-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990929a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No saintly relics were exhumed during the production of this bulletin.
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@ Love me: http://www.randomhouse.com/features/emailthisbook/961122.gif
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# Vanishing Mars craft mystery. (Times) IS Mars the Bermuda Triangle of the
  solar system? The disappearance of the £75 million Mars Climate Orbiter
  has reinforced the red planet's reputation as a spacecraft gobbler. Hard-
  ware worth billions bound for Mars has either lost contact with Earth,
  crashed, disappeared or failed to get off the launch pad. Course, or...??

: Have your people (or whatever) set up a protective field around Mars to
prevent hu-mans from inquiring too closely? What are you trying to hide??
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# Christian dieters seeking divine help - bring God, prayer into weight-loss
  plan. MILWAUKEE (AP) Some overweight Christians are working on the theory
  that they can slim down by upgrading their relationship with God. "If I'm
  accountable to a counselor at Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, I can blow
  them off. But if I'm accountable to God, that's an en-tirely different
  story."  http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,115010792,00.html

: Have you lost any weight lately, or do you know exactly where it went? Did
any deities help you? Are your deities fat pigs too? Is Satan thin, svelte?
Who are your favorite sexy deities? Do they make you control yourself? How?

$ Brain <http://edgeco.com/cgi-bin/catalog/BRN-400?kmKWRdUo;;20> in a tank!
  Thing <http://www.traipse.com/thing_in_a_jar/> in a jar! Weird stuff in
  glass to impress your friends and make them worry about you!
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@ The Summa Theologica <http://www.newadvent.org/summa> is St. Thomas
  Aquinas' <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14663b.htm> primary work,
  the center of Catholic theology, and one of the most important books
  in the history of Western Civilization. Questions ranging from does
  God exist? <http://www.newadvent.org/summa/100203.htm> to, do angels
  eat? <http://www.newadvent.org/summa/105103.htm> to, certain Viagra-
  oriented questions. <http://www.newadvent.org/summa/505801.htm>

: Are questions re: deities, angels, spirits et al, objectively answerable?
What do the questions & answers tell you about the speakers/writers? Are all
questions meaningful? Are all answers rational? Is there a bug up your ass?
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# Sikh is arrested for carrying ceremonial knife. MENTOR, Ohio (AP) - When
  he was baptized a Sikh in India, Gurbachan Singh Bhatia, now 69, vowed to
  always wear a kirpan, a 6-inch knife symbolizing his willingness to defend
  the faith. But during investigation of a minor traffic mishap, Bhatia was
  arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. At the time, he was returning
  home from a religious ceremony blessing the new home of a Sikh family.
  "We don't want to prosecute anyone for exercising religious freedom."

: Does your religion require you to carry weapons? Does your faith mandate
knives, swords, shotguns, nerve gas, tactical nukes? Does religious freedom
immunize you against weapons laws? Who do you bless with your weaponry???

@ Escaping "Social" Reality - Principles of a Higher Civilization:
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$ Shuttle DISTRESS for sale:

: Have you ever propelled a human-powered vehicle? Are you human? Would you
prefer a non-human to propel you vehicle? Do the voices in your head insist?
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# Whitley Strieber Rallies UFO Faithful, Rails Against 'Denial'. After
  being honored as "UFOlogist of the Year" at this year's National UFO
  Conference, horror novelist / contactee Whitley Strieber took advantage
  of the spotlight to berate unbelievers and captivate an audience of UFO
  faithful. http://www.space.com:80/area51/strieber_990928.html

: Are you faithful, captivated, spotlighted, returned? Do you deny the awful
reality of alien abduction/experimentation/impregnation? Are you a hybrid??

@ Objectivism explained: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~andrej/objectivism/
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# Security experts warn of massive hack attack.  Covert monitoring software
  sold in the US could give hackers an easy route to stealing user info &
  passwords. Investigator 2.0 from WinWhatWhere is designed to allow firms
  to monitor staff, recording keystrokes and password information, emailing
  them back to the administrator without the user's knowledge. The software
  has already caused a storm in the U.S. from rights groups angry that it
  allows spying on users. But the privacy issues "pale into insignificance
  next to the security implications..." See http://www.silicon.com/a32993

: Do you monitor keystrokes? Is that part of y'r job? Are you only following
orders? Do you feed keystrokes to govt agencies, foreign entities, aliens??
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@ The Collectivity After the Abolition of the Universe and Time: Escaping
  from Social Science. Principles of Natural Sociography - Community and
  Social Causation in Personhood Theory - Inevitable Stages? - Retroactive
  Signification - Dissolution of Natural Society - Recapitulation:

: Have you abolished the universe & time lately? If time is abolished, what
does 'lately' mean? Has your society dissolved? Have you? Is it all melty??
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  "I wore an aluminum foil outfit. An aluminum foil skullcap, and, that's
   right, aluminum foil for sundry other decoration. The aluminum foil
   skullcap had the effect of making me look like a flapper, especially as
   it appeared I had an aluminum foil flower growing out of my right temple,
   because, because, the aluminum foil cap got foiled up & did some strange
   things, was difficult to keep straight on my head even though my hair was
   only about a quarter inch long at the time, and thus the aluminum foil
   flower because because the aluminum foil kept expanding and I had to keep
   scrunching it up so it would fit my head more tightly (one might want to
   make a note of this, that a crinkled aluminum foil cap tends to uncrinkle
   and want to fall off)." --Herea11Therea11 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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