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Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing

The following paper was presented at The Sixth Western Cliniclal
Conference on Multiple Personality and Dissociation, Irvine, CA. It is
archived with the permission of the author, and may be copied and
distributed freely.
Spin Programming:
A Newly Uncovered Technique of Systematic Mind Control

John D. Lovern, Ph.D.
2141-B West Orangewood Avenue
Orange, California 91941

REVISED. February 5. 1993


Information obtained clinically from seven multiple personality patients
with recalled histories of ritual abuse has revealed a coercive
technique previously unknown to psychotherapists. This technique here
labeled "spin programming," appears designed to spread effects such as
pain, painful emotions, and other feelings or urges globally throughout
a patient's personality system for purposes of either designing and
building a young victim's personality system, or harassing older victims
and disrupting psychotherapy. Spin programming appears to be based on a
combination of physical spinning, cognitive and imagery training, and
repetition and practice aimed at creating an internal multi-alter
spinJeannieit the pain or affective components of numerous traumatic mem
ories simultaneously to large groups of targeted alters. This paper
presents signs and symptoms commonly seen in patients subjected to spin
programs, training methods apparently used to create spin programs, and
an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of spin programming.

That old black magic has me in its spell, that old black magic that you
weave so well. Those icy fingers up an down my spine, the same old
witchcraft when your eyes meet mine, that same old tingle that I feel
inside, and then that elevator starts its ride: Down and down I go.
'round and 'round l go, like a leaf that's caught in a tide ( ...)
Darling, down and down I go, 'round and 'round I go, in a spin, loving
the spin I'm in, under that old black magic called love. Johnny Mercer,
c 1942, 1969

Discussion of ritual abuse as a cause of multiple personality disorder
is a fairly recent phenomenon (Coons & Grier, l99O; Ganasway, 1989;
Hassan, 1990; Kluft, 1989; Los Angeles County Commission for Women,
1989; Mayer, 1991; Neswald, Gould, & Graham-Costain, l99l; and Van
Benschoten, 1990). Use of the term "ritual abuse" here relies on the
definition developed by the Los Angeles County Commission for Women
Ritual abuse is a brutal form of abuse of children, adolescents, and
adults, consisting of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and
involving the use of rituals. Ritual does not necessarily mean satanic.
However, most survivors state that they were ritually abused as part of
satanic worship for the purpose of indoctrinating them into satanic
beliefs and practices. Ritual abuse rarely consists of a single episode.
It usually involves repeated abuse over an extended period of time.

The physical abuse is severe, sometimes including torture and killing.
The sexual abuse is usually painful, sadistic, and humiliating, intended
as a means of gaining dominance over the victim. The psychological abuse
is devastating and involves the use of ritual/indoctrination, which
includes mind control techniques and mind altering drugs, and
ritual/intimidation which conveys to the victim a profound terror of the
cult members and of the evil spirits they believe cult members can
command. Both during and after the abuse, most victims are in a state of
terror, mind control, and dissociation in which disclosure is
exceedingly difficult. (p. 1)

The topic of ritual abuse is controversial (Kluft, 1989), and several
authors have either questioned the credibility of reports of ritual
abuse or have advised caution in interpreting the usually
unsubstantiated accounts (Coons & Grier, 1990; Ganaway, 1989; Noll,
1989; and Van Benschoten, 1990). This paper avoids taking a position on
the accuracy of clinically derived accounts of ritual abuse, and instead
simply presents information that has come to light consistently and
repeatedly during intensive psychotherapy with a number of different
patients with recalled histories of ritual abuse.

The information presented here is offered in hopes of making available
recently discovered and preliminary findings that may be of value to
some members of the psychotherapeutic community and may stimulate
additional investigation by some members of the scientific community.
The information is admittedly too new, derived from too small a sample,
and too unsubstantiated by other investigators to he presented as fact.
Nevertheless, the description of spin programming, if valid, shines a
valuable light on the techniques employed by ritual abuse perpetrators
and provides important insight into how problems frequently seen in
multiple personality patients with recalled ritual abuse histories might
more successfully be approached.


