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<A HREF="http://www.fas.org/irp/world/chile/allende.htm">Salvador Allende's
Leftist Regime, 1970-73 - Ch </A>
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Allende's Leftist Regime

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist
due to the irresponsibility of its people."
Henry Kissinger

By the end of the 1960s, the polarization of Chilean politics had
overwhelmed the traditional civility of Chile's vaunted democratic
institutions. The centrist agreements of the past, which had enabled
presidents to navigate a difficult course of compromise and
conciliation, became more difficult to attain. The American Central
Intelligence Agency had influenced elections in Chile dating back to
1958, but in 1970 the socialist candidate, a physician named Salvador
Allende, was elected president. In a reflection of Chile's increased
ideological polarization, Allende was elected president with 36.2
percent of the vote in 1970. Unable or unwilling to form coalitions, the
left, center, and right had all nominated their own candidates in the
mistaken hope of obtaining a majority.

President Nixon directed CIA to prevent Allende's inauguration through a
military coup. One of the opponents of a coup, Army Chief of Staff
General Rene Schneider was assassinated, but Allende took office as
The Allende experiment enjoyed a triumphant first year, followed by two
disastrous final years. According to the Popular Unity [ Unidad Popular
- UP] coalition , Chile was being exploited by parasitic foreign and
domestic capitalists. The government therefore moved quickly to
socialize the economy, taking over the copper mines, other foreign
firms, oligopolistic industries, banks, and large estates. By a
unanimous vote of Congress in 1971, the government totally nationalized
the foreign copper firms, which were mainly owned by two United States
companies, Kennecott and Anaconda. The nationalization measure was one
of the few bills Allende ever got through the opposition- controlled
legislature, where the Christian Democrats constituted the largest
single party.

Socialization of the means of production spread rapidly and widely. The
government took over virtually all the great estates. It turned the
lands over to the resident workers, who benefited far more than the
owners of tiny plots or the numerous migrant laborers. By 1972 food
production had fallen and food imports had risen. Also during 1971-72,
the government dusted off emergency legislation from the 1932 Socialist
Republic to allow it to expropriate industries without congressional
approval. It turned many factories over to management by the workers and
the state.

In his first year, Allende also employed Keynesian measures to hike
salaries and wages, thus pumping up the purchasing power of the middle
and working classes. This "consumer revolution" benefited 95 percent of
the population in the short run because prices were held down and
employment went up. Producers responded to rising demand by employing
previously underused capacity.

Politically, Allende faced problems holding his Popular Unity coalition
together, pacifying the more leftist elements inside and outside Popular
Unity and, above all, coping with the increasingly implacable
opposition. Within Popular Unity, the largest party was the Socialist
Party. Although composed of multiple factions, the Socialist Party
mainly pressed Allende to accelerate the transition toward socialism.
The second most important element was the PCCh, which favored a more
gradual, legalistic approach. Outside the Popular Unity, the most
significant left-wing organization was the MIR, a tiny but provocative
group that admired the Cuban Revolution and encouraged peasants and
workers to take property and the revolutionary process into their own
hands, much faster than Allende preferred.

The most important opposition party was the PDC. As it and the middle
sectors gradually shifted to the right, they came to form an
anti-Allende bloc in combination with the Natinal Party and the
propertied class. Even farther to the right were minuscule, pa
ramilitary, quasi-fascist groups like Fatherland and Liberty (Patria y
Libertad), determined to sabotage Popular Unity.

The Popular Unity government tried to maintain cordial relations with
the United States, even while staking out an independent position as a
champion of developing nations and socialist causes. It opened
diplomatic relations with Cuba, China, the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea (North Korea), the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North
Vietnam), and Albania. It befriended the Soviet Union, which sent aid to
the Allende administration, although far less than Cuba received or than
Popular Unity had hoped for.

Meanwhile, the United States pursued a two-track policy toward Allende's
Chile. At the overt level, Washington was frosty, especially after the
nationalization of the copper mines; official relations were unfriendly
but not openly hostile. The government of President Richard M. Nixon
launched an economic blockade conjunction with U.S. multinationals (ITT,
Kennecott, Anaconda) and banks (Inter-American Development Bank, World
Bank). The US squeezed the Chilean economy by terminating financial
assistance and blocking loans from multilateral organizations. But
during 1972 and 1973 the US increased aid to the military, a sector
unenthusiastic toward the Allende government. The United States also
increased training Chilean military personnel in the United States and

According to notes taken by CIA director Richard Helms at a 1970 meeting
in the Oval Office, his orders were to "make the economy scream." It was
widely reported that at the covert level the United States worked to
destabilize Allende's Chile by funding opposition political groups and
media and by encouraging a military coup d'état. The agency trained
members of the fascist organization Patria y Libertad (PyL) in guerrilla
warfare and bombing, and they were soon waging a campaign of arson. CIA
also sponsored demonstrations and strikes, funded by ITT and other US
corporations with Chilean holdings. CIA-linked media, including the
country's largest newspaper, fanned the flames of crisis. While these
United States actions contributed to the downfall of Allende, no one has
established direct United States participation in the coup d'état and
few would assign the United States the primary role in the destruction
of that government.

