From: terrie viken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Reply to Mike Rupert from Jim Viken:
Mike, thanks for your video and cassettes.  Very well done.  You are a great
American Hero!  You have served us all well.  Now your reply below where you
doubt the euro superiority ploy I expect.  I have info from one of the top
experts of euro families and political structures (a prominant MN attorney who
handles civil rights cases).  He speaks of these matters in pivate, not wanting
any publicity.  He is a scholar. Based on corroboration from his research, I
continue to believe that ghwb and tribe along with all other covert operators
will be "cut-off at the knees suddenly."   I  have had a very high level contact
into a certain part of the navy & oni.  Have you heard of the greybeards?
Do you know how much power they have had?  Ask someone in the know--you will be
suprised at the truth about them.  Are you aware of the battle between klinton
and the sub commanders (klinton wanted to take the weapons systems dual keys away
from the sub commanders and some flat out refused.  I was told from a reliable
source that in certain cases the covert operators based in the potomac basin want
individuals such as yourself to keep speaking out against them and if you weren't
there they would raise someone else up to replace you.  WHY such a seemingly
divided strategy?  You can be used as a penetration test to judge the cultural
resistance base they have spun over the years and to test their current mis &
disinformation sections; you can be used as a lightning rod to classify certain
dissident element, labelled as dangerous free thinkers;  they also have a
"knights of malta, P2, masonic" belief which is very bizarre but common to their
elite members (they believe that they are the chosen and that in order to show
the olympiad proportions of the  power of their god lucifer, they need to fund
their oppositon to create a fair power test in order to speed up the "world
transformation" they expect);   individuals such as yourself are periodically
beat on and stressed enough to create enough commitment and zeal in you to
adequately test their ower ranks and bureacracies; and lastly, individuals such
as yourself can be used as the operation exit nexus, that is, your exposure can
help discredit the existing gov't and help the string-pullers disempower and
derail the cutouts they have empowered. I personally think you were picked for
such use because they knew you were honest and had enough character to stand firm
and hassle them effectively.  Can I prove this is so?  No, but I believe it.  Do
I think the big power lies in Europe among the old black nobility and will they
destroy us and our covert operator leaders?  Yes that is what I think. I hope and
pray that I am wrong.
I personally think our nation will be destroyed by nuclear bombs and bio within
the next 5-6 years or less and have been told so by someone with exceptional sci
"Q37" credentials.  Keep up the good work.  And ask someone in the know about
"the suitcase" treatments for wayward covert ops or post-mission removal of
trauma for task forces or mjtf actions.  Mike, you are one of the few that can't
be bought or seduced by power--you have proved this to be true with your life.
It is a testimony of truth in the darkness.  Keep it up.

Mike Ruppert wrote:

> From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jim Viekn:
> Were you writing to me or Mic Levy or some other Mike? Mic levy responded to
> your last, not I.
> While I cannot say that I firmly believe that some big master plan is
> ticking like a Swiss Watch here, according to the well oiled plans of one
> evil group with a board room and a corporate office, I see much merit in
> your analysis. There is also some really deep thinking there which is very
> useful.
> The world economy, for those who control it, is more hooked on drug money
> than on drugs. I, however, remain unconvinced that the ultimate description
> here is a European plan to destroy American sovereignty. It goes much deeper
> than that and I see it rooted in individual souls.
> Do you know what the oldest archeological relic on Wall Street is? It is a
> graveyard of slave skeletons from the 1600s. Wall Street is literally built
> upon dead slaves.  CIA, as an easily established servant of Wall Street,
> keeps the slaves in production the same way the British did in China more
> than three hundred years ago.
> Mike Ruppert
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   terrie viken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Sunday, August 15, 1999 9:48 PM
> Subject:        Re: [CIA-DRUGS] I personally think a Kevin Ives and Don Henry
> Concert is much...