Therapists working with victims of ritual abuse often discover (or
encounter compelling evidence) that their patients have been subjected
to sophisticated mind control techniques, often called "programming,"
designed to compel them to do various things, including engaging in
self-destructive behaviors such as suicide or self-mutilation; allowing
access to perpetrators so that abuse may continue; responding to various
cues, such as sounds, hand signals, lights, names or numbers, etc., by
carrying out specific behaviors or behavior chains; disrupting
psychotherapy in a number of ways, including thought-stealing or
scrambling, outbursts of various emotions (anger, depression, terror,
jealousy, apathy, etc.) and distancing from the therapist (by fearing
the therapist, attempting to protect the therapist from harm by others
or by the patient herself or himself, etc.). Neswald, Gould, and
Graham-Costain (1991) provide a listing and descriptions of a number of
typical ritual abuse programs.

Patients with histories of ritual abuse often reveal that programming
techniques have been applied to them for at least two distinct purposes:
(a) current or recent programming designed to harass or disrupt
psychotherapy, and (b) programming begun early in life (often at birth),
as the means by which programmers designed and built their victims'
entire personality systems in order to achieve and maintain control over
them. One technique has recently come to light that appears to have had
utility both for harassment/disruption and for system-building. The
technique is based on spinning.

Sources of Information for This Paper

This paper is based on information that came to light during
psychotherapy sessions in which the author was the therapist or, in some
cases, co-therapist. The patients, of whom there were seven, all carried
diagnoses of complex multiple personality disorder and had clearly
defined and consistently expressed histories of ritual abuse by satanic
or similar cults. They had been in therapy intensively for at least a
year before disclosing any information about spin programming. They were
all female and ranged in age from their mid-twenties to their
mid-forties. Their education levels ranged from two years of college to
masters degrees. They were all white, the majority were married, and
just over half were employed full-time. They disclosed some of the
information about spin programming during conversations in which they
and therapist were "brainstorming" about their programming histories,
and they revealed the rest either spontaneously (generally making their
discoveries between sessions) or in response to direct questioning
carried out with due regard to the dangers of leading them by directly
or indirectly suggesting desired responses. Before an item of
information about spin programming and related phenomena could appear in
this paper, it had to be verified by comparable experiences and reports
from at least two patients. In most cases, information was verified by
all patients, with only minor variations. Informal conversations with
other therapists about their experiences with similar patients have
consistently verified the information presented here.

Description of Spin Programming

Specific versus Global Tageting of Programs

Programmers appear to rely on certain criteria in deciding which mind
control strategies they will select. One meaningful criterion is
specific versus global, that is, whether they intend to target a single
alter (or a small, defined group of alters) in a specific way, or the
entire system (or a large portion of it) in a global way. Spin-based
programming is a globally targeted programming technique. Programmers
apparently use it when they intend to disseminate an effect throughout
either a large portion of a victim's personality system, or the entire

Examples of the types of effects that may be spread in this way are
physical pain, confusion, depression, self-destructive or suicidal
urges, alienation, apathy, hopelessness, fear of abandonment or
rejection, panic, terror, urges to run away, jealousy, doubt, suspicion,
rage, violent urges, sexual arousal or urges, lethargy, immobility,
sleepiness, sleeplessness, hunger, loss of appetite, and urges to use
drugs or alcohol. Programmers may spread these effects throughout a
personality system as a method of disrupting the total functioning of
the person, or they may use the possibility of spreading them as a
threat to enforce compliance with directives or prohibitions they have

Spin programs are also useful in system-building, both because of their
ability to quickly transmit information within or throughout a
personality system, and because of their ability to establish power
relationships between alters and groups of alters. How these links and
power relationships are established will be explained in the section on
training methods.

Signs and Symptoms of Spin Programs

Patients who are suffering the immediate effects of a currently
activated spin program tend to present with a number of typical
features. These features include: global effects, symptoms occurring
like a "storm," pressure, dizziness, a sense of spinning inside,
physical movements related to the internal experience of spinning, and
spinning-related imagery and vocabulary.

