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The Konformist
KN4M 30 July 1999


FeedBack: Geraldo

Bradley: Pro-contra Democrat

Bernard Kaplan and NANA

Who Killed Yizhtak Rabin?  Who Cares?

Documentary on the Hollywood Blacklist

FeedBack: Geraldo
Tuesday, July 27, 1999 04:48:19 AM

The Bob Maheu Fan Club salutes you on your pissing off Geraldo Quisling. Saw
website on the show tonite. Ironically, I e-mailed Geraldo Vichy last week
with Mae
Brussell's "Why Was Patricia Hearst Kidnapped" from "The Realist" in 1974
after his
show on Kathy Soliah. By the way, you seemed to really piss him off. I like
Wecht. Anyway, I've kept up with the Littleton thing - would love to see it
tied more to the other shootings, especially Paducah. My new home number is
818 760-7135.  With flak this heavy (not to mention the media coverage alone)
maybe you should reconsider your first story on Jr. - sounds like you must be
on to something. Stay cool.
Bradley: Pro-contra Democrat
Wednesday, July 28, 1999 -

Former Sen. Bill Bradley is gaining ground among Democratic liberals by
positioning himself to the left of Vice President Al Gore on some issues.
Many of these liberals seem to have forgiven Bradley for his crucial vote
switch in 1986 that helped President Reagan resume CIA military aid to the
Nicaraguan contras. Or the liberals simply may have forgotten the key vote. reexamines Bradley's important flip-flop in the
politically charged atmosphere of Ronald Reagan's Washington in the
mid-1980s. Bradley cast his vote despite growing allegations of contra
drug-trafficking and their gross violations of human rights. At the time,
Bradley was in charge of the Senate Intelligence Committee's oversight of
the contra war. at [] is a free Web. But
we urge those who wish to support our investigative journalism to
subscribe to our print publication, iF Magazine, for only $25 a year (six
issues) or buy Robert Parry's new book, Lost History: Contras, Cocaine,
the Press & 'Project Truth' for $19.95. Or get both one year of iF and the
book for a package price of $35.

Orders can be placed with Visa/Mastercard by calling 1-800-738-1812 or
703-920-1802. Or by check to The Media Consortium, Suite 102-231, 2200
Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201. Add $15 for non-U.S. orders.

We are now in the midst of an emergency fund drive that must raise $10,000
by the end of August. Besides offering the book and iF subscriptions, we
also accept direct contributions to pay for future investigative reporting
that is planned for Campaign 2000.
Bernard Kaplan and NANA
Thursday, July 29, 1999

>From Bernard Kaplan's obit:

Veteran American foreign correspondent dies
7.46 p.m. ET (2346 GMT) July 28, 1999

Bernard D. Kaplan, a veteran foreign correspondent who  covered wars, peace
talks, popes and British royalty, has died, his  family said. He was 71.

He joined the North American Newspaper Alliance as a correspondent in  Paris
in 1956. Before joining the Heart Newspapers in 1975, he also  worked for the
Montreal Star, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. and NBC.

from Peter Dale Scott's essay on Lewinsky:

But did you notice that the person who forwarded Linda Tripp's tapes of
Lewinsky to the FBI was a book agent and pseudo-journalist called Lucianne
Goldberg, who in 1972 "told the McGovern campaign that she worked for the
North American Newspaper Alliance"? Goldberg's role was not simply that of a
cut-out or messenger for Linda Tripp. On Jan. 22 she told the press "that she
encouraged her friend Linda Tripp... to tape conversations with intern Monica
Lewinsky." (All quotations are from an article in the January 23 San
Francisco Chronicle, p. A11. She kept the tapes for Tripp and later turned
them over to the FBI. If Tripp instigated Lewinsky, it would appear that
Goldberg instigated Tripp.

Both Tripp and Goldberg are apparently Republicans. Tripp was one of only two
holdovers from the Bush White House. Goldberg was exposed in 1973 as "a spy
for Nixon while she traveled with the press corps" covering McGovern's 1972
campaign. It was at this time that she said she worked for NANA (North
American Newspaper Alliance), and supplied an address for NANA which "is the
same as her current residence" in Manhattan. Watergate investigators "said
the Nixon campaign paid her $1,000 a week."

