-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="http://www.five.org.uk/security/mi5org/spycatch.htm">MI5: The
Spycatcher Affair
Book Review of Peter Wright's "Spycatcher"

Spycatcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer by
Peter Wright, former assistant director of MI5, published in 1987.
Peter Wright joined MI5's A2 branch in 1955 as Principal Scientist; he
served until 1976. Before joining he underwent two days training by John
Cuckney, whom he quotes as saying of MI5's legal status, "It hasn't got
one. The Security Service cannot have the normal status of a Whitehall
department because its work very often involves transgressing propriety
or the law." Cuckney went on to make clear that MI5 operated on the
basis of the 11th commandment - "thou shalt not get caught".
In 1951, Burgess and Maclean defected; in 1955 MI6 sacked Philby, who in
1963 defected from Beirut. Much of Wright's career is in pursuing moles
 in MI5/MI6, in particular he is taken with the theory that Roger Hollis
, former Director-General of MI5, was a Russian mole. He writes of his
early years in counter-espionage, "For five years we bugged and burgled
our way across London at the State's behest, while pompous bowler-hatted
civil servants in Whitehall pretended to look the other way." Wright
says, "the most extensive microphoning operation [we] ever undertook was
in Lancaster House ... which hosted the Colonial conferences of the
1950s and 1960s." He says a "comprehensive microphoning system
throughout the building" was installed and used "throughout the rest of
the 1960s and 1970s, whenever high-level diplomatic negotiations took
place in London."
Wright specialised in "bugging" interception activities of various
shapes and forms. Some of these activities were rapidly discovered and
countered by the Soviets and their allies, which led him to the belief
that a mole within MI5 was at work.
One of Peter Wright's successes was in listening to (i.e. bugging) the
actions of a mechanical cipher machine, in order to break their
encryption. This operation was code-named ENGULF, and enabled MI5 to
read the cipher of the Egyptian embassy in London at the time of the
Suez crisis. Another cipher-reading operation, code-named STOCKADE, read
the French embassy cipher by using the electro-magnetic echoes of the
input teleprinter which appeared on the output of the cipher machine.
Unfortunately, Wright says this operation "was a graphic illustration of
the limitations of intelligence" - Britain was blocked by the French
from joining the Common Market and no amount of bugging could change
that outcome.
Particularly interesting is MI5's invention code-named RAFTER, which is
used to detect the frequency a radio receiver is tuned to, by tracing
emissions from the receiver's local oscillator circuit. RAFTER was used
against the Soviet embassy and consulate in London to detect whether
they were listening in to A4-watcher radios. Wright also used this
technique to try to track down Soviet "illegals" (covert agents) in
London who received their instructions by radio from the USSR.
Central to "Spycatcher" is Wright's theory that there was a mole at the
heart of MI5 for many years, and that the mole was the Director-General
himself, Roger Hollis. This theory was based partly on the reports of
British/US agents in Soviet-bloc countries, and the reports of Soviet
defectors; and partly on the rapid discoveries by the Soviets of actions
against them by MI5. The possibilities were narrowed down to Roger
Hollis and his deputy-DG, Graham Mitchell. The investigation of Mitchell
arrived at no result, and was followed by an internal investigation of
Hollis which also gave no results.
In 1959 the CIA asked Wright about assassination methods; "we're
developing a new capability in the Company to handle these kind of
problems, and we're in the market for the requisite expertise."; to
which he replied that "we'd certainly have that capability but I doubt
we would use it nowadays." MI6 had intended during the Suez crisis to
assassinate Nasser using nerve gas, but their plot had been foiled.
Wright said the SAS "don't freelance", adding, "the French! have you
tried them? It's more their type of thing, you know. Algiers, and so
on." He describes how MI6 developed poisons which were tried on a sheep
at Porton Down; it started "rolling its eyes and frothing at the mouth",
and promptly died.
The core of the book is in Wright's 1960s search for a mole, who would
have been recruited by the Russians thirty years earlier. The book
examines the various people and their inter-relationships from the
1930s, which have relevance to the search for a mole in the 1960s. There
is much reference in the book to the student days of people like Blunt
and their lives as homosexuals, their membership of secret societies
such as the Apostles, etc. One anecdote which was reported in the papers
concerns the allegation that Burgess's Soviet controllers ordered him to
wed Churchill's daughter Clarissa, as a cover for his espionage
activities - he was unsuccessful in this task.
Perhaps the book's weakest point from my subjective point of view is
that the material covered is all so old. It covers Wright's work in the
1960s to investigate relationships which were forged in the 1930s.
Wright left the Security Service over twenty years ago and the book is
simply ancient history.
Anyway, back to the review! The FLUENCY project at MI5 researched the
history of penetration of British Intelligence, particularly from
accounts of UK/US "assets" in Soviet countries, and Soviet-bloc
defectors to the West. These accounts, taken together, hinted in the
direction of Hollis. But no conclusive, clinching proof was ever found.
And Hollis, soon before stepping down as DG, said to Wright; "Well,
Peter, you have got the manacles on me, haven't you? All I can say is
that I am not a spy."
Towards the end of "Spycatcher" Wright starts to talk of items beyond
the concerns of 1960s mole-hunting. He talks about a "decisive shift
inside MI5 towards domestic concerns", and includes a few words on MI5's
operations in Northern Ireland. He mentions "student militancy in the
1960s gave way to industrial militancy in the 1970s", adding that
"intelligence on domestic subversion became the overriding priority". He
also comments of the increasing computerisation of MI5 and their
projected links to state computer databases such as the
National-Insurance database at Newcastle; "from now on we were to be
data processors."
In the book's final chapter, Wright talks of approaches from colleagues
who said of the prime minister, "Wilson's a bloody menace and it's about
time the public knew the truth .... this time we'll have him out."
 Wright goes on to say, "Although the full Wilson story never emerged,
it was obvious to me that the boys had been actively pushing their plan
as much as they could. No wonder Wilson was later to claim that he was
the victim of a plot!"
Peter Wright concludes the book with a mention of the Trend inquiry in
1974 into the question of whether Hollis was indeed a Russian mole. In
1981 prime minister Thatcher told the Commons that Trend had concluded
Hollis was not a Russian agent. On this note ends the 382-page saga of
MI5 Booklet Replies to "Spycatcher" Allegations