Global Effects. When a patient is affected by a specifically targeted
program, she or he typically experiences one or a small number of alters
having emotions or urges or manifesting behaviors, while most or all
other alters remain unaffected. The patient might say, for example,
"Somebody inside wants to cut," or "Joey is feeling suicidal." When a
spin-based program is active, every alter with whom the therapist talks
is likely to be suffering from the same or similar symptoms. At such
times, the- patient might say, "Everybody in the system is depressed;~
"None of us has any hope or any energy or any interest in anything;" or
"We are all terrified that you are going to abandon us.

Stormlike Symptoms. The experience of dealing with a spin-programmed
patient is, for patient and therapist alike, somewhat like riding out a
storm. The flurries of pain, affect, or impulse tend to grow in
intensity, build to a crescendo, maintain that peak for a time, and then
gradually diminish before finally subsiding. Nearly every alter in the
system is lashed by the "wind and rain" of the storm, often without
understanding why these effect are occurring, and doing their best to
minimize damages until the storm passes.

Pressure. As will be seen in a subsequent section, spin training relies
in part on conditioning the patient to connect, through cognition and
imagery, the experience of spinning with internal buildups of
centrifugal force. When spin programs are active, the affected alters
subjectively experience high levels of force or pressure, as if they
were sitting at the outside edge of a rapidly rotating disc. They feel
overwhelmed by this pressure, finding it impossible to resist, and they
often complain of symptoms that would be caused by mounting internal
pressure, such as headaches that feel like they are going to cause the
head to explode from the inside, disruption of speech, vision problems,
and similar phenomena.

Dizziness. As the internal spinning associated with spin programming
increases in speed and force, patients frequently complain of dizziness.
At these times, they may be literally feeling the sensations caused by
the original spinning, because they are experiencing a planned (i.e.,
produced by intervention of the abusers) revivification or flashback of
that event.

Sense of Spinning Internally. Along with the dizziness, patients
experiencing active spin programs often notice a sense of spinning
internally, or comment that "everything seems to be spinning." If they
do not mention this feeling spontaneously, they will often admit it when
questioned, for example, by answering in the affirmative when asked, "Do
you feel as if someone inside is spinning a mile a minute?"

Physical Movements. When the internal spinning is at its most intense,
patients often move in ways that a person might move while being
physically spun. These movements tend to be rhythmic and repetitive,
they may involve any part of the body, and they are subtle and may esca
pe the therapist's attention unless the therapist is looking for them.
For example, a patient may stare blankly or appear to be wincing from
pain or closing her eyes tightly, then move her head or upper body very
slightly and rhythmically from side to side, forward and back, or in a
circular motion. Feet or hands and arms are also often involved in these
movement. The movements tend to be slower, smoother, more fluid, more
subtle, and more regular and rhythmic than typical "nervous" movements.

Spinning-Related Imagery and Vocabulary. When describing their
subjective sensations during an active spin program, patients often
utilize imagery or words that are related to the experience of spinning,
possibly because these images and words are literal descriptions of
their experiences, and possibly because they were taught these images
during the original spin training. Patients may use this kind of imagery
spontaneously during sessions or in writings or drawings produced
outside of sessions, or they may only describe them in response to
questioning. Typical words used include: vortex, whirlpool, whirlwind,
tornado, cyclone, abyss, falling, drowning, sinking, being pulled or
sucked down, being blown or shot or exploded out, tumbling, hurling,
whirling, swirling, and twirling. Typical visual images include drawings
depicting the ideas listed above and various doodles that will be
described later in the section on training. Some alters have
programmer-assigned names related to spinning (e.g., Spinner,) which is
a name that was independently assigned to alters in the personality
systems of several different patients).

Training Methods

Pain Contests. Pain as Power. and Multiples within Multiples. A patient
disclosed during a psychotherapy session some time ago that the most
powerful alters in her system were those who had endured the most pain.
Subsequent exploration of this notion, combined with abreactions of
memories of "pain contests" eventually led to the discovery of spin

Many patients with cult abuse histories have had to endure contests in
which they and another person received steadily mounting pain until one
of them (the loser) could not stand it anymore. Generally,only one alter
was allowed to remain out during the contest, or else worse abuse would
follow. The requirement that only one alter remain out had some profound
ramifications, leading to the conjecture that this condition (only one
alter staying out), not the outcome of the contest, was the primary
purpose of the competitions.

