-Caveat Lector-

Assignments of Clinton Judges Probed
By Janelle Carter Associated Press Writer
Friday, August 6, 1999; 3:47 a.m. EDT WASHINGTON (AP) -- The
chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee has asked Supreme
Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist to look into a judge's
decision to assign cases involving President Clinton's friends to
Clinton-appointed judges.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, who is a Republican presidential hopeful,
told Rehnquist he was concerned that the incident ``may have
repercussions on the public's confidence in the impartial
administration of justice by the federal courts.''
The Associated Press reported last weekend that U.S. District
Judge Norma Holloway Johnson bypassed a traditional random
assignment system and sent a criminal case against presidential
friend Yah Lin ``Charlie'' Trie to U.S. District Judge Paul L.
Friedman and similarly sent a separate tax case against
presidential friend Webster Hubbell to U.S. District Judge James
Trie's case was the first major prosecution from the Justice
Department investigation of Democratic fund raising in the 1996
election. Friedman, appointed to the bench by Clinton two years
earlier, also was assigned by Johnson to two related cases.
Several other judges have expressed concern that the assignments
had the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Friedman dismissed various charges against Trie. One of
Friedman's rulings was reversed on appeal, and Trie is to be
sentenced in two weeks, probably to probation, on a plea-
bargained guilty plea.
Robertson dismissed the tax case against Hubbell, a former
associate attorney general, who eventually pleaded guilty to a
misdemeanor when an appeals court reinstated the case.
Robertson was later chosen, at random, to handle a felony case
against Hubbell that charged him with lying to federal regulators.
Robertson threw out the central felony count in that case, but again
an appeals court reversed him, and Hubbell eventually pleaded
guilty to one felony count.
In a letter to the editor published in The Washington Times earlier
this week, Johnson said, ``Politics was not and is never a factor in
our case assignments.''
Still, Hatch, in his letter written Tuesday, asked Rehnquist to look
into the matter using the Judicial Conference of the United States,
a panel of judges that includes chief justices from each judicial
circuit. As chief justice, Rehnquist is presiding officer of the
conference, which makes policy concerning the administration of
U.S. courts.
``I wish to ask you ... to consider whether an examination by the
Judicial Conference might be warranted,'' Hatch wrote.
 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press


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it.  Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they
can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their
revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." -Abraham Lincoln,
April 4, 1861

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