During the second and third years of the UP, demand outstripped supply,
the economy shrank, deficit spending snowballed, new investments and
foreign exchange became scarce, the value of copper sales dropped,
shortages appeared, and inflation skyrocketed, eroding the previous
gains for the working class. A thriving black market sprang up. The
government responded with direct distribution systems in working-class
neighborhoods. Worker participation in the management of enterprises
reached unprecedented proportions. The strapped government could not
keep the economy from going into free fall because it could not impose
austerity measures on its supporters in the working class, get new taxes
approved by Congress, or borrow enough money abroad to cover the

Although the right was on the defensive in Allende's first year, it
moved on the offensive and forged an alliance with the center in the
next two years. In Congress this center-right coalition erected a
blockade against all Popular Unity initiatives, harassed Popular Unity
cabinet ministers, and denounced the administration as illegitimate and
unconstitutional, thus setting the stage for a military takeover. The
most acrimonious battle raged over the boundaries of Popular Unity's
"social property area" (área de propriedad social), which would
incorporate private holdings through government intervention,
requisition, or expropriation. The Supreme Court and the comptroller
general of the republic joined Congress in criticizing the executive
branch for overstepping its constitutional bounds.

Allende tried to stabilize the situation by organizing a succession of
cabinets, but none of them guaranteed order. His appointment of military
officers to cabinet posts in 1972 and 1973 also failed to stifle the
opposition. Instead, it helped politicize the armed services. Outside
the government, Allende's supporters continued direct takeovers of land
and businesses, further disrupting the economy and frightening the
propertied class.

The two sides reached a showdown in the March 1973 congressional
elections. The opposition expected the Allende coalition to suffer the
typical losses of Chilean governments in midterm elections, especially
with the economy in a tailspin. The National Party and PDC hoped to win
two-thirds of the seats, enough to impeach Allende. They netted 55
percent of the votes, not enough of a majority to end the stalemate.
Moreover, the Popular Unity's 43 percent share represented an increase
over the presidential tally of 36.2 percent and gave Allende's coalition
six additional congressional seats; therefore, many of his adherents
were encouraged to forge ahead.

In the aftermath of the indecisive 1973 congressional elections, both
sides escalated the confrontation and hurled threats of insurgency.
Street demonstrations became almost daily events and increasingly
violent. Right-wing groups, such as Fatherland and Liberty, and
left-wing groups, such as the MIR, brandished arms and called for a
cataclysmic solution. The most militant workers formed committees in
their neighborhoods and workplaces to press for accelerated social
change and to defend their gains. The opposition began openly knocking
on the doors of the barracks in hopes that the military would provide a

The regular armed forces halted an attempted coup by tank commanders in
June 1973, but that incident warned the nation that the military was
getting restless. Thereafter, the armed forces prepared for a massive
coup by stepping up raids to search for arms among Popular Unity's
supporters. Conditions worsened in June, July, and August, as middle-
and upper-class business proprietors and professionals launched another
wave of workplace shutdowns and lockouts, as they had in late 1972.
Their 1973 protests against the government coincided with strikes by the
trucking industry and by the left's erstwhile allies among the copper
workers. The Nationalists, the Christian Democrats, and conservative
students backed the increasingly subversive strikers. They called for A
llende's resignation or military intervention. Attempts by the Catholic
Church to get the PDC and Popular Unity to negotiate a compromise came
to naught. Meanwhile, inflation reached an annual rate of more than 500
percent. By mid-1973 the economy and the government were paralyzed.

In August 1973, the rightist and centrist representatives in the Chamber
of Deputies undermined the president's legitimacy by accusing him of
systematically violating the constitution and by urging the armed forces
to intervene. In early September, Allende was preparing to call for a
rare national plebiscite to resolve the impasse between Popular Unity
and the opposition. The military obviated that strategy by launching its
attack on civilian authority on the morning of September 11. Just prior
to the assault, the commanders in chief, headed by the newly appointed
army commander, General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, had purged officers
sympathetic to the president or the constitution.

Allende either was assassinated or committed suicide while defending
(with an assault rifle) his socialist government against the coup
d'état. Several cabinet ministers were also assassinated, the
universities were put under military control, opposition parties were
banned and thousands of Chileans were tortured and killed, many fingered
as "radicals" by lists provided by the CIA. Although sporadic resistance
to the coup erupted, the military consolidated control much more quickly
than it had believed possible. Many Chileans had predicted that a coup
would unleash a civil war, but instead it ushered in a long period of

Debate continues over the reasons for Allende's downfall. Right-wing
critics in particular accused the left of plotting an armed takeover, a
charge that was never proved. Critics also assailed the UP for being
unclear about the limits of its reforms and thus frightening the middle
class into the arms of the opposition. Critics of the right accused
Popular Unity, in conjunction with the United States, of ruining the
economy and of calling out the armed forces to protect its property and
privileges. Critics of the Christian Democrats chastised them for
refusing to compromise, locking arms with the rightist opposition, and
failing to defend democracy. Observers in general scolded the far left
for its adventurous excesses. Critics of the left blamed Allende for goi
ng to extremes, destroying the economy, violating the constitution, and
undermining the spirit if not the letter of democracy. The far left
retorted that Popular Unity failed because it was too timid to arm the

There was ample blame to go around. Groups at all points on the
political spectrum helped destroy the democratic order by being too
ideological and too intransigent. A minority president facing adamant
domestic and foreign opposition was extremely unlikely to be able to
uphold democracy and create socialism at the same time.