In order to stay out continuously instead of leaving the body to a
rapidly switching succession of alters (the more typical pattern of
dissociation during trauma), the single alter had to create a group of
internal alters to whom she or he could send the pain. The typical
result of this type of experience appears to be the creation of an
internal analogue of multiple personality disorder, or a "multiple
within a multiple."

In other words, just as traumatic experiences in general can lead to the
creation of a number of alters in one "outside" body to produce multiple
personality disorder, this specific type of experience can create a
similar phenomenon one level in, consisting of a number of alters
"within" the alter undergoing the contest. However, since the alter has
no physical body, the newly created alters do not necessarily exist
"inside" that alter, but more likely coexist with or near the original
alter in internal space--the "inside world").

One source of internal power arising from this arrangement stems from
the ability of the original alter to send pain to her or his next level
of alters inside the multiple within a multiple subsystem, allowing her
or him to intimidate them by threatening to activate a flashback of the
original training, thus forcing them to re-experience the pain. The
multiple within a multiple subsystem taken as a unit is more powerful
than other, simple alters, because, as a system, it possesses or is
capable of possessing greater and more varied capabilities than a lone
alter might be able to produce.

Graphic Depiction. Another patient, after looking at a drawing of a tree
structure that was my rough attempt to depict the connection between
pain transmission and power (Figure la), suggested that the drawing
ought to be circular instead of tree shaped (Figure lb). The original
alter, according to this new view, was located at the center of a circle
of alters, and the ring or rings) of alters surrounding this alter
comprised the multiple within a multiple" system. Secondary alters could
dissociate further by creating alters of their own, resulting in
branches of tertiary and beyond) alters. She indicated further that her
entire personality system, not just individual multiple within multiple
systems, was arranged in this kind of circular array consisting of
concentric rings, with the most powerful alters located at the center.

Figure 1
Tree and Circular Diagrams Depicting Pain Distribution Among Alters
During Pain Contests

This patient then became visibly frightened, stating that some internal
alters felt that I may not be a safe person because I knew too much.
Subsequent discussions with other patients about this topic and other
topics related to spin programming have elicited similar reactions from
them; it appears that information about spin programming is highly
secret and not for "outsiders" to know.

However, in spite of her fears, this patient disclosed more information
at the next session, revealing that her system contained a number of
alters who have been trained to create internal multiple personality
systems, and that alters of these systems often received additional
training that made them into a coordinated, self-monitoring and
self-correcting mechanism designed to employ internal spinning to send
pain (and other experiences) to large groups of alters outside their
system. Discussions with all of the patients (the two mentioned above,
plus the five others) provided the rest of the details comprising this

Overall Training Strategy. According to patients' disclosures, spin
training begins at an early age, perhaps age three or four, or even
younger. Training appears to utilize a combination of three basic
elements: (a) the creation of internal multiple personality systems (by
pain contests and similar experiences) whose alters are separated and
given specialized training to make the internal systems into
self-regulating mechanisms; (b) actual spinning both to teach senders
the sensations of spinning sothat they can re-creat it internally and to
force them to spin internally in order to avoid the extremely painful
sensations of "real" external spinning; and (c) cognitive and imagery
training to build and reinforce connections between internal
re-creations of the experience of spinning and the sending out of pain
as a means of escaping it. Along with this, connections are also
established and reinforced between velocity, centrifugal force, and the
intensity of the pain and other feelings that are spun. In addition,
some programming is necessary to convince the spinning alters that they
are not connected to the other alters in the system, so that they do not
feel guilty about hurting someone about whom they care Material must be
available to "feed" into the spin mechanism, and this material consists
of large numbers of dissociated memories that contain pain and other
feelings capable of acting as punishments or sources of disruption.
Finally, there may be additional programming to create controls over
such things as which material is to be spun, when or under what
conditions it is to be spun, to which alters or groups it is to be
targeted, which groups of alters will be exempt from the spin, etc.

