-Caveat Lector-


                  A Short History Of Reported
                           CIA Fronts
          By Sherman Skolnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I used to teach a course on how to investigate and research
 Foundation Tax Returns, originally called IRS form 990-A,
 and then form 990-AR, the only tax return, by the way,
 that is available as a public document.  Donors Forum,
 with office/libraries in many big cities, have on hand for
 copying, copies of Foundation Tax Returns in that district of
 the office, sometimes other districts, of their public tax
 returns as a tax-exempt entity.

 In a scandal that was started by Bobby Kennedy in the Spring,
 of 1967, various foundations around the U.S. were identified
 as part of a complicated three-level device for disguising
 CIA funding of domestic operations:  [1] conduits [2]
 pass-throughs and [3] fronts [a technical term].  A summary
 of the scandal can be seen in the numerous pages of the
 New York Times "Index" for 1967, a summary of stories in that
 newspaper, under the heading, Central Intelligence Agency.
 Before they could accomplish a cover up, I and my associates
 quickly looked up the 990-A tax returns of the CIA
 foundations on the three technical levels mentioned.  We
 developed expertise in showing over and above the mass media
 published reports, where the money came from and was
 distributed.  Among our disclosures, which did not endear us
 to fellow peaceniks who heckled me as a trouble-maker:

 1.  Most liberal groups with an office and some funds for a
 regular staff, got their funding through the three levels,
 from CIA, including the American Civil Liberties Union, which
 went out of business in 1967 and was completely taken over
 by espionage groups, since then called the Roger Baldwin
 Foundation of ACLU, and such.  If you carefully examine the
 board of overseers of what amateurs continue wrongly call the
 "American Civil Liberties Union", you will see the espionage
 types that run the operations throughout the U.S.  They are
 an early-warning system, for example, of flare-ups against
 the government in the ghettos of big cities.

 2.  The Nation Magazine, which according to some, does some
 good, fails and neglects to mention DOMESTIC operations of
 CIA.  A simple answer:  their funding comes from, among
 others, a CIA-front, called the J.M. Kaplan Fund of New York,
 and a group of CIA foundations grouped under the umbrella of
 the CIA-funded Roger Baldwin Foundation of ACLU and similar
 names.  Moreover, the Nation Magazine published commentaries
 making vile statements against Oliver Stone, that JFK was,
 in fact, the Nation says, killed by a lone assassin and
 that the movie "JFK" is a phantasy and a "fraud".  Thus
 whitewashing the Dallas murder for what some claim was
 a CIA-instigated plot against JFK.

 3.  The Nation Magazine did finally admit several years ago
 that what they erroneously persist in calling the "AMERICAN
 CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION" [which actually was taken over by the
 CIA-foundations in 1967] was very close to FBI dictator/boss
 J. Edgar Hoover by way of investigating and combatting
 so-called "Reds" in America.

 This next item is surely going to outrage some who are naive
 and poorly informed.

 4.  Pacifica Radio, which like the Nation Magazine, has done
 SOME good, has been reportedly a CIA-Foundation operation,
 New York, Houston, and the Bay area, California.  During
 the anti-war period, some rednecks, believing that
 Pacifica-Houston, was a genuine "liberal" group, purportedly
 bombed the station there.  A simple, though certainly not
 complete answer, is that the stations were used as
 provocateur operations, to lure out more independent-minded
 political activists who are and were naive.  For example,
 however, Pacifica, Berkeley, went almost into orbit when
 Dennis Bernstein of that station, without realizing I am
 an independent, was unable to stop me from blurting out
 condemnation of the oil industry and George Bush.  Some of
 his confidants informed me he almost got run over by the
 station management for letting a "loud mouth" like me on
 the air.

 By the way, I call National Public Radio, NPR, as NATIONAL
 PETROLEUM RADIO, since they try to keep oil scandals OFF
 the air.  A simple, though certainly not complete answer:
 for some years Sharon Percy ROCKEFELLER, WIFE OF U.S. Senator
 John D. Rockefeller 4th, headed NPR.  [She now heads a PBS
 operation in D.C. instrumental in the Jim Lehrer News Hour
 on so-called Public TV.]  No one in NPR, PBS, or for that
 matter, in the commercial oil-soaked mass media, would dare
 mention that the family of Sharon Percy Rockefeller is
 reportedly in business with the CIA-created purported
 "terrorist" Osama bin Laden.  Their joint funds are
 reportedly kept in the Harris Bank in Chicago, under many
 concealed accounts.  Harris Bank is a unit of the whiskey-
 soaked Bronfman family, owners jointly with U.S. Senator
 Peter Fitzgerald of Ill., [R., Ill.] of the Bank of Montreal
 [Canada].  Bill Clinton said he would like to "freeze" bin
 Laden's huge funds but cannot "find" them.


 Sidebar note:  son of Pacific Foundation founder was one of
 three activists murdered and buried in Mississippi in an
 outrageous situation about 1963.  [I believe the name was

 Recently, Pacifica Radio in California has fought their
 part-time staff who apparently wanted a union contract
 arrangement.  Pacifica's New York operation, WBAI, years ago
 allowed me occasionally on the air until I begin mentioning
 the CIA-paid and funded provocateurs.  It was too close to
 home for them.

 BOTTOM LINE:  the CIA-linked foundations seem to know who
 the real independents are in the U.S.  In years past, when
 I and associates of mine showed up at public meetings of
 the Chicago office of the Roger Baldwin Foundation of ACLU,
 when I asked a specific question mentioning their funding,
 guess what happened?  Their then district director abruptly
 adjourned the meeting which never resumed.  They knew we
 were CIA-foundation experts, I having taught courses on
 the same at a radio broadcast school, at student seminars
 at some Universities, such as at the University of Illinois,
 Chicago Circle Campus.

 What would surely floor some simple-minded folks, is that
 many of the better-funded so-called "liberal" publications,
 such as IN THESE TIMES [headquartered in Chicago] reportedly
 receive heavy funding from foundations that they would have
 to be awfully stupid not to know were either conduits or
 pass-throughs [technical foundation terms] for the American
 CIA.  Because of such funding that publication some years ago
 made a complete U-turn regarding the October Surprise matter,
 that George Herbert Walker Bush helped work a treasonous deal
 in 1980, to get the Iranians to delay the release of the
 52 U.S. hostages, enabling the Reagan/Bush ticket to wreck
 Jimmy Carter's hope for re-election.  Not being able to solve
 the mess, Carter was perceived as a wimp.  First supporting
 the idea that something bad happened, IN THESE TIMES -
 reportedly because of their funders - reversed themselves
 and apparently condemned some of the more independent-minded
 whistle blowers.  Just another story suppressed by the liars
 and whores of the press.


 I have been a court reformer since 1958.  Since 1963,
 founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up ther
 Courts.  Since 1991, producer, now moderator/producer of
 the weekly public access Cable TV Program "Broadsides" in
 Chicago, reaching some 400,000 viewers each Monday evening,
 9 p.m., Channel 21 Cable in Chicago.  Office, 8 a.m. to
 midnight, 7 days, (773) 375-5741.  Recorded phone message:
 (773) 731-1100.  For heavy packet of our printed stories,

    Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts,
    Sherman H. Skolnick, chairman,
    9800 So. Oglesby Ave.,
    Chicago IL 60617-4870.


    website: www.skolnicksreport.com
             NOTICE THAT THERE IS AN s AFTER skolnick.


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