The major media in the United States ignored the issue of CIA
involvement until 1974, when Michael J. Harrington (D-MA) leaked details
of secret Congressional testimony by William Colby. And in late 1975,
the Senate Committee headed by Frank Church released the report on
"Covert Action in Chile, 1963-1973." In 1982 the movie "Missing,"
directed by Costa-Gavras and starring Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek,
provided a dramatized account of Charles Horman, a 30-year-old American
free-lance journalist secretly arrested and executed during the coup.
Sources and Resources

•Covert Action in Chile, 1963-1973, a Staff report of The Select
Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities (US Senate), 18 December 1975.
•Chile 1964-1973 William Blum, Killing Hope: US Military and CIA
Interventions since World War II, (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press,
•Thomas Hauser, Missing. New York: Avon Books, 1982 [first published in
1978 as The Execution of Charles Horman: An American Sacrifice] 255

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Maintained by John Pike
Updated Friday, September 11, 1998 6:07:55 AM

by Cecilia Medina and Felipe Gonzalez 1

1. Introduction

Current regulations and practices on freedom of expression are a mixture
of the authoritarian heritage and democratic elements. Freedom of
expression and access to information were severely restricted in Chile
on national security grounds during the former military regime
(1973-1990). A broad, non-democratic concept of national security was
utilized to prevent citizens from enjoying freedom of expression and
other basic rights. National security was seen by the military regime as
the most important component of a society; the idea was that communism
not only involved in external aggression, but tried to penetrate every
country from the inside, through the Unions, the Political Parties, the
Universities and the Churches. As a consequence, the main role of the Ar
med Forces shifted from defending the country from external aggressions
to defending it from its internal enemies. Due to the importance of
their role, the Armed Forces considered themselves to be at the top of
the hierarchies of the country.2

While in this report we will focus on the current Chilean situation,
frequent references to the military regime will be necessary to analyze
the context in which some of the legislation was enacted.

2. Constitutional provisions

A. Permanent regulations

Art. 19.12 of the Constitution recognizes freedom of opinion and of
information without prior censorship. This is notwithstanding the need
to answer for offenses and abuses committed in the exercise of these
freedoms, according to the rules specified by the law.3 An exception is
provided regarding motion pictures, as the Constitution states that the
law will establish a system of censorship for their exhibition and
publicity. Additionally, prior censorship is applied through indirect
means, although not recognized as such by the tribunals (i.e., see below
the Palamara case).

Access to information is not explicitly enshrined in the Constitution.

It has to be noted, however, that international human rights standards
were elevated to a constitutional status as a result of a reform to the
Constitution in 1989.4 Reformed article 5.2 states that "[t]he exercise
of sovereignty recognizes as a limitation the respect for the
fundamental rights emanated from human nature. It is a duty of the
organs of the State to respect and promote these rights, guaranteed by
this Constitution and by international treaties ratified by Chile and in
force."5 As a consequence, the human rights provisions contained in
these treaties have now constitutional status in Chile.

Among other human rights treaties, Chile is currently party to the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to its Optional
Protocol and to the American Convention on Human Rights. To these three
treaties, Chile has made reservations to the effect that the
jurisdiction of the Human Rights Committee (both under article 41 of the
Covenant and under the Optional Protocol) and of the Inter-American
Commission and Court of Human Rights will not cover any alleged
violations of human rights which began to occur before 11 March, 1990.
These reservations were made with the aim of preventing international
scrutiny of disappearances, although naturally the Commission is
competent to handle this type of communications by virtue of Chile's
membership to the Organization of American States. Chile is also a party
to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and to other international
human rights treaties.

However, up to date, domestic tribunals have rarely used regulations
contained in these treaties as a basis for deciding freedom of
expression cases. One of these cases was that of Megavision, when the
Courts invoked article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights,
which forbids prior censorship, to dismiss a penalty of US$6,150 against
a television network. The penalty had been imposed by the National
Television Council (a State agency) for broadcasting a
surreptitiously-recorded political conversation. The Courts declared
that the broadcast was not imputable to the TV network. Despite the fact
that it was the President of Megavision who played the recording, this
happened in the context of a live program in which he had been invited
as a private citizen, and without giving prior notice to the network.
The Courts concluded that sanctioning the network for this situation
would be equivalent to indirectly allow prior censorship in violation of
 the American Convention.6

B. States of Exception

Under State of Exception regulations contained in articles 39 through 41
of the Constitution harsh limitations on freedom of expression are
established. Under State of Assembly, the Constitution allows the
Executive Branch to suspend or restrict freedom of opinion. Under powers
conferred by State of Siege and by State of Catastrophe, freedom of
information and opinion can be restricted. A State of Assembly can be
declared in case of an external war; internal war or internal commotion
are the basis to declare a State of Siege. A State of Catastrophe can be
declared in case of a public calamity (this has usually been applied to
earthquakes and other kinds of natural disasters).

The above mentioned provisions on States of Exception are inconsistent
with international standards. The International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights provides in article 4 that a threat to the life of the
nation is required to take measures derogating some rights to some
extent, including the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
However, the Chilean Constitution does not require such a high standard
to be met in order to restrict-- and under certain circumstances even
suspend-- freedom of opinion and expression.

In addition, while the Covenant states that such measures can be taken
"to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation",
that is, it requires that the factual conditions be analyzed, domestic
Chilean tribunals are prevented by the Constitution from analyzing the
facts surrounding the application of derogating measures. In this
regard, article 41.3 of the Constitution provides that the tribunals are
not allowed to qualify the basis or factual circumstances invoked by the
authorities in order to apply derogating measures .7 As a consequence,
judges may only control legal formalities of derogating measures, but
not "the exigencies of the situation", as the Covenant requires. What
used to be a jurisprudential practice (judges' self-restraint to analyze
factual conditions surrounding derogating measures) became a
constitutional provision.8

3. Legislation concerning access to information and restrictions on
national security grounds

A. The Armed Forces

The Code of Military Justice and a series of Regulations contain norms
about access to information and restrictions on national security
grounds. Article 436 of the Code of Military Justice defines secret
documents as those directly related by content to State security,
national defense, internal public order or the security of persons.