Actual Spinning. All patients reported having had many experiences of
being physically spun by ritual abusers throughout their lives. While
being spun, they were invariably drugged, usually with sedative or
hypnotic drugs as well as anti-nausea agents, often shown or forced to
look at white or colored lights or to listen to music or rhythms, often
given verbal instructions, and sometimes given other kinds of pain (in
addition to the extreme pain of spinning). The spinning was of various
types, including horizontal spinning on a table, similar to a record
player; horizontal spinning about an axis, similar to being turned on a
spit; vertical, "wheel-of-fortune" type spinning; and vertical spinning
about an axis, on a pole, hanging upside down by the feet, or inside of
a cylinder.

Patients who have experienced a great deal of spinning have a number of
sensitivities that they usually do not understand until they are
consciously aware of having been spun. For example, many patients become
very disturbed by flashing lights, because they are similar to the
lights they had to watch while belong spun. For similar reasons, they
are also often disturbed by watching rapidly changing colors or
circular, swirling motions of any kind, as well as by certain types of

Programmers apparently take advantage of these sensitivities by
simulating spinning when it would be impractical (due to unavailability
of equipment, etc.) to actually spin a victim, or when they want to
intimidate a reluctant alter by threatening her or him with spinning as
a punishment. Rapidly changing lights moving across the victim's visual
field, for example, can very effectively bring back the full experience
of a past actual spin. Exposure to other stimuli that accompanied
spinning, such as spoken words or music, can also trigger experiences of

Abusers trigger the re-experiencing of traumatic events by taking
advantage of their victims' means of coping with trauma. When a victim
experiences a painfully traumatic or terrifying event, including
administration of drugs to enhance state-dependent learning, the victim
dissociates the experience, breaking it into component parts (as in the
BASK Model: Braun, 1988a, 1988b). Abusers apparently record the contents
of these dissociated experiences and know which aspects of them to
remind victims of in order to bring about a vivid replay of a component
or portion of them. By simply introducing such a cue to the victim, the
abusers can initiate the experience of spinning.

Dissociated components of any traumatic memory appear capable of being
moved from one alter to another, making it possible to "collect" the
pain or affective component of dozens of experiences that contain
similar elements (e.g., physical pain, terror, abandonment, grief,
etc.), feed these into the spinner, and thereby spread massive amounts
of these feelings throughout the personality system or to targeted
groups of alters.

Visual Aids, Demonstrations, and Practice. All patients reported having
observed as children (or when spin training was done, if later than
childhood) a wide range of demonstrations apparently intended to teach
them to think about and perform spinning in ways that are advantageous
to the programmers. For example, several patients report having watched
mechanical devices, such as centrifuges or devices similar to those
sometimes seen at fairs that make pictures by spreading paint with
centrifugal force; people, such as "whirling dervish" dancers who are
made (presumably by drugs and special effects) to seem as if they are
able to spin so fast that they become a blur; and object lessons, such
as people who are tortured or killed for failing to spin properly.

Patients also report having spent a great deal of time as children
(again, only those programmed as children) practicing spinning at a
conscious level. For example, they may have spun around furiously at
play time, but the spinning was done in grim earnestness, not for fun.
They may also have been involved in organized activities that involved
spinning, such as ballet or figure skating lessons.

Drawings and Doodles. All patients reported having filled or decorated
many pages over periods of years from early childhood (again, only those
whose training commenced in childhood) through adulthood with doodles
that are strikingly similar across individuals They describe themselves
as having produced the doodles in an almost obsessive manner, drawing
them over and over for no apparent reason. Certain themes connect these
doodles. Many of them obviously depict spinning, such as the drawings of
spinning tornadoes (Figure 2a). Others only suggest spinning, such as
spirals that may be round (Figure 2b), rectangular (Figure 2c), or
triangular (Figure 2d), but they also depict movement or transmission
outward from the center. Finally, other doodles depict movement or
transmission from one linked unit to another, without spinning, as in
the interconnected boxes or interconnected loops (Figure- 2e and f).

Figure 2
Doodles Frequently Drawn by Patients With Histories of Spin Programming

The doodling appears to be intended to reinforce by repetition and
visualization the lessons learned through cognitive and imagery
training. Doodles may be produced by alters trained as spinners, or they
may be produced by others to be seen by the spinners, as reminders to
the spinner to maintain their skills and alertness.

