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A Tax Break for Snoopable Code
by Declan McCullagh
3:00 a.m.  30.Jul.99.PDT

WASHINGTON -- If anyone in Washington qualifies as an ardent foe of
encryption, it's congressman Porter Goss (R-Florida).

Two years ago, the chairman of the House Intelligence committee tried to
make it a crime to distribute privacy-protecting software, such as PGP
or recent versions of Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.

The plan failed, but Goss didn't give up. On Wednesday, he and the
panel's ranking Democrat introduced a bill to jump-start the US market
for encryption products with backdoors that would support government

See also: Report: Crypto Will Harm Society

The "Tax Relief for Responsible Encryption Act" gives companies a 15
percent tax break on the costs of developing government-snoopable
encryption products.

Such products might support key recovery -- in which a copy of the
secret key needed to unlock scrambled data is placed within reach of law
enforcement -- or "other techniques."

"This legislation offers a way out of the stalemate between those who
view commerce and national security as an 'either-or' proposition," Goss
said in a statement.

Goss and 22 other House members also sent a letter to President Clinton
asking him to organize a "summit" of industry executives and government
officials to extract an agreement on encryption regulation.

"It has become evident that your leadership on this issue is vital to
resolve the equally legitimate interests of law enforcement, national
security, privacy, and industry.... We believe that without your
personal involvement on this issue now, our national security and public
safety will suffer serious and needless consequences," the legislators

Law enforcement groups and their allies in the Clinton administration
have long pressed for snoopable encryption products, complaining that a
parade of undesirables -- such as pedophiles, drug smugglers, and money
launderers -- might use crypto to communicate in secret.

But the idea of the government subsidizing potential privacy invasions
doesn't appear to be wildly popular.

"I think the government's role is to protect the individual liberties of
its citizens -- they should be giving companies incentives to strengthen
encryption," said Jennifer DePalma, a graduate fellow at the Institute
for Humane Studies at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia.

"They should let the free market continue to put an emphasis on
protecting people's privacy," she said.

For its part, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is
insisting that it's pushing a voluntary approach.

The committee members have abandoned their hope for a ban on unapproved
encryption software, a source said. The administration has pushed for a
key recovery scheme, whereby law enforcement would gain access to
"plaintext," or unencrypted, information.

But the market has rejected such options.

"Mandatory recoverability is a nonstarter," a committee staff member
said. "Law enforcement doesn't need us to mandate access to plaintext

"The congressman does not want to mandate recovery of encryption
products. He wants to encourage products that have societal benefits," a
spokesman for Goss said.

The committee last week said in a report that a bill to roll back some
export restrictions on encryption products would harm children while
protecting "criminals and international thugs."

"Child pornographers could distribute their filth unimpeded," the report

"Pedophiles could secretly entice the children of America into their
clutches. Drug traffickers will make their plans ... without the
slightest concern that they will be detected. Terrorists and spies can
cause unspeakable damage without even the possibility of being stopped
before it is too late."

Rep. Julian C. Dixon (D-California) is cosponsoring the measure, HR
Related Wired Links:
Industry Crypto Bill in Peril
Crypto Bound for Museum Bins
Rethinking Tech Exports
PC Exports: 'Like Banning Air'
Step Two for Encryption Bill
A Baby Step for Encryption

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