-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.25/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Laissez FaireCity Times
June 21, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 25
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Echelon--Rights Violation in the Information Age

by Don Lobo Tiggre

The spooks call it "signals intelligence", or SIGINT, in spook-speak.
Now that the cold war is over, covert agencies around the world are
increasingly turning their SIGINT assets, most notably a vast global
electronic spy system known as ECHELON, against civilian targets. It’s
enough to give any decent rights-respecting individual nightmares.

What is Echelon? It’s a highly automated computer system for
intercepting and sorting through electronic communications for key
words, numbers, and phrases. This includes voice telephone calls, faxes,
e-mail, and other broadcast and wire-borne signals—up to two million
calls intercepted per hour, according to one source. The system uses
"dictionary" computers to search intercepted communications for
information specified by member SIGINT agencies and sends copies of
flagged messages back to those agencies. This is accomplished by means
of satellite tracking and surveillance ground stations, underwater cable
monitoring pods, and internet taps, among other means.

The U.S. government has yet to admit that "Echelon" even exists, but the
evidence has been around for years. The European Parliament's Science
and Technology Options Assessment Panel (STOA) accepted a report last
month, entitled Interception Capabilities 2000 (a copy of which can be
found at http://www.aci.net/kalliste/echelon/ic2000.htm), on the
so-called UKUSA SIGINT alliance and the Echelon system. This is just the
most official of a rash of exposés that have been published over the
last decade, though the UKUSA alliance goes back to World War II and
early elements of Echelon itself are said to be 20 or more years old.

The UKUSA alliance principals are reported to be the National Security
Agency (NSA) in the U.S., the Government Communications Headquarters
(GCHQ) in Britain, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) in
Canada, the Defense Signals Directorate (DSD) in Australia, and the
Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) in New Zealand.

The main reason the UKUSA alliance and the Echelon system are getting
mainstream press appears to be economic insecurity on the part of
members of the European Union. EU countries are concerned, Britain’s
membership in the alliance notwithstanding, that the system is being
used to conduct industrial espionage and otherwise thwart their economic
interests—hence their commissioning of the Interception Capabilities
2000 report.

Are You a Target?

Jim Bronskill of The Ottawa Citizen, quotes from the the Interception
Capabilities 2000 report that: "There is wide-ranging evidence
indicating that major governments are routinely utilizing communications
intelligence to provide commercial advantage to companies and trade."
Bronskill goes on to say:

"The findings come as no surprise to Fred Stock, who says he was forced
out of CSE [Communications Security Establishment] in 1993 after
objecting to the agency's new emphasis on economic intelligence and
civilian targets. Mr. Stock, who worked in CSE's Communications Centre
in Ottawa, recalls incoming message traffic on dealings with Mexico,
France, Germany, Japan and South Korea. The intercepted information
covered negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement, Chinese
grain purchases, French arms sales and Canada's boundary dispute with
France over the islands of St-Pierre-Miquelon off Newfoundland's south
coast. ‘To me, we shouldn't have been doing that.’ Mr. Stock also
maintains the agency routinely received intelligence about environmental
protest actions mounted by Greenpeace vessels on the high seas. Other
former CSE employees have told similar stories of economic and political

Now that the word is out, many people are becoming concerned about the
implications of Echelon for civil liberties. Particularly of concern to
peaceful activist groups are comments like Mr. Stock’s about the
monitoring of Greenpeace. (You may not care for Greenpeace, but your
group may be next.) The Interception Capabilities 2000 report casts
doubt on the ability of the system to actually monitor the majority of
calls worldwide, as it was once feared to be able to do, but says that
the system is being used to monitor traffic around the world relating to
target governments, organizations, and individuals. Whom do you suppose
qualifies for that honor? Who could stop any abuses of such power?

Be the answer what it may, the monitoring of calls is being done as a
matter of course—it’s automated, in fact—without any court orders for
wiretaps and scarcely any other legal constraints. Even the laws
preventing agencies such as NSA from spying on American citizens can be
circumvented by the international nature of the beast.

Wired magazine’s Niall McKay observes that:

"[John] Pike, of the Federation of American Scientists, believes the
intelligence agencies operate in a gray area of international law. For
example, there is no law prohibiting the NSA from intercepting
telecommunications and data traffic in the United Kingdom and no law
prohibiting GCHQ from doing the same thing in the United States."

What this means is that all the agencies involved can get around
restrictions against spying on their own people by having the other
agencies in the alliance do it for them. And that’s assuming that they
even care about such restrictions, given how little oversight outfits
like the NSA receive.

However, apart from a few watchdog groups and privacy advocates, this is
not the major concern of the EU officials who are upset about Echelon.
McKay also quotes a British Labor Party member of parliament and a
committee member of STOA, Glyn Ford, as saying:

"I have no objection to these systems monitoring serious criminals and
terrorists. But what is missing here is accountability, clear guidelines
as to who they can listen to, and in what circumstances these laws

Don’t Rely on the Fools in Congress

That may be the extent of the concerns of a bureaucrat, but the concerns
of freedom-loving people everywhere should go far deeper. Even if NSA
did have serious congressional oversight, I wouldn’t sleep any better at
night; Congress is the same pack of bloated, self-serving fools (except
for Ron Paul) that is leading the charge against human rights and toward
 socialism in the United States. And, of course, the fact that it’s all
being done automatically by machines working in an international legal
vacuum just underscores how little regard those operating the system
have for the rights of those they monitor.