Cognitive and Imagery Training. Programmers apparently combine pain
transmission training, actual spinning, visual demonstrations, and
doodles with detailed verbal instructions that contain a great deal of
vivid visual imagery. This training takes place over a period of many
years, with countless repetitions and variations, so that the overall
effect is very potent. The thrust of all this training appears to be to
convey several key ideas to the spinners and other alters, so that they
accept these ideas without question as their actual reality.

First, the spinners must learn to spin inside, just as they did while
out in the body during actual spinning. Often, they learn to become a
spinning object, such as a tornado or a spinning top. That is, their
internal representation of self (or internal body), as viewed by both
themselves and other alters, is a spinning object (at least while
spinning or during rapidly accelerated spinning). Then, they must link
the experience of internal spinning with the sending out of pain,
emotions, and other feelings to other alters, so that that two
experiences are inseparable and indistinguishable. Finally, they must
link the velocity of their spins with centrifugal force, so that the
more rapidly they spin, the stronger and more irresistible is the force
with which they send out the pain or other feelings.

An additional set of ideas is important to impart to the spinners for
spin programs to be effective. The first of these has to do with
spinners feeling good (or not feeling bad) about spinning. In order to
feel good about spinning, spinners must think themselves separate from
other alters, and view the other alters as deserving the painful
feelings that they receive as the result of the spinning. It is clear
from patients' reports that programmers teach and reinforce these ideas.
It ie also useful for the spinners to derive feelings of competence and
pride about their spinning. Therefore programmers apparently reward
proper spinning with praise and other reinforcements. Next, spinners
need to be convinced that they have only two choices once a spin program
is activate: Either they must spin, or they will experience all the pain
themselves; but, if they do spin, they will experience no pain at all.
Programmers apparently teach these lessons too. Finally, it is
advantageous to protect spinners from contact with otter alters or
outsiders, who might impart information to them that could potentially
allow them to think for themselves. Therefore, programmers apparently
often set up a ring of guardians around the spinners or impose other
security measures.

Transmission Routes. When patients first began to describe pain
contests, it was thought that the purpose of these ordeals was to
establish transmission routes for the spinning of pain. Soon it became
clear that, instead, they were designed to create multiple within
multiple systems which would be trained to become spinning mechanisms.
This conclusion left open the question of how transmission routes are
established. Additional inquiry of patients about this question has not
provided conclusive answers, but the one hypothesis that "feels right"
to most of them is that pain is sent along the lines of lineage, that
is, the connections between alters who split off of earlier alters, who
split off of yet earlier alters, etc., going all the way back to the
core or near-core personalities. If this is true, then either spinners
learn how locate and to send pain to near-core alters, or they
themselves are near-core alters who were selected for spin training
because of their position in the internal genealogy. The second
alternative appears to be the more likely one.

Self-Regulating Spin Systems. One would think that it would be very
difficult for a programmer to control a multiple within a multiple
system. More than the desired number of alters may be created during the
initial abuse, leaving the programmer with a problem of disposition.
Alters may be created who are never discovered by the programmer, and
are in positions potentially to resist or disrupt the programmer's
plans. The number of alters and complexity of their interrelationships
would make it difficult for a programmer to keep track of the behavior
of both individual alters and interactions among them. Programmers
apparently respond to all of these problems by imposing rigid structure
and strict discipline. They control alters' personality traits and other
attributes, where and with whom they live in the internal world, who may
communicate with whom, who watches whom, and who punishes whom.

The outcome of programmers' control efforts appears to be a complex,
self-regulating systems of alters, each of whom is assigned specific
roles and duties, which is governed by a carefully designed scheme of
checks and balances. Certain functions are essential for spinning to
take place, and there seems to be some uniformity across patients in
terms of which functions are carried out by which alters, and how the
alters are allowed or forced to interact.

The first step in creating a spin system appears to be to split up the
group of alters comprising the system, keeping them only dimly aware, if
aware at all, of the existence of the others. They appear to be placed
in specific locations in the internal world, determined by the roles
they occupy. Those who occupy the same or corresponding role are often
similar to one another in other ways, such as all being children of a
given age, all being of the same gender, or all being animal alters.
They may also have similar skills or other attributes such as having
been taught a performing art, having been trained in psychic abilities,
or belonging to a specific cult figure who "loves" them. As additional
spin systems are created, alters from other spin systems who occupy the
same roles are placed in the same locations. These role-based groups may
then be taught to be suspicious of or hate the other role-based groups,
thereby keeping them from "comparing notes," cooperating together, or
organizing any kind of resistance.

