-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990804a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No chimerical aberrations were harmed during production of this bulletin.
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# Total Solar Eclipse Said To Give Cosmic 'High'. PARIS (AFP) - Two minutes.
  That's all you have to make the most of what many astronomers regard as
  the experience of a life-time. There's nothing like it. So be prepared.
  Experts agree that a total solar eclipse, when the moon passes directly
  in front of the sun, has few rivals as a sensory "high", when the sights,
  sounds and feelings induced by the intricate cosmic dance rise to a
  dizzying climax. http://www.sightings.com/ufo4/cosmic.htm

: Do eclipses make you orgasmic? Have aliens/deities/corporations engineered
us to respond sexually to eclipses? To what purpose? Do you cum solar/lunar?

# Mailmen Cross The Ethical Line. BUCHAREST, Romania (Reuters) Romanian
  postmen anxious to earn commissions by selling dark glasses for watching
  next week's solar eclipse have been selling them to impoverished pension-
  ers and the blind. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990804/10/odd-eclipse

: Do you make money from eclipses? What are the most profitable astronomical
phenomena? Do you cash in on comets, supernovae, occultations, apogees? How?

# British eclipse advice: Stay away from cows. LONDON (Reuters) Britons were
  warned to stay away from cows and light aircraft during next week's total
  eclipse of the sun. And Britain's biggest-selling tabloid fueled eclipse
  mania with 10 outrageous things to do during next Wednesday's two minutes
  of total darkness. http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,105001787,00.html

: What would you most like to do during the eclipse? Will your soul be taken
by darkness? Will mass alien abductions occur? Will mad cows go on rampage??

# Also: Total Solar Eclipse Coming August 11, 1999:
# Solar Eclipse Views From Cities:
# Our Sun Has Its Own Seasons:

# A totality view of solar eclipses. (TheHindu) A total solar eclipse ranks
  among the most exciting of celestial phenomena. Much is known about how
  solar eclipses occur, the dazzling sights they present. But what about a
  historic perspective of these eclipses? In other words a totality view of
  eclipses. http://indiaserver.com/thehindu/1999/07/30/stories/0230000i.htm
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# China offers cash for sect leader. BEIJING (AP) China has put out a reward
  for information leading to the capture of the head of a banned meditation
  sect, now living in the U.S. Li Hongzhi, leader of the banned Falun Gong
  sect, topped a list of wanted criminals put out by police, who will begin
  paying rewards of more than $6,000 for tips leading to their arrest. China
  issued an arrest warrant Thursday for Li. It also asked the international
  police agency Interpol to issue an arrest warrant against him, but the
  France-based agency refused, because of a lack of criminal evidence.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560557448-617

: What cult leaders d'ya want to bust? Should/can/will your cult leaders be
busted? What gov't leaders should be caught? What'll you do with'em? Why??

# Also: The Mystery Of Falun Dafa - China's Newly-Banned Religion:

# Interpol Rejects China's Falun Gong Request (Reuters)
# China Sets Reward For Arrest Of Falun Gong Leader (Reuters)
# China Jails Two Dissidents For Subversion (Reuters)

# China orders arrest of Falun Gong leader, destroys books (CNN) The 'enemy
  of civilization': http://cnn.com:80/WORLD/asiapcf/9907/29/falun.gong.02/
# China destroys books of Falun Gong group (Spokane.net)

# U.S. won't extradite sect leader. Sect appeals to U.S. for help. (CNN)
# Washington has been critical of Beijing's crackdown on Falun Gong.
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Filer's Files #30 --1999,  MUFON Skywatch Investigations


SHANGHAI - The largest political group in China outside the Communist Party
is Falun Gong that attempts to improve a person's health through exercise,
mediation, and contact with unseen extraterrestrial forces. The group has up
to 70 million members, and is seen as the most serious threat to communist
rule since the 1989 pro-democracy protests. Falun Gong doctrines draw on a
belief in extraterrestrial forces, martial arts, Buddhism/Taoism, high moral
standards, and traditional values. This belief system results in members who
are seldom sick, and so they rarely use Chinese medical facilities. On April
25, ten thousand Falun Gong members conducted a silent protest against gov't
harassment outside the Beijing compound where President Jiang Zemin lives.
Additional silent protests were carried out in more than 30 Chinese cities
allegedly coordinated over the Internet by sect founder Li Hongzhi, who
lives in New York. Coupled with the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in
Yugoslavia the Communist government is extremely worried. Thousands of Falun
Gong members are being arrested and put in prison while millions of their
books are being burned. Old Chinese legends talk of fiery dragons on which
the sons of Heaven rode. Although China has asked the United Nations in
recent years to join them in studying UFOs, this spreading belief in
extra-terrestrials terrifies the gov't. The threat of a civil uprising
against Communism in China is more likely than is generally realized.
China is attempting to stop further trouble by issuing an arrest order for
the popular Li Hongzhi the leader of Falun Gong. A significant sign from
heaven, such as UFO sightings could set off spectacular events in China.
Revolutions have been won by extraordinary things.
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  "The oil made their skin glisten as their bodies moved in slow synchronous
   rhythm on the beach, the water gently flowing up around their legs, birds
   floating in the surf accompanying their moans with songs of pain and des-
   pair, otter and seal carcasses washing ashore around them, and it fright-
   ened her and exhilarated her at the same time that their love under the
   open sky might be discovered by a Sierra Club cleanup volunteer."
   --Robert Chappell  ** http://www.bulwer-lytton.com/99win.htm **

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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