But wait, it gets worse. According to the Interception Capabilities 2000

Lotus built in an NSA "help information" trapdoor to its Notes system,
as the Swedish government discovered to its embarrassment in 1997. By
then, the system was in daily use for confidential mail by Swedish MPs,
15,000 tax agency staff and 400,000 to 500,000 citizens. (section 43)

The report goes on to describe a feature called a "workfactor reduction
field" that is built into Notes and incorporated into all email sent by
non-US users of the system. The feature "broadcasts 24 of the 64 bits of
the key used for each communication", and relies on a public key system
that can only be read by the NSA.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who’s been following the
National ID debacle, or any of the many other attacks against civil
liberties by the U.S. government that show with increasing certainty the
attitude among those in power toward the rest of the people: they are
cattle, to be numbered, cataloged, labeled, monitored, and completely
controlled, in all ways possible.

Is this an exaggerated fear? Surely the rule of law still applies in the
United States and, based on the principle that people are innocent until
proven guilty, the state would not so trample on the rights of the

A Battlefield Report

Maybe the fears are valid. Consider the following incident reported by
an Internet activist who shall remain anonymous:

In late '96 I was the president of a small (and relatively new) flying
school in the Pacific Northwest. Things being slow in that business
during the winter, I had taken some time off to visit relatives in the
Mid-west, and was keeping up with things at the office via email.

One day an FAA inspector left a phone message at the school, asking to
speak to our head mechanic. Our maintenance officer promptly fired off
an email to me when he heard this message, in which he said, roughly (I
have unfortunately lost the original):

"We got a call from XXX XXXXXX today asking for our chief mechanic. You
know what this means—we can expect a raid from the feds any day now.
Maybe we should make some airplanes disappear."

To put this message in perspective, its sender and I were friends who
had been around aviation a long time, and had done a lot of flying
together, both in the hanger and out. In our everyday lingo, a friendly
FAA inspector was a "fed", a helpful visit by an FAA inspection team to
ensure that our paperwork was all in order was typically refer to as a
"raid". The line about making "airplanes disappear" was a joking
reference to a defunct flying club that the two of us had once belonged
to, where, when they had a problem getting all the paperwork on an
aircraft straight, they had been known to remove all reference to the
offending aircraft from their clubhouse, and even to fly it elsewhere in
preparation for the FAA's friendly inspection.

My friend's ISP got its connectivity to the Internet via satellite
connection, so to get from his computer to mine his message was beamed
to a satellite, came to ground somewhere in California, then probably
traveled via land lines to get back to my ISP which was located in
Seattle. To check my mail, I was logging into my ISP from the Mid-west
via telnet--so this message did a lot of traveling.

When I read my friend's message, I sent a reply saying something like:

"Do you really think we have any problems? It would probably be a good
idea to have an AI [authorized inspector] double-check the logbooks to
make sure everything is in order. See if XXXX XXXXXXXX is available to
do this."

When the predicted raid came, a couple of weeks later, it was rather
unusual in character. Typically, an FAA inspection team for a small
flying school would consist of two men—this time half a dozen showed up.
And they seemed even more anal and confrontational than usual, going
over the logbooks and the aircraft with a fine-toothed comb, demanding
to inspect things that they normally didn't bother with, etc. When they
finally had to admit, several grueling hours later, that they could find
no major violations in our operation, the head of the inspection team
walked up to our maintenance officer, pulled a piece of paper from his
briefcase, and presented it angrily to my friend, saying: "Well, what is
this all about then?"

It was a transcript of my email reply to my friend (in which I had
quoted his original message in full). The names mentioned of mechanics
and FAA inspectors had been replaced with XXXs, as in my reconstruction
above. When my friend demanded to know where they had gotten the
transcript, the FAA inspector grabbed it back, and refused to talk about
it further.

At the time this seemed rather incredible, but since the revelations
about the ECHELON system started being spread around the Internet, it
has become easier to understand. The message had lots of keywords that
are sure to be on someone’s hot list: "raid", "feds", etc.

Since then, I've got a lot of friends set up with PGP...

Now, it is entirely possible that this encounter with the Federal
Aviation Administration and the intercepted e-mail had nothing to do
with Echelon. It almost seems unlike the spooks at Fort Meade to share
such small-time intel with the FAA, which isn’t into "serious" business
like catching international terrorists. On the other hand, it seems
entirely like the U.S. government of late to intercept the private
communications of an individual who hadn’t even been accused of a crime
and use such information to try to "catch" him in some kind of

The Fouth Amendment

How long ago was it now that Congress weakened the Fourth Amendment?

It doesn’t matter—the Fourth Amendment never stopped J. Edgar Hoover
from conducting massive, systematic rights violations of U.S. citizens
through the FBI’s COINTELPRO program. (Poor old J. Edgar—the files he
and Joe McCarthy collected on Americans in the name of investigating
"un-American" activities couldn’t hold a candle to what the NSA has in
its databanks today!)

What matters is that the United States’ metamorphosis into a police
state is accelerating at an alarming rate. History may be non-linear and
have some surprises in store for us in the near future, but we can’t
count on any such stopping this accelerating trend before we cross the
"Death Horizon" (the point beyond which unalloyed despotism is
inevitable). Freedom-loving people simply cannot afford to sit by and
let the "radicals" protest. People of integrity everywhere should take
action of their own, NOW.

Before it’s too late.

"[A] lot of friends set up with PGP" indeed. Let us hope that PGP and
MailVault are all they are cracked up to be!

Don Lobo Tiggre is the author of Y2K: The Millennium Bug, a suspenseful
thriller. Tiggre can be found at the Liberty Round Table.


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 25, June 21, 1999
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