The key functions that need to be accomplished for spinning to work
effectively are as follows: Of course, there should be an alter who
spins. There should also be an alter who locateS, obtains, and moves the
dissociated memory components so that they can be spun by the spinner.
There should be a controller or coordinator of the overall process.
There should be informers who report to programmers about whether other
alters are performing their duties, including other informers. There
should be punishers who discipline misbehaving alters, including other
punishers, and one who can punish even the spinner (who is otherwise
impervious to pain). There should be a "key" or access alter who makes
it possible for programmers to enter the system, obtain information, and
make adjustments. And all these functions should be dEsigned to interact
in such a way that the system can regulate itself and operate

The roles and lines of communication and influence within such a system
can be depicted graphically in some cases, with lines representing the
communication pathways and points of intersection representing the
alters who occUPY the essential roles. The result is a three dimensional
geometric figure resembling a crystal.

Utility of Spin programming

Spin programming has some obvious uses to programmers for designing and
building personality systems. The power of the spinners or alters who
control them, and the threat of pain that they convey, establish them
internally as authorities who must be obeyed The networks (apparently of
descent) along which spinners send pain and other experiences represent
natural divisions within the overall system that programmers may program
separately and use for specific purposes, such as spying/informing,
enforcing internal discipline, sexual behaviors, ceremonial behaviors,
etc. Spin programming can contribute both to unifying a system and to
separating groups from one another. There are doubtless many other ways
in which spin programming can facilitate system building.

Harassment and disruption of therapy are easy to achieve with spin
programming. For example, only one brief programming session is capable
of setting up a spinner to react each time she or he notices the
therapist engaging in a predictable behavior by setting in motion a
furious spin of the emotions contained in dozens of dissociated
traumatic experiences of childhood rejection and abandonment. The
patient is then likely to perceive the therapist as behaving in an
abandoning and rejecting manner, and as a result the therapy may be
dominated by endless sidetracking from other issues in order to deal
with the more subjectively pressing issue (to the patient) of the fear
and hurt that the patient feels the therapist is causing. And the
spinning may continue for days, weeks, or months. Numerous variations of
this kind of approach are possible, providing many opportunities for
keeping therapy ineffective for years.

Importance of Spin Programming

Spin programming must be of immense importance, judging from the sheer
amount of time and energy that programmers appear to have devoted to
creating and maintaining these programs throughout their victims' lives.
Another indication of the central importance of this kind of programming
is the wariness shown by many patients when the subject is initially
broached. It is obviously "classified material." These factors, plus the
obvious power of spin programming as both a system-building and
harassment/disruption technique, indicate that this kind of programming
is a fundamental mind control method used on victims of ritual abuse.
Therefore, it must be addressed in psychotherapy with victims of
ritualistic abuse. In fact, spin programming is apparently so fundamenta
l a technique that our patients may not be unable to heal unless it is
addressed in therapy.

Strengths of Spin Programming

Spin-based programs present a number of strengths from the point of view
of programmers. They have been difficult to detect, because therapists
have been unaware of globally targeted spin programs as a separate type
of programming strategy. The reactions created by spin programs, if not
identified as such, are likely to be mislabeled as borderline traits or
"transference issues," providing little or no benefit to the patient.
Containment strategies (utilizing hypnosis or visualization) that may
work well at stopping or preventing flashbacks of specifically targeted
programs are often useless with spin programs, because of both the sheer
volume of memories that are activated by a spin program and the force of
the spin. Working with the affected alters is difficult because of the
lengthy, intensive attitude training against communicating with
outsiders that they have received; due to the fact that they are guarded
to prevent contact; because they fear that they will experience pain if
they do not spin it out, combined with the immediacy of pain relief if
they do; and due to the power, or perceived power, of the spin.

