-Caveat Lector-

“Dear Fellow Americans,

 I have spent a great deal of time thinking about my 15 years with the
Air Force, and why I had so much conflict with military policy. By 1975,
it had utterly changed since my previous hitch during the Korean War.
And it has continued to change along with the rest of the country. At
first I was truly bewildered. I even thought that there was something
the matter with my thinking. I tried to adjust to this strange new way
of conducting  oneself in a military setting.
 Little did I know that the New World Order” had preceded me, that the
new rules of order now included such concepts as pro-choice, open
borders, non-discrimination, gay rights, anti-hand guns, welfare as
reparation for “400 years of anti-black discrimination,”
multiculturalism, diversity, feminism, and abortion on demand. It took
me a few years, actually to realize that the New World Order, a form of
left-liberal socialism, had taken over both the Army and the Air Force.
It seemed that the military had become a testing ground for a strange,
new, radical approach to the way things were to be done. There was, and
is a sort of inversion of traditional attitudes, with a radical
reduction in the perquisites of lower ranking officers with a weakening
of  their authority, and a strange perception that women and minorities
must be pampered and promoted regardless of proficiency.  The  changes
in the military were, in microcosm, A PARADIGM OF WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN
Machiavellian plan to subvert, confuse and soften the people for the
coming ‘coup de gras’ for world Fascism!
 I recall a significant discussion with a Brig. General in 1980 about
how the “elite” should really be running the world, and that since the
USA and Russia were getting more alike we would soon merge in a world
government. He managed to convey to me that I wasn’t one of them, I
guess because I was from an obscure western state, called “Idaho,” and
hadn’t gone to an Ivy League university, or to the “Point.” (I didn’t
bother to point out  that my own great, great grandfather had been the
Earl of Wiltshire.) The several  generals did tell me that the takeover
was going to happen soon, and now I see that some of them are in the
Council on Foreign Relations, a branch of the New World Order.
 A little background, now: Gradually, over the years, an intellectual
elite and their subsidized henchmen in our universities, with a long
range plan to enslave the middle class, have labored to instill the
ideas of moral relativism and cultural democracy in the minds of college
students at a stage in life when they are forming their ideology and are
at their most impressionable.
 In politics, the traditional concepts of constitutional law, natural
rights, and majority rule also were under heavy attack. The leftist
radicals of the 1960s had moved into the universities and were teaching
the same old “alternative world view” (socialism) that they now called
“cultural democracy.” Individual rights were contemptuously declared
“old fashioned.” The ultimate plan was to merge our government and our
military forces with the United Nations, since they insist that there is
no inherent right to self-government, or self-defense. (This could have
been great if the UN had a constitution like ours once was, but there
were no guarantees of human liberty whatsoever in the UN charter and its
 The cultural democrats taught us to burn the flag, to mock the hero’s
tomb, and to ignore the lessons of history. Educationists now almost
universally affirmed that the old values of individual liberty were
outmoded and were to be replaced by “rule by distinct peoples, cultural
blocs, and ethnic groups with their own world views, values, heritages,
and languages.” One heard the call for an end to nationhood, and for a
world socialist government under the control of the United Nations as
described by the American futurist, Alvin Toffler, the mentor of Speaker
of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich. The same messages  had
been repeated for more than twenty years by Zbigniew Brzeszinski, former
National Security Adviser under President Carter, and also by Nelson
Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and other Republican notables who were in
the position to formulate government policy, and most of whom were
vociferous in their call for a one world global egalitarianism. We would
evolve from “E Pluribus Unum” to diversity and disunity. And gradually,
the socialistic chains fell upon the shoulders of the people, stifling
private enterprise, and challenging the right to private property.
 It seemed clear now to me that they had been emphasizing the wrong
things. The attainment of a high civilization demands first, the
nurturing of the ideal type of citizen, and the provision of adequate
social mechanisms wherewith such a citizenry may control the economic
and political institutions of an advanced human society. The coddled
underclasses with their welfare, idleness, and crime, are the same
groups whom the cultural democrats have decided are better fit to govern
than “the huge white middle class that has always oppressed minorities!”