> From: terrie viken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Mike, thanks for the reply.  I  studied the origins of our popular/current
> mass society and mass culture since 1970 and believe that I pretty much have
> the whole story down.  In trying to adequately understand the origins of
> popular/current mass society/mass culture I ended up having to study deviant
> behavior & organized crime as the lynchpins of 20th century
> culture/society.  I interviewed crime fam associates and found that the feds
> had completely taken them over in the late 60's early 70's under need to
> form a strategic alliance or "otherwise we now have the means to annihilate
> you". I found that intl drug dealing by merged groupings of govt & these
> crime organizations was key and had a long history going back 100's of
> years. I found that this had almost been totally expunged from the media,
> libraries and higher learning institutions  Historically drugs have been a
> major income means of the world's great ruling families and often used as
> tools of war (eg. Hudson Bay co. and East Indies Co.).  I also found that
> some of the greatest covert ops dated back to machiavelli and the carribean
> pirates. As a great ruler once said, if your power is waning, have your
> soldiers dress up like your adversary's and kill some of your soldiers or
> you people, then you can regain power (the earliest operations like these
> were called black ops--the ruling families who specialized in these "black
> arts" were labelled the ruling or old black nobility and specialized in
> black art methods of mind kontrol by drugs, hypnosis and luciferian methods,
> i.e. spiritual warfare using the "dark side".
> After discovering that the gov't in alliance with crime orgs were behinds
> the drug imports and used us agencies to eliminate the competition and keep
> the prices up, I found my puzzled by this.   I asked myself, why would the
> US and other Euro-nations get into this sleazy death business of drugs. I
> found that the intelligence agencies and the crime families were really the
> handmaidens or slaves of the ruling elite families of the world which
> control guess what? the monetary systems and the war making systems, both of
> which produce money and power and control their use.  I found out that the
> external shadow govt is made up of defense contractors, intelligence
> agencies and bureacracies of govt, and the real core shadow govt to be an
> interdependent collection of ruling elite families similar to what Dr. John
> Coleman of mi5 identified in his book,Committee of 300. So who is the
> current war of drugs being fought against, why,  and from whom.  The war is
> being waged by the gov'ts of the world (G7, etc) who have declared war on
> the people and see all the governed folks as the enemies of globalism.  The
> core group of interlocking families/elites that control all the major gov'ts
> and banking institutions are using their gov'ts as war machinery to use
> drugs and hollywood mass culture to dirty up the people and render them
> impotent politically and morally.  The greatest fear and only fear these
> elites have is the public having plenty of high powered guns and ammo and
> then learning how they have been defrauded, thus reacting spontaeously with
> rollling and  unstoppable mob reaction against the elites, their cutouts and
> the existing order as laid out and controlled by them according to their
> globalist timetable (such as what happened in the french revolution).  I
> know most of the names, know how these groups fit together with their common
> spiritual positions and what they are and know what their long term plan is.
> I can tell you emphatically that when they drop the last bricks in place
> there are going to be a lot of quickly eliminated and disposed of cutouts
> (many of these disposals will take place when our elites have sought
> supposed guarenteed safety in our numerous underground fema type shadow govt
> bases--eg. sindona az type locations).  When our military leaders and
> federal agencies finally get it, they will be shocked and will "reel in
> pain" but it will be too late.  A few have already caught on, some of these
> have been discovered and twepped with executive actions such as boorda, and
> the many helicopter small aircraft crashes. Some others who stumbled into
> the truth are already considering leaving the country or their own private
> re/actions but the elites don't care because they want the us taken down
> anyway, that is the euro big boys are going to eliminate their us
> counterparts in one of the worlds greatest covert acts of treachery and it
> will be too late to stop once the bricks drop in place and the us agencies
> figure out they have been had. This is what I discovered in many years of
> research as a social psychologist.   Very few folks will ever believe this
> scenario but I believe it is the true explanation for what is happening.
> Sharing info like this with most brings ridicule since it seems so far
> fetched and is typically beyond belief.  That is why the elites rarely fear
> their secet plans will be believed even if discovered.  As absurd as this
> seems, it is what I discovered in many years of research.   I have been
> astounded that only a handful of university professors ever ask questions
> like:  who pulls the strings of power, what is money & who controls the
> money, who owns the major media and controls it?  Why is the major media
> mostly owned by conservative defense related corps and why do they script
> these media to emit and endless supply of liberal crap 180 degree to their
> positions? If one understands this method of manufacturing consent much
> additional understanding follows.  A federal agent once told me off the
> records that usually at least 25% of all members of terrorist or other
> violent groups including the kkk, etc. etc. are actually paid undercover
> informants and often up to 75%, with many of them mind kontrolled by the
> "suitcase".
> Keep up the good work you are doing.  You have proven yourself to be a
> national hero and fought hard to protect our freedom and this great nation.
> You have served our nation well and put forth 100% in doing so. You continue
> to broadcast the truth.   You deserve much respect for this Thank you for
> all you have done and are doing.  God bless you.  Jim Viken, Ph.d.,1978,
> Univ. of Minn.
> >
> >
> > Not half bad depiction.
> >
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