-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.28/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 28
Laissez Faire City Times
July 12, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 28
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Viet Nam

Part 2: Historical Background & First Defining Statement

by Robert L. Kocher

Viet Nam has a long history, most of which is irrelevant. What have been
only very recently referred to as Vietnamese are descendants of Chinese
and Indonesian migrants over a period of several thousands. Somewhere
about 2,200 years ago there was a kingdom, really a geographical area
called Nam-Viet. The term is derived from the Chinese meaning "distant

One hundred years later, to the extent that the area was looked upon as
anything, it was looked upon as a Chinese province. What evolved was an
upper level social shell of Chinese politics and administration that the
original people didn't want to be bothered with. Whenever you have a
group of people who want to bother other people who don't want to be
bothered, somebody with a pretentious title who is in charge of
bothering people eventually gets his feelings hurt over being rejected.
It draws attention to the area and evolves into a focused test of will
between botherers and botherees. The territory, itself, was of little
intrinsic value to anybody except the comparatively few people who lived
there. However, some Chinese decided they wanted to be titular bosses,
and even if they didn't really have profound power and effect on the
culture among the ordinary people, who they seldom saw, they were an
irritant that persisted over centuries.

In the year 939 the indigenous people staged an uprising and threw off
formal external Chinese control of the area. China then tried,
halfheartedly, to retake and re-establish control over the area
periodically through marginal military actions, but was finally repelled
in 1427. After that period the area was independent, although China was
paid symbolic tribute to avoid its becoming a nuisance. Basically, there
wasn't enough in the area, or potentially enough in the area, to justify
expenditure of any serious effort or involvement on China's part.
Neither did the area have enough population or other resources to become
a military or any other kind of threat to massive China. Hence, there
was a kind of truce based upon Chinese disinterest, although the
experience left a "Vietnamese" cultural tradition of mistrusting China.

The area wasn't even a crossroads. To the southwest was the Malay
Peninsula. According to my school geography book in the 40s, the people
there still lived a primitive life in which they spent a phenomenal
amount of time beating a tubor called manioc to get poison out so it
could be cooked and eaten like potatoes. For several thousand years
nobody wanted to go there, let alone go through Viet Nam to go there.
The Vietnamese area was protected from early serious conquest by its
uselessness. There wasn't anything there worth stealing. It was too
irrelevant to attract notice, much less outside conquest. Distant South
described its position as well as the level of interest and knowledge
regarding the area.

Internally, the area that was to eventually become Viet Nam hundreds of
years later became ruled or administrated by a
Mandarin/Confucianism-based system modeled after that brought in by the
Chinese. A mandarin is a civil servant/administrator who is a member of
the educated elite. Rival mandarinates eventually evolved between the
Trinh dynastic group in the North and the Nguyen in the South which
became quasi-separate political countries.

So, during its early period the area lived under a Chinese cultural and
political domination which was resented and never incorporated.
Basically, the area was so physically uncomfortable, sparsely populated,
disease-ridden, and primitive that few people of rank or authority
ventured out of what few cities there were. Any governing authority
existed in name only, and in the comfort of cities. This led to the
maxim in Vietnamese life, "The government stops at the village gate."
More accurately, government never even got from the city to the village
for lack of reason or motivation.

Under Jesuit influence the area developed its own culture and during the
1500s developed into three countries: Cochin-China in the South, Annam
in the middle, and Tonkin in the North, which had distinct cultural and
political differences. Tonkin provided the name for the Tonkin Gulf that
was to become famous many years later in a small naval confrontation
that solidified the conflict in the Viet Nam war. There was the usual
history of petty rivalries, incompetent mini-dynasties, and whatever.
There were also religious wars and persecution of Christians.

During the early 1800s the French introduced a military force to take
control of the area and finally made the three countries into a
quasi-French colony, which (although they built some roads and
communications from north to south) the French were unsuccessful in
uniting. The Vietnamese didn't like the French. (It is not strictly
correct to say Vietnamese since Viet Nam didn't exist.) The people in
the three countries or areas didn't like the French. There was an
imposed peace, and forced compliance to French rule.

The French Find Rubber

When the French took it over, the area was useless. The French were near
the bottom of the international power totem pole at the time, and as a
consequence had to be content with crummy areas of the world, while the
British got the really neat stuff like Canada, India, Australia, and so
on. In the 1900s Viet Nam became somewhat economically important as a
source of rubber, which was originally made from the sap of rubber
trees, after Charles Goodyear found it could be vulcanized into durable
material with sulfur. This was to persist until the American chemist
Corothers elucidated the functionality of the carbon-carbon double bond
in the 1930s, resulting in eventual world-wide artificial synthesis of
much higher grade rubber in huge quantities from butadiene derived from
petroleum. Nobody has made significant use of rubber tree sap for more
than 50 years--and certainly not for tires and similar products.

