-Caveat Lector-

In The Federalist Papers, No. 47, James Madison labels that
arrangement thusly:  "The accumulation of all powers,
legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands,
whether on one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary,
self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the
very definition of tyranny."

Concerning our story about Chinese attempts to observe closely American
military exercises, a reader writes us: "I was a soldier with A Co./105MI Bn
(CEWI), 5th Infantry Division, stationed at Ft. Polk, Louisiana. I did 5
deployments to NTC in 84-85. I was a sergeant whose position was intel
liaison between my company and the brigade. I worked the night shift,
1800-0600, while my lieutenant worked the day shift. He woke me one morning,
saying, 'Sorry, I have to check your weapon for ammunition. We have some
Chinese generals visiting and our brass don't want any 'incidents'.' I
handed my .45 to him and let him clear the weapon. I watched them land in a
Chinook helicopter and walk to the BOC (Brigade Ops Center) in the field.
These guys were ChiCom and not ChiNat. I saw the uniforms. These guys were
down on the desert floor and not in the Atari Center, our name for the
exercise observation center."

"In our initial assessment of the monument's commodities, which I emphasize
was very conservative and very preliminary while remaining scientifically
accurate and technically valid, we indicated there could be millions of
dollars worth of oil recoverable from School and Institutional Trust Lands
within the monument. Conoco's discovery can only push the initial estimation
up. That means the school trust land, which President Clinton has already
agreed to trade out for equal value elsewhere, has to be worth more."

The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?

The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?
By: Sarah Foster Copyright: Land Rights Letter - 501 County Highway 112,
Gloversville, NY 1207, Ph: .518-725-1090

When the President signed the Executive Order designating 1.7 million acres
of land in southwest Utah as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National
Monument, his action placed the area off limits to mineral extraction and

The New York Times reported that the monument encloses the largest coal
field in the nation, the Kaiparowitz Plateau, which contains at least 7
billion tons of coal worth over $1 TRILLION.

Kentucky-based company Andalux Resources, which holds leases on 3,400 acres
in the area, was planning to open a huge operation (underground, not strip
mining) that would have generated 1,000 jobs, $1 million in annual revenue
for Kane County, and at least $10 million a year in state and federal taxes,
according to the New York Times. Folks living in the area wore black arm
bands the day o the signing - but Clinton didn't see them. He chose to make
his announcement in a neighboring state. WHY?

Why did he do it? Why lock up $1 trillion worth of coal?

An obvious explanation is he was hoping to secure the environmentalist vote.
Though that was no doubt part of his reasoning, he had surely achieved such
an objective earlier this summer when he declared the huge area outside
Yellowstone National Park a World Heritage Area. Let'' look further.

In the weeks prior to the past election, revelations surfaced almost daily
regarding donations from foreign sources to the Democratic Party and
Clinton's past campaigns. At the center of the controversy was another set
of people to whom Clinton owes a few favors: the Lippo Group, a powerful $5
billion Indonesian conglomerate, founded and owned by the Riady family who,
it turned out, had raised and funneled millions of dollars into campaign

Democrats attempted to downplay the allegations of impropriety. Even if the
Clinton campaign and the Party did receive illegal contribution- which is
denied -what, they demanded, had Clinton done for Lippo Group, the Riadys,
or Indonesia that really affects this country adversely? Good question. The

Clinton's announcement at the Grand Canyon was wrapped in political
correctness. "Mining jobs are good jobs, and mining is important to our
national security - but we can't have mines everywhere, and we shouldn't
have mines that threaten national treasures," he told his sycophantic

But coal is not only important for our nation's security. More importantly,
at the present time it is the most cost-effective fuel for the electric
plants that supply our homes and industries with light, heat and power.

Moreover, the coal at Kaiporowitz Plateau is a kind of coal that is not
found "everywhere." It is very low sulfur, low ash - hence, low polluting -
coal, the kind in high demand for power plants, such as one being designed
for Ensenada, Mexico. That megawatt giant, presently on the drawing boards,
will supply electricity across northern Baja, an area plagued by brownouts.

Had it not been taken off the world market, the logical source of coal for
the Baja plant would be the Kaiparowitz Plateau. Once mined it could be
transported by rail to the ports of Long Beach or Los Angeles, then by barge
to Ensenada. Thanks to Clinton, there will be no exporting of Kaiparowitz
coal, which means the facility's procurement people will have to look
elsewhere for clean non-polluting fuel.

Only two other sources

Besides the Kaiparowitz Plateau, there are only two other known locations in
the world where comparable coal is found in sufficient quantities to make
mining it worthwhile. Colombia in South America is one, but it'll be years
before the necessary mining and shipping infrastructure is built.

The other? You got it. Indonesia.

That's right - the coal fields of South Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. Big
plans are online for its development. Indonesia has been a source of coal
for over a century, but the coal varies sharply in terms of quality.
Recently, however, a coal that is very low in sulfur has been discovered. A
number of coal companies are already there, and it's a good bet Lippo Group
money is involved. A major company is Adaro Indonesia, of which 20 percent
is owned by the Spanish government, 50 percent by New Hope Corp., an
Australian firm.


