-Caveat Lector-

> Ashley Rye wrote:
> >
> > ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> >
> >        What I'm beginning to more and more understand is that this
> >        lower fourth-dimensional level that this group operates from,
> >        this "Illuminati consciousness"-we'll put it like that-is the
> >        frequency range that vibrates to the emotions of fear and the
> >        off-shoots of fear, like guilt, resentment, aggression, all
> >        these things. And, therefore, the more that events can be
> >        created on the Earth which generate-my goodness me, they do
> >        by the minute-the emotions of fear, guilt, resentment, etc.,
> >        within the human form, we are actually turned into generators
> >        of energy for that lower fourth-dimensional frequency range,
> >        if you follow me. Because every time we feel emotion, the
> >        emotion of fear, our thought-emotional patterns are
> >        resonating energy around us and within us to that frequency
> >        of fear, which appears to relate very strongly to this lower
> >        fourth-dimensional level.
> >
> >        Now, where experiments have been done-I think the Institute
> >        of HeartMath in America has done a lot of this; it's got an
> >        Internet site, it's very interesting-they've done experiments
> >        measuring the frequency of various emotions, and they've
> >        shown that the frequency of fear is very low, slow. And when
> >        we're feeling fear, it is actually reasonating our energy
> >        very slowly. When we feel the emotion of what we call love,
> >        in it's truest sense, that is a very fast frequency which
> >        actually reasonates our energy very quickly. It's like waves
> >        going through and resonating the energy, which is just
> >        neutral. I mean, thought reasonates the energy. Do you want
> >        it fast? Do you want it slow? What were you thinking? What
> >        were you feeling?
> >
> >        So the more-this is vital to understanding this on a higher
> >        level, I would suggest-the more that humanity lives it's life
> >        in fear and the off-shoot emotions that come from fear, the
> >        slower the vibrational reasonance of consciousness working
> >        directly through the physical form. If the highest expression
> >        of ourselves, beyond this lower fourth-dimensional "cess-pit"
> >        vibration, as I call it, is operating at a higher wavelength
> >        than fear, and ultimately at the wavelength of love, what I
> >        would suggest is the highest wavelength of all-just like
> >        Radio America cannot sync with Radio Philadelphia because
> >        they are on different wavelengths-the wavelength of fear
> >        cannot sync with the higher wavelengths of love and other
> >        states of being.
> >
> >        So, in essence, as long as humanity can-in physical
> >        embodiment, that level of our consciousness-be kept and
> >        immersed in the emotion of fear, we actually vibrationally
> >        disconnect and can do nothing else, can do nothing other than
> >        disconnect from the highest expressions of who we are. We
> >        can't do anything other than that.
> >
> >        So, coming to the question, Rick, and it's a very important
> >        one, "How do we get out of here?" and "Where are the good
> >        guys?"-I keep hearing, "Where are the people coming to help
> >        us?"
> >
> >        Well, those of an emotional-mental state of being that wish
> >        to set-not in embodiment, I mean other-dimensional beings-who
> >        are of an intent to set the planet free, they are of a level
> >        of vibrational reasonance, as a result of that state of
> >        being, in which they cannot connect with consciousness that
> >        is in a state of fear. It simply cannot happen because there
> >        is a vibrational gap between the two. This is the vital point
> >        I would suggest, anyway.
> >
> >        It's not that those of higher-dimensional consciousness who
> >        wish to set us free have to connect with us; it's that we, in
> >        fear, have need to connect with them. And the only way of
> >        doing that is through breaking out of fear; it's breaking out
> >        of the three-dimensional illusion, the movie screen, the
> >        holographic kind of virtual reality game that we're looking
> >        at when we open our eyes, and getting into the wavelength of
> >        love, in it's true sense.
> >
> >        Because when we start to vibrate as a result of that state of
> >        being, to the energy of love, and our intent is freedom for
> >        all, not just ourselves, freedom in its true sense-freedom
> >        for you to say what I don't agree with, freedom for you to
> >        live your life-style in a way that I wouldn't live mine-that
> >        level of true freedom, that I will stand for your freedom to
> >        say something that I disagree with as much as I'll stand for
> >        mine to say what I think-when you hit that level, then your
> >        state of being starts to vibrate faster and faster, and
> >        starts to reach through this vibrational prison of
> >        low-vibrational emotion, fear overwhelmingly, and reconnect
> >        with the higher dimensions of ourselves; we start to become
> >        whole again.
