All 111 earlier Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's
Kosovo War and "Peace" can also be seen at our Web site:, along with numerous photos and other memorable
images.  The TiM GW Bulletins are now divided into two sections: NATO's War
(106 issues) and NATO's "Peace" (6 issues).

Issue S99-112, "Peace" 6
June 21, 1999; 11:30PM EDT


Belgrade                 1. NATO Lost 128 Aircraft?

Phoenix                  2. NATO Debunked: Serb "Stealth" MiGs
                                   Reappear, Proving NATO Lied to Us All Along

Belgrade                 3. Yugoslav Army Also "Unscathed by NATO"

Washington (state)  4. A Conclusive Indictment of Society, Science and
                                    Technology (by Steffan Bertsch)

Phoenix                  5. Clinton Has Made American People
                                  Accomplices to Murder (by Capt. Richard


1. NATO Lost 128 Aircraft?

BELGRADE. June 21 - A TiM reader from the Netherlands has sent us a
clarification regarding the figures which the chief of general staff of the
Yugoslav Army, Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic, cited in his speech on the occasion
of the Yugoslav Army Day.  According to this TiM source, NATO has lost 128
aircraft, not just 61 as previously reported.

Gen. Ojdanic has said that the Yugoslav Army had downed 61 NATO fighter
jets, 30 unmanned spy aircraft (UAV), seven helicopters and 238 missiles
during the NATO air strikes campaign (see S99-111, "Peace" 5, Item 4, June
18).  Our correspondent from Holland asserted, however, that those were the
only losses NATO suffered at the hands of the Yugoslav anti-aircraft
defense units and the YU Air Force.

In addition, the Yugoslav Third Army, whose territory included Kosovo, shot
down 34 aircraft, five helicopters, 25 UAVs and 52 cruise missiles, says
this TiM source.  Which actually comes pretty close to what its commanding
officer, Gen. Nebojsa Pavkovic, said on June 9, one day before the war
ended.  Gen. Pavkovic said that his Third Army had downed 33 NATO planes,
25 UAVs, five helicopters, and 50 cruise missiles (see S99-106, Day 79,
Update 2, June 10).

Furthermore, our source from the Netherlands said that the Yugoslav Navy
had shot down three NATO aircraft, three UAVs and at least five cruise
missiles; that the Second Army destroyed 24 NATO aircraft, two helicopters,
2 UAVs and 30 cruise missiles; and that the First Army "killed" six NATO
aircraft and 129 cruise missiles (see the maps in the NATO's War section of
our Web site for the deployment areas of the three Yugoslav armies).

Altogether, that adds up to 128 NATO aircraft lost, 14 helicopters, 60 UAVs
and 454 cruise missiles.  For additional details regarding NATO's losses,
check out the "Venik" Web site
(, which we had also
referenced early on in NATO's war on Serbia (see S99-48, Day 29, Update 1,
Item 5, Apr. 21).  According to NATO's own statements, over 1,000 aircraft
took place in NATO's assault on Serbia, with American pilots flying over
80% of the sorties.
TiM Ed.: We're not, of course, vouching for the accuracy of all of the
above figures, including the NATO claims.  But the "Venik" Web site
contains an enormous amount of detail about the hundreds of NATO
shoot-downs, including photos, dates, aircraft specs, etc. - which we
suspect are based on Russian military intelligence sources.  Only
closed-minded, pro-NATO bigots would ignore such evidence, and prefer to
believe our Liar-in-Chief, who claimed that we had suffered zero combat
losses after a 79-day war (S99-106, Day 79, Update 2, Item 2, June 10).

2. NATO Debunked: Serb "Stealth" MiGs Reappear, Proving NATO Lied to Us All

PHOENIX, June 21 - We don't know how many "closed-minded, pro-NATO bigots"
are included among the TiM readers ranks.  If there are some, we invite
them, too, to join us in a "NATO debunked" exercise.  So that the truth may
be known.  We've said all along that the Washington-Brussels "lie and deny"
PR news spinners had been serving us bunk throughout the 79-day NATO war.
Now, we can prove it, too, with the help of NATO and "Venik."

To participate in this quest-for-truth exercise, you don't need to be a
military expert.  You only need to be able to count to 16.  And to add and
subtract.  So get your abacuses out.  Don't bother with calculators or
computers.  It won't be a high-tech exercise.  Lying is a low-tech business.

On June 12, two days after the Kosovo "peace" agreement had been signed by
the NATO and Serbian military commanders, most of the world's media
recorded the fact that 11 Yugoslav MiG-29 jets took off from the Pristina's
Slatina airport and headed north toward Belgrade (see S99-111, "Peace" 5,
Item 5, June 18).

Uninitiated readers may have shrugged at this news story, and said, "so
what?"  But not the truthmongers who tracked this war day-by-day...