Not mentioned in today's story is the relevant fact in 1972, as today,
Lucianne Goldberg was snooping for sex. She told the late Anthony Lukas
(Nightmare, p. 161) that the Nixon people "were looking for really dirty
stuff...who was sleeping with whom, what the Secret Servicem men were doing
with the stewardesses, who was smoking pot on the plane -- that sort of

Serious students of the JFK Assassination have long been interested in NANA,
which supplied Priscilla Johnson (better known now as Priscilla McMillan)
with the job (or, to some, cover) by which she voyaged to Moscow and there
interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald on the urging of U.S. Consul Snyder. After the
assassination, Johnson developed  a close relationship with Marina Oswald, in
connection with a book contract originally arranged by C.D. Jackson of Life
Magazine at the urging of Allen Dulles.

NANA was created by a senior veteran of OSS, Ernest Cuneo, an continued to
have intelligence connections. In 1963, before the assassination, it had come
under Congressional scrutiny for publishing Chinese Nationalist propaganda,
for which it had been paid large sums without registering as a foreign agent.
At this same time its President, Ernest Cuneo, was a member of the Citizens'
Committee for a Free Cuba, a group calling in 1963 for a more militant
anti-Castro policy, and meeting with dissident Cuban exiles.

I am not here suggesting anything about the guilt or innocence of Clinton,
only that at least one of the people making his life difficult has a
background suggestive of past intrigues. I hope that someone reading this can
check Lucianne Goldberg's current address and see if in fact (as she alleged)
it was also the address of NANA.
Who Killed Yizhtak Rabin?  Who Cares?
Tuesday, July 27, 1999

Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?  Who Cares?

When Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, my thoughts were
mainly focused on the diplomatic send-offs by Clinton
and such of Rabin as a "godly man."  Of course, as the
leader of Israel, Rabin was to be considered a holy
man and prophet.  I wondered why Olaf Palme, the
assassinated leader of Sweden, was not likewise
eulogized.  It turns out, naturally, that this "godly
man" Rabin had done some pretty despicable things,
including brutality against Palestinians.

The following is an excerpt from Ralph Schoenman's
"The Hidden History of Zionism," a book that exposes
"the secret betrayal by Zionist leaders of millions of
Jews murdered by the very Nazis with whom Zionist
leaders collaborated":


"'With anger, hatred, and sheer ferocity, thousands of
youngsters hurled rocks at their Israeli occupiers,
undaunted by the gunfire that greeted them.  This was
more than civil unrest . . . It was the beginning of a
civil rebellion.'

"This is how Jerusalem Post correspondent Hirsh
Goodman described the uprising of Palestinian youth in
the West Bank and Gaza in mid-December 1987.

"Goodman's remarks were written the day before the
December 21, 1987, general strike which engulfed every
Palestinian community under Israeli rule.  The strike
was described by the Israeli daily, Ha'aretz, as
'writing on our wall even more serious than the bloody
riots of the last two weeks.'

"'On that day,' wrote John Kifner in The New York
Times, 'the vast army of Arab laborers who wait on
tables, pick vegetables, haul garbage, lay brick and
perform virtually all Israel's menial work, stayed

"The Israeli response to the uprising was brutal.
Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin ordered the use of
tanks, armored vehicles and automatic rifles against
an unarmed population.

"The San Francisco Examiner cited Rabin as openly
advocating assassination.  'They can shoot to hit
leaders of disorder,' Rabin said in defense of the
army's practice of using marksmen with high-powered
.22-caliber rifles to shoot indiscriminately at
Palestinian youth.

"Rabin ordered house-to-house searches, first for
young men and later for anyone of whom an example
might be made.  By December 27, over 2,500
Palestinians were seized, many of them as young as
twelve; by the end of January the number reached 4,000
and was rising.  The 'militants' were marked for
deportation.  Israeli high-security jails and
detention centers were overflowing.  Mass trials of
Palestinians were underway.

"The act of brutality which most inflamed the
Palestinian population was the army seizure of the
wounded from hospital beds.  This practice, standard
procedure throughout the invasion of Lebanon in 1982,
made Shifa Hospital in Gaza a center of resistance.
Great crowds amassed to defend the wounded, whom, they
rightfully feared, would never be seen again. . . .