Articles 144 and 144 bis of the Code of Military Justice regulate the
disclosure of secret documents during judicial investigations. According
to art.144, the Military Prosecutor in charge of the investigation is
the only person who can request the submission of secret documents. In
judicial cases where the Prosecutor deems it necessary to request secret
documents, he will have to ask the respective Commander in Chief, who
can refuse to submit the document on the grounds that State security,
national defense, internal public order or the security of persons would
be affected. Should the Prosecutor consider it indispensable to obtain
the document, the Supreme Court, in addition to the Legal Counsel of the
Army, will decide on the matter.9 In any event, individuals involved in
a judicial investigation conducted by a Military Prosecutor are not
allowed access to any secret documents, not even in cases where the
disclosure of a secret document would be relevant to the individual's

The situation is similar in cases within civilian jurisdiction, as the
civilian judge in charge of a criminal investigation will have to
request the submission of a secret document to the respective Commander
in Chief (art.53 of the Criminal Procedural Code in connection to
articles 144 and 144 bis of the Military Code).

Further provisions about the protection of secrecy within the Armed
Forces are contained in the Regulations on Intelligence and Military
Security. These regulations provide, as a general rule, that all matters
concerning the Armed Forces are public. It adds, however, that such
matters become classified when their disclosure would actually or
potentially harm the army or the State, either within the country or
abroad. These provisions have usually been construed as establishing a
sort of objective responsibility, that is, a person will be considered
responsible solely on the basis of having had knowledge of a classified
document without the powers or the authorization to do so.

These Regulations contain detailed provisions about the formalities
required to gain access to secret documents. To obtain and to handle
classified information, a member of the military has to have an
authorization, which is given by assigning him what could be called a
degree of access ("grado de acceso"). The type of classified documents
that he can examine will depend on the degree of access he is granted.

The Administrative Regulations on Correspondence and Documentation go
further by establishing a classification of the potential harm caused by
unpermitted disclosures and by ruling on degrees of secrecy.

In addition, it has to be observed that there are regulations on secrecy
about matters related to the Armed Forces which are also applicable to
former military officers. This is the case of the Regulations of the
Garrison Service of the Army.

The case of Humberto Palamara. The case of Humberto Palamara illustrates
the current domestic standards on restrictions to have access to
information and to freedom of expression on national security grounds.
Mr. Palamara is a former member of the Intelligence Services of the Navy
who attempted to publish a book on Intelligence matters in 1993.
Although he was already retired from the Navy by the time he wrote the
book, the Military Courts declared the case to fall under their
jurisdiction. As a matter of fact, there were two judicial cases in
connection to this matter, both under military jurisdiction.

In one case, Mr. Palamara was convicted in the end for two criminal
offenses. The first, for not having requested authorization from the
Navy to publish the book "Ethics and Intelligence Services" ("Etica y
Servicios de Inteligencia" in the Spanish original), causing danger to
national security and defense. The second, for having refused to give
the book to the authorities when requested to do so.10 In the end, he
was convicted to two suspended sentences, each of them of 61 days.
Furthermore, Mr. Palamara was also condemned to an accessory penalty of
confiscation of his book.

The case went through a military tribunal; a Martial Court, which
operates as a Court of Appeals within the military jurisdiction, and has
a mixed civilian/military composition, with predominance of the military
(3 military justices and 2 civilians); and the Supreme Court, where a
representative of the Armed Forces is added to the panel of five Supreme
Court Justices for cases under military jurisdiction. The case is
currently pending at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

As to the first charge, Mr. Palamara's failure to request authorization
was considered to be contrary to the Ordinance of the Navy of Chile,
which states in art. 89 as follows:

"It is forbidden to all members of the Navy or persons in its service to
publish or to facilitate the publication in the press of articles
involving criticism of the Navy services, of other armed institutions,
of public organs, or of the government.
"It is likewise forbidden to publish, directly or indirectly, articles
concerning matters of a secret or confidential nature, matters of a
political or religious nature, as well as others that could lead to
controversies in which the good name of the Navy could be involved.

"Taking into account the above mentioned restrictions, Navy personnel
can make publications in the press, in their personal capacity, with the
prior knowledge and authorization of his/her Commandant or the Competent
Navy Authority.

"In times of war or when circumstances so require, the Commander in
Chief of the Navy can suspend or limit this authorization. 11

It has to be noted that in fact the book had not been published when the
military tribunal began the investigation on the case. The military
became aware that the book was going to be published without the
required authorization, and the military court (Fiscalía Naval), even
before reviewing the contents of the book, searched the printing
facilities where the book was being prepared, seizing all copies found.
Mr. Palamara's home was also searched, where his computer's hard disk
containing the book was deleted. Mr. Palamara was not given the chance
to dispute whether what he had written fell under the provision in
article 89 quoted above.

At some latter point during the procedure, the court ordered the book to
be reviewed by two experts in order to find out whether it threatened
national security. It is very striking in this case that the military
experts who reviewed the book at the request of the tribunal concluded
that it contained no confidential information or analysis affecting
national security or defense. This development led to the appointment of
other military experts who concluded that the book "affects the
institutional interests" of the Navy, but in no way do they state that
the Navy might be harmed as a result of its publication. They base their
statement about how the book affects the institutional interests of the
Navy saying that "in his [referring to Mr. Palamara] statement that his
piece responds 'to the moral obligation that a person has to disseminate
his knowledge and experiences to others', it is implicit that the
author's capacity to write on the topic is based on his Navy training as
an intelligence specialist".