But for a period, there were rubber tree plantations where Frenchmen
could live like genteel noblemen.

The 1929 Historical Atlas, by professor William Shepherd, shows an area
called French Indo-China with few cities and the somewhat vague areas of
Tonkin, Annam, and Cochin-China. The geography was only marginally
charted, and at the time not worth the effort of serious mapping. The
1943 Columbia Standard Illustrated World Atlas shows about the same
thing, with more cities.

During World War Two, the Japanese conquered the area—among other
reasons for rubber, because Japan had few raw materials of its own and
was also technologically backward. The famous American Office of
Strategic Services, which was a precursor to the CIA, and simultaneously
military, was looking for a way to use foreign forces to harass both the
Japanese and the French elements then supporting Hitler (after the
collapse of France to the German armies). They organized and supported a
guerrilla resistance movement around a man named Ho Chi Minh, who was
educated in France and was a communist.

After the Japanese lost the war, the French retook the area by military
force. The future Vietnamese wanted the French out, so they could go
back to what they had 120 years earlier. They just didn’t want to be
bothered by anybody.

Here, we run into several complex situations.

Stupidity, Arrogance, and Allies

Necessary political and military allies come from imperfect backgrounds.
The French and the English come from historical backgrounds of stupidity
and arrogance. For several hundred years, both nations had the very
annoying habit of sailing about the world, planting their flags on
whatever beaches they landed at, then claiming the area for their kings,
queens, or whatever, regardless of whether or not there were already
millions of people living there who didn't want to be bothered or
claimed. The French were forced out of much of North America during the
French and Indian War. The British were expelled by what became the
United States during the American revolution. But both the French and
English continued empty claims on numerous other portions of the earth w
here they had no real business being, while generating and fighting off
considerable continuous local resentment. The sun never set upon the
British empire and its style of stolid aggravation—particularly in
places such as China and India. South Africa was a peculiar situation to
which the British had an arguable legitimate right because it was
uninhabited when the British established Capetown as a servicing station
for ships traveling around the African horn. France had various portions
of Africa and S. E. Asia, which required the presence of the famous
French Foreign Legion to put down the constant turmoil that French
demands for control produced.

At the same time, the British and French were very necessary American
allies during World War Two and later against the determined advancement
of communist aggression. This left the United States in the position of
being allies with nations who were correct in certain policies, but who
were also suppressing the equivalents of our own American revolution in
other parts of the world. We rightly should have supported the
pre-Vietnamese forces seeking to expel the French. But if we did, we
would have lost the French as allies in other critical areas.

During the twenties or thirties we should have told the French that we
could not support their continued control of Indo-China. However, it's
doubtful at that time that three people in the United States, including
presidents, even knew where Annam was. It wasn't even accurately defined
on maps of the period. The French should have been told not to
reestablish French control after the Second World War, but rather to
re-establish the three countries that originally existed, and then get
out. That having not been done, and the French being unwilling to do it,
part of the stage was set for the Viet Nam War.

Marxist Revolutionaries

There are important differences between the Viet Nam War and the
American revolution. The communists were rather smart. Attempts to expel
colonialism or other oppressive governments cannot succeed without arms
and military aid. The communists offer (present tense) that aid and
channel it through sympathizers or Marxists within the revolutionary
movement, and establish the training cadre. This establishes and
reinforces a disciplined corps of Marxists within the controlling points
and leadership of the revolution. What results is a framework of Marxist
development and power. When the revolution is over, that framework
remains. Marxists are then in control of the arms, organized force, and
subsequent direction of the movement which is still presented as a fight
for national independence. The poor naive devils who think they have
been fighting to free themselves then awaken afterwards to find they are
in the grip of a highly developed Marxist structure and cadre which will
not let loose, and which is immediately recognized as the only
legitimate government by other Marxist regimes. Once the "government" is
recognized, outside Marxist military units can be called in to support
the "people's government" and to kill any opposition to communism. There
is often a purge or circumvention of non-Marxists immediately after the

Ironically, the main mass of people who think they have been fighting
for independence are suddenly declared enemies of the people (and
enemies of the revolution) when they attempt to establish the government
they were originally fighting for. By manipulation of language, the
ordinary people who were fighting for freedom are reclassified as being
part of the same regime that they have been fighting against, and—in a
continuation of the "people's revolution"—these same ordinary people are
wiped out.

