-Caveat Lector-

Cattle Mutilation Phenomena and HIV

(c) 1999 Phillip S. Duke, PhD.

Introduction: Cattle mutilations are logically explainable only as
Extraterrestrial activities. The mutilation body materials taken all
correspond with
sites of HIV transmission or replication (blood) in humans, except for
the ear, which may contain a locator device. Circumstantial evidence
suggests cattle are mutilated primarily to harvest HIV antibodies and
virus from blood in quantity, and to obtain information relating to
HIV transmission in humans, by study of the materials taken from
corresponding cattle mutilation sites. The left ear is always taken,
to facilitate locator retrieval. Healthy, live fetuses are also taken
from animals to be mutilated. The primary reason for cattle mutilations
may be to
harvest HIV antibodies. Cattle mutilation phenomena support the AIDS-ET

By cattle mutilations I mean cattle found minus their blood and minus
certain body parts, removed with surgical precision, which humans and
animals do not eat by choice. Cattle are the family Bovidae,
domesticated Bos Taurus.

Cattle mutilations generally occur where cattle are raised and kept in
quantity on ranges or in pastures. Feed lots and related locations with
animals under relatively close human surveillance are not affected.
Cattle mutilations occur only when animals are out of human sight.
strong, healthy animals are affected. I don't know of a single case
where an animal which is obviously unhealthy or injured was later found
mutilated. Mutilations commonly but not always occur at night. A
pedigreed, especially valuable animal is quite healthy and doing well
one day,
and found dead and mutilated the nest. Cattle mutilations are routinely
reported throughout the world, apparently wherever cattle are kept in
quantity. Since there is no central agency keeping records, the number
of mutilations is unknown, but it must number something more than a
thousand every year. It is not known how long cattle mutilations have
been occurring, but they have been reliably reported for at least
decades. There is no universally agreed upon explanation concerning what
or who is doing cattle mutilations (1,2). All investigators who are not
county agents agree; cattle mutilations are not the work of animal

The evidence suggesting cattle mutilations are ET phenomena is varied
and comes from numerous different sources. It is arrived at by logical
exclusion of all alternative explanations, and by being the only
explanation capable of explaining the strange facts. The ET explanation
is bizarre
but then so are the facts.

I consider it established beyond any doubt that animal predators are not
responsible. The removals of biological materials are invariable stated
to be "with surgical precision." There are no teeth marks on the
carcasses, no animal (or any other) tracks, even when animals are found
lying on
moist ground which would clearly show tracks. The animal parts eaten by
preference for food are not affected. The left ear is taken. All this
the absence of blood in the carcass and on the ground shows clearly that
animal predators are not responsible for cattle mutilations. The
explanation propounded by county agents and others also bound to the
same politically correct position, which of course means they cannot
consider ETs, is that "coyotes are responsible." This was responded to
by one cattleman with the statement, "If coyotes can do this we are in
deep trouble."

It has been proposed that human beings cause cattle mutilations. As the
valuable meat is left to rot, and as the body locations mutilated are
bizarre and include those related to reproduction and excretion, it was
suggested that some kind of bizarre sexual cult activity is involved.
evidence suggests otherwise. No cult is known which treats animals this
way, and no one has ever claimed 'credit' for these illegal activities.
number, nature, and geographical extent of world wide mutilation is so
great, that an immense, very large, very well funded, and will organized
human organization would be required.It would be much easier and safer
for such a cult to buy animals and mutilate and dispose of them in
secret. Due to the absence of any evidence that any such cult exists,
the absence of any logical human motive, the absence of a human ever
claiming 'credit' for them, I readily discard the concept that humans
are responsible for (the vast majority) of cattle mutilations. If that
were the
case, there would surely be at least some evidence suggestion this, when
in fact there is none at all.

In the absence of anything better, and in view of the facts, hard headed
down to earth cattle people with no interest at all in science fiction
without any knowledge of the subject have been left with only "flying
saucers" as the explanation of cattle mutilations. Mutilated animals
been found with broken legs and backs and with their horns stuck deep
into the ground, as if they were dropped from considerable height. A
bull was found in a tree. Numerous such incidents suggest cattles are
performed on animals which after being taken up into the air are dropped
or otherwise returned. (1). This explanation of aerial mutilation also
explains the absence of tracks and blood. In theory it would be possible
humans to somehow capture cattle, hoist them up into (sizable)
helicopters, perform the mutilations, including blood removal (how long
this all take?) return the animals, and then leave. But the key question
is, why should they do this The military has plenty of money to buy all
cattle it wants, and then it could do whatever it wants with them, at
its convenience, in secrecy. Why on earth should the military go to this
much trouble to accomplish something it could otherwise do so much more
easily? And without leaving any evidence of what it has done? And
remember, cattle mutilations are world wide phenomena. This clearly
indicates "the military" is not primarily responsible for cattle
Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are not uncommon in high
cattle mutilation areas.

The military is, however, quite interested in all alien activities
including cattle mutilations, and actively seeks to investigate them.
(unmarked, presumably military) helicopters have been seen in the
vicinity of cattle mutilations, and the military may be sampling such
after they are found. They may also be performing "look alike" cattle
mutilations, to obtain data, throw investigators off the track, or other
reasons (3).

In theory it is possible to identify candidates for mutilation before
the fact, by detection of their (left) ear implant, and sample such
animals prior
to alien mutilation. As to whether or not our military is doing this, I
don't have the least idea. I hope they are, because I suggest that if
they will
only determine the HIV test status of mutilated or mutilation candidate
cattle, a great light will shine all at once on the mystery of cattle

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