"As the uprising intensified, the Israeli cabinet and
Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin implemented 'collective
punishment,' a tactic characteristic of the Nazi
occupation of France, Denmark and Yugoslavia.  Food,
water and medicine were prevented from reaching
Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
Palestine Refugees in the Near East (U.N.R.W.A.)
personnel reported that children seeking powdered milk
at U.N. depots were shot at and beaten with sticks."


And so the sickening carnage went on, as students were
hauled from their beds and had their hands smashed to
smithereens so they could no longer throw rocks.  Of
course, this "mad crowd" was armed only with rocks,
while the Israelis had high-tech killing machinery.
These beatings were essentially designed to keep the
Palestinian serfs and virtual slaves in line so they
would continue to accept their servitude under the
"chosen people."  Schoenman continues:


"John Kifner reported in The New York Times:

"'Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Defense Minister
Yitzhak Rabin continued to defend their policy, with
both men saying publicly that the purpose of the
beatings was to instill fear of the Israeli army in


In addition to the beatings, which often left the
victim pulped, men were shot through the testicles and
"soldiers poured boiling water over a 2-year-old
infant, rendering her catatonic."  And Rabin granted
the right to Israeli citizens to shoot at will at
Palestinians.  One young Arab girl was shortly
thereafter shot in the head by a follower of Rabbi
Meir Kahane, the founder of the vicious Jewish Defense
League (JDL).  Kahane, of course, was also
assassinated, prior to Rabin.

These Israeli leaders were not "atheists" but believed
in their God-given right to the land and to
exterminate and/or drive out its previous inhabitants.
 Said Reuvin Rivlin, a member of Likud, the party
started by Menachem Begin, "I believe God is Jewish.
I believe the demographic problem will be solved."

Rabin and the rest's behavior, of course, was only
part of a long line of Zionist abuses heaped upon the
Palestinian people.  Zionist leaders in Germany and
Britain had been plotting the usurpation and removal
of Arabs from Palestine for decades before the
establishment of Israel in 1947.  That "establishment"
was not a peaceful integration of Jews and Arabs but a
deliberate theft of property with the intent of
driving out or killing millions of Arabs.  One leader,
Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election
of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv,
stated, "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless
they are resigned to live here as slaves." [schoenman,

Such genocidal sentiment among Zionists was so strong
- and was acted out so viciously - that Schoenman was
prompted to write:

"Menachem Begin gloated over the impact throughout
Palestine of the Nazi-like operations he commanded at
Deir Yasin.  Lehi and IZL Commandos stormed the
village of Deir Yasin on April 9, 1948, slaughtering
254 men, women and children. . . . Inhabitants were
force marched in blood-soaked clothing through the
streets of Jerusalem to jeering on-lookers, before

There were many other such pogroms against Arabs, but
Deir Yasin was considered a "great success," as one of
the more effective strikes, because it catalyzed
Palestinian fear.   After six months of such terrorist
tactics, some 800,000 Palestinians had been "killed,
forcibly expelled or fled in panic before slaughtering
bands of Israeli army units."  [schon 41]  Following
this genocide and expulsion, "nearly 400 villages and
towns were razed to the ground during 1948 and 1949."
[schoenman 41]

Prior to 1947, Jews owned less than 6% of the land in
Palestine.  Post-1947, however, they had aans.  All
of this was part of the Zionist plan, going back at
least to the "father of Zionism," Theodor Herzl, who
said in 1895, "We shall . . . spirit the penniless
population across the border . . . while denying it
any employment in our country."

Obviously, there are two sides to every story.
Acharya S
Archaeologist, Historian, Mythologist, Linguist, Humanist Minister
Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece
Associate Director, Institute for Historical Accuracy
Documentary on the Hollywood Blacklist
Friday, July 30, 1999

Ever since the controversy surrounding Elia Kazan's Lifetime Achievement
Award at the Academy Awards ceremony this March, there has been renewed
interest in the Hollywood blacklist.  There are numerous biographies and
autobiographies of blacklisted screenwriters being published, and recent
articles and books have appeared 'revising' the true nature of the
McCarthy era.  In light of this, a new documentary-in-progress is
currently being produced which focuses on this period of history. We are
asking for your support.

which presents a group portrait of many of the cultural and politicial
activists of the 1930's and '40's within the film industry, who stood up
to McCarthyism and defended the Constitution.

