-Caveat Lector-

The lady was about 50 years old, not pregnant, and it was at Ramstein, not


Colleen Jones wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> I was raised around a lot of military people, Colonels, Navy
> Captains....sat in garden parties with General Edwin Booth who was head
> of the Task Force - and met a General Robert E. Lee, once the USAF most
> valuable man, until he got into trouble in Germany.....Life Magazine had
> done a tremendous story on him...he used to stay at my sister and
> brother-in-law's house....suddenly, a nervous breakdown and my sister
> then went to England where Phil set up Missile Bases, BMEWS - was Thor
> Chief.
> We had two doctors in the family - I had he privilege to work with an
> MI6 agent for 12 years - but I am or was then, just a researcher who
> also was involved with the Assassination Committee headed up by Bud
> Fensterwald.
> I simply said the one letter that this Bryan Weeks, M.D., Col., Ret.
> Resv. did not sound like what he claims to be....I know in Germany a lot
> of troops were brainwashed by General Walker, who hwas having a
> breakdown and did General Lee.....
> His reaction to having to wheel a General's wife at Andrews AFB (now I
> knew the CAPTAIN, NAVY CAPTAIN) at Andrews at one time....and no officer
> or a gentleman, would resent rolling a pregnant woman into a
> hospital...in fact, in some cases this was mandatory....only a hospital
> aide with no manners, would complain of something like this.
> So the Doctor just hated to roll around a pregnant woman....he referred
> to me as "mommy", and on the other hand, seems to be hawking some snake
> oil type medicines for cancer, that according to the Mayo Cliniic, where
> years ago I had a cousin, Dr. Robert Rang, a neurosurgeon, on staff, who
> also was in what today they would call a Mash Unit during
> WWII.....famous for his work duirng the War......doctors do not push
> pregnant women around.
> Yet, Mr. Weeks seems to respect his mother so much, on one hand, yet on
> the other, is about the most obnoxious ungentlemanly individual, I have
> ever read about on this list.
> So he did not like pushing the "mommy" to be around; well, I sat on
> bases where my brotherinlaw was always the CO; he, was a
> gentleman....and an honorable man.....yet, I never saw Colonels pushing
> around pregnant women, other than their own wives - only aides did that
> type of work.
> I do not believe that Bryan Weeks is a doctor (M.D.) or a Colonel....if
> he is, he's not only a quack, but should have been busted.
> Colleen
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> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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