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||  * -- ALERT  -- *  --  July 13, 1999  --  * -- ALERT  -- * ||

                           U R G E N T
                            A L E R T


                              * * *

                            c/o NWROC
                 P.O. Box 1092 Penobscot Station
                         Detroit, MI 48231
                        Tel: (313) 730-3577
                  Web: http://www.umich.edu/~nwroc
                      - Friday, 9 July 1999 -


                     STOP THE WITCHHUNT, No. 7

                       NO EVIDENCE - NO CASE!
                    FIGHTING RACISM IS NOT A CRIME!

                              * * *

     On July 16 the people of Ann Arbor will have an opportunity
to put an end to the disgraceful political witchhunt launched by
their city government one year ago against antiracists who
protested the May 9, 1998 Ku Klux Klan rally.

     On Friday, July 16 at 12 Noon, there will be an antiracist
picket at the courthouse in downtown Ann Arbor. At 1 PM, an
evidentiary hearing for ten antiracist defendants will take place
in Judge Ann Mattson's courtroom. In the wake of the acquittal of
Ryan Lang (see below) the Ann Arbor city government's witchhunt
against antiracists is beginning to fall apart.

     This hearing is an opportunity to deliver what would likely
be a decisive blow to the more than a year old witchhunt. Getting
the ten misdemeanor charges dismissed on the heels of the
powerful victory against the felony "riot" charge in Ryan's case
could well finish off these prosecutions altogether. All
antiracists and all who care about civil liberties should attend.


     On Friday, June 4, just after 7 PM, an all-white six person
jury found 16-year-old antiracist Ryan Lang not guilty of "Riot"
and all other charges. The jury deliberated for less than an hour
after the three-day trial.

     The jury refused to even convict Ryan of the frivolous
lesser included misdemeanor "Disturbing the Peace." The verdict
drew a burst of applause from the crowded courtroom gallery as it
was read. One juror, immediately following the not guilty verdict
said: "I can put it in a nutshell for you. They had no evidence -
no evidence at all."

     In sharp contrast to the prosecution case (which made up for
having what jurors called "no evidence at all" with an effort as
relentless as it was ineffective to convict Ryan on the basis of
guilt-by-association) the defense case was truthful and
compelling. A long and diverse series of witnesses all testified
to the central proposition of the defense: there was no riot on
May 9, 1998.

     The ten defendants are some of the hundreds of antiracists
who protested the Ku Klux Klan rally in Ann Arbor on May 9, 1998.
They are accused of having damaged the chain link rental fence
erected by the city government as part of its $137,000 project to
protect and stage the KKK's rally. The charge is a misdemeanor
called "Malicious Destruction of Property Under $100."

     Given that the only physical evidence in these cases - the
chain link fence itself - was destroyed with the authorization of
the police, the evidentiary hearing to determine whether and if
so, when, how, where and by whom the fence was damaged should
prove very difficult for the prosecution. Among the defendants
are prominent antiracists and leaders of the movement to defend
affirmative action and the Defend Affirmative Action Party at the
University of Michigan.


     The police and prosecutor's office are claiming that the
fence was damaged, but the police department never made any
assessment of the condition of the fence. The fence company made
a casual and entirely cursory assessment of the fence. Knowing
they had a standard blank-check insurance policy from the city
for any assessment of material loss - they had a financial
incentive to bend the stick in the direction of assessing damage.
No record was ever made of the alleged damage by either the
police or the fence company.

     The police then allowed the basis of these charges to be
scrapped and melted down, leaving only the bill from the fence
company as "evidence" of damage. This bill is now the lynchpin of
ten misdemeanor charges. The fence company, of course, could have
no notion that the bill they wrote up on the basis of this
cursory assessment of the condition of the fence would later be
the central piece of evidence in criminal charges against ten
people. The company has a vested interest in maintaining the
position that the fence was damaged.

