-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 4:28 AM
Subject: NYT "confirmation"

Mr. Miller:

I only last night discovered your organization via your
post "Pax Germanica & U.S. of Europe -- or a New World
Order," etc., which I found quite fascinating. Remarkably,
this morning's New York Times carries the following analysis;
as you might imagine, the first paragraph had a stunning
impact on the heels of your piece.

Thank you for the thoughtful work.


The New York Times
June 15, 1999

Uncomfortable With Dependence on U.S., Europe
Aims for New Parity


BERLIN -- The Kosovo war has brought
radical changes to the European
continent, thrusting Germany into a leading
military role not seen since 1945,
galvanizing attempts to forge a common
European defense policy and altering Europe's
relationship with the United States.

Of course, with Russian stability still
deeply uncertain, and the abrupt movements of
Russian troops in Kosovo suggesting that
Moscow's military may be restive, Europeans
remain wary of any "decoupling" from
Washington. But the desire to maintain
trans-Atlantic ties is now accompanied by a
push to balance them in a new way.

Gerhard Schröder, now often called the
Kriegskanzler, or War Chancellor, has found
himself steering a coalition made up largely
of former pacifists toward involvement in a
war that has ended with the planned
deployment of 8,000 German troops in Kosovo,
the largest contingent after Britain.

"Germany has become a normal country in
military terms, and that is a critical change
for Europe," said Jonathan Eyal, a British
defense analyst. "The change is timely
because the war has shown how much Europe
needs to do to catch up with the United
States in defense terms."

Until the Kosovo war began, the European
Union remained obsessed with the creation of
a common currency, the euro. Efforts to
develop shared European defense and security
policies were largely stalled.

But an 11-week NATO bombardment of Kosovo
that was dominated by the United States
appears to have changed things. Europe's need
for new military technologies like
laser-guided bombs was clear, as were its
dependence on the United States for strategic
reconnaissance and its lack of aircraft.

As a result, a debate that had been confined
to a few foreign policy and military experts
about Europe's growing dependence on the
United States and its failure to keep up with
new technologies has become a subject of wide
public discussion. The decisions Europeans
will make are not yet clear, but they know
they have to make some.

"Kosovo has been a watershed in so many
ways," said Karl Kaiser, a German foreign
policy expert. "For Germany, it has
represented a coming of age. For Europe, it
has brought a crushing realization of the
asymmetry of military power between it and
the United States, and the need to do
something about that."

Already, Europeans have shown that they
intend to be in the fore of the Kosovo
deployment. Troops from the four major
European Union countries -- Britain, France,
Germany and Italy -- will total about 33,000,
outnumbering the planned American unit of
7,000 troops by almost 5 to 1.

The British commitment of 13,000 troops
reflects Prime Minister Tony Blair's
determination to give his countrya leading
role in the development of European defense.
This makes him critically different from
former leaders, who saw such a policy as a
betrayal of the Atlantic alliance.

The Germans have clearly moved from a
peripheral role in Bosnia -- where far fewer
troops were deployed, and those only after a
heated national debate -- to a central one in
Kosovo that was quickly approved last week by
Parliament. The ghosts of Nazi horrors in the
Balkans, so present at the time of the
Bosnian discussions, have faded.

But on Sunday there was evidence of tensions
surrounding the German deployment. A German
military spokesman said German NATO troops in
Prizren shot and killed two Serbs.

In another episode about 25 miles south of
Pristina, two German journalists from the
weekly newsmagazine Stern were shot and
killed by unidentified men.

The large European deployment reflects both
the Pentagon's enduring hesitations about
ground troops and Europe's emerging desire to
prove itself after its failure in Bosnia and
the American domination of the air campaign
over Kosovo.

"Our vision of a multipolar world is being
reinforced," Jacques Chirac, the French
President, said of the Kosovo deployment,
picking up an old French theme stressing the
need to counter American "hegemony."

Europe can point to a real role in ending the
Kosovo war: its envoy, President Martti
Ahtisaari of Finland, brought home the peace
agreement from Belgrade. At the same time,
Europe at last merged its redundant defense
body, the Western European Union, with the
European Union itself and appointed the NATO
Secretary General, Javier Solana, as its
first high representative for foreign and
defense policy.

But, as Eyal, the British defense analyst,
remarked, "These changes, for the moment, are
largely symbolic ones, and all the difficult
decisions lie ahead for a continent still
massively dependent on the United States for
the military power that was decisive in

Those difficult decisions include increasing
defense spending. The United States spends
about 3.2 percent of its total output of
goods and services on defense, compared with
an average of about 2.1 percent in Europe.

Such increases are sure to meet strong
domestic resistance in many European states,
where important bodies of left-of-center
opinion suspect NATO's reinvention of itself
as an agent of humanism. They see it as
merely a way to reinforce defense industries
and spread American capitalism behind a mask
of benevolent concern for human rights.

Constraints on European budget deficits
imposed when the euro was created will also
hamper increased defense spending.

"Kosovo has made it clear that a complete
restructuring of European armed forces is
needed," said Kaiser, the German analyst.
"The notion that everyone does and repeats
the same thing has become absurd. There has
to be a new division of labor, new synergies,
new European thinking, but politically it
will not be easy."

Still, for perhaps the first time since the
end of World War II, Europeans seem aware
that they cannot eternally remain the
security orphans of 1945 or depend
overwhelmingly on the United States, which is
deeply reluctant to deploy ground troops in

Europeans have also realized, more fully even
than over Bosnia, that conflict on the
continent did not end with the cold war's
conclusion, but merely shifted to the

"There is no military exit strategy from the
region," said Carl Bildt, the United Nations
Kosovo mediator. "An international military
presence to guarantee peace in the Balkans
must be seen in the coming decades as
something as natural as it was to have troops
in divided Germany during the cold war

Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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