Remember all this, because it turns out to be important when some of our
American leaders later talked about, quite incorrectly, nationalistic
movements and revolution. What actually existed was a facade of
nationalistic rhetoric under which something far different was taking

Once the Marxist revolutionary process is a quarter of the way
developed, the situation becomes nearly impossible. Opposing a
revolution which should (and may) have begun as a quest for freedom
becomes a necessity to preclude a communist takeover and the imposition
of a state even more evil than that which the revolution was originally
attempting to overthrow. But this opposition is interpreted by Marxist
propaganda as an attempt to suppress the people or prevent the people
from gaining their freedom. However, at this point, freedom is not where
the people are being taken, whether they understand it or not.

This is where the United States gets into hopeless situations. Suppose
there is a small country with a moderately oppressive leader. If we
don't support that leader, the communists may take that country through
revolution. If we do support that leader, we are looked upon as being
against the people, and the people become anti-American. The eventual
resurgence of revolutionary activity then becomes Marxist and

More importantly, given a benign leader with good intentions, the
sequence of events is similar. Communists begin by killing a few people
or blowing up things. Eventually, even a blessed saint may impose
martial law to save the society. At that point the communists complain
about imposition of a police state, and you go to the first sentence a
few paragraphs previous.

The Leftist Effect "Justifies" Initiating the Cause

In ordinary healthy thinking and analysis there is a sequence of events
where a given cause creates or justifies a consequent effect. But in the
leftist mind there is a paranoid reversal of reasoning in which a
reasonable later consequent of their actions is used to justify the
action preceding it. If a communist revolutionary attempts to kill you
and you defend yourself by killing him, the communist movement will say
your act makes you an oppressor even though they initiated the
foreseeable sequence of events. Under this reversed logic, you are never
allowed to defend yourself from attack by a leftist because the act of
defense makes you guilty of actions that justify having tried to kill
you initially. Since most sane people who are shot at will shoot back,
in the leftist mind the world is filled with oppressive people who
leftists feel uniquely justified in killing or destroying.

A good model for this process is Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution.
Although temporarily a hero of what was believed to be a revolution to
free Cuba from the previous Cuban dictator, Castro then imposed his own
awaiting communist dictatorship (which wasn't the original plan
disclosed to the Cubans). Castro was immediately recognized by the
Soviets who sent in additional military forces to defend Castro with
threat of nuclear war. Castro and his henchmen have kept Cuba an
imprisoned hell-hole for nearly 40 years.

After the conclusion of WWII, Ho Chi Minh was left with an organized
command structure and military, and during the last half of the 40s
established himself in what had been Tonkin. Although the French Vichy
government that had capitulated to Hitler was deposed and replaced after
the Allied liberation of France, Ho Chi Minh was in an organized
position, and had external communist support, to continue opposing the
French presence in Indo-China. In 1949 the French proposed a union of
the three countries under French authority. The union was approved by
Cochin-China and Annam, and Boa Dai of Annam became Emperor in 1949. Ho
Chi Minh and the communist Vietminh in Tonkin refused to acknowledge the
agreement. The French were determined to enforce acknowledgement upon
 the North through military action. They were defeated by the communists
at the famous battle at Dien Bien Phu in Tonkin during 1954.

At this point there is a confounding of variables. The first variable is
the authority of the French. If the French had proposed unification of
the area under force of French authority and force of arms, assuming
Tonkin was an independent country, Tonkin would have had legitimate
objection over non-recognition of Tonkin as an independent country that
had the right to reject incorporation into a larger union, or to reject
continued French influence.

No Legitimate Claim on the South

However, there is a second distinct element here. As an independent
country, Tonkin had no right to prevent Cochin-China and Annam from
making separate arrangements or unions as long as those agreements did
not obligate Tonkin. On the other hand, if the premise that Ho Chi Minh
was operating under maintained that the three countries were already as
one, then the majority democratic vote in the other two established
legality for all three. By any legal or rational standard, then, Ho Chi
Minh had no serious claims on the South.