Before NATO started its bombing of Serbia on Mar. 24, the Yugoslav Air
Force had a total of 16 MiG-29s, two of which were not operational,
according to expert defense sources.  For the 11 out of the 14 operational
Yugoslav MiG-29s to take off from the Pristina airport on June 12 was
nothing short of a miracle.  For, the Yugoslav Air Force should have had
only three of them left after the 78-day bombing campaign, according to the
NATO spokesmen.

Unlike the F-117A "stealth" fighter which showed its vulnerability in a
muddy Srem farmer's field on the fourth day of the war (see Day 4, Update
2, Item 1, Mar. 27), the 11 Yugoslav MiG-29s proved themselves to be the
real "stealth" fighters.  And we suspect a tremendous shock to the
Washington-Brussels "lie and deny" news spinners.

Furthermore, NATO officials have also claimed that only four Yugoslav Air
Force MiG-21s remained in Kosovo.  On June 12, 29 MiG-21s also took off
from Pristina's Slatina airport for Serbia, according to eyewitness
reports. So 25 of them also proved to be "stealth" fighters as far as NATO
is concerned.

For a play-by-play accounting of NATO's "lie and deny" statements, check
out the "Venik" Web site.  "Venik" has meticulously traced all NATO news
conferences at which Jamie Shea and his partner-in-crime, the German Major
General Walter Jertz, claimed the various NATO phantom shoot-downs of the
Yugoslav MiG-29s and other "stealth" Yugoslav planes
TiM Ed.: Perhaps now you can also see why the 200 Russian troops moved so
swiftly to take the Slatina airport whose elaborate underground facilities
were built to withstand a nuclear strike (see S99-107, "Peace" 1, Item 1,
June 11).  It was to secure the departure of the Yugoslav MiGs, and deprive
NATO of some of its war booty, at least temporarily.  In the process, they
also helped serve the cause of truth.

3. Yugoslav Army Also "Unscathed by NATO"

BELGRADE, June 21 - Not only did the Yugoslav Air Force get off lightly, so
did the Yugoslav Army, according to today's report by the London-based
daily, The Independent.   Here are some excerpts form it:

"NATO killed far more Serb civilians than soldiers during its 11-week
bombardment of the country, and most of the Yugoslav Third Army emerged
unscathed from the massive air attacks on its forces in Kosovo. NATO
officers have been astonished that thousands of Yugoslav tanks, missile
launchers, artillery batteries, personnel carriers and trucks have been
withdrawn from the province with barely a scratch on them. At least 60,000
Yugoslav troops - rather than the 40,000 estimated - were waiting to fight
the Western armies in Kosovo.

Yugoslav military sources said that more than half the 600 or so soldiers
who died in Serbia were killed in guerrilla fighting with the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) rather than by NATO bombing. They added that
preparations for war began a year ago when military intelligence in
Belgrade learned that the United States was building a secret satellite
targeting navigation station in Bulgaria. [...]

Wartime statistics are notoriously unreliable, but investigations by
western correspondents and humanitarian agencies of NATO bombing incidents
appear to confirm the official civilian casualty toll of around 1,500. At
least 450 of these died in NATO's repeated 'mistakes'." [...]
TiM Ed.: We've said all along that NATO was waging a cowardly war on
innocent civilians, not on Slobodan Milosevic.  And now, you can judge that
for yourself, based on the above statistics.

4. A Conclusive Indictment of Society, Science and Technology (by Steffan

WASHINGTON (state), June 21 - We received the following letter from a TiM
reader in Washington state who reacted to the TiM GW Bulletin S99-111,
"Peace" 5, Item 4, June 18.  Commenting about a statement by the Serb Gen
Dragoljub Ojdanic, we said that, "the morale and unity of the Serb people
certainly did remain high, until Milosevic and his stooges caved in to
NATO.  So spare us the violins, Gen. Ojdanic."  To which Steffan Bertsch

"I agree.  If Milosevic and Clinton weren't on the same team, they were
certainly driven by the same essence.  They both appealed to their sheeple
to fight the other 'villain.'  Clinton called Milosevic a Hitler for
'ethnic cleansing.'  Milosevic told his sheeple to stoically resist the
onslaught by the new Nazis.  In both countries, the people were lied to,
the people lost, and the NWO won.

Milosevic's work reminds me a great deal of what Mikhail Gorbachev did to
dismantle the Soviet Union, all to the benefit of the USA, which is the
overt power of the NWO.  Yugoslavs apparently weren't stupid enough to
break their country up by choice as did the Soviets under Gorbachev's
'persuasion,' so all of Yugoslavia was kicked by the NWO jackboots.  Same
pattern, however, shows through for those with eyes.  The Soviet Union was
broken up by deception and bribes; Yugoslavia was separated by threats,
force, bribes and deception.  It just took a few more tools in the NWO
arsenal to break Yugoslavia.