     Police photographs of the fence after the rally, still
images secured from police video, eyewitness affidavits of
neutral observers, including several Peace Team members, an
expert witness affidavit from the owner/operator of a fence
company who viewed the fence in question on multiple police
videos all indicate that there was no damage done to the rental
fence. In fact, the Peace Team re-erected the fence subsequent to
it being pulled from the poles by the counter-demonstrators.
Below is a quote from the introduction to the defendants' Motion
to Dismiss the Charges.

     "There is, however, an even more weighty obstacle to
     proceeding with these cases than the demonstrable innocence
     of the accused. There is no evidence. The police authorized
     the removal and allowed the destruction of the decisive and
     the only piece of physical evidence -- the subject of the
     alleged crime itself -- the chain link fence. Without the
     fence there is no case. The police made no record of the
     damage they allege; no video, no still photographs, not so
     much as a leaf from a police notebook is to be found in the
     police reports that document the damage that defendants are
     alleged to have caused. It is bad faith for the police to
     pay the fence company to remove and destroy the very subject
     of charges and yet continue to pursue prosecution.

     "Not only does the nonexistence of the physical evidence
     make genuine, searching evaluation impossible for a future
     jury, it makes independent investigation impossible for the
     defendants. Justice, common sense and law dictate the
     impossibility of proceeding without this evidence."

Please attend this evidentiary hearing and help make sure justice
is done.


   Friday, July 16, 12 Noon, Downtown Courthouse (Huron & Main)

                              * * *

                      ANATOMY OF A WITCHHUNT

          Drop the Charges! Fighting Racism Is Not A Crime!

     The government of Ann Arbor has launched the largest scale
political witchhunt in the history of the city. Its target is the
entire active antiracist movement.

     The city government has spent the better part of a year and
many tens of thousands of dollars pulling the witchhunt together.

     Twenty-one people have been arrested so far. Charges against
one person were dropped, and Ryan Lang, a juvenile, was acquitted
of the felony "riot". Nineteen remaining people face charges.

     They are people who share the conviction of a nearly
unanimous majority of citizens of Ann Arbor who do not want the
KKK rallying, recruiting, burning churches or murdering people in
this community and who oppose the government spending fortunes in
tax dollars to facilitate the growth of violent racist

     The men and women who are being dragged into court are among
the hundreds of people who opposed the KKK on May 9th. Among them
are prominent leaders of the movement to defend affirmative
action and the Defend Affirmative Action Party at the University
of Michigan. They are black, Asian and white, male and female;
they include long time Ann Arbor residents, students from U of M
and Huron High School; they range in age from 15 to 65 and come
from all walks of life. Ten of the 20 people charged, including
high-school-aged Ann Arbor youth, are facing 10-year felonies.

     Despite government bankrolling on May 9th, the KKK rally was
shut down halfway through. This important victory was secured
largely through the effort and coordination of NWROC and ARA.

     The charges against 9 of the defendants facing the
possibility of 10 years in prison stem from police allegations of
something most 13-year-old boys have done -- namely, throwing
rocks at windows. On the basis of this allegation, police
arrested one 17-year-old Ann Arbor youth bursting into his
grandparents house with a drawn gun. On the basis of this
allegation a foreign student (also 17) is threatened with

     One defendant is charged with the 10-year-felony "Inciting
to Riot" for allegations that consist of speech alone! Sixty feet
away the Ku Klux Klan was urging mass murder of minorities in
transparent, coded language -- under the protection of an army of

     Ten of the 12 misdemeanor charges stem from allegations of
pulling on the rent-a-fence.

     There are three allegations of assaultive crime: two against
"Peace Keepers" and one on a police officer. The police reports
indicate that there are no injuries of any seriousness whatsoever
associated with these charges.

     The bulk of the charges center on allegations of the
destruction of city property -- yet the police themselves have
valued the damaged property at less than 1/27th (!!) of the tax
money that the city government shelled out to stage the racists'
rally in the first place -- now, over 100 years of prison time is

     A handful of broken windows is no cause. The motive is

     The police insist that they are "handling this just like any
other charges" -- but the facts speak louder.