Of course, this was merely a deception, for when the republics fall, the
conspirators will seize power overtly, for power over people is what
they crave. The plan for a cashless society with a universal electronic
ID card (or implantation) will be a controlled and rationed society, a
society of serfs. The gullible underclasses will be again reduced to
serfdom and slavery, or killed, and the world will descend into another
thousand years of darkness.
 Yet, considering the reported increase in antiracial incidents--the
rise of racism, it seems to me a likely possibility that the New World
Order folks, who really run things, are using reverse psychology and
actually stirring up racial hatred.  Now, don't contradict me on this. I
have seen NWO plans to drastically reduce the numbers of Indians,
Mexicans, Blacks, Jews, and all Orientals. It will be recalled that
theIlluminist/Bavarian/Freemason/Bilderberger/Omega Agency is rooted in
fascist Nietschean/Hegelian philosophy. Their ideas of Aryan superiority
are definitely genocidal in many respects.
 Here are some examples. The Feds appear to be stupidly allowing a flood
of impoverished Mexicans to come across the southern border at an
incredible rate, and taking away jobs from regular Americans.
Incidentally, NAFTA  and GATT have greatly accelerated this process.
Many working Americans who face a loss of jobs are extremely angry. At
Whom? No, not the government...People are angry at the pathetically
impoverished Mexican who is merely trying to avert the starvation of his
family by slipping into the USA to find employment. Eventually it would
appear that there will be bloody race war.
 Many people are also angry at the Blacks. Why? Because "they riot" and
protest so often? (Incited by CIA operatives?) Because they seem to get
special treatment in the Affirmative Action programs? Because the street
gangs are being armed by our secret government with AK-47s from Red
China at our expense? Because they are allegedly costing taxpayers huge
amounts of  money in welfare payments, aid to single mothers, etc? It
can be shown that Federal programs have actually created many of these
problems, and then they are exacerbating the problems through more and
more socialistic welfare programs. Are we blaming the Feds for this? Not
according to the voters, who tend to retain incumbents....
 Then, again, the Native Americans are agitating for their rights, and
for the lands we stole from them, and for the treaties that have been
broken. By whom? The government, of course. But the American Indian now
hates white Americans as much as he did during the last century when we
were at each others' throats.. Nobody  puts the blame where it REALLY
belongs. More killing to come?
 Need I mention the recent scandals involving giving money, land and
military bases to the Red Chinese? Of illegal campaign contributions?
How about the secret drug programs--is the CIA shipping heroin into this
country from China? This could build anti-Chinese sentiments until the
people would demand  nuking them as a means of saving our hides. So all
sorts of federal policies have led to a great deal of racial animosity
against minorities!  I feel it was a part of the grand design.
 The same goes for the other Orientals. We are angry because of the
welfare given to noncitizen elderly, and the fact that their younger
people  work harder than the rest of us and are rapidly making a success
of being in business in the USA. The tongs, and the Oriental "Mafia"
groups are not exactly models of public relations, either. I think we
will turn ferociously upon China at an appropriate time.
 I could go on. The more I think about it, the more likely it seems to
me that all this has actually been a deliberate part of a long range
plan for ultimately JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE. I have seen suggestive evidence
that a massive program of racial genocide is secretly in the plan. I
suspect that after the power takeover is complete, certain “troublesome”
racial groups will be rounded up and enslaved, or exterminated.
 It has always been distinctly bothersome to me that the intellectuals
of the Left would predictably attempt to divide and conquer by the
promotion of class warfare, to set race against race, labor against
management, and class against class. In the early 1990s, racial strife
was worse than it had ever been, in spite of all the affirmative action
and equal opportunity programs. The communications media has endeavored
to promote class envy. “Tax the rich to help the poor.” Of course, the
rich are anyone who has a painted house, a well kept garden, and a clean
car. It is an historical fact that welfare promotes indolence, and
degradation of the self image, which leads to a downward spiral of
illegitimacy and crime. It exacerbates and ultimately worsens poverty,
and adds more and more people to the welfare roles. Hence, the more
welfare, the more controls, and the more tyranny and loss of liberty. It
would seem all too likely that the real agenda of the socialist left is
to promote chaos, rather than to alleviate suffering, thus to bring
about more power over the people. Longfellow described it well when he
said, “Far better envy, that disease of republics, than the fear that
reigns with tyrants.”