Subsequently, Ho Chi Minh both refused to look at the three separate
areas as independent, and also refused to acknowledge the outcome of
elections in two of the three areas. Essentially, he wanted to replace
French colonialism with himself and his own colonial occupation under

Upon the French defeat, a subsequent agreement was drawn up in Geneva in
which Ho Chi Minh and the communists were given Tonkin, while
Cochin-China and Annam became South Viet Nam under Boa Dai, and the
French pulled out with a great feeling of relief combined with
embarrassment and humiliation. In 1954 Ngo Dinh Diem became president of
South Viet Nam and eventually did away with the office of emperor. One
might expect everyone would be satisfied. The French were defeated and
were expelled. Ho Chi Minh got the country he wanted. The South
Vietnamese received what they had voted for, albeit free from French
authority. That was supposedly the goal of the revolution created to
free the people. Whoever wanted to could live in what had formerly been
Tonkin. Anyone who wanted to could go live in the South in peace—and
900,000 people did. Simultaneously, 90,000 communists in the South went
to the north. It was nearly ideal.

That, however, was never what had been planned by the communists. The
90,000 communists that had moved north had gone there for guerrilla
training preparatory to invasion of the South.

Ho Crushes Rebellion

The first step in Ho Chi Minh's plan was consolidation of what was now
North Viet Nam. All was not well in North Viet Nam. The people awoke to
find themselves in the grasp of a new brutally authoritarian state that
they didn't bargain for. There were a number of attempted rebellions in
the North. They were put down with considerable vigor and ruthlessness.
Several cities were nearly wiped out. Hundreds of thousands were killed.
The lesson was well learned by others considering protest. Until 1958,
North Viet Nam was too preoccupied with its own internal problems to
direct any effort to the South. By the beginning of 1958 all active
protest had been crushed in the North and plans were drafted for
conquest of the South.

Meanwhile Diem was involved in building South Viet Nam. Diem was a
unique character. He was a devout Catholic, in fact was a friend of
Cardinal Spellman in the United States, and lived an austere personal
life with very few interests other than his almost religious involvement
with the country as an act of faith. He was absolutely incorruptible
because he didn't want anything for himself. He insisted on
incorruptibility in government, which was a considerable annoyance to
those who wished otherwise. He had eradicated the old mafia gangs, and
their army. He had a very good development program for the people which
was working.

In his seriousness, Diem made some powerful and critical enemies. In his
book, Lost Victory, William Colby describes Diem's "civic action"
programs where government personnel were "to eat, sleep, and work with
the people" [1]. Many of those charged with that responsibility regarded
themselves as an elite who viewed such activity as humiliating or
 degrading. The former privileged and self-regarded intellectual
community of South Viet Nam found their rarefied thinking becoming an
ignored irrelevance in the emerging culture. They had formerly held
parasitic titular positions, or had comprised the cultural and social
elite who attended court life under the French, but now, with no court,
found themselves excluded from power and influence. It produced a degree
of dissatisfaction that was to haunt Diem. For one thing, outsiders
seeking information on Viet Nam would establish easy communication with
the urbane former courtesans and intellectuals, with whom they were more
comfortable than with the ordinary people, and the astigmatism of the
intellectuals’ dissatisfaction provided a distorted view of what was t
aking place, which was disseminated in American analytic writing and the

President Diem of South Viet Nam had been expected to fail and South
Viet Nam to become a non-entity. Much to everybody's surprise, he was
making a success out of the place. He had an emphasis on facilitating
free trade and economic development. South Viet Nam shortly began to
develop into a bustling nation under his leadership.

Le Doan’s Alarming Report

What follows is one of five major definitive statements regarding South
Viet Nam of which there is almost no reference in the nearly exclusively
politically leftward analysis dominating the media and academia. In 1958
North Vietnamese communist party commissar Le Doan visited South Viet
Nam. He returned to the north with an alarming report. Economic and
general conditions for the South Vietnamese people were improving at a
rate that was a threat to communist revolution and communist expansion,
and such progress had to be stopped or there would be insufficient
dissatisfaction in South Viet Nam to exploit for organizing revolution.
 Certainly, there would be little spontaneous motivation in the South to
adopt the mess that was going on in the North.

This glowing evaluation of Diem's leadership and Southern progress came
from one of Diem's worst enemies. It was at the time, of course,
intended only for private consumption of the politburo in the North. It
should be taken very seriously by those studying the history of the area
and the war. Privately, Diem was well-regarded as an honest and very
capable leader by the North, by Ho Chi Minh, and by Chairman Mao in
China. (In fact, in 1945, Diem was well known for both his honest
ability, and his dedication for independence from the French to the
point where he was approached by Ho Chi Minh to join a coalition to
seize power from the French. Diem declined because of his dislike for
communist influence in the move and a realization that he would be
exploited, then betrayed.) But the view by leftist intellectuals in
America and elsewhere was a public parroting of criticism and
denunciation of Diem, contrary to fact, which fulfilled the propaganda
strategy necessary for revolution in the North, and which suited the
angry ex-courtesans in the South. Diem was, and continues to be to this
day, carped at and criticized. In this case, the private evaluation from
his enemies is more valid that what was said publicly, here or there.