The third edition of HMSO official publication "MI5 The Security
Service" has the following to say on the "Wilson Plot" allegations;
"In his book Spycatcher, the former Security Service officer Peter
Wright claimed that up to 30 members of the Service had plotted to
undermine the former Prime Minister Harold Wilson. This allegation was
exhaustively investigated and it was concluded, as stated publicly by
Ministers, that no such plot had ever existed. Wright himself finally
admitted in an interview with BBC1's Panorama programme in 1988 that his
account had been unreliable."
It adds the following about Wright's claim that Hollis was a Russian
"It was claimed that the former Director General of the Security
Service, Sir Roger Hollis, was a Russian spy. The Trend inquiry of 1974
cleared Hollis of that accusation. Subsequently, the evidence of the
former KGB officer Oleg Gordievsky confirmed this judgment."
The booklet in general is pretty much a whitewash of MI5's activities,
so nobody need be surprised by the statements quoted above.
Brief Outline of the "Spycatcher" Affair

In September 1985 the Attorney General began proceedings in New South
Wales to prevent Peter Wright and his publisher from publishing his book
Spycatcher which contained an account of alleged irregularities and
illegalities by members of the security service. On June 22 and 23,
1986, the Observer and Guardian newspapers respectively published
articles giving the outline of Wright's allegations. The Observer
article is reproduced to the left of this paragraph. On 27 June 1986 the
Attorney General obtained "gagging order" ex-parte injunctions these two
newspapers, followed by an inter partes hearing on July 11 which
continued the injunctions.
Then on March 13, 1987 the British Government's action in New South
Wales was dismissed by the Australian judge.
On April 27, 1987 the Independent published an article containing much
new material from Wright's book, which is shown below.
Soon after the above article was published, the British Government sued
the Independent and two other newspapers for contempt of court in
ignoring the previous injunctions - this action was struck out. Finally
on 12 July 1987 the Sunday Times published extracts from the book, as
shown below.
There followed more legal manoeuvres, which resulted in the book being
published in Australia and the USA. In 1991 all 24 judges of the
European Court of Human Rights unanimously found the British Government
to be in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights when it tried
to gag newspapers in the "Spycatcher Affair". Peter Wright died in April
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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