 Very few liberals and other leftists have understood the suffering and
privation that our parents and grandparents had endured. Many of them
had been recent immigrants from foreign shores where human rights were
few. Perhaps, twenty million had originally come to America from
oppression and tyranny prior to World War I, where they had understood
that if one worked hard, he was allowed to keep the fruits of his labor
and was reasonably free from the trammeling and oppressive taxation of
government. Unlike our modern liberal compatriots, at that time our
forebears understood the blessings of liberty, despite the low wages and
the lack of central heat, electricity, and indoor plumbing that their
sons took for granted. They had suffered through several economic
depressions, and two bloody world wars, in which millions upon millions
were killed. Their medical care had been primitive, and many had lived
their lives on the edges of starvation. They wanted all of the best,
when it was finally available, for their sons and daughters and the
grandchildren. Most of all, they just wanted freedom and prosperity for
their progeny.
 It was strange that the generation born after World War II, as the
recipients of many of the rewards of the great suffering of our
forebears, had been the ones who had contemptuously rebelled in the
sixties against “materialism,” the pursuit of wealth, and then, after
the days of free love and experimentation with drugs began to die away,
and the hedonism and promiscuity had begun to wane, our children  became
even worse than their parents had been in the race to gain wealth. Our
younger friends all wanted to be very, very rich. They craved luxury,
and thrills, and fun of every sort. This was supposed to be the
“American dream,” to have the biggest house and the most expensive car
on the block, and to take the most deluxe vacations. They would pile
into their 4X4s, their suburban wagons, and their boats in a frenzy of
dream seeking, in a mad, relentless, search for thrills, and “fun.”
 Of course, in  this generation that everyone called “the baby boomers,”
it was thought  that they had rejected and improved upon many of the
“old-fashioned” ways of looking at our societal milieu.
 It seemed  ironic that now that many of the radicals of the fifties and
sixties have flocked to the universities, and began a clarion call for
“cultural democracy,” with the “rights of distinct peoples, ethnic
groups, and cultural blocs. In their ignorance, they rejected the very
things that made America great and good. They were certain that all
races were totally equal, and that any sort of discrimination was wrong.
They decided that socialism was the real key to equality and happiness.
They (and “we”) forgot that minimal government had always been the key
to greatness of a people, and that unbridled federal power, with its
inevitable harassment, was the road to serfdom. We wanted government to
curb land use, and to “save” the environment. We forgot that the basis
for prosperity was hard work, frugality, unselfishness, and righteous
living. We forgot that free men must have the primary stewardship over
the land and the natural resources of a nation. We forgot that when a
government is given the power to care for all the people, it also
automatically has the power to own and control all the people, and to
confiscate their wealth at will. Americans began to set aside the great
wisdom and common sense of our less well-educated old ones, and began to
neglect them. We knew nothing of the fact that they had worked away
their very lives and hearts for our benefit. And we often broke those
valiant  hearts by depriving them of the love, understanding, respect
and care that they so richly deserved in their declining years, allowing
them to be much alone, and without the emotional support they so
desperately needed.
 I remember many of our pink--cheeked, pudgy professors, none of whom
had ever held a shovel in their soft, womanish hands, shouting in their
auditoriums for an end to majority rule that “has always oppressed
minorities.” These subversives were the philosophical descendants of the
wealthy robber barons of the early part of the twentieth century who had
robbed that poor in order to become rich; who, in their inherited guilt
over unearned riches, and in their Olympian wisdom, decided that
collectivism and socialism were the great solution to our problems. On
the other hand, evidently they felt that their inherited wealth had
conferred genetic superiority, so that they should have a mandate to
lead the ignorant masses out of a disordered freedom to a better way of
life in collectivism. Meanwhile they ridiculed the work ethic. They had
never learned that a people, a nation must be free in order to be
strong. These short sighted, radical dicta have deeply affected the
mindset of several generations.