So the communist North was beginning to panic. Progress in South Viet
Nam had to be stopped and reversed immediately. Ready or not, disruption
preparatory to the subjugation of South Viet Nam was to begin. A system
of supply lines was started. Revolutionary guerrillas groups began
infiltrating back into the South organized as five-man teams.

There was a wave of attacks and terrorism. On July 8, 1959, a small
American military advisory team 20 miles north of Saigon was attacked as
they watched their evening recreational movie. Two were killed, becoming
the first casualties in what was to become a war. It is only recently
that their names were added to the wall, because the American government
did not recognize the period and deaths as being part of the war.

In his book, ex-CIA Director William Colby describes Diem's programs,
and what happened, on concrete levels that would be beyond the
experience and understanding of Washington intellectuals.

Killing the Healers

Malaria had been a torment and killer of the Vietnamese people for
centuries. Indeed, it was at one time one of the world's worst cripplers
and killers. Diem established government teams that would spray large
areas and relieve the people of the malaria plague. It had been proven
to work. The people were thrilled with it. The communists killed the
malaria control teams. That ended the program. The communists would then
use the lack of success in combating malaria to stir discontent among
the people, and argue there was government incompetence, unconcern, and

This occurred before there was significant American presence in Viet

Much of South Viet Nam was potentially fertile land which if developed
would represent a better and less stressed condition for the people.
There was an agrovilles program in which fertile land was opened up and
given to the people. A system of roads was being built so people could
get their products to market. There were planned villages with medical
centers and schools. The homes were spaced some distance apart so that
families could have gardens around their homes. Taking advantage of the
distance between homes, the communists would pick off the families one
by one at night. The people were forced to leave rather than be killed,
That was the end of another very well-intentioned and beneficial
program. As Colby says with some understatement, "An idea that might
have had promise in a peaceful atmosphere proved impossible in the face
of Hanoi's campaign."

Medical personnel and teachers were systematically killed by the
communists before and throughout the war.

Village residents were forceably gathered in groups by communist teams
to witness disembowelment of uncooperative peasants. The heads of the
resistant were chopped off and impaled on poles outside village
entrances. Record of this can be found under Edward Lansdale, in The
Lessons of Vietnam, and in Guenther Lewy, America in Vietnam. It was
common knowledge among the people involved in Viet Nam at the time.

The problem in South Viet Nam was not Diem. If Diem had not been opposed
by communist terrorism, probably 90 percent of the people in rural South
Viet Nam would have been living in modernized homes on their own farms
with local schools and access to medical clinics several days a week by
1968. There is no real doubt of it by people familiar with the
situation. Certainly, there was no real doubt of it by the communists in
the North who looked on it as a threat that desperately had to be
prevented. So the threat was ended by killing off both ordinary people
and critical personnel.

Guerrilla Control

South Viet Nam was a primitive agrarian culture with a small, largely
ceremonial, untrained military and had neither the population nor the
industrial capacity to produce even simple military armaments. If
Vietnamese left their fields to fight a war, there would be no food.
They had few military resources of any kind. Substantial resources would
be required to locate even a small number of thugs wandering around
hidden by the jungle. Using standard military tactics, at least 10
soldiers are typically required to counteract one guerrilla. This ratio
varies with terrain/foliage, military mobility, communication systems,
population density/distribution, configuration of guerrilla forces, and
village size. A mathematical formula can be worked out. In Viet Nam, a
ratio of at least (that means at least) 30-50 to one would be required
to control small guerrilla bands using standard tactics. Two thousand
outside-supported guerrillas would require a 200,000 man army to control
them under optimal conditions (for the guerillas) and with serious
training. South Viet Nam was completely dependent upon outside help for

Massive military confrontations could be avoided by the guerrillas, and
such confrontations would indeed be irrelevant or unnecessary. The goal
of the guerrillas would not be to defeat an army, but to defeat a
people. In this particular situation the goal could be accomplished
without defeating the army or occupying territory. It is possible to
destroy the people’s will to resist while circumventing a strong army
and a virtuous government. Further discussion of this will be deferred
until a later segment on military science and tactics.

There was a possible defensive approach against guerrilla action that
paralleled that which occurred in the American revolution. There were
local self-defense forces and a civil guard roughly comparable to
American revolutionary minutemen and utilizing individually armed

"The reason these units received no American military assistance in the
turning point years of 1959 and 1960 was one that appeared logical in
Washington but was obvious nonsense in a faraway Southeast Asian country
facing a new style of warfare. In Vietnam, these forces came under the
Ministry of the Interior in Vietnam, not the Ministry of Defense. This
made them ineligible to receive American military assistance."

