-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990702d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No morons were re-elected during production of this bulletin. Just wait.
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# ROSE, DEAR, HOW ARE YOU FEELING? Tokyo (AP) A Japanese firm is selling the
  "Plantone," a device that gauges how electrical activity in plants change
  with external stimuli such as music, light or the approach of a human. The
  machine has two sensor clips that are attached to the leaves of the plant.
  A strong electrical reaction similar to a brain wave, makes the device's
  lamp turn red, a weak one blue. The firm claims the device reveals differ-
  ences in plant "personality" - lively plants and quiet plants; plants that
  are active in the daytime and those that thrive at night.  "It helps you
  find out what's going on inside your plant," said Epoch Co. spokesperson
  Horiuchi. The Plantone, which went on sale Fri. in Japan, sells for $57.

: Do you want to know your plants' emotions, personalities? What are your
mood preferences in the fruits, veggies, herbs you consume? Should you only
smoke tobacco, pot, opium from happy plants? Can this or a similar device
discern your own mood, personality? Do you want to be monitored? By whom?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Study reveals US campus gun possession. BOSTON (AP)  About 3.5% of college
  students have guns at school, a statistic that doubles among students with
  serious alcohol problems. With 14 million students in U.S. 2- and 4-year
  colleges, that means as many as 450,000 students are packing iron. See
# Also: Lott plans gun-control negotiations, see
# And: One-gun bill sent to Calif. gov., see

: Do you carry a weapon to class, church, work, bed? Do you like to drink &
shoot? Have you shot any aliens lately? Have you tried? Have you missed? Do
you buy more than one gun a month? Do the voices in your head tell you to??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Gun companies sued for accidents. BALTIMORE (AP) Families of two boys who
  accidentally shot themselves have sued the gun industry, claiming the gun-
  makers were negligent by making unsafe arms. "There is no reason why it
  should be easier for a child to fire a gun than open an aspirin bottle."
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560147989-019

# Movie-obsessed youths convicted. LOS ANGELES (AP) Two teen-age cousins who
  said they were inspired to kill by the teen slasher film "Scream" and its
  sequel, "Scream 2" have been convicted of murder. Who's screaming now?
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560144940-606

: Would you rather die accidentally or intentionally? Would you rather be
shot or slashed? Is any death truly accidental, or does a deity will it?
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@ MONTAUK AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT. This report contains information on the
  following: The Philadelphia Project, or Project Rainbow, Phoenix Projects
  1-3, origins of the Radiosonde & connections with the work of W. Reich,
  gov't weather control programs and hidden agenda, the Montauk Mind Control
  projects, the deliberate murder of thousands of American children in mind
  control research & time tunnel experiments, gov't time-tunnel projects &
  operational procedures, how Tesla & Von Neumann contributed to these proj-
  ects, the "martyrdom clause", mind control by individual signature, tech-
  nical ways to produce planetary holograms & Matreiya effects, the explan-
  ation behind closed time loops, gov't rationale & plans for confinement
  camps & slave labor, Project Dreamscan, Project Moonscan, the Airborne
  Instrument Labs, Project Mindwrecker, alien groups known as the Kondrash-
  kin & their interaction with US Gov't mind control programs, the Kamogol
  II and Giza Groups, the negative Sirians, Soviet scalar weaponry, Orion
  Group manipulations, 6th root race incarnations, telepathy producing drugs
  & their use & suppression, the FAA & zero-time generators, technical spin-
  offs from the Philadelphia project, the International Aerospace Alliance,
  cross-section of implant device, W. Reich & mind control, Reichian Orgas-
  tic-type programming & its use by US Gov't & Sirians, the Psi-Corps, Alien
  soul-trading, Montauk & aliens from the Antares system, the Leverons, the
  Elohim Group, US Navy time-tunnel projects, US Gov't & the Greys, electro-
  nic life support, systems of the Reptilian Humanoids, new life form masses
  over the poles and their relation to yearly outbreaks of flu-like disease,
  AIDS & Fort Dietrick (NSA), Maglev trains & the US underground tunnel net-
  work, missing human genes, buried spacecraft & alien technical archives
  under the Giza pyramid, the coming new money, the "Black Nobility", Nordic
  & human copper based blood systems & physiology, the technology of cloning
  & the development of synthetic humans and political replacement programs,
  the Middle East situation, Congressional awareness of drug & alien agenda,
  the MIB, US Army & black helicopter forces, government mobile mind disrup-
  tion technology, nature & purposes of the Orion Group, 4th density trans-
  mutation of the human race, geological changes, Sirian Mind Control tech-
  nology, and more. http://fortunecity.com/tinpan/supergrass/173/montauk.htm

@ Montaulk - active or not? http://www.mk.net/~mcf/montauk.htm
@ Montauk Project and Philadelphia Experiment:

: What, no crop circles? What's being hidden here about seriology? What's
their real agenda? Who are they working for? Who ignites the implants? Why?
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# UN: World economy growing slowly, poorest countries suffer the most:
# Filipinos Urged To Suppress Their Urges - too many fucking people:
# Milosevic wins support; more evidence of mass killings found:

# Y2K lawsuit bill passed by Congress - consumers hung out to dry:
# Senate continues abortion funds ban - bias against fed fems:
# Website gets Agnew FBI file - ducked prison for tax evasion, bribery:
# Sleepy Nun Charged With Dodging Bus Fare - in court for $1.57:

# Baby boomers' kids fill schools - no end in sight:
# Athletes May Soon Pop 'Sea-Slug' Pills - deny they constituted doping:
# Gus Grissom's Mercury capsule to be recovered from sea floor:
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"Paris - a lovely city only marred by the flood of Parisians." --H.A.Thomas

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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