 With the radicals as their  closest allies, the Globalist’s insidious
approach had been to create widespread confusion by teaching the
subversion of traditional virtues and setting the younger people against
their relatives and friends. In our universities, impressionable
students had long been taught the insidious dicta of moral relativism
and cultural democracy, “That truth is whatever myth you choose to
believe. We should all do whatever feels good. Everything is relative.
There are only shades of gray and there are no absolutes. One can’t
accurately adjudicate what is right, therefore, openness is really the
only necessary virtue. Religion is merely a philosophical opinion. There
is no such thing as faith. It is evil to make value judgments.
Alternative lifestyles are simply a matter of choice and all are equally
acceptable. Whatever you feel like doing is fine.  God is merely a
benign force in the universe, ( if He exists at all ). Jesus was just
one more interesting philosopher and teacher, along with Buddha,
Mohammed, and Gandhi.”
 Those of us, now so perilously few, who can  remember that earlier
world with perspicacious clarity, may recall the malignant trends that
burst upon us in those harrowing days. The constitutional liberties of
the productive citizen were gradually usurped by a predatory government,
as it seemed expedient. The idealist was commonly found rotting in
prison, while criminals and wealthy drug distributors ruled in the
marbled towers of government. Men began to mistrust one another and to
view, with justified suspicion, the playing fields of commerce, while
frivolous lawsuits abounded, clogging our judicial system. We began to
witness the rioting and plundering of our cities. The hospital emergency
rooms  began to be overwhelmed with multiple trauma, quivering hearts,
and drug-stunned brains. The impotence of law enforcement agencies to
quell the depredations of the seething mobs who imperiled us in the
streets of our cities and even in our homes, was soon obvious. The
beginnings of terrorism enhanced the agenda of those who wished to
control all of the people. The highly touted anti-terrorist legislation,
supposedly aimed at curbing terrorists, brought the federalization of
the police forces, and drastically reduced the constitutional
protections of the private citizen. But a pitifully few of us  foretold
the inevitable economic collapse in the, that will lead to anarchy and
chaos across the world! Naturally, UN forces will eventually be  brought
in to quell the inevitable insurrections!  This, of course, shall be
the big chance, cleverly  contrived,  to clamp down upon us the
viciously totalitarian “New World Order.”  Thus, America is “pimping for
the Whore of Babylon.”
 The challenge to traditional liberal democracy, equality of individual
citizenship, freedom of expression, and a private sector free of
political interference has been even  more direct than the challenge to
popular sovereignty (majority rule). The multiculturalists have
carefully avoided any legislative approach to further their agenda.