"What in reality were the front line forces therefore had to make do
with ancient weapons, without shoes, and without communications even to
advise when they were being attacked, let alone vainly request
reinforcement. Little wonder that their morale was abysmal, and that
their nightly maneuver was limited to closing the barbed wire around
their pathetic fort and waiting for morning in hopes that Communist
guerrillas would ignore them ..." [3]

This was the first critical point of the conflict. If each village had
been even armed with 30 WWII carbines and a radio, it would have helped
destroy the confidence and effectiveness of the Viet Cong. As it was,
the people were left absolutely without any means of defense and were
helpless. Five guerrillas could take any village assured of no risk to
themselves or no capacity for opposition. Failure to fully evaluate and
understand this was part of an inexcusably soft, indifferent, lazy,
mindless, insightless, uncreative, incompetence—combined with a lack of
attention to detail—that was to be a consistent pattern of the American
role throughout the conflict. No military operation could survive it.
Indeed, no friendly government could survive it.

Ho the Conqueror

Ho Chi Minh was not a one-man-one-vote type of guy. There wasn't any
choice in the North. He didn't go to South Vietnam with ballot boxes to
see if those people were voluntarily interested in voting for his rule.
The North had been a separate country for hundreds of years. And 900,000
people had already voted with their feet and had ran to the South while
trying to get away from him in desperation. He invaded with a
well-financed army, well-maintained with equipment provided from other
oppressive regimes and with the intention of killing any opposition. The
only vote he would recognize would be from an election held after he
secured enough power to make it clear that those who did not vote for
him would be killed.

The situation in South Viet Nam was complicated by a cultural civil war
 of sorts, the importance of which has been exaggerated and was
exploited by the radical left in the United States as propaganda to
support the communist invasion. South Viet Nam had an extensive Catholic
population. There had been a resented Chinese domination of the area for
hundreds of years. The Vietnamese were determined to throw off Chinese
influence and develop a separate culture. In the 1640s, under the Jesuit
missionary Alexandre De Rhodes, this goal was achieved. The Jesuits had
set up a strong educational system in Viet Nam. This brought medicine,
literacy, and technology to the country. Virtually anybody who could do
anything or possessed modern knowledge was Catholic. The Buddhists, who
were remnants from a more primitive period, found themselves losing
cultural relevance and prestige, and several of them protested by
burning themselves in the streets. But that wasn't what the Viet Nam war
was about. Ho Chi Minh didn't send armies south to rescue the cultural
prestige of Buddhists. With or without Ho Chi Minh, the days of supreme
prestige of Buddhists were drawing to a close. More will be said about
this later.

McNamara, the Loser

In his book, In Retrospect, Robert McNamara states that in March 1962 he
told a meeting of the Advertising Council in Washington that "success in
opposing guerrilla warfare will depend at least as much and probably
more upon the political and economic actions and programs than upon the
military programs" [4]. This was brilliant rhetorical showmanship that
sounded plausible, but was completely disconnected from any reality. If
he believed any of it, it is obvious from this that McNamara had no idea
what was going on in Viet Nam. This type of incompetence was to become
the hallmark of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. McNamara,
Kennedy, and the rest of the Kennedy administration may have believed
it. To the extent that they did, they were either very naive or stupid.
But, it's obvious that to the extent it was believed, neither McNamara
nor anyone else had any idea what was happening in South Viet Nam.

Basically, only two real problems existed in South Viet Nam and they
were not economic or political. The first problem was people like
McNamara in America. The second was that South Vietnamese were being
killed. Economic progress had already taken place, but this had become
irrelevant because the South Vietnamese people were being killed at will
and without significant risk to the people doing the killing. If the
people were living in a South Viet Nam that was converted to Disneyland,
the country would still fall because of unopposed terrorism. This simple
obvious truth was completely out of the frame of reference, indeed was
an insult, to pompous self-infatuated windbags who thought they were
terribly clever when parading the evasive childishness the Kennedy i
ntellectuals had acquired at left-wing schools.

