Aviation Expert-Kennedy Plane Had TWO Artificial Horizons!

The following email received by NewsHawk indicates that aircraft like
the one Kennedy was piloting have TWO "artificial horizon" systems--a
electronic horizon which is the primary one, and a vacuum system as a backup.

The American people really MUST acknowledge at this point that claims
Kennedy's plane crashed due to the fact he was "disoriented" WILL NOT

Statements to this effect made by government officials at many levels
and propounded by mass media ARE LIES!

How god-damn MUSH-BRAINED have we become???

John Quinn

= = = = = = = = = = = =
I worked on mainly commuter aircraft (Beechcraft 1900, otherwise known
as a "stretch King Air"), and I do know those aircraft were required to
have both a vacuum (air) operated artificial horizon & electronic
horizon. It's been about 7 years since I last touched a plane, but I
thought that the current FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations) in the
basic air-worthiness certificate required an artificial horizon to have
a primary and a backup. The 1900's had an electronic primary and vacuum
secondary artificial horizon.  The artificial horizon is basically a
gyroscope in a housing with a needle to indicate the horizon. Your
article is correct in that the losing artificial horizon argument is
Mr. X

= = = = = = = = = = = =
Shoulder-launched Missile?
We also received a note yesterday from someone who says that for a few
days immediately after the Kennedy plane crash FOX-TV ran an interview
with a Martha's Vineyard resident who was outside walking her dog at the
time of the crash. She reported clearly hearing a noise she described as
being like a "knife through sailcloth".. only of course much louder.
Reprinted below is the email we received.
John Quinn

= = = = = = = = = = = =
On Sunday and-or Monday following the incident, FOX NEWS had an
interview they ran several times with a female resident that reported
when she was walking her dog at the time of the incident, she heard a
sound "like a knife cutting sail cloth" or something to that effect.

This ran several times during the first three or four days.  I don't
know of many things that make a sound like that other than a knife
through sail cloth or a hand held rocket.

"An Avid Follower"

= = = = = = = = = = = =
John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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