Instead, they have worked very effectively through the federal court
system, and the entrenched bureaucracies, who have long held the opinion
that the people are too damn lazy and stupid to control their own
 The multileveled attack on private business and property rights is a
prelude to a totalitarian global government in which all citizens would
be dispossessed of money and property, and would forever be prevented
from controlling their own destiny. Thus, the World Federalists and the
multiculturalists have been very successful in sidestepping the
legislative branch of government, and the restraints of the majority,
the will of the people! The legal foundation for these moves were quite
tenuous, but this didn’t seem to effectively deter them. Such social
engineering inevitably weakened liberty. The federal courts
deconstructed our republic though judicial usurpations. It came to be
quite obvious that the essence of cultural democracy is ultimately
 It should have been obvious to all that America became great because,
for the first time in history, men were actually free to develop their
talents and to pursue their own destinies without the intrusion and
harassment of the State. The momentum of the federal takeover of every
aspect of our lives finally increased  to the point of awakening the
common man from his many years of complacent slumber. By the time people
in all walks of life and in every endeavor finally came to realize, with
trepidation, that their liberties were rapidly disappearing, great
changes had already been wrought by the large administrative and
judicial apparatus that was able to reinterpret or ignore the law with
impunity. Popular opinion became increasingly alarmed at the inability
of the local police to enforce laws that were still presumed to be in
effect. It was increasingly clear that the arbitrary weakening and fiat
reinterpretation of our constitutional law, that was designed to protect
the people from government tyranny and to insure the safety of our
families in their homes and in the streets, should have been viewed as
 But who could have dreamed that the decline in public morality, and the
materialism of the American people would have finally brought  this
tyranny down upon us? America had been the only hope of a world that had
been steeped in iniquity for thousands of years! The decline of our
republic, the undoing of our founding fathers great accomplishments, the
return of tyranny over the citizens of Earth, along with the loss of
reverence for traditional values, had finally led the people into
believing the deceptions of the Globalists, and to embrace a NEW WORLD
ORDER. This conspiracy has changed our whole way of life, and has
perverted the military to become a welfare state in microcosm. The
changes wrought by “diversity, feminism, egalitarianism, and affirmative
action have changed the purpose and the goals of military thinking. It
has also greatly weakened the ability to defend our traditional beliefs
in liberty, and the concept of a representative Republic in which the
individual is sovereign and the states, under the 10th amendment, should
possess all the powers not delegated to the federal government under the
mandates of the Constitution.
 Perhaps it is now easier to comprehend why we had no true defense
posture in Europe, why there was no true provision for evacuation of
civilian dependents, why we had medical equipment only for treatment of
people in peace time, and why we had very little in the way of
preparation for treatment of war casualties.  I was stunned to find that
Russian Generals were allowed to visit areas on base that I was
forbidden to see. At first, I could not understand why we had no
air-rescue helicopters, no blood or plasma source in case of war, and
only sufficient IV fluids for a few days. There was absolutely no
possible way to evacuate the civilian dependent wives and children in
case of war. The only reason they were allowed to stay was that our
leaders had told the Russians that if they harmed our kids we would nuke
their cities. Our wives and children were hostages to the secret
 It had been the habit of the previous Hospital Commander to “simulate”
medical readiness for war. We always had to rely on Landstuhl Army
Hospital for definitive care.  The problem was that air evacuation was
essentially unavailable, and ground ambulances would necessarily take
most of a day to reach Landstuhl! This presented insurmountable problems
in an emergent situation. Thus the Air Force had little capability to
care for the wounded or the desperately ill..
 As you know, it was already the plan even in the 1970s to merge with
Russia and form a New World Order. They were our secret “allies” even
then! When I became commander at Bitburg hospital, West Germany, I soon
wrote a letter about this situation to the AF Surgeon General, and was
reprimanded because of it. From then on it was all downhill. I had
penetrated several levels of the grand deception, and it was time to
discredit and destroy me.#
  We now  have more than a hundred thousand UN troops actually within
North America, at places like Fort Dix, Fort Jacobs, Ft Huachuca, the
Hawaiian Islands, and most of the allegedly “closed airbases and army
posts” in the country. Holloman AFB has a fighter squadron of Luftwaffe.
The Presidio in San Francisco has Russian troops and is Gorbachev’s
headquarters. Hawaii has over a hundred thousand Ghurkas and other
foreign troops. Alaska is alleged to be hiding several Russian bases.
Why are they here? Why has China been given bases in the US and Panama?
My friends, it is all a part of the plan for reducing America to a
vassal state as a part of the process en route to total global
governance. But, alas, Americans have forgotten God and His
commandments; We cannot worship both God and Mammon.   I submit to you
that a just God does not further obligate the once free citizens of this
country to support and pay the insupportable burden of taxes, not only
to the federal usurpers and their bureaucratic henchmen, but also to the
United Nations, which will be the nucleus of the tyrannical Globalist
hegemony.  We already  stagger under this oppressive yoke. We have come
to  live in terror of the IRS, the BATF, the DEA, the DOE, and the FBI.