There was a developing problem in the United States in that people were
becoming over "educated". They began to create various leitmotifs, adopt
symbolisms, and nourish interpretations characteristic of artistic
intrigue viewed as cleverness in college literature courses. The idea
that if someone puts a bullet through you, or publicly disembowels you,
so that it's all over at that point, and that political organizing and
leverage can be as simple as that, was becoming—as a matter of rewarded
intellectual habit—too vulgar and unsophisticated to be acceptable as
both a first and final absolute truth. Such basic reality doesn't get
you an A+ in a political science course which rewards students who
demonstrate a creative capacity for convoluted interpretation and
conjecture. Instead, the cute convoluted reasoning (which may result in
a good grade) is likely to lose a war and a nation while sacrificing
thousands or millions of lives. Many of the American educated were
sincerely perplexed by the outcome of their war efforts. The most
distilled and worst of such unworldly thinking was proudly represented
in the Kennedy administration and its intellectuals.

A Leftist Revolution Against Economic Progress

>From this, there developed an ideological misconception. There was a
romanticized a priori left-wing idea that leftist revolution was always
a fight against economic poverty or a part of some other noble struggle.
This was far from the truth. Leftist revolution can be, and in the case
of Viet Nam was, a determined fight against economic or any other kind
of progress.

Success in revolution can be as simple as killing or terrorizing anybody
who is not on your side, or who doesn't do what you want them to do. If
the people involved have little means of defending themselves to stop
the process, it's absolutely 100 percent effective. Period.

Contrary to the views of McNamara and others in the Kennedy
administration, progress and improvement in conditions for people
requires physical security before anything else. That was the only
failure that was relevant. Before anything else can work, that must
happen. Where there is a destructive influence by an organized group,
that means a military confrontation and victory is necessary. Without
that victory and physical security, the best of intent and the best of
governments will fail. Given the most saintly of leaders, political
stability or economic improvement can not be accomplished as long as
people are being randomly killed and blown up.

As an aside, please notice the purpose of the communist insurgency was
not to improve the lives of the people. Personal progress for the
average Vietnamese was a threat to the spread of communism, and thus had
to be annihilated. The communist role was to deteriorate the condition
of the people and to exploit the consequent dissatisfaction, or else use
the threat of continued deterioration as leverage and blackmail to
procure obedience. If left alone, Diem would have improved the condition
of the people by a factor of ten within a reasonable period. That should
have made anyone ecstatic whose real interest was in betterment for the
ordinary people. Groups whose primary interest is in improvement do not
drive people out of vastly improved villages and kill off doctors and
schoolteachers. The war was not about human improvement, but about
something entirely different. It was basically about confrontation with
pure psychotic evil.

Left-wing graduates of places like Berkeley or Harvard who became the
backbone of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations were far too
sophisticated to accept the simple truth of this principle. They needed
something far more complex to use in demonstrating their intellectual
acumen and creativity. They could give speeches denying the truth
through omission, which they did, but doing so wouldn't change it. They
could get angry with the South Vietnamese leaders, which they did, but
that wouldn't change the fact of Marxist terrorist killings. They could
have a temper tantrum and assassinate a South Vietnamese president,
which they did, but that wouldn't change Ho’s strategy. They could get
angry with the Vietnamese people afterwards, which they did, but that
wouldn't change the underlying facts either.

Thus, the failure to understand the basic confrontation with evil,
together with synergistic elements, underwrote the loss of the Viet Nam
war. The disinclination to view evil as evil is what still divides the
United States to this day regarding Viet Nam.

All of this should have been explained by John F. Kennedy, Lyndon
Johnson, and Robert McNamara at the beginning. We should begin asking
ourselves why it wasn't done. We should be asking why it isn't done
today. Part of the answer will be examined in future installments in
this series.

The Communists Dig In

By 1964 the communist movement in the South was consolidated and fully
functional. Small groups of on the order of five guerrillas who were
difficult to locate in the jungle could move into and terrorize unarmed
villagers at night, or harass them during the day. Eventually the
communists intruded into the villages, and indoctrination sessions were
held, and demands were made for food and support. Men or village chiefs
who resisted were not uncommonly disciplined by being hung upside down
and having to watch their sons being castrated and their daughters
having their breasts cut off before they, themselves, were disemboweled
and left hanging. This is what people on the political left in America
would romanticize as marvelous ability of the Viet Cong to inspire s
upport from the common people. The fact that the people in the villages
lived in constant fear was sadistically given the distorted
interpretation as a failure of the American and South Vietnamese
government to win the hearts and minds of the people.

Five or six of these inspirational meetings and demonstrations of faith
were generally enough to gain control of an area about five miles
square, Two hundred guerrillas could subjugate an area 40 miles square
through employment of fear. On the political left this is called
bringing democracy to the people. To be sure, it produced unity where
people would do what they were told and would vote as they were told,
but with less than ecstatic participation.

