
Certain inherent contradictions and some definite "whoppers" in the
alleged FBI preliminary report regarding the deaths of John  Kennedy,
Jr., his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette, have been
bugging us.

My feeling about this document is that, in classic spook fashion, it
cleverly mixes in elements of the truth (i.e.; the plane WAS
intentionally destroyed by some means, which most likely resulted in an
explosive event of some intensity) with some highly questionable data
that, naturally, will serve to discredit the entire document AND any
elements of truth it may contain. Furthermore this will serve the purpose
of derailing further serious inquiry into the tragedy AND of
discrediting ALL accounts of events which indicate "foul play" or
intentional, targeted destruction of the aircraft by hostile agencies.

One of the most notable of these HIGHLY questionable statements in this
"FBI" report is that Carolyn Kennedy was in her third trimester of
pregnancy. Earlier rumors right after the plane went missing were that
Carolyn was pregnant--no claims that she was in her third trimester. To
think that someone in their third trimester of pregnancy would be able
to prevent just about anyone with reasonably functional eyes from
noticing the truly hard-to-conceal outward physical manifestations of
this condition is hopelessly absurd. That statement right there makes
this entire document highly questionable.

Neither the leaked "interpol" report on the air disaster NOR the
internal FAA document that was held, seen and read by our contact in the
New York area make the kind of definitive statements about the
destruction of this airplane found in this "FBI" report, though both
indicate SOME kind of hostile targeting of the craft MOMENTS AFTER
Kennedy completed his 9:39 radio contact with the Vineyard airport.

The FAA document CLEARLY indicates a massive electromagnetic pulse was
the cause of the crash of this exceptionally reliable airplane (this
plane in fact has electronic sensing equipment which can literally right
the plane if the pilot is losing control [up to a point of course]):
utterly fusing and melting every single integrated circuit on the plane,
including all hi-tech devices such as the auto-stabilizer system just
noted, exploding every light bulb in the aircraft, totally discharging
the plane's battery/charging system, and certainly blinding and probably
microwaving all passengers.

The chances of such an event causing a secondary explosion due to sparks
from fused sensing equipment in the fuel system are extremely high The
fact that the wheels/landing gear apparatus was found detached from the
main body of the plane tends o support this assessment. Reason? the
Piper Saratoga has retractable landing gear. The wheels would have
almost certainly still have been retracted and therefore would NOT have
broken off when the plane hit the after. that the craft was blown apart
before it hit the water.

People I know personally and trust have seen the FAA document
first-hand. They believe it to be genuine. The credibility of the
sender of the "interpol" report has been assiduously investigated. I and
others believe the sender to be in fact "who he says he is" and thus
feel the report he sent us is fundamentally valid. For my money, toss
the alleged FBI report. Investigators should concentrate on what is
stated and implied in the other two reports noted. The FAA document in
fact should immediately become the subject of a Freedom of Information
Act filing for full public disclosure of the contents of the document.

Oh... and what about the NTSB report? Toilet paper.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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