Sick, sick, sick.  Perhaps the sheeple should dump all their leaders, who
are almost all power-hungry hypocritical flunkies for the NWO's sophistry
and domination.  As little as I relish the thought of anarchy, it can't be
any worse than being governed by double-dealing, ruthless tyrants.  Thomas
Jefferson came to that same conclusion late in his life.

Perhaps the best explanation of what is occurring is summed up in
Jefferson's January 12, 1812 letter to John Adams, where he said:

'. . . And I do believe we shall continue to growl, to multiply and prosper
until we exhibit an association, powerful, wise and happy, beyond what has
yet been seen by men.  As for France and England, with all their
preeminence in science, the one is a den of robbers, and the other of
pirates.  And if science produces no better fruits than tyranny, murder,
rapine and destitution of national morality, I would rather wish our
country to be ignorant, honest and estimable, as our neighboring savages
are. . . '

That is a conclusive indictment of society, science and technology.  With
what has been wrought on Yugoslavia, we get a glimpse of why Jefferson so
condemned the 'progress' of man.  It seems to me that the only solution at
this time is Divine Intervention, which will be very disquieting to those
who covet war, rape, murder, oppression, and will do anything to maintain
the status quo . . . that is to maintain nations that Jefferson pointed out
to be but robbers and pirates."

Steffan Bertsch, Washington (state)
TiM Ed.: Which is why, so as to cover up their miserable failures, Bill
Clinton and the New World Order's lapdog media (e.g., New York Times) are
now extolling the virtues of the science and technology with claims of
omnipotence, such as the zero combat casualty figure for the U.S. troops.
They are doing it so that the "sheeple," as Mr. Bertsch put it, could keep
on believing the fairy tale that science and technology won the war against
Serbia.  So that the government could keep reaching into the taxpayers
pockets to pay for future techno-wars on civilians, to the "death
merchants'" delight.

As the first three stories of this TiM GW Bulletins have proven, the truth
is quite different.  The Yugoslav armed forces have emerged from the 79-day
NATO bombing campaign practically unscathed, while inflicting significant
losses on NATO "omnipotent" technology and manpower.  And they could have
gone on doing it for months, despite a huge disparity in their absolute
military power vis-a-vis NATO.

In the end, the war ended because Slobodan Milosevic and the Russian
government betrayed the Serbian people.  Period.  NATO's technological
superiority over Yugoslavia military failed to deliver a military victory.
The 11 MiG-29s and 29 MiG-21s which took off from the Pristina's airport on
June 12 were the living proof of NATO's impotence.  So were the 60,000 Serb
troops which withdrew from Kosovo, along with "thousands of Yugoslav tanks,
missile launchers, artillery batteries, personnel carriers and trucks...
with barely a scratch on them."

Meanwhile, thousands of innocent civilians who paid the heavy price in this
cowardly war, are also proof that NATO's expensive science and technology
is merely and instrument of terror; and blunt one at that.  Which is why
not only must the NATO leaders be brought to justice as mass murderers; but
the American taxpayer must also demand an immediate end to the Pentagon's
funding of such tools of mass terror.

5. Clinton Has Made American People Accomplices to Murder (by Capt. Richard

PHOENIX, June 17 - We received a copy of the following letter from the
former US Navy Capt. Richard Davidson, addressed to "General Fox."  It
seems as an apt ending to this TiM GW Bulletin:

"Dear General Fox,

Thank you for your response.  I was in Europe last month for maybe the 25th
time.  I served in the Mediterranean for many years flying off aircraft
carriers as a naval aviator.  I have always admired the people- especially
the people of Spain, Italy and Greece.  They liked Americans and I liked

On my recent trip, I noticed the beginning of anti-American sentiment in
all three countries.  There were posters showing a death head wearing a
military helmet with a US flag on the side.  Underneath was the word,
'Assassin.'  I saw USSA painted on walls and buildings.  The U.S. Embassy
in Athens had been pelted with red paint.  On a crowded bus in Athens, a
man tapped me on the shoulder and said in halting English, 'Clinton no
good.'  I stood up, shook his hand and said, 'Clinton no damn good.'

The mood in Europe, from what I saw, is one of anger and fear.  For the
first time, I felt unwelcome.  I was ashamed of my country and my beloved Navy.

Killing defenseless men, women and children is murder.  I do not believe
anything Clinton says anymore, much less, his excuse for the war.  I do not
believe mass murder is a solution for isolated murder committed by both
sides in Kosovo.  It was none of our business to start with.

Standing by and doing nothing while murder is being committed makes the
observer an accomplice to murder.  Clinton has made the American people
accomplices to murder.

The pilot, who was ordered to kill defenseless civilians, will have to live
with it on his conscience for the rest of his life.  I'm glad I wasn't
placed in that position.  I'm glad my sons are not in our sensitized,
sodomized, homogenized, homosexualized, lesbianized and politically-correct
military of today.

There will be an accounting.  There will be justice from a just God.  At
least I can say, 'I protested the killing and spoke out'."

Richard Davidson, Capt. USN (Ret.)
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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