> >
> >        Then we become lights or beacons that can bring this
> >        higher-dimensional knowledge/consciousness/understanding into
> >        embodiment and start to become like broadcast transmitters of
> >        it, which starts to reasonate and change the energy field
> >        that we're living in, and starts to break-up this fear-based
> >        energy field that we've been living in all this time-and have
> >        been manipulated to add to every time we think and feel fear.
> >
> >        So, again, it's about responsibility BY ME. It's not about
> >        saying, "Come and save us!" It's about saying, "How do we
> >        connect with those who can guide us out of this abyss?"
> >
> >        What if this abyss is actually a lower vibrational energy
> >        field caused by the overwhelmingly dominating fear emotion on
> >        planet Earth. We have actually feared ourselves into a low
> >        vibrational state, which has put us into a vibrational prison
> >        controlled from this lower fourth dimension, which is expert
> >        at manipulating fear because that is the vibration of it's
> >        being.
> >
> >        And if we could just turn that around and start resonating-by
> >        our own actions and our own thoughts and our own state of
> >        being-to the emotion of love, which is not "I love you
> >        darling because I saw you in the disco." Love is the ultimate
> >        power because it will speak it's truth and walk it's talk and
> >        do what it believes to be right, no matter what the
> >        consequences to itself. That's the kind of love I'm talking
> >        about.
> >
> >        Because love has no fear-the emotion that actually takes our
> >        power away-so love without fear must be the ultimate power.
> >        If we can get into that state, we start to reconnect with
> >        those levels. So we say, "Where are they?" Well, they're
> >        sitting around waiting for us to connect with them, but WE
> >        have to make the connection. Otherwise these other higher
> >        dimensions, that are seeking to help us and of which we are a
> >        part, would have to come into the wavelength of fear to
> >        connect with us-which would actually defeat the object of the
> >        whole thing.
> >
> >        Martin: You continually use the term "problem, reaction,
> >        solution". For those readers who are not aware what that is,
> >        would you explain?
> >
> >        Icke: It's the most powerful mass-manipulation technique that
> >        has been used over thousands of years to advance this agenda
> >        to central, globalized control of all institutions of our
> >        lives. Kosovo, Bosnia, all of these different manipulated
> >        wars and problems-the Oklahoma City bombing, people going
> >        crazy with guns around the world, in schools and stuff, these
> >        are classic expressions of this.
> >
> >        If you want to introduce something like gun control, I think
> >        on gun control we got manipulated into the wrong debate.
> >        Whether guns are good, or whether guns are bad is actually a
> >        debate worth having, but it's not the crucial debate at this
> >        moment because what's happened by pulling us into this debate
> >        of "are guns good or are guns bad?" is that it has actually
> >        diverted people from the debate which we should actually be
> >        having in light of these events-which is why we have this
> >        pattern all over the world.
> >
> >        Because I travel a lot, I tell you, it's happening
> >        everywhere, people going crazy with guns, shooting people in
> >        the streets or schools, and then immediately legislation
> >        being proposed to take guns out of circulation. People should
> >        remember that gun laws were introduced in Germany just before
> >        Hitler started filling concentration camps.
> >
> >        I don't have guns. I wouldn't use guns. I'm not into guns. I
> >        don't see the point in meeting violence with violence because
> >        you get twice the violence. But we need to get street wise.
> >        Some people would use guns, and on the face of it, it will be
> >        easier to take over an unarmed population than an armed
> >        population, on the face of it. That's not actually true, but
> >        on the face of it that appears to be true. And, therefore,
> >        what better than taking guns out of circulation before you've
> >        had your final coup, if you like. So, "problem, reaction,
> >        solution" overcomes the situation in which, if you introduced
> >        what you want to introduce, openly, then you know that it
> >        would be so unpopular that you would get tremendous
> >        resistance to it.
> >
> >        For instance, if you wanted to give more power to the police,
> >        more power to the military, more power to stop and search,
> >        more power to go into your homes without permission, etc.,
> >        and you did that openly without any of this other
> >        incentive-manipulation, there'd be tremendous resistance from
> >        people who say, "This is a global, fascist state!" or "This
> >        is a fascist country! You mustn't do this; we're not having
> >        it!" So "problem, reaction, solution" overcomes this. It's a
> >        brilliant technique, very simple, and it means that not only
> >        do you avoid such opposition, you actually manipulate people
> >        who would normally oppose what you want, to see it as the
> >        only solution to the problems that have been created and
> >        demand you introduce it.
> >
> >        So, in Stage One, you create a problem. You make sure,
> >        however, someone else is blamed for it-a Timothy McVeigh, a
> >        Lee Harvey Oswald, President Milosevic, and all this
> >        stuff-you create a problem. You could create a war, as in
> >        Bosnia or Kosovo, you could create a "terrorist" bombing, a
> >        government collapse, an economic collapse, or whatever, a run
> >        on Wall Street, anything.