In fact, Mr. Palamara's book contains no description about Chilean or
foreign past or present intelligence activities. Instead, it describes
the main standards of intelligence, emphasizing the need for these to be
adapted to ethical criteria. Although it has not been explicitly stated
by Navy authorities, what might have aroused some suspicions about Mr.
Palamara's book is the fact that it particularly stresses the necessity
of keeping intelligence activities in accordance with human rights
standards, opposing torture and stating that it is not the role of
intelligence services to detain or interrogate persons.12

As to the charge for disobedience, the judicial decision was based in
article 337.3 of the Military Code. The grounds of the charge were that
Mr. Palamara had been forbidden to give any information to the press,
and that despite this prohibition he did so.

In responding to the charges issued against him in this process, Mr.
Palamara disputed the facts and the military jurisdiction over his case.
However, military jurisdiction is typical in Chile for this type of
case, so it was not unexpected that the military tribunal would keep its
jurisdiction as it did.

As to the second process, Mr. Palamara was convicted for libel (desacato
13) against the Navy Prosecutor to a suspended sentence of 61 days
imprisonment. This process was started as a consequence of some
statements of Mr. Palamara to the press following the seizure of the
book ordered by the Prosecutor. Literally, Mr. Palamara said to the
press that "there are reasons to assume that the Office of the Navy
Prosecutor ("Fiscalía Naval") forged legal documents and lied to the
Court of Appeals when consulted about who had made the complaint that
initiated the summary process as well as about the case number (...)."14

In the first instance, the military tribunal absolved Mr. Palamara of
the charge of libel, noting that his statement had not been addressed to
the Navy Prosecutor ("Fiscal Naval") nor to any individual, but to the
Office of the Navy Prosecutor ("Fiscalía Naval"), thus lacking a key
element of libel. This resolution, however, was changed by the Martial
Court in a divided decision, condemning Mr. Palamara to serve 61 days of
imprisonment. Finally, the Supreme Court, also in a divided decision,
confirmed the Martial Court's decision on July 20, 1995. This case was
also brought before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, where
it is pending. It is expected that the Commission will decide the case
for Mr. Palamara, since the Commission has stated that desacato laws are
incompatible with the American Convention on Human Rights.15

Up to date, Mr. Palamara's "Ethics and Intelligence" has not been
published, although its contents do not even violate the harsh Chilean
military standards. The judicial investigation was focused on the issue
of the required authorization, while the issue of the book's contents
themselves was placed in a secondary position.

B. Public Administration

In Chile, it is largely the public administration which decides about
confidentiality issues. There is no tradition of bringing cases before
the tribunals to dispute public administration decisions on these

The Regulations of the Administration (Estatuto Administrativo)
establishes as an obligation for public employees to keep secret issues
considered confidential by law, by executive regulations, by their
nature or according to special instructions (Statute, art. 55). Public
employees who do not comply with this obligation are administratively as
well as criminally responsible. Penalties consist in the suspension from
the position for up to 540 days and/or a fine; in the case of grave harm
being done to the public cause (causa pública) as a consequence of the
disclosure, imprisonment from 5 years and one day to 20 years is

In addition to the severity of the potential penalties, it is surprising
that no explicit warning of the confidential character of a document is
required: a document may be confidential by nature, and it is the duty
of public employees to recognize this confidential character by their
mere examination. The Comptroller General of the Republic has made
extensive use of the category "confidential by nature" to keep documents

4. Permanent limitations on grounds of national security and public

In addition to the regulations on States of Exception, the Chilean
legislation establishes permanent limitations to freedom of expression
based on grounds of national security and public order. Throughout the
XXth Century, Chile has had a series of laws on this matter. Currently,
the most important piece of legislation in this regard is Law No 12,927,
called Law on State Security ("Ley de Seguridad del Estado").

Law 12,927 was enacted in 1958. Over the last four decades, this
legislation has been subject to many transformations and has been
applied in very different contexts. In particular, the military regime
used this legislation as a key tool to repress its opponents, perverting
its purpose by protecting a dictatorial regime with this legislation.
The most repressive provisions introduced to this law by the military
regime have been derogated during the transition to democracy,17
although a number of provisions introduced by the dictatorship are still
in force. However, regarding freedom of expression the current
regulations are basically the same that existed prior to the military

The originally declared aim of Law 12,927 was to protect the democratic
system. However, from the very beginning this legislation lacked enough
consideration for human rights and, in applying it, the tribunals have
expanded the limitations for rights that this law provides.

First of all, it should be remarked that, given the traditional weakness
of the Courts in Chile to confront issues of a political character, the
fact that special legislation on national security remains without being
incorporated into the Criminal Code, causes protection for human rights
to continue to be insufficient. In fact, the Courts usually do not take
the general principles of the Criminal Code into consideration when
applying national security regulations.

One basic problem of Law 12,927 is that many of its provisions are vague
and too broad. For instance, Article 4, which regulates crimes against
Internal State Security, punishes a person who in any way attempts to
act or in fact acts against the Established Government.

Secondly, Law 12927 is not clear enough in the protection of the
democratic system, although this was reportedly its basic purpose. Many
of its provisions refer to the protection of the "Established
Government" ("Gobierno Constituido"). In Spanish, this is an ambiguous
expression, which means both the political organization of the State and
the Executive Branch of Power. Many provisions of the Law, including
several concerning freedom of expression, use the words "Established
Government", and the Courts have often considered only the situation of
the Executive.