In general, when therapists attempt to deal with a spin program, they
are likely to feel as if they are grappling with a complicated, powerful
machine. In fact, that is essentially what they are doing. Spin programs
"feel" quite different from specifically targeted programs. Many more
alters are involvid in spin programs, they are much more highly trained
and more automatic and smoothly coordinated in their functioning, and
the operations of the programs are much better safeguarded against
attempts to tamper with or undermine them. As such, they present a
formidable challenge to therapists and patients.

Weaknesses of Spin Programming

In spite of the power and complexity of spin programs, they are
nevertheless amenable to therapeutic intervention. with patience,
commitment, and compassion, an astute therapist working closely with a
creative, motivated patient can gradually make a dent in this kind of
programming and eventually overcome it by exploiting its inherent

The first weakness is the fact that all programmed alters, including
spinners, guards, controllers, and all those who are part of the spin
mechanism, are personalities who were "cut from the same cloth" as the
rest of the system and are therefore capable of both reason and emotion.
Alters comprising the spin mechanism can actively observe incoming
information and react to it by commencing the spin, making decisions
about when to block outside contact or punish those who fail to
cooperate with the program; therefore, they can reason. Spinners often
take pride in being good at spinning, and they are proficient at
spinning painful emotions in order to avoid them; therefore, they are
capable of feeling emotion. If a therapist or an internal helper can
establish communication with these alters, the way is open for them to
correct their present, limited cognitive grasp of their situations and
options by learning new facts, and to want to change what they do by
becoming aware of their feelings about it. They are also capable of
positive emotions, and they are likely to be deprived of and hungry for
them. Therefore, they are likely, once contacted, to respond favorably
to care and concern.

The second weakness is the fact that much of the training that makes up
spin programming i8 conditioned as opposed to unconditioned, that is,
based on paired associate or cognitive learning. Therefore, cognitive
changes such as consciousness of how the conditioning was done can
facilitate breaking the connections rapidly. The connections and beliefs
that can be broken in this way include the link between external
spinning and internal spinning; the link between internal spinning and
the sending out of pain and other feelings; the link between velocity of
internal spinning, centrifugal force, and the irresistibility of the
pain and other feelings being spun out; the illusion that the spinners
are separate from the rest of the system; the pride .of being good at
spinning; and the belief that they have only a limited number of
options. The third weakness is the fact that spin programming is built
on an accumulation of individual dissociated experiences that can be
abreacted, one after the other, until the foundation of the spin
mechanism has been completely undermined. Three groups of dissociated
memories may be addressed: the original training experiences of the
spinners and others involved in spinning; the traumatic experiences from
which pain or affective components are collected and fed into the spin
mechanism; and the programs instructing the spinners what to spin and
under what conditions to begin spinning.

The fourth, and greatest, weakness of spin programming is also its
greatest strength: the complexity of the system of alters and the checks
and balances that control them. An astute therapist can eventually gain
access to individuals who occupy the different roles, either directly or
indirectly, and then educate them about their betrayal by their
programmers, about the compassion they could be feeling toward the
suffering of other alters in their system (instead of the hate or
mistrust they have been taught to feel), about their ultimate unity with
the others (instead of the separation that has been forced on them), and
about how to join forces to resist.


This paper has described spin programming, a type of abuse that until
recently was unknown to psychotherapists, but has obviously been in use
by ritual abusers for many years -- at least four decades, and probably
much longer. It is possible that most or perhaps all patients with
histories of ritual abuse have been subjected to spin programming.
Patients who were born into cults that practice ritual abuse (as opposed
to having been recruited later in life) are probably more likely to have
experienced spin programming, and their spin programming is likely to be
both more intensive and more sophisticated.

Spin programming presents some formidable obstacles for psychotherapy.
It is apparent that, in the past, lack of awareness and understanding of
spin programming by the therapeutic community has contributed to many
problems in therapy, and that complete healing has probably been
impossible without facing and dealing effectively with this type of mind
control technique.

It is hoped that this paper will provide a valuable service by making
information available to therapists that may contribute to significant
breakthroughs for their patients and ultimately allow for their complete
healing, while also providing testable hypotheses to researchers
interested in ritual abuse.



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Revised April 20, 1995
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