-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 05:49:29 +0000
From: Bob Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Bob Anderson

Plattsburgh AFB Named Major Mind-control Center
Air Force DEEPLY Involved in Mind Control Projects--
According to Eric Harris's AF Programmer AND Harris Himself

© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
(Rights of UNALTERED reproduction/distribution waived.)

The Air Force--THAT is, those divisions of what USED to be the U.S. Air
Force now under control of New World Order global governance masters,
seems to have trouble keeping itself out of NewsHawk's press releases

We just issued a heads-up to our readers yesterday concerning the fact
that KC-135s and other aircraft KNOWN to belong (at LEAST on paper!) to
OUR U.S. Air Force are currently engaged in an extremely widespread
campaign of continual, all-out, virtually round-the-clock bombardment of
the people of North America (not ONLY U.S. residents) with chemical and
biological materials known to be injurious to human health--and almost
certainly to the health of most indigenous life forms on our planet
(cloned reptoid-zomboid-android-Nazoid test-tube vermin such as those
overrunning our entire governmental structure are obviously not affected
by this most unwelcome crud being showered down on us daily.)

We have also made note of the extremely interesting fact that
mind-controlled "Manchurian Candidate" perpetrators of at LEAST four of
the recent mass shooting nightmares in our country had/have SIGNIFICANT
and HARD ties to the Air Force.

In just the past two days, these articles of ours have stimulated
additional responses from others with knowledge and/or direct experience
which further confirms the high degree of involvement on the part of
covert Air Force intelligence operatives at specific Air Force bases in
the "engineering", programming, indoctrination and training of those
unfortunate subjects; picked to become mind-controlled mass killers.

A wide variety of tactics and techniques are used in these utterly
abusive and demonic programs, which are almost completely derived from
the infamous MK-Ultra project, the Montauk Project and related
intelligence agency mind-control projects. The "genealogy" of all these
evil, grotesque activities leads DIRECTLY back to the death and torture
slave camps of the Third Reich by way of the Nazi-infested CIA, NSA, DIA
and other U.S. intelligence groups. This is absolute, unqualified FACT.
Check the records. These agencies funneled HORDES of high-level Nazi
Party members, intelligence and military officers, "scientists" (yea
right!) and vast quantities of Nazi technology information databases
into the most fundamental levels of OUR United States government: after,

Two of these recent communications to NewsHawk in fact pinpoint a
particular Air Force base which has ALREADY been heavily "outed" by us
in our articles ("The Rocky Mountain Horror Show" and "Putting the
Columbine Puzzle Together") on the Columbine High School massacre on
April 20. This corroborates information from other widely divergent
sources regarding bizarre covert activities at this location.

The location we refer to is PLATTSBURGH AIR FORCE BASE in northeastern
New York State, roughly 80 miles south of the Canadian border. Beneath
the Plattsburgh base is a VAST, 18-level deep subterranean facility.

Eric Harris, whose father has been linked to covert AF intelligence
projects going back nearly 20 years, lived with his family at
Plattsburgh AFB for over 4 years right before moving to Littleton.

We have previously received confirmation on the Plattsburgh base as
(being) a location for severe, horrendous, outrageous and scientifically
very advanced mind/consciousness-manipulation technologies and projects
from a wide variety of sources: from other victims and from those who
were in the employ of project operators.

Plattsburgh AFB was by some reports linked in the 1960s the horrendous
known Nazi-lover Ewen Cameron, president of the American Psychiatric
Association, The Canadian Psychiatric Association AND the World
Psychiatric Association, and Cameron's massive abuses in the
CIA-contracted MK-Ultra (drug and neuro-electrically-based) mind-control
project just over the border in Montreal. Firsthand accounts indicate
that this legacy continued at Plattsburgh through the 1970s and beyond
to present times with electromagnetic/radio-frequency  and drug-based
mind control activities tied to some of the experimentation at Montauk.

As noted in earlier reports this Air force installation SUPPOSEDLY
"officially" closed in 1994.

However, thoroughly credible testimony from many sources provides
clear proof the base remains quite active years after it’s "official"
closure. Local residents and other firsthand eyewitnesses report that
the base, though somewhat deserted, is currently in some level of
operation even on the "surface," and EM/RF signal detection equipment
verified that top-secret operations currently ongoing in the documented
18-level underground complex BENEATH the base. Aside from mind control
related operations, signal detection equipment proves the Plattsburgh
base is a site of particle accelerator/beam research and

ALL legitimate funding for any activity at the base--even so much as
turning a doorknob--ended completely early in 1995. The only activities
taking place on base property after this date would by their very
definition be covert, totally classified, restricted-access operations
of whatever sort; operations which CLEARLY depend upon illegitimate,
unofficial, clandestine funding for their very existence. Wayne
Harris (AND his family) stayed on in Plattsburgh long AFTER the base was
officially shuttered.