In applying the provisions of the Law on State Security, the Courts have
consistently declared that it is beyond their powers to determine
whether national security or public order was indeed affected in a
specific case. As a consequence, freedom of expression and other rights
have been further limited. In regulating offenses against public order,
Article 6 provides: "In the following cases an offense against public
order is committed", and enumerates eight situations. This has led to a
sort of unchallengeable assumption of criminal responsibility, despite
the fact that public order may not have been actually affected in
specific cases. The Courts have stated that "Article 6 of the Law
[12,927] establishes that those who engage in any of the conducts that
the law describes 'commit a crime against the public order'. In this
way, it is the law itself that assumes that this crime causes a
disturbance of the public order in some way. Therefore, it is not proper
for the judge to rule contrary to the explicit wording of the law, which
is clear, reaching a different conclusion by way of interpretation."18
 In a high profile case during the sixties, the defense of socialist
Senator Carlos Altamirano, who was accused of advocacy of violence,
alleged that his words were not able to cause harm to the public order;
the Courts did not consider this argument at all.19

In addition, the Chilean Courts have failed to implement the Bill of
Rights provided in the Constitution as regards national security and
public order cases. The list of rights contained in the Constitution
would provide a guide for an appropriate reading of the law; however,
the Courts have tried to implement national security and public order
regulations regardless the constitutional context, turning the
constitutional norms meaningless in this respect. In the case against
Altamirano, the Court ruled that "It is a matter for the legislator, who
promulgates the law, and not for the judge, whose role is limited to its
application, to protect that right [freedom of expression]." 20

In national security and public order cases which ended in a dismissal
of the charges, the Courts have not changed this doctrine, but rather
have made reference to legal technicalities to absolve the accused. This
happened, for instance, in the case Against Sergio Onofre Jarpa and
others (1967), in which the board members of the Partido Nacional, a
right wing Party, were accused of defaming the Christian-Democrat
Government of Eduardo Frei Montalva. Jarpa and the other members of the
Board were acquitted on grounds of legal technicalities, so avoiding the
Court having to address the issue of freedom of speech clearly involved.
21 The same occurred in a case against the Director of the newspaper "La
Segunda" in 1969: no references to freedom of speech were made.22

During the military regime this legislation was systematically used to
repress the opposition, and after that period Law 12,927 has not been
widely used. However, some cases have been initiated in situations of
political nature. The most publicized of them has been the accusation in
1995 against Francisco Javier Cuadra, a former Minister of the military
regime who publicly stated that there are members of Congress who use
cocaine, refusing to identify them. The House of Representatives and the
Senate, following almost unanimous agreements, accused Cuadra of
violating the State Security Law.

In the first instance, Mr. Cuadra was condemned to a suspended sentence
for disturbing the public order. This decision was later revoked by the
Court of Appeals, declaring that Mr. Cuadra's statements affected in no
way the public order. The decision quoted the Minister of Interior, Mr.
Carlos Figueroa, who said to the press before charges were presented
against Mr. Cuadra that public order has not been affected. This
opinions was relevant because the Minister of Interior is precisely the
authority whose role is to protect public order.

Apparently, the Court of Appeal's decision was definitive, since
Congress had just passed legislation restricting the access to the
Supreme Court to reduce its docket of cases, and cases like Mr. Cuadra's
should not be reviewed by the Supreme Court. However, the very same
parliamentaries that had passed that legislation presented the Cuadra
case before the Supreme Court. The Court found a very peculiar ground to
reaffirm its jurisdiction over the case, stating that the legislation
restricting its powers was partially unconstitutional. It was
unprecedented for the Supreme Court to declare a law to be
unconstitutional without a prior request by the complainant, as the
Court did in this case. Of course, the parliamentaries could not make
such petition of unconstitutionality, since they had just approved the

Finally, the Supreme Court condemned Mr. Cuadra in 1996 for an offence
against public order, based on the doctrine that it is beyond its powers
to determine whether or not public order has been in fact affected.

Ironically, one year later, Mr. José Antonio Viera-Gallo, a member of
the Socialist Party who as the President of the Chamber of Deputies had
been one of the leaders of the accusation against Mr. Cuadra, was
himself accused before the tribunals for an offence against public order
by the Army Commander in Chief and former dictator General Augusto
Pinochet, who invoked the same Law 12,927 on State Security applied to
Mr. Cuadra. In a TV program, Mr. Viera-Gallo said in the context of a
live discussion on corruption that during his government Gen. Pinochet
"put his hands" ("metió las manos"). This was interpreted by Gen.
Pinochet as an accusation of corruption. The judicial proceedings were
quickly closed after Mr. Viera-Gallo publicly apologized, stating that
in no way was his intention to accuse Gen. Pinochet. As a result of this
incident, Mr. Viera-Gallo changed his opinion about the State Security
Law, saying it should be repealed.

Another well publicized case was that against Mr. Arturo Barrios,
President of the Youth of the Socialist Party, who said that Gen.
Pinochet was an assassin. He was convicted to a 541 days suspended
sentence for disturbing the public order under the State Security Law.
Mr. Barrios is currently under parole and a complaint is going to be
presented at the Inter-American Commission.

In a very similar case, Ms. Gladys Marín, Secretary General of the
Communist Party, was accused by Gen. Pinochet of disturbing the public
order under the State Security Law for having called him an assassin.
After governmental authorities intervened, however, Gen. Pinochet
withdrew the charges.

A fourth case presented by Gen. Pinochet on State Security grounds, this
time against Mr. Nolberto Díaz, then President of the Youth of the
Christian Democratic Party, ended up with a dismissal of charges. In a
broadcasting program, Mr. Díaz stated in 1996 that "they want us [the
youngsters] to serve at the draft having the same elderly, former
dictator, as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces."23 He also said
that he thought that links existed between Chilean army officers and the
killing of a former Chilean Intelligence officer occurred in Uruguay,
asking about the purpose of a trip made by Gen. Pinochet to Uruguay when
a judicial investigation was being carried out. The judge in charge of
the case against Mr. Diaz closed the case until sufficient proof is
provided. The Court of Appeals confirmed this decision, and the Supreme
Court refused to review the case arguing lack of jurisdiction in late
1996. The case has not been opened again.

