-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990712d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No application programmers were harmed during production of this bulletin.
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# ET life sought. HAT CREEK, Calif. (AP) On a high desert plain, astronomer
  Jack Welch looks at the sky and wonders. For years he's studied the stars,
  uncovered the secrets of their distant fire. Now, as the 1st professor to
  hold a new chair dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence
  at the University of California at Berkeley, Welch is embarking on a new
  venture - listening for the alien civilizations that may lie beyond the
  stars. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560262401-7e6

: Do ETs represent a new frontier for marketers? What can we sell them? Do
we have anything aliens are interested in, other than our flesh? Why not??
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# Klingons Take It Off. Online voyeurs feeling the ennui of seeing the same
  old naked humans again and again might consider sneaking a peak at some
  Klingons in the buff.  Warriors of the Empire http://hotink.com/warriors/
  offers an intimate look at the private lives of Klingondom's sexier babes
  and studs. http://www.wired.com/news/news/tip/culture/story/20651.html
# Trekkies: Get a Life: http://wired.com/news/news/culture/story/19830.html

: Which aliens do you most/least like to see naked? Do you mind if they see
you naked? Do you practice/prefer/demand rishathra? Which Klingon's hottest?
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# Supremacist group probed. EAST PEORIA, Ill. (AP) A white supremacist group
  linked to a 4th of July weekend shooting spree is under investigation for
  possible violations of state tax and charities regulations. The group's
  leader says it needn't pay taxes because it's a church. Illinois agencies
  launched probes into the East Peoria-based World Church of the Creator.
  Suspected gunman Benjamin Nathaniel had been a member of the group. See
# Also: Hate crimes summit planned - increased pressure for legislation:

: Does your church pay taxes? Should all churches pay taxes? Why not? Are
taxes certain, like death? Would you rather die, pay taxes, or both? Are
death & taxes divine will? Is failure to pay taxes disobedience to a deity?
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# THE DEBATE OVER DNA EVIDENCE. A federal commission says it's too soon for
  authorities to begin collecting DNA samples from everyone charged with a
  crime. Privacy advocates say it's just a matter of time. Sample me now:

# WOUND-UP DEFCON WINDS DOWN. DefCon 7 wraps with media-hacker showdowns and
  high-energy presentations. Next challenge: hacking the fed DNA databases:

: Do you prefer to hack electronic or genetic data? Do you prefer silicon or
carbon-based virus design? Is your DNA tamper-proof, V-Chip protected, old?
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# Egyptian temple moving to new site. CAIRO (AP)  Egypt will move a 2,600-
  year-old Pharaonic temple to a new site to protect it from the ravages of
  rising ground water. It will be the largest project of the kind in Egypt
  since the temple of Ramses II in Abu Simbel was dismantled and reerected
  in 1968 to protect it from flooding by the creation of Lake Nasser behind
  the Aswan High Dam. The temple, 310 miles south of Cairo, was first built
  by King Bsmatik II of the 24th Pharaonic dynasty around 660 B.C. See

: Should any of your temples be moved? Is anyplace on Earth safe from meteor
strikes, solar flares, alien devastation? Why not just build a new temple??
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# USSR PLANNED TO ATOM BOMB MOON. HAD SOVIET astronauts been first to land
  on the Moon, they might have done more than just plant a flag. They had
  considered detonating an atom bomb, in an explosion that would be visible
  from Earth, to prove they were there before their rivals. Nuke the moon:

: What planet or satellite would you like to nuke? Do you need to file an
environmental impact statement first? Is this considered a hostile act??
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@ Nazi Moon Bases - HALF A CENTURY OF THE GERMAN MOON BASE, 1942 - 1992. The
  Germans landed on Luna as early as probably 1942, utilizing their larger
  exoatmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever type. The Miethe
  rocket craft was built in diameters of 15 and 50 meters, and the Schriever
  Walter turbine powered craft was designed as an interplanetary exploration
  vehicle. It had a diameter of 60 meters, had 10 stories of crew compart-
  ments, and stood 45 meters high. Welcome to Alice in Saucerland.

: Was the planned Russian nuke an attack on their old Nazi adversaries? Have
you seen the Nazi lunar bases? Are they better than their Antarctic bases??
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@ UK Crypto Policy Secrets Revealed:  http://jya.com/uk-secrets.htm
@ Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) today launched a new section
  called Freedom of Information: http://www.cyber-rights.org/foia/
# Dutch might legalize euthanasia - visit Holland and die:
# Writers finding muse in dreams - aspiring artists can nurture their work:

@ CONTENTIOUS online: http://www.contentious.com

@ Vatican Observatory Publ's: http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo/publicns.html
# Veiled Jordanians to uncover faces - show your face if you want to vote:
# Doctor to destroy unclaimed embryos - get'em while they're cold:
# Meet Ralph the wearable computer. Next, computers you can swallow:
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  "Wisteria had not the foggiest notion why she had been abducted in the
  dead of night by masked ruffians, trussed feet and hands, and brought to
  this hovel in the depths of the forest, but her legs and arms had long
  since become numb to beyond feeling any pain; her throat dry beyond crying
  out for help which would never arrive anyway; and her eyes bemused as they
  watched the large scorpion make its slow, investigatory journey up her
  long skirt and across her back; while what remained of her reason reached
  back, grasping fleetingly onto the long-forgotten nursery rhyme as she
  giggled faintly and ran light-heartedly after little Miss Muffett down
  the path to merciful oblivion." --Elaine Huegel

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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