We begin to know the nameless dread of the soon to be forthcoming march
of black-uniformed, jack-booted  marshals and the blue-bereted United
Nations troops, who will seize our guns, despoil our property, and rape
our wives and daughters, and deliver us to the New World Order in which
men will have no voice in their own government....

  History repeats itself. The following quote is from ‘Gurudas’ RECENT
“In recent months many people have expressed concern about the growing
influence of Red China in the US.  Red China is increasingly energized
economically and continues to expand its military. Former White House
aide, George Stephanopoulos said March 16, 1997 on “ABC This Week” that
the administration support of China "reflected the influence of the
Council on Foreign Relations(CFR)." Red China has always been part of
the New World Order, although at a more peripheral level. As the New
York Times said in February, 1972, in conjunction with Nixon's opening
to Red China, Nixon was "merely reiterating the belief he brought to
China that both nations share an interest in peace and building a new
world order."
      “China is building a large facility, including an ammunition plant
Adelanto, California to distribute its products, with 1,000 Chinese
workers expected to move in. There are plans to build similar facilities
in Charleston, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and
Louisiana. US tax payers are subsidizing a $138 million loan guarantee
to build ships for the China Ocean Shipping Co.(COSCO) in Alabama. This
company is owned and controlled by the Chinese military. In addition,
Panama recently agreed to lease the port on each end of the Panama Canal
to a COSCO subsidiary, Hutchinson Corporation. According to the March
29, 1997 Charleston Daily Mail, "Panama peremptorily closed the bidding,
secretly changed the rules, and simply awarded the contract to
Hutchinson before the American or other firms could even know what was
happening." Documents show that at least 3 more lucrative deals offered
by US companies were rejected. Obviously Panama would not have done this
without US urging.
       “Rep. Traficant complained in Congress that Red China is now
going to
manufacture boots for the US Army. On April 1, 1997 the AP said that
the first time since the 1950s, Chinese ships can now dock near US
military installations with only a day's notice. And there are plans to
bring Chinese troops to the US for training exercises. Yet currently,
450 Chinese businesses are under federal investigation for espionage,
and China continues to be attacked in the press for illegal campaign
contributions to the Democratic/Republican Party.
      “COSCO has been attempting, with White House support, to lease the

closed naval facility in Long Beach. Under the agreement US Customs
could only inspect one in 8 COSCO ships, so it will be impossible to
prevent illegal drugs and weapons from entering the US   Strategic
Investments (May, 1997) said the Chinese military has agreed to
distribute opium/heroin for Burma. Last year US Customs in Oakland
seized 2,000 AK-47s delivered on a COSCO ship. According to federal
documents, these weapons were going to street gangs in southern
California. Wang Jun, chairman of Polytech, the manufacturer of these
weapons, attended a White House function in February, 1996. On April 14,
1997, the AP said  that two truckloads of illegal Chinese arms bound
for  Mexico were found in a San Diego warehouse. According to the
evidence there were four other truckloads of arms from China.
      “Why is Red China interested in arming American street gangs with
thousands of weapons? There have been numerous reports that street
gangs are being recruited to be used as shock troops by the government
a national emergency, partly to disarm the public and to make arrests.
June, 1996, the Justice Department said it was going to hold a
conference with gang leaders to discuss common problems. The White House
on May 13, 1996 said there were 16,000 gangs with 500,000 members. The
San Jose
Mercury News last year explained how the Contras supplied illegal drugs
to the Crips and Bloods in L.A., apparently with CIA knowledge. These
two gangs have now spread throughout the country. CIA involvement in
smuggling illegal drugs into the US has been documented for decades
by numerous sources. As the Nazis did in Germany before they took
control, the ruling elite support street gangs so they can be used to
terrorize the people.”