When this report was being concluded in early 1998, TV comedian Rafael
Gumucio and journalist Paula Coddou were charged under the State
Security Law for an offence against public order. In responding to an
humorous survey about the year 1997 prepared by Ms. Coddou for a
magazine, Mr. Gumucio featured Mr. Servando Jordán, who served as
President of the Supreme Court over the year, as "old, ugly and with a
turbid past" ("viejo, feo y con un pasado turbio"). It has to be noted
that while serving as President of the Supreme Court, a motion for the
impeachment of Mr. Jordán was presented at the Chamber of Deputies on
grounds of corruption and links with drug dealers. The petition for
impeachment was denied by a very close margin.

The use of Law 12,927 in this and other cases during the transition to
democracy shows that the trend in its application is basically the same
as that in the democratic period prior to the dictatorship, that is,
national security and public are not seen in connection to the
protection of human rights, and, although no longer used as a mechanism
for systematic repression, this legislation is still a powerful tool to
restrict freedom of expression beyond the limits imposed by the
Constitution and international human rights treaties.24

5. Use of military courts to try cases involving civilians

The Military Justice system has not experienced significant
transformations during the transition to democracy and it currently
fails to meet Rule of Law standards. A few isolated reforms have been
introduced over the last years, but the Military Courts still have
jurisdiction over a wide range of cases, including many involving
civilians. These include cases on freedom of expression. Grave problems
of lack of independence of the Military Courts and of insufficient
recognition of the rights of the accused persist.

A reform introduced to the Military Code in 1991 reduced the
jurisdiction of military courts regarding freedom of expression. As a
result of this reform, the military courts are no longer competent in
cases involving civilians accused of libel or defamation against
military personnel or police officers.

However, by different means, the military courts have managed to
circumvent this restriction. The best-known case in this regard is that
of Hector Salazar, a human rights lawyer, who was accused for charges of
improper sedition ("sedición impropia") and submitted to military
jurisdiction in 1994. Mr. Salazar was at that time the lawyer
representing the relatives of three members of the Executive Committee
of the Communist Party assassinated by Carabineros (police officers) in
1985. A civilian judge condemned several police officers to life
imprisonment for assassination and declared that General Rodolfo Stange,
director of Carabineros had obstructed the investigation by recommending
his subordinates to lie to the judge. The Government then repeatedly and
publicly called Gen. Stange to resign from his position, but he refused.
25 The civilian judge sent the documentation on Gen. Stange's
obstruction of the investigation to a military tribunal.

In this context, attorney Salazar declared to the television: "I ask any
Carabinero of Chile if he/she is in a position to obey an order given by
general Stange, risking, like others have already risked, life
imprisonment."26 Mr. Salazar was referring to Gen. Stange's intervention
in the case of the triple assassination. As a consequence of his
statements, charges against Mr. Salazar were issued by a military
prosecutor for improper sedition, an offense defined by the Military
Code in article 276 as "the induction to any disturbance or disorder,
either orally, in written or by any other means, or the transmission of
ideas to the troops intended to cause them annoyance or lack of
enthusiasm in the [military] service, or to encourage gossip about the
service." For civilians, the penalty ranges from 61 days to five years
of imprisonment.

The charges against Mr. Salazar were confirmed by a Martial Court in a
split decision, with the three military justices voting to uphold the
charges and the two civilian justices to dismiss them. At the Supreme
Court, initially there was a tie, with three Justices (including the
representative from the army) upholding the charges and the three others
dismissing them. None of the sides argued in depth about their motives,
stating only that the proof was sufficient to charge Mr. Salazar (the
three Justices who voted to uphold the decision), and that the proof was
not enough (the three Justices who voted to reverse the decision). To
break the tie, the acting Supreme Court President was called to vote and
he decided for the dismissal, on the grounds that attorney Salazar's
expressions were not suitable to cause the carabineros annoyance or lack
of enthusiasm in their service, since the President of the Republic had
publicly asked Gen. Stange to resign in connection with the same facts
(the civilian judge declaration Gen. Stange had obstructed the
investigation of the assassinations).

In any event, this case showed the broad spectrum of the military
jurisdiction and its impact on freedom of expression.27

6. Conscientious Objection

In Chile, conscientious objection does not exist in the legislation,
neither on religious or any other grounds. Recently some debate has
arisen about the possibility of establishing a system parallel to the
draft, but it is not envisioned that reforms on this matter will take
place in the near future. Indeed, the Committee of National Defense of
the House of Representatives, on national security grounds, voted
unanimously against this reform.

Jehovah's Witnesses are in a particular position regarding the draft.
Although a special exemption does not exist for them in the law, in
practice, following an informal process of selection, Jehovah's
Witnesses are usually not recruited into the military because of their
beliefs. The same applies to those who are in the process of becoming

7. Conclusion

A non-democratic concept of national security has been widely used in
Chile to restrict freedom of expression and access to information. This
situation was seriously aggravated during the military regime, and some
legal provisions dating from that period are still in force. The
deficiencies of legislation are not overcome by judicial supervision. As
said above, when dealing with national security problems judges tend to
use laxer legal criteria than those normally used.

The possibilities of amending the pertinent legislation in the near
future are scarce. The military maintain an important share of political
power and, due to laws enacted just before the change of government from
General Pinochet to President Aylwin, Congress does not reflect the
majorities obtained in the polls by the coalition of political parties
supporting the Government. As long as these factors do not change,
legislation in this area will most surely remain as it is.

