of MILLIONS who are doing the same!
Governments and politicians work hard their whole lives to achieve
POWER.  But by taking part in this initiative, you have achieved in only
days what took a LIFETIME for those who use dishonest means to achieve
it. CONGRATULATIONS!  We are also currently establishing a website so
that all of you can see what a difference you are making, and we will
have a tally of just how many members are actively taking part in this
initiative to date!  It would mean so very much to us if you would
simply email us here at WCAPI and simply put the following in your
subject header: "Keeping the Genie In the Bottle" and email to:

You will be counted and placed on the Initiative Website!  IF you have
received this email as printed material, and want to stand up to be
counted, simply contact ANYONE who has internet access and send to the
above posted email address.

Thank you for your willingness to support this initiative!! EVERY
individual is absolutely important to this cause, don't fool yourselves!

We can't have millions of protestors if each one of those people said
"no, I'll let someone else do this, I don't have the time!"  You are
extremely important!  We all need you, and you need us! Thank you for
your help my fellow brother/sister... I consider your efforts as having
saved my life, and my efforts will save yours!

For a Greener, Safer and Productive Planet
Kurt D. Schanaman  Founder, World Citizens Against Planetary Injustice

As more and more people begin to starve to death around the world,
because of actions directly related to Washington, DC, perhaps more
Americans will begin to understand why judgement will come against them.

I urge you to pass this post on to others, as they may need to
understand what is going on.  We all have a moral obligation to help
understanding and knowledge spread across America.   "But if the
watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the
people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man
will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the  watchman
accountable for his blood."  Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance

I am now selling copies of the book “Strategic Withdrawal; the Peaceful
Solutions Manual.”  If you would like a copy of the paper “Strategic
Withdrawal in a Nutshell,” please E-mail me and request it at
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  In addition, various people around the country
are arranging Seminars for the author of this book.  If you are
interested in seeing a schedule of upcoming events, please let me know
and I will supply the information.  We will be holding a large Symposium
on Sovereignty and tax issues in June in Mexico.  Please ask for more
details if you are interested.

Is information in this post for real?  I assure you it is.  If you do
not understand, I suggest you begin reading the papers that I have
prepared for people just like you (no cost; no obligation).  There are
currently 18 papers in all and they cover health, cancer, nutrition, the
Constitution, citizenship, law, case law, nature, and many other
subjects.  Currently, there are at least 5 doctors, 2 lawyers, 1 judge
(that I know of), 3  college/university professors and many others
reading the information.  They read because they are learning; maybe you
should as well.  Your first paper will be about United States
citizenship, and what case law says about it. Case law from the Supreme
Court, for instance.  The second paper is on the Constitution.

To understand the world around you it is necessary to understand
Scripture, and one piece of information from Scripture is particularly
telling; “the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil.”  Not some evil;
not most evil; ALL evil.  Private courts the IRS uses are simply another
way to prey on the uninformed; please, do not stay uninformed.  Learn
what is really going on in America.  Learn why the United States
government (a corporation [in bankruptcy]) allows abuse of people like
the fraudulent IRS.  I will be sending other Posts I consider important;
please pass them on to those you consider in need of information.
Please pass them on unedited.  Please watch for them.  David

If you are interested, please E-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and let’s
get started!  And for those of you who have been reading and stopped for
some reason, any reason, please continue.  Believe me, the real
information begins after Part X!  There will be a total of 20 parts, and
those who are finishing are learning much more, and this learning is
changing how they look at the world around them, in some ways,
drastically.  God Bless, David

"Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump
up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if
nothing had happened." - Sir Winston Churchill

When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit
being mistaken or cease to be honest.

Lawyers: 99.9 percent of them give the rest of the profession a bad

I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislation.
You've got to work on his conscience.  And his lack of conscience is
what makes him a lawyer -- Will Rogers (1879-1935)

It can be said better: When do you know a lawyer is lying?  When his
mouth is open.

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