-Caveat Lector-

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<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:535674">The Church of the Creator</A>
Subject: The Church of the Creator
From: "Kenneth W. Ellis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 06 July 1999 11:52 PM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Background on The Church of the Creator

The original founder of the Church of the Creator, Bernard "Ben"
Klassen, was the former Chairman of the American Independent Party.
The Presidential candidates of The American Independent Party included
former Governor of Alabama, George Wallace (1968) who once stood in the
doorway of the University of Alabama to oppose segregation of that
school, Lester Maddox (1972), the axe-handle swinging staunch
segregationist from Georgia who on several occasions repulsed attempts
at integration of his restaurant by violently expelling anyone
attempting to integrate his restaurant.  Other erstwhile Presidential
candidates of the AIP, included Robert Morris and Richard Viguerie
(1976) who are considered to be white collar versions of both Wallace
and Maddox.   Viguerie, considered to be the originator of the mass
mailing fund raising techniques of the far right along with Robert
Morris are considered Godfathers of the American Right.  Only Viguerie
is still active among those of the far right but Robert Morris is
believed to be still alive and living in New Jersey.

Robert Morris gained his claim to fame by first serving on the
Rapp-Coudert Communist purge committees in the early 1940's but later
came into the public spotlight again as the man who gave Senator Joe
McCarthy the infamous list of "57 known communists" working in the State
Deparment.   Morris is considered to be the actual originator and
therefore the "Godfather of McCarthyism".  Robert Morris also defended
General Edwin A. Walker in the famous "muzzling of the military"
debacles in the late 1950's when Walker was forced to resign from the US
Army because of his attempts to indocdrinate his troops with John Birch
Society literature against strict orders to the contrary.     Robert
Morris was also Chief Counsel to both the Senate Internal Security
Committee of the early 1950's and late 1940's when both Senators Pat
McCarran and Albert Jenner brought in a wave of legislation designed to
fight the alleged inroads being made by Communist subversives in the

Morris also served on the House Un-American Activities Committees in the
late 1950's and was on the payroll of Wickliffe P. Draper, who has since
become infamous for both the HUAC Immigration Committees, which sought
involuntary repatriation of blacks to Africa, and the HUAC Genetics
Committees which attempted to prove the genetic inferiority of blacks
regarding intellectual development.    Draper funded research eventually
led to the publication of  the very controversial  book , "The Bell
Curve" in 1994, by Richard J. Herrnstein which was published by The
Oxford University Press.   Campaigns launched from within HUAC and SISS
while Morris was influential there included The Alger Hiss Case, the
Hollywood Seven Blacklisting and The Internal Security Act of 1952 and
The Immigration Act of 1950.   One of the Robert Morris proteges,
Richard M. Nixon, sharpened his eye teeth during the Alger Hiss case
when as a young congressman he was thrust into the public eye as a
staunch anti-Communist.

Bernard Klassen, born in the Soviet Ukraine, was a member of the John
Birch Society,  and authored "The White Man's Bible", a blatantly racist
diatribe that promotes the elimination, via murder, violence and mayhem,
all members of the races identified as "mud races".  The White Man's
Bible is considered the approximate equivalent of  "The Turner Diaries"
identified as the unofficial marching orders of Timothy McVeigh,
convicted recently as the Oklahoma Bomber.   Klassen also considered
himself to be a staunch neo-Nazi, a Ku Klux Klansman in good standing
and a right wing extremist of the first magnitude.  Copies of The White
Man's Bible are in the library of right wing extremist literature housed
at Political Research Associates in Somerville, Massachusetts.

In the Summer 1994 edition of Covert Action Quarterly, published by
Louis Wolf of Washington, DC, author Jacques Pauw of the Johannesburg
Times identified several members of The Church of the Creator from South
Africa as being behind the political assassination of Chris Hani, then
the Vice President of Nelson Mandela's Freedom Party.   Two of them were
convicted of the crime and are still serving time in South Africa to the
best of my knowledge.

Also in the Summer of 1994, Bernard "Ben" Klassen committed ritualized
suicide on August 8, 1994 which is considered a date of great
significance among neo-Nazis, Klansman and Hitler supporters.    It is
believed that the identification of The Church of the Creator members
being involved in the Chris Hani murder led to his decision to commit
suicide, but it has not been absolutely confirmed.  The Los Angeles
Times published an article on The Church of the Creator, in the Sunday
supplement of December 12, 1994 describing the new Pontifex Maximus,
Rudy "Butch" Stanko and the recent self-inflicted demise of his
predecessor.   One of the writers was Jim Newton then of the Los Angeles
Times.   Richard M. Nixon, the Robert Morris protégé, also chose to
commit ritualized public political suicide when he resigned also
selecting the date of  August 8, 1974 for his public announcement.

The significance of the date August 8 throughout recent history for
Nazis andneo-Nazis is based on the fact that August 8 or "8/8" stands
for "H/H" or "Heil Hitler" since "H" is the eighth letter of the
alphabet.   This was a concept that was popularized by Hitler himself as
a sort of self immortalizing tribute.   It was on August 8, 1944 that
Hitler chose to execute by hanging, the 8 Generals convicted in the July
20th plot to Kill Hitler, orchestrated by Count Klaus schenck von
Stauffenburg.    Hitler utilized piano wire for the executions because
the piano keyboard has 88 keys and built a gallows for the 8 Generals
which had 8 steps to be climbed.   In the same fashion, the feared 88
millimeter cannons Hitler had constructed were set to that particular
gauge as a tribute to his immortality.   The numeral 8 when placed on
its side, is the symbol for infinity, which is the hoped for duration of
the extended Reich of Nazi domination going into the Third Millennium.

In fact, one of the most horrendous and despicable crimes of the 20th
Century, the murders perppetrated by the first public neo-Nazi, Charlie
Manson and his gang, occurred on August 8, 1969.    The wife of Roman
Polanski, Sharon Tate and her unborn daughter, one of the daughters of
the Folger family, Abbagail Folger,  and her hairdresser and business
partner were all murdered violently.  Charles Manson later scratched a
swastika into his forehead using a razor obtained in prison.   The
visage of that evil man with the self-inflicted swastika between his
eyes on his forehead, just beneath his recently shaved bald pate is
still very vivid in the minds of anyone who lived throught that

Charley Manson was the first public leader of a "skinhead" gang.   This
murder was also considered a carefully planned revenge murder against
specific targeted minorities, just like the acts of Benjamin Smith more
recently.   Manson targeted Polanski, a Polish Jew, not only because of
his background, but because of the movies that Polanski produced or
directed.  Polanski made "Lolita" and was considered a child molestor,
he made "The Boys From Brazil" by Ira Levin which celebrated the murders
of  Hitler clones released into the world to attain a deferred Nazi
victory, and "Rosemary's Baby" which dabbled into witchcraft and the
occult devil worship.   Abbigail Folger came from a rich and successful
Jewish family and was an heiress of the Folger coffee fortune.   Sharon
Tate had married into a Jewish family and was about to bear the child of
an alleged child molestor, and her hairdresser and business partner was
a well known homosexual who also attended that ill fated party that

As we approach the fifth anniversary of the death of Bernard Klassen,
one should be aware that his followers may attempt to use the upcoming
date, August 8, 1999 to stage some sort of event with international
significance as a tribute to their former leader.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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