-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:541175">Bush, Clinton, CIA and
Subject: Bush, Clinton, CIA and Drugs......
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Abemarf)
Date: Sat, 31 July 1999 07:50 PM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine

by Daniel Hopsicker
© MadCow Productions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Posted March 28, 1998


A MadCow staffer has been unearthing a major drug scandal in Florida for the
past month, and one thing we can say with certainty: the Southeast provides
scandal pastureland we could chew on for years.

While delving into FBI Special Agent Terry Nelson for an upcoming Vanity Fair
expose called "Gangsters," we’ve been using Chip Tatum, who has proven a
reliable source of verifiable information in our investigation.

But there’s been a toll. Here’s an except from a letter we just received:

Several weeks ago Chip Tatum spoke on a West Miami radio talk show.
in retaliation, a well-dressedman in sunglasses and an Armani suit made death
threats directed at the talk show host and station personnel. A topic
on the talk show was the involvement of FBI agent Terry Nelson and drug
trafficking activities from Canada to Montana. (Orlin Grabbe has a copy of an
interview involving Tatum earlier this month posted on his webpage)

Also during the last few weeks Chip Tatum is believed to have provided key
leads and contacts supporting research for an article, widely circulated on
internet, "Miami Vice, Montana Blues" which also implicates agent Nelson in
drug trafficking.

That’s our piece, "Miami Vice, Montana Blues." It was posted a tad prematurely
so we’re publishing it as another exclusive from The DrugMoney Times.

So, silenced just this week: Tatum has lost his website, the Blackops
Personable talk radio host Jim Alsis in Palm Beach has been silenced by death
threats. And in our inimitable MadCow way, we have allegedly just been
responsible for the cancellation of the talk radio show "Ghostriders," which
left the air within minutes of announcing our upcoming appearance. From their
subsequent press release:

Minutes before the Ghost Rider "derailment", hosts had announced that Daniel
Hopsicker would be a guest on tomorrow night's show. Hopsicker is the producer
of an explosive two-hour video entitled, "Conspiracy: the Secret History;
Episode One: The Secret Heartbeat of America". This important video
asks the question, "How will YOU feel when you DISCOVER that the biggest drug
smuggler in the country...is the country?" and now can be ordered through MOM
(406-847-2735). Was this guest one of the reasons "Ghost Riders" was censored?
You betcha. For those satellite listeners out there, you can still catch the
interview with producer Daniel Hopsicker at 11 pm (e.s.t.) tonight (March
24th). Please tune in.

And they were kind enough to drop us a note as well:

Approximately three minutes after John and Keith announced that you would be
the show tomorrow night discussing CIA black opps, the radio station, WGTG,
broadcasting out of N.E. Georgia, "pulled the plug" on the show. We did not
realize it until Keith got a caller telling him that the radio station had
substituted music...Mel Torme's "Come Fly Away." Shortly there after, the
station manager called and instructed the engineer that the show was

Keith was expressly concerned about your safety last night. Made an open
announcement that nothing better happen to Daniel Hopsicker because whatever
intel he has, he is already sharing it with six other secret points. We trust
that this will help alleviate some of the focus and pressure on you so you can
effectively do your continuing investigation.

Pressure? What pressure? Mel Torme, he’s the one should be feeling pressure!

So here-- before anything else goes off the air—is a preview from a larger
story we’re writing, an interview we recently did with Mr. Alsis during his

 an excerpt from Gangsters

This is a ‘tale from the front’ about the biggest unreported story of our

It starts over ten years ago in the Arkansas of then-Governor Bill Clinton...

Then continues with current news from the border between Canada and Montana,
where a campaign of intimidation is being waged against both journalists and
honest law enforcement officials, as part of an effort to stifle investigation
into a string of brutal murders related to a massive drug smuggling

And it culminates in a mysterious and apparently-sealed Canadian indictment of
a current high FBI official...

What follows is neither for the faint of heart nor for those who believe that
systematic federal malfeasance began with the current Administration...

Here’s where we are now: I’ve just put down the phone after an unsettling
conversation with a seriously-shaken talk radio host in West Palm Beach,
Florida, who begins by saying: "I’m not going to do the story anymore, okay?
I’m mentioning it every time I make a phone call—because I know they’re
my phone, cause I can hear the clicking sounds, okay? I’ve sworn off the

The talk host, Jim Alsis, has a program on Florida radio station WPBR-AM 1340,
reaching an influential audience in the tony precincts of Boca Raton and Palm
Beach. He is also the county chairman of the Libertarian Party--a party
normally known more for boring tax proposals than for having wild-eyed party
officials shakily testifying that they’ve just had their lives threatened
in one week.

"What’s ‘the story’ Jim?" we asked, fearing the answer.

"Cocaine, the CIA. George Bush, and Bill Clinton," he stated succinctly.

Jim’s apparent mistake, he tells us, has been to conduct an on-air 2-hour
interview with a former American intelligence officer named Chip Tatum, a man
now fallen into disfavor with his former bosses, and currently taken to
vocalizing to all and sundry about his knowledge of Montana smuggling activity
dating back to the late 1980’s and involving Miami FBI Agent Terry Nelson
and... well, Jim really did say it best: cocaine, the CIA, George Bush, and
Bill Clinton..........

.............But we’re not quite done with poor Jim Alsis yet. To understand
the importance of later revelations in our tale, experience, first, just a
little of the full weight of Mr. Alsis’s fear:

"At ten p.m. last Monday night a well-dressed man pulled up to the back of the
radio station in a dark green Cadillac, asking for me," he explains. " My
producer told him I wasn’t there, whereupon he stated calmly, ‘Tell him to
up or we’re going to kill him.’ Then he got in his car and slowly drove off."

"When he reappeared a second time last week—the same week I had you on the
show," he tells me, "I knew we were dealing with an entity that means
An outfit that can afford to send a guy dressed in a $1000 Armani suit, with
even-tempered tone and manner, and a Cadillac with no tags, is not an outfit I
can afford to be trifling with," he said sadly.

"Right now, as I speak to you, I’ve got a dog at my feet, a gun within arms’
reach, and a cell phone with me wherever I go. And I’ve had four or five
friends acting as bodyguards in 24-hour a day shifts... but I can’t live like
this forever."

Alsis has seen his share of the normal harassment most controversial talk
hosts encounter. But this, he says, is different.

"I’ve had run-ins with penny-ante drug dealers before; this isn’t like that.
This reminds me of people responsible for the deaths of Jerry Parks, and of
Vince Foster. These are the kinds of things that should be investigated... in
the country that America used to be."

His voice trails off. "I’m beginning to believe that we’ve become the world’s
first narco-democracy without banana trees."

I try to lighten the mood by telling him that we do, too, have banana trees.
But his voice doesn’t change.

"Whatever," he says a trifle sourly, and I think to myself: who can blame him
for being inconsolable?
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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