Clinton's New Federal Land Use Scheme Bypasses Congress

I know that the Man and Biosphere plan, the  latest "Federal Land Use
Scheme" called AMERICAN HERITAGE RIVERS  is tied to the "Law of the Seas
Treaty" and is coming up for ratification very soon on August 20th. The
Treaty will affect * ALL * waterways: estuaries, tributaries,  ponds,
rivers, lakes, dams, and you name it, not only in the United States, but
in every single nation. Under the old socialist LIE of "safer and
cleaner" waters, the Treaty will effectively curtail or completely
prohibit the use of waterways for dwellings, farming, fishing, boating,
grazing, and hunting, etc.  The Federal Land Use Scheme below will ALSO
severely curtail or prohibit farming, industrial and other uses in and
around the corridors of all "private" lands, where the "forbidden"
waterways exist. Many areas including Bonneville county  (my residence)
are entirely set aside as a “minimal or no human use” biosphere, as the
watershed of Snake River and its tributaries.

SELF DETERMINATION.  This is nothing more than total Orwellian control.
Is this to be the fate of the good people of America to lose  their
land, that past generations worked so hard to provide for their
In an end run around Congress, President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore
and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) unleashed a plan in the
Federal Register May 21, to create the American Heritage Rivers
Initiative by presidential proclamation. Since Clinton's announcement in
his State of the Union  Address that he will designate 10 rivers this
year, the CEQ and 13 Federal Agencies have hammered out a  new federal
land use scheme under the guise of "restoring and protecting America's
Rivers." In an unusual move, they have only allowed a two week window
(due by June 9) for public comment, effectively  curtailing public input
and criticism. (After a public outcry, the deadline was extended for 60
days, ending Aug. 20th). This plan has been skillfully constructed to
appear as another good deed to “save the environment,” however the
implementation of this program will place an unprecedented federal
stranglehold on property owners. Many family farms will be forcibly
vacated and the owners relocated. But the majority of our citizens still
do not see through all the lies and the trickery. They still don’t get
As a result,  Americans will soon find themselves  on the razor’s edge
of  total disaster...


* * The initiative proposes to control rivers for "natural, historic,
cultural, social, economic and ecological diversity."
 * * Encourages cooperation and approval by local  governments with the
lure of major federal grants.
 * * Nominations of rivers can come from any source in  or outside a
"river community" including private citizens, educational and arts
organizations, environmental organizations.
  * * Designation of a river will be permanent and can include the
entire watershed, including all tributaries that come off private
property. The Federal Agencies will  usurp the authority to forcibly
remove  property owners from their land, and relocate them.
   * * 13 Federal Agencies will be involved in the planning,
implementation, management and enforcement  of the Heritage Rivers
   * * Together with the agencies, a federally appointed  "River
Navigator" will control all land use and management activities within
the designated area.
   * * The federal agencies will be granted "flexibility from certain
bureaucratic requirements," effectively allowing them to create special
privileges for themselves while those affected must abide by their
rules. This land grab will include more than 50% of America.
    * * Aerial photography and satellite surveillance will be used to
police and expand the program.
    * * Finally, only the president has final approval of  the
 The Clinton gang is doing the bidding of the Globalists, and they are
       I love my country and its people. I continue to revere and obey
the God-inspired Constitution of the Republic. But, when the government
has become the master of the people, when the government has become the
enemy of the people, and when it becomes the owner and controller of the
people, it is then incumbent upon all good citizens  to rouse themselves
from apathy, to eschew cowardice, to rally to the defense of liberty for
the sake of future generations, and once again to throw off the yoke of
tyranny! Failure to do so would be a betrayal of God and man, for it
would constitute an acquiescence to the permanent enslavement of
ourselves and our posterity. I do not wish to see my people and my
country enslaved, punished, and destroyed for lack of knowledge. We must
keep the moral highground. We must never surrender our weapons. We must
fully understand and defeat the deceptive methods of the adversary, and
we must accept no substitute for victory!

God help us to  comprehend. God grant us courage, and God  give us
strength and the indomitable will to save our Republic! I humbly pray in
the name of Jesus Christ...

Colonel (Dr.) Byron Weeks

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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