With what little moral spine there existed in the United States and in
the Kennedy-Johnson administrations, we increased American military
involvement in response to this systematic atrocity. To say American
involvement caused these atrocities or made things worse is a little
like saying the movement of grass and leaves in the trees causes wind.
No, these atrocities were standard methods and were planned before we
got there. In fact, the decisions were made in the North in 1958.

The military tactics of the Kennedy-Johnson-McNamara period were
self-destructive and inept for reasons that must be deferred. The
strategy was one of loss for us, which was nearly a fait accompli at the
end of 1968. There was a complex conflict among morality, sound military
action, and destructive left-wing politics. Destructive left-wing
politics warped everything into a suicidal venture.

Colby Opines

William Colby was probably one of the most perceptive minds in
Government in the last 50 years.

In his book he makes the point, "A rough but fair way of judging nations
is whether refugees move toward or away from them, and by this test the
verdict against the North Vietnamese was conclusive, both during and
after the war." [5] Around 900,000 people escaped from Ho Chi Minh after
his takeover of Tonkin. Over a million, from a small country,
desperately attempted to escape by boat, many of whom perished in the
China Sea, after his takeover of the south.

Colby states he was puzzled that "...many antiwar leaders actually
believed that a North Vietnamese victory would be the best possible
outcome." [6]

He writes of the predictions of Douglas Pike, one of the most astute
students of Vietnamese communism, made in 1968.

"If the communists win decisively in South Vietnam, what is the
prospect? First, all foreigners would be cleared out of the South,
especially the hundreds of foreign newsmen who are in and out of Saigon.
A curtain of ignorance would descend. Then there would be a night of
long knives. There would be a new order to build. The war was long and
so are memories of all scores to be settled. All political opposition,
actual or potential, would be systematically eliminated. Stalin versus
kulak, Mao versus landlord, Hanoi versus Southern Catholic, the pattern
would be the same: eliminate not the individual, for who cares about the
individual, but the latent danger to the dream, the representative of
the blocs, the symbol of the force, that might someday, even inside the
regime, dilute the system. Beyond this would come Communist justice
meted out to the ‘tyrants and lackeys’. Personal revenge would be a
small wheel turning within the larger wheel of Party retribution.

"But little of this would be known abroad. The communists would create a

"The world would call it peace." [7]

Colby concludes:

"This almost precise prediction of what actually transpired in Vietnam
after 1975, with the exception of the mass exodus that occurred, was
disputed by the antiwar movement at the time as alarmist and
contentious, as well as unlikely. We have seen it was directly on the

With the absence of any opposition to communism, Cambodia and South
Vietnam fell into communist hands simultaneously. Twenty-five percent of
the population of Cambodia were executed, meaning the loss of 1,500,000
lives. The total number of executions of Vietnamese under Ho Chi Minh
may have been in the order of between 15,000,000 to 20,000,000. There
will never be a full accounting. When more than a million people are
driven to leave a country in small boats as an almost suicidal
alternative, something terrible beyond ordinary belief must be happening

Bill Clinton’s Apologies

In allowing this to happen, while involving ourselves, the United States
was a party to the worst crimes against humanity that the world has seen
in a hundred years. It was numerically worse than the holocaust in
Germany. It was morally more unforgivable than the holocaust. In the
case of Stalin and Hitler, we could plead ignorance and innocence. But,
in Viet Nam there was no innocence possible. The earlier lessons of the
twentieth century were too obvious to allow any new pleading of
ignorance. What happened, happened with full knowledge that it would

Bill Clinton recently traveled to Africa to apologize for what was done
to Africans 300 years ago. He and his brethren have a far more serious
moral obligation to apologize to the world for what was done thirty
years ago.


[1] William Eagan Colby, with James McCargar, Lost Victory, Contemporary
Books, Chicago, 1989, p. 62.

[2] Edward Lansdale in The Lessons of Vietnam, W. Scott Thompson &
Donaldson D. Frizzell, editors, Crane, Russak, 1977. Also Guenther Lewy,
America in Vietnam, Oxford University Press, 1978.

[3] Colby, p. 61.

[4] Robert S. McNamara with Brian VanDeMark, In Retrospect: the Tragedy
and Lessons of Vietnam, Times Books, New York, 1995, p. 46.

[5] Colby, p. 360.

[6] Colby, p. 337.

[7] Colby, p 361.


Robert L. Kocher is the author of "The American Mind in Denial," as well
as many other articles. He is an engineer working in the area of
solid-state physics, and has done graduate study in clinical psychology.
His email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 28, July 12, 1999
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