-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU



In a cafe, a war reporter talked to his American colleague that the largest
rapist of Muslim women was Gruban from Bijelo Polje. On the famous wanted
poster which was sent across the world, on the 23rd place was the literary
hero from Bulatovic's novel "Hero on a donkey".

DECEIT of the century in the Bosnian war was created by a war reporter and
author Nebojsa Jevric. One drunken night of prohibition, in the 'free
Serbian mountains', he told the American journalist, not fated Pulitzer
prize winner and honorary CIA assistant the biggest "secret" of the war in
the former B-H - which Serb raped the most Muslim women.

Jevric, in his known farcical manner, as the worst criminal "nominated"
Gruban Malic, the hero of the famous novel by Miodrag Bulatovic "Hero on a
donkey". The American didn't hesitate to immediately forward Gruban's name
to the right places. Later B-H and the rest of the world was flooded with
the well known wanted poster of "Serbian criminals", with photos and basic

In this way, next to Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic, Milan Martic, Veselin
Sljivancanin and others (indicted for the crime of self-defense), was
Bulatovic's Gruban, without any relevant data. Beneath (only) his name on
the wanted list is: age: unknown, nationality: unknown, description:
unknown, address: unknown!

"Hero" from another war

GRUBAN'S father was unknown, of course, but only to the American journalist
- informant. Nebojsa Jevric, the second 'father' of Gruban, was aware of
the real father of this literary hero, Jevric's compatriot from Bijelo
Polje and literary model of Miodrag Bulatovic.

Jevric is a little "disappointed" : such a hero and rapist, macho man
better known for the length of his manhood, Gruban was listed only as 23rd
on the wanted list. Probably because next to his name there was no photo,
as with other criminals. Gruban, Jevric's compadres said in the cafe where
the American journalist was "intoxicated" in spying the Serbs, carries in
his trousers the "elipton" - the "secret Serb weapon" which scared the
occupiers who were armed with nuclear projectiles, and didn't hesitate to
use them.

The deceit of the pretentious American is the greatest, but not the only
Jevric ruse in the B-H war. The suggestion given at a press conference, to
an angry Serbian general, at the time of media frauds against the Serbs and
Croatian smoke from car tires, given by Nebojsa Jevric - to bombard
Dubrovnik from KANADERS (planes used to extinguish fires) with soft stools,
spanned the globe! Comparing this with the adventures of Gruban, is a real

Author Nebojsa Jevric, in the army of similar writers, was the most unusual
person in the civil war in Bosnia. Liked by fighters and respected by his
superiors, he was everywhere the fighting was most intense, also he was
recognized from his back side, on his helmet was printed in white letters
"Don't shoot, brother!"

Something new on the battlefield

AS a reporter of "DUGA", Jevric went to the battlefield to report,
and/however he made out of it a real, authentic, very modern and a little
broken literature, which was announced by his previous book "Serbian

His last book "Hero on a donkey goes to the Hague", is however something
completely new. For Jevric alone , and for world literature. The writings
that war reporters, as literary people, left for readers about previous
wars, is something from another file. Jevric is something new.

Telling in the introduction, in his witty way but realistically, how he
included Gruban in the wanted list, Jevric later "transfers' Bulatovic's
and his hero to another time: "The imagination of Miodrag Bulatovic! Don
Gruban from Bijelo Polje is placed in the novel: to spitefully conspire
intrigue from World War II. While attempting to be captured by Italian
occupiers and fascists. That way Jevric brings Bulatovic's literary hero
into the latest war, brought through totally farcical paths.

The pages of Jevric's book are written in an easy, bright style, and are an
incredible mixture of parody where, under slightly altered names (Mary
Alright, Bill Dick, for example) parade other famous personalities.

Jevric is a patriot, but not from the "Hlebian school" of patriots, so he
doesn't attempt to give moral grounds, but he submits powerful people to
ridicule - and that is the only way he confronts them, since they are
immune to moral lessons.

So if dislocated norms of world leaders ever return to the joints of
morality and law, Jevric's Gruban will stand shoulder to shoulder with the
famous good soldier Schweik, in accordance with Hasek's hero, our Gruban,
will receive a halo and recognition pin of an exemplary soldier!


Translated by D.Tomasevic

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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