One of those who has just contacted us about Plattsburgh AFB and the
mind-control programs in operation there is a scientist/researcher who
was until VERY RECENTLY directly involved in a number of these terrible
and inhuman activities. This person has to some degree gotten a
conscience about his participation.

This person was in fact personally involved in one major aspect of the
programming and training activities which ERIC HARRIS HIMSELF was
subjected to at Plattsburgh.

He has informed us that Eric was one of scores of children injected with
mind-altering drugs and chemicals on a REGULAR and extensive basis; that
his physiological and psychological responses to these various chemicals
were continually monitored and tabulated until the "perfect" combination
of substances was found which synergized most effectively with the OTHER
mind control technologies and programming Harris was subjected to.

He has informed us that Harris and many others were victimized by a
particularly SATANIC offshoot of the MK-Ultra/Montauk operations
centered at Plattsburgh AFB; which in fact heavily utilized satanic and
cultic ritualism, symbolism, satanic psychosexual abuse and the like in
molding such "products" as Harris. Extremely racist, Neo-Nazi
indoctrination was/is part of this particular brand of programming.
These "Montauk boys" are known to make a large percentage of the
Goth/Trenchcoat Mafia/skinhead subculture--ESPECIALLY in the Denver area
and the closely-linked  Dallas-Fort Worth-east Texas region as well as
around Montauk and upstate New York, and also Atlanta.

This contact further  informed us that Harris's group were in fact
"chemical" "Manchurians": that is, of the wide variety of mind-control
techniques and tactics used by these Nazi rodents, Harris and others
were primarily but not ONLY subjected to drug/chemical mind
alteration/manipulation. (This fact makes the ongoing spraying by the
Air Force of North America with unknown chemical substances all the more
sinister. This crap is very likely AFFECTING OUR MINDS!) Also utilized
extensively in turning Harris into a Manchurian killer were hypnotic
trance induction and EM/RF systems.

This unfortunate human being had his entire life, his youth, his mind
and his SOUL utterly invaded, mangled and brutalized beyond ALL
RECOGNITION, then reconstructed by these godless Nazi demons from the
depths of hell itself. This BOY was TURNED INTO A KILLER by this
wretched, horrid, psychotic fascist filth before he ever had a chance
for a life.

Further confirmation of this exact state of affairs came from the mouth
of Eric Harris himself! A NewsHawk representative did some nosing around
in Plattsburgh and located someone who had been friendly with Harris
right before the family moved to Littleton. Harris had confided to this
boy that he couldn't wait to leave Plattsburgh-- he said he hated the
to there. Harris in fact referred to the exact activities cited by the
informant who contacted us, involving CONSTANT chemical drug mind
manipulation. Harris was WELL AWARE--at least to some extent--what in
fact was being done to him and he DETESTED IT!

Most unfortunately, things did not get better for Eric Harris after
moving to Littleton--located within hailing distance of what is probably
the PRIMARY New World Order power base and nerve center in the entire
North American continent… DENVER, Colorado.

This poor kid was less than TEN years old where his family first got to
Plattsburgh and the ongoing brutalization began. The additional horror
is that he KNEW what was being done to him and was POWERLESS to stop it!
A BOY! A defenseless boy!

THIS is what the New World Order has in store for ALL of us… and for all
our children.

What's more, implicated here WITHOUT ANY DOUBT in the "procurement" and
psychological devastation of Eric Harris is the boy's father, Air Force
spook Wayne Harris. (Wayne Harris has already been exposed as having
been well involved with the manufacture and testing af various explosive
materials with his son AND as having had significant input to eric's
website and Internet activities. This miserable worm willingly and
knowingly gave his son over to these satanic spook slugs for their
horrifying projects. He literally SACRIFICED HIS SON to the devil. WE
find indications of similar complicity on the part Air Force parents in
the current situation involving the L.A. "Jewish Center" shooter Buford
Furrow, and the Atlanta-area mass murderer Mark Barton. As well, Atlanta
(Conyers) SCHOOL shooter T.J. Solomon (who hears mechanized, robotic
mental commands to kill) spent a number of vacations in close proximity
to Plattsburgh AFB.

One more quite interesting note in closing. Eric Harris, based on his
own personal and direct knowledge of such through his exposure to the
shadowy realms of covert government projects, repeatedly spoke to this
buddy in Plattsburgh of the impending "takeover" of our democratic
republic by the global forces of darkness, oppression and enslavement.

© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
(The rights of UNALTERED reproduction/distribution hereby waived.)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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