-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990617c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No envenomed reptiles were utilized during production of this bulletin.
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# BRAIN SURGERY SANS SCALPEL. New imaging technology and gamma-radiation
  treatments could make the surgical skull saw as obsolete as leeches.

# Why size mattered for Einstein. (BBC) The secret of Einstein's immense
  intellect may finally have been found - his brain was wider than average.

: Would you have liked to have operated on Einstein's brain? Would you use a
scalpel, laser, raygun? Why are they squelching news of his alien implant?
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@ THE ORGANIZATION PLAN. "One can still ask, all other things being equal,
or else in the long run, or else on the average, what form of organization
of human groups is best? ...I propose to try to learn from human history.
Human history over the last 13,000 years comprises tens of thousands of dif-
ferent experiments. Each human society represents a different natural exper-
iment in organizing human groups. Human societies have been organized very
differently, and the outcomes have been very different. Some societies have
been much more productive and innovative than others. What can we learn from
these natural experiments of history that will help us all get rich? I prop-
ose to go over two batches of natural experiments that will give you ins-
ights into how to get rich." www.feedmag.com/essay/es227_master.html?alert

: Would you rather be judged for success on your wealth, power, technology,
lack of alien interventions, spiritual achievements, sex appeal, meanness?
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# US House OKs posting of Ten Commandments. WASHINGTON (AP) Congress, trying
  to deter juvenile crime, voted to permit display of the Ten Commandments
  in schools as lawmakers headed toward a showdown on gun control. One law-
  maker, Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., said recently that if the Ten Commandments
  had been posted at Columbine High School, the April 20 massacre there
  would never have happened. The amendment's sponsor didn't go that far.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559972451-987

: Is Barr a moron? If politicos can lie, steal, adulterize, kill, why can't
kids? Do your belief system's rules affect your behavior? Always? Are alien
implants or HAARP more effective than the various versions of commandments?
Do you prefer Jewish, Christian, Protestant, Adventist, Discordian versions?
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# Free To Duel, Drink, Beg & Blaspheme. ROME (Reuters) Italians are finally
  free to duel, insult the flag, get drunk or beg nastily without fear of
  criminal conviction. The parliament of this bureaucratic Roman Catholic
  country passed a law decriminalizing some 100 minor offenses, including
  blasphemy and insulting a public official. Drunkenness and "insulting
  behaviour" toward the deceased are no longer crimes, while offering to
  ghost-write a student's thesis and "incitement to libertinism" no longer
  carry prison terms. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990617/10/odd-crimes

: Does your belief system ban these behaviours? Do you follow the rules? Do
you pay more attention to secular, holy or moral laws? What do the voices in
your head tell you? Are they louder when you're drunk? What public official
will you insult, now that it's no longer illegal? Will you duel, beg, fart?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Bigfoot Community Living In Ohio Forest, Say Locals. "I have seen the
  creature nine times," Gilbert said. "I have been in situations that have
  nearly scared me to death." http://www.jeffrense.com/ufo4/bigfootcom.htm

# Dead-Looking Snakes Can Strike Back. BOSTON (Reuters) - Rattlesnakes can
  take revenge on those who attack'em even if their heads have been chopped
  off and they appear to be dead. www.jeffrense.com/ufo4/snakeback.htm

: Would you rather deal with a live Yeti or a dead rattlesnake? Do rattlers
or bigfeet live in your community? Which're more bothersome? Are you biased?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Protestants arrested in Mexico. SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico (AP) -
  13 Protestants who angered residents of an Indian village in south Mexico
  by trying to build a new church have been arrested. The arrests were yet
  another episode in a long history of religious conflict in the Chiapas
  region. Many residents see their unique mixture of Catholicism and
  traditional Maya Indian beliefs as crucial to cultural survival. See

: Does your belief system promote cultural genocide? Which cultures would
you like to destroy? Do you need help from Reptoids, Bilderbergers, CIA, me?
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@ Reassessment of ice-age cooling of the tropical ocean and atmosphere:
@ Identification of two sources of carbon monoxide in  comet Hale-Bopp:
@ Comet Lee and it's possible effects on the Earth later this year:

@ About "The Vitality of Mythical Numbers" and
  "Truth Almost Extinct in Tales of Imperiled Species":
@ "Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events":
@ An Observation of the Famous Marfa Lights:
@ "The Marfa Lights" and "The Mind Game":

# Serb 'torture chamber' found at a police headquarters in Pristina:
# Child welfare treaty agreed - bans child labour, slavery, trafficking:
# Coca-Cola 'regrets' contamination - promises to never ever do it again:
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  "It all began on a melancholy Monday, a day overshadowed by a dark, dire
  nimbostratus which hung over the city of Blatant Hustings like crepe over
  a bier, while, below, people drifted between the modern-day, glass-shot
  concrete obelisks of the metropolis like ghosts flitting amidst the pocked
  tombstones of a necropolis, their vulcanized cerecloths flapping in the
  mephitic urban wind, the living unconsciously playing out the roles which
  we, mortals that we be, must all one day assume in earnest." -Eugene Jones

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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