     The "riot" charge has not been brought in Michigan for over
25 years! Fourteen people who are accused of misdemeanors alone
have had their photos shown repeatedly on cable access TV --
America's Most Wanted-style. This is probably the first time in
the history of television that people's faces have been shown on
TV in connection with misdemeanor allegations.

     Now, three months after the KKK's vile, bigoted event, the
same government that said "cost is no issue" when it came to
presenting itself as the defender of the civil liberties and free
speech for the KKK is sparing no expense to suppress the civil
liberties and free speech of antiracists.
The same government that has not spent a dime challenging the
KKK's "right" to rally at the city hall under the protection of
an army of police is now gearing up to spend tens of thousands of
dollars witchhunting the opponents of the KKK and Nazis.

     For months the Ann Arbor police department had two
detectives working full time on the anti-Klan cases. They
compiled hundreds of pages of police reports. They contacted
police agencies around the Midwest to gather information on
antiracist activists who have protested at other KKK rallies.
They got four Peace Team members -- including one reverend -- to
function as police informants, giving statements to the police
and indicating people whom they thought should be arrested. In
the name of this witchhunt, the government has gotten a school
employee to inform against a student. They intimidated numerous
Ann Arbor youth and questioned them about where they had been the
day the KKK came to town. They showed young people photographs
and pressured them to become police informants.

     Elected City Council member Elizabeth Daley is behind the
effort to frame Michigan Student Assembly representative, and U
of M NWROC and Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any
Means Necessary leader Jessica Curtin on a 10-year felony charge.
The same city attorney, Abigail Elias, who has opposed offering
any legal challenge to the KKK has volunteered herself as a
witness against black activist and NWROC leader Shanta Driver.

     The charges provide cover for a McCarthyite witchhunt. This
witchhunt is an attempt to cripple or destroy the only two active
antiracist and antifascist organizations in the Midwest: NWROC
and ARA.

     The witchhunt has focused on known leaders of both groups
and includes many individuals who are not part of either
organization. It is a political witchhunt against the left in the
interest of the far right.

     The only real "crime" of these "suspects" is opposing the
government-bankrolled attempt by the Ku Klux Klan to set up their
hateful operation here in southeast Michigan.


     In a June 16th meeting with representatives of the NWROC
legal team, city attorney Abigail Elias and county prosecutor
Brian Mackie indicated that their determination to pursue charges
was conditional. If NWROC and ARA would renounce our convictions
and toe the government's line in regard to the KKK, then the
threatened witchhunt would be called off. They want the next KKK
rally in Ann Arbor to face no opposition.

     The Republican Ann Arbor city government and Democratic
prosecutor Brian Mackie have decided on a course of political
witchhunt against the antiracist movement. Going through with
this policy will mean a series of long, costly, bitter political
show trials directed against the antiracist movement and the left
-- a terrible throwback to days of government attempts to
suppress Black Power and antiwar activists of the 1960's -- with
the eyes of the nation watching.

     The KKK/Nazis are now and have always been organizations
whose central purpose is genocidal, racist violence. The Ann
Arbor city government knows about the murderous brutality of
these groups and yet they have now spent hundreds of thousands of
dollars and put in enormous effort making it easier for these
racist killers to build an operation in this area.

     We must not allow the city government to set the precedent
of silencing their political opponents through threats of
persecution. We urge all those who care about maintaining civil
liberties to demand an end to the political witchhunt.

                              * * *

                    ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN (AFIB)
                        750 La Playa # 730
                  San Francisco, California 94121
                     E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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     disseminates information, research and analysis on fascist
     activity and anti-fascist resistance. More info:
                    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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     research and analysis! 4 issues, $20. Write AFF, P.O. Box
     6326, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1P7 Canada

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