Prior to 1947, when the House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC)
descended on the motion picture industry and eventually destroyed many
careers, Hollywood was a focal point of progressive political ferment.
Screenwriters, directors, producers and actors became activists, and
engaged in numerous historic political struggles. They founded the
industry talent guilds, aided anti-fascist forces in the Spanish Civil
War, organized defense committees for political prisoners and helped elect
progressive candidates to every level of political office.  These 'tender
comrades' shared a solidarity, an idealism, a politique which motivated
them in their private beliefs as well as their public careers from the
defense of Tom Mooney, the Scottsboro Boys and the Salinas Valley lettuce
strikers, to the fight against fascism in World War II.  Our
feature-length documentary will reveal the backstory of the Hollywood
blacklist as never seen before.  The film is based on 16mm footage shot in
1984, consisting of interviews with:

* Hollywood Ten members: Alvah Bessie, Lester Cole and Ring Lardner, Jr.;

* Screenwriters: John Bright ("The Public Enemy"), Allen Boretz ("Room
  Service"), Jean Butler, John Wexley ("Hangmen Also Die"), Ben & Norma
  Barzman ("The Boy With Green Hair"), Joan Scott, Howard Koch
  ("Casablanca"), Edward Chodorov ("My Sister Eileen"), and Paul Jarrico
  ("Salt of the Earth);

* Lyricists: Edward Eliscu and Jay Gorney ("Brother Can You Spare A Dime");

* Actors: Karen Morley ("Dinner At Eight"), Sam Jaffe ("Lost Horizons"),
  and Lionel Stander ("Hart To Hart");

* Director: Jules Dassin ("Never On Sunday").

In addition, director Martin Ritt, the film's advisor, hosted a reunion in
1984 of some 200 Hollywood blacklistees who had not seen each other for
over thirty years, and this was filmed as well.  In all, a total of 36
hours of film was shot, but the documentary was never completed. This film
project has now been revived and a team has been assembled to finish it.
We intend to interview more of the Hollywood blacklistees who are still
alive today, as well as some of the younger members of Hollywood, who will
reflect on HUAC's attack on the film industry and its lessons for today.


We are in the process of raising the money to complete this film. It will
include costs such as transferring the 16mm footage to video, purchasing
archival footage as well as footage of the films written, acted in, or
directed by the Hollywood blacklistees, purchasing original music from the
1930's-40's, renting an editing facility with editors, filming additional
interviews, etc.  This entails raising thousands of dollars. Our
documentary team includes:

Since 1990, Henry Schipper has written, directed and produced twelve
one-hour documentaries for Fox, A&E, The History Channel and other cable
and network outlets. His work includes biographies of Sigmund Freud,
Elizabeth Taylor and H.G. Wells.

The author of the 1997 book, "Tender Comrades: A Backstory of the Holl
written many biographies of
Hollywood's greats including Jack Nicholson and George Cukor.

Mr. Mate initiated the documentary project "Tender Comrades" in 1984 and
conducted the film's interviews with Mr. McGilligan.  He is a five-time
Emmy award winning producer of investigative stories for television.

Ms. Sekler is on the Board of Directors of the International Documentary
Association and has helped produce and publicize numerous political and
social issue documentaries including the Academy Award winning, "The Panama

Ms. Wilson is the daughter of blacklisted screenwriter Michael Wilson and
is an experienced researcher for documentary films.

As a legacy for the 20th century, we intend to complete this film as soon
as possible.  The First Amendment Foundation, an organization which has
supported cutting-edge projects relative to government intrusion on
individual rights since 1984, is our fiscal sponsor.

                        SUPPORT OUR DOCUMENTARY!


                    MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO THE
                      FIRST AMENDMENT FOUNDATION
        (Please indicate on the bottom of your check: Film Fund)

                                1313 West 8th St. Rm. 313
                                Los Angeles, CA 90017

Join us in our effort to reveal on film a myriad of stories about a period
of history which has been all but forgotten and needs to be told!

Joan Sekler

Kenneth Mate


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