According to the 1994 report Mineral Industry of Indonesia, by the bureau of
Mines, U.S. Dept. of Interior, Adaro aims to produce 15 million tones by the
year 2000 of what they call Envirocoal - a reference to its quality. Adaro
has for several years anticipated the U.S. as a major market, and has one
committed purchaser already: Tampa Electric Co., which signed a long-term
contract to purchase 400,000 tones a year from the Indonesian firm.

To handle the shipping of the increased production, new shipping terminals
are being constructed. One huge one is on a neighboring island at a cost of
$1 billion. The P.T. Indonesia bulk Terminal, as the megaport is called, is
owned 50 percent by New How, and 50 percent by "Indonesian interests" (the
Lippo Group perhaps), according to the Interior Dept. report.

Massive coal deposits, massive shipping facilities - that spells massive
investment, massive contracts. This isn't some small-0is-beautiful
eco-operation. We're talking real money here, and it's hard to imagine that
the "Lippopotamus" is not in on the action. But even if Lippo's not directly
involved, the Indonesian government, with which Lippo has a cozy
relationship, certainly does. So too will the various foreign investors and
mining companies to whom the Indonesian government has extended an open

Winners and Losers

In any game there are winners and losers, and there are Americans in the
first category - the investors who put their money in overseas coal mining,
producers of natural gas, which the administration supports wholeheartedly.

Plus, there's a deal between a Little Rock firm and Lippo. According to the
ENERGY ECONOMIST for Sept., 1994, Entergy Group of Little Rock, in
partnership with the Lippo Group of Hong Kong, signed a memorandum of
understanding with the North China Power Corporation for the cooperative
management and expansion of the $1 billion 1,200 megawatt coal-fired Daton 2
power plan in Shanxi Province. Isn't that interesting And where do you think
the coal will come from?

The Democrats' question: What has Clinton does for Indonesia that harms the
United States? The answer is - with a stroke of his pen he wiped out the
only significant competition to Indonesian coal interests in the world
market before it even got started, a move that at the same time relegates
this country to importer status. His edict will force us into eventual
dependency on foreign producers of coal as we are presently dependent on
overseas sources for oil - an unconscionable situation considering that we
have abundant deposits of both commodities.

The President has given our children a legacy of continued energy
dependence, marked by contrived shortages and crises, the full impact of
which will be sharply felt in the years to come.


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CLINTON’S SALE OF AMERICA¸ Bill Clinton recently closed a large portion of
the state of Utah‚ making it a national monument¸ The real story is that
under this land is the riches compliant coal reserves in the world¸ This
type of coal is extremely efficient and leave very little residue of
combustion and therefore in high demand by energy providers trying to meet
environmental air regulation and supply electricity at the same time¸ It
seems Clinton has been receiving large campaign contributions from the Lippo
group in Indonesia and this conglomerate owns the largest mining operation
of compliant coal in the world¸ opening up this Utah area to mining the same
coal would cause a drop in coal prices and profits to the Lippo group‚ thus
keeping it closed would insure price stability and monopoly for the
Indonesian based Lippo group owned by the Riati family¸ By this time we have
all heard about the scandal of illegal campaign contributions the Democratic
party has been in volved with and this is the other side of the equation¸
Clintons closing of Utahs coal reserves is nothing more than a pay back for
reelection campaign funds from the Riati family and Lippo group from
indo­nesia¸ It is truly a shame that we are not able to stop this type of
corruption in high office¸ It is truly a shame that America reelected this
man to the power to continue this type of corruption¸

The Utah Coal Deal
Paul Craig Roberts
Washington Times

Bureau of Land Management - Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Proposed Management Plan For Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Utah Geological Survey

Conoco Drilling Results Validate Scientific Hypothesis,
Increase Potential of Monument Resources, State Geologist Says

"In our initial assessment of the monument's commodities, which I emphasize
was very conservative and very preliminary while remaining scientifically
accurate and technically valid, we indicated there could be millions of
dollars worth of oil recoverable from School and Institutional Trust Lands
within the monument. Conoco's discovery can only push the initial estimation
up. That means the school trust land, which President Clinton has already
agreed to trade out for equal value elsewhere, has to be worth more."

Utah Geological Survey
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
Summary of coal resources on
School and Institutional Trust Lands,
Kaiparowits Plateau coal field,
Kane and Garfield Counties

Clinton's Executive order shut down the largest deposit of "Super
Compliance" coal in America. Learn how the Clinton Administration has risked
our National Security and impoverished the citizens of Utah.

See how Clinton/Lippo created a boom for Indonesia and a bust for Utah and
American citizens.

It is our right,
and it is our duty,
to remain free.
     --- Alan Keyes

        How does it feel to learn
we have been had?
        Whatcha gonna do about it?
Continue whining?
Or get off your arses and make
a change in 2000?
        Not much of a Prosterity
we're leaving our children.
        If you continue voting for
the Demo/Repub thugs nothing is
gonna change!
        As I recall, even
Ronald Reagan campaigned
against CFR, then when he
got in he surrounded himself
with the same clique.
(Correct me if I'm wrong
on that!?
        Why is Congress so Impotent
in dealing with all these crises?

I can think of only two reasons:
1.  The "leadership?" is in cahoots, or
2.  The creep has too much dirt on the
the congressional leadership which would
destroy their chance for re-election.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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