> >
> >        You then get your problem, which you've covertly created, to
> >        be reported through your media in the way you want the people
> >        to perceive it. So, you report the Oklahoma City bombing as
> >        if it was due to a couple of guys in a barn somewhere who
> >        produced this fuel-fertilizer device which, of course,
> >        independent bomb experts have said couldn't possibly have
> >        caused that damage in the building. You then glean, as a
> >        result of this, the demand that "something must be done!"
> >        "What are they going to do about it?" "We can't have this; do
> >        something!" And so you've now had Stage One-create the
> >        problem.
> >
> >        And you've also, at this point, had Stage Two-the public
> >        reaction: "Do something!" That allows you to play out the
> >        sting operation, called Stage Three, which is offering the
> >        "solutions" you wanted to impose in the first place, to the
> >        problems you have yourself created.
> >
> >        So, if you take the Oklahoma City bombing for instance,
> >        within 24 hours of the event at the James P. Murrah federal
> >        building on April 19, 1995, you had Bill Clinton calling for
> >        an easing of restrictions on the military's involvement in
> >        domestic law enforcement. The Anti-Terrorism Bill, that went
> >        through Congress on the nod and took away basic freedoms in
> >        America, went through purely and totally because of the
> >        Oklahoma City bombing and as a reaction-solution to that
> >        problem.
> >
> >        The more deeply you look into these events which are blamed
> >        on other people, the more clear it becomes that the people
> >        who proposed the legislation, afterwards, are the people who
> >        created the problem in the first place. And this is going on
> >        all the time.
> >
> >        We've just seen a massive example of this. I've been writing
> >        in my books, and many other people have been too, that NATO
> >        is designed to become the world police force, in some form,
> >        maybe not even called NATO when it reaches that point, but
> >        certainly NATO is the vehicle through which the global police
> >        force is being orchestrated.
> >
> >        In Bosnia, the First Stage of this, you had the UN
> >        peacekeeping operation as the status quo at the start of it.
> >        But that was massively exposed, on purpose, in a co-ordinated
> >        way as being next to useless. At the same time, horrific
> >        pictures were pouring through our television screens night
> >        after night, of horrors in Bosnia. This, of course, led to
> >        calls-as a result of this problem "something must be done!"
> >        And the solution was a 60,000-strong world army, under NATO
> >        control, that took over in Bosnia. And, as I've shown in my
> >        books and talks, every major peace negotiator appointed by
> >        the UN or the European Union to end the war in Bosnia-but no,
> >        they didn't, of course-was a member of the Bilderberg Group,
> >        the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign
> >        Relations, sometimes all three.
> >
> >        Then, as a result of Bosnia, the status quo was changed from
> >        reacting to these events with a UN peacekeeping operation, to
> >        reacting to them with NATO. So when they play Stage Two of
> >        this game, and that's all it is, this is not the end of it,
> >        Kosovo-there was no talk of UN peacekeeping
> >        operations-straight away, the status quo was NATO reacting to
> >        Kosovo. And if people only looked at it, it's just a mirror
> >        of Bosnia because there were no pictures.
> >
> >        I'm not saying Milosevic is a nice man, but I want to know
> >        who's actually controlling him, and who's controlling the
> >        Kosovo Liberation Army, etc., and all these various groups in
> >        this conflict. And I'm absolutely in no doubt that if you did
> >        the research, you'd find that the people who control NATO are
> >        the same people controlling Milosevic, the same people
> >        controlling the Kosovo Liberation Army, etc., because you
> >        need to control different sides in a game to insure certainty
> >        that the outcome is the one that you want it to be.
> >
> >        It was interesting that one of Milosevic's advisors during
> >        the Bosnian conflict was one of the key advisers, a few years
> >        earlier, to Margaret Thatcher-just a coincidence, nothing to
> >        worry about. So we have these horrendous pictures coming out
> >        of Kosovo of these refugees pouring across the border and
> >        people forget that those pictures only started after the NATO
> >        bombing. And the NATO bombing actually massively, massively
> >        expanded the problem while claiming to be the solution. And
> >        what you have now, of course, is what they wanted all along,
> >        which is ground troops in Kosovo, and now they've got control
> >        of Kosovo and that whole area.
> >
> > Visit Ash's Mural Gallery at:
> >
> > http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/3517/Ash/index.html
> >
> > -> Send "subscribe   iufo " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ->  Posted by: Ashley Rye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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