Beyond the issue of the military, there seem to be certain authoritarian
components that pervade Chilean culture, placing additional obstacles to
the development of a democratic concept of national security, compatible
with the protection of freedom of expression. Therefore, in order to
overcome the current restrictions we must have not only political will,
but also cultural transformations.

In this sense, perhaps a cause for hope is that Chile has become a party
to several human rights treaties. Important ones are the American
Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, since Chile may now be subject to the scrutiny of the
Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights and/or of the UN
Human Rights Committee. Opinions and decisions of these organs would
significantly aid those who are committed to the task of eliminating
both the authoritarian elements of Chilean culture and the legacy of the
military regime.


1 Cecilia Medina is Professor of Public International Law and
International Human Rights Law at Diego Portales University in Santiago
de Chile; she is also a researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Human
Rights, and a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
Felipe Gonzalez is Professor of International Human Rights Law and
Jurisprudence at Diego Portales University and serves as Legal Officer
for Latin America for the International Human Rights Law Group. The
authors wish to thank Mr. Nicolás Espejo for his research assistance.

2 In a speech on the occasion of the third anniversary of the coup,
General Pinochet stated that "National security emerges as a concept
oriented not only to protect the State's territorial integrity, but
also-- and particularly-- to defend the essential values constituting
the national soul or tradition, because otherwise the very same national
identity would be destroyed." El Mercurio newspaper, September 12, 1976.
For further analysis on the national security doctrine under the
military regime, consult Felipe González, Jorge Mera and Juan Enrique
Vargas, Protección Democrática de la Seguridad Interior: Estados de
Excepción y Derecho Penal Político (Programa de Derechos Humanos,
Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, 1991), pp.141-221.

3 The current Constitution entered into force in 1981, that is, during
the military regime. Subsequently, it has been reformed in several

4 This reform was introduced as a result of an agreement between the
military government and the democratic opposition and approved in a

5 "El ejercicio de la soberanía reconoce como limitación el respeto a
los derechos esenciales emanados de la naturaleza humana. Es deber de
los órganos del Estado respetar y promover tales derechos, garantizados
por esta Constitución, así como por los tratados internacionales
ratificados por Chile y que se encuentren vigentes."

6 This case was highly disputed, since the recorded conversation
consisted in a discussion in a crude language between a potential
presidential candidate, Senator Sebastián Piñera, and a journalist to
harass Evelyn Matthei, another potential presidential candidate of the
same party, on issues about which she might be inconsistent, such as a
draft legislation on divorce. Ms. Matthei obtained the tape from an army
telecommunications officer and handed it over to Megavision's President,
Ricardo Claro. The army officer later argued that he had recorded the
conversation at random. As a result of this scandal, both Mr. Piñera and
Ms. Matthei withdrew from the presidential race. Proceedings were
addressed against the TV network, and no charges on personal liability
were pursued against Mr. Claro. See Red Televisa Megavisión S.A. con
Consejo Nacional de Televisión, S.Ct., March 18, 1993, upholding the
decision of the Court of Appeals of Santiago of November 18, 1992.

7 The original in Spanish states as follows: "Los tribunales de justicia
no podrán, en caso alguno, entrar a calificar los fundamentos ni las
circunstancias de hecho invocadas por la autoridad para adopter las
medidas en el ejercicio de las facultades excepcionales que le confiere
esta Constitución."

8 In view of the fact that international human rights treaties have
become part of the Chilean Constitution, it could be asserted that the
above mentioned domestic provisions regarding States of Exception have
automatically been derogated. So far, however, this issue has not been
brought before a tribunal and this paradoxical situation persists. 9
 According to art.70-A of the Military Code, in cases under military
jurisdiction, the Legal Counsel of the Army integrates the Supreme
Court, regardless the presence of militaries or civilians among the
parties to the process.

10 Additionally, there was a third charge for which Mr. Palamara was
convicted by the military tribunal but later declared innocent by the
Martial Court and the Supreme Court. This charge was for publicly
criticizing the Navy in connection with the prohibition to publish the
book, despite a warning to not to make public such criticism.

11 The original in Spanish reads as follows:

"Estará prohibido a todo miembro de la Armada o persona que se encuentre
a su servicio, publicar o dar facilidades para que se publiquen en la
prensa, artículos que envuelvan una crítica a los servicios de la
Armada, de otra institución armada, de organismos públicos o de
"Igualmente estará prohibido publicar, directa o indirectamente,
artículos que se refieran a asuntos de carácter secreto, reservado o
confidencial, temas políticos o religiosos u otros que puedan dar margen
a una polémica o controversia en la cual se pueda ver envuelto el buen
nombre de la institución.

"Teniendo en cuenta las anteriores restricciones, el personal de la
Armada podrá hacer publicaciones a la prensa, a título personal, previo
conocimiento y autorización de su Comandante o de la Autoridad Naval

"En tiempo de guerra o cuando las circunstancias así lo exijan, la
Comandancia en Jefe de la Armada podrá suspender o limiter esta

12 While Mr. Palamara has never openly criticized intelligence
activities undertaken during the military regime, in broadcast
appearances he has kept his distance from the intelligence agencies'
role during those years, recognizing the Truth Commission Report as a
valuable source of information (the Navy, on the contrary, publicly
criticized this report).

13 In Chilean, as in most Latin American legislations, "desacato" means
contempt or libel against any State authority.

14 Newspaper "La Prensa Austral", May 7, 1993.

15 See Inter-American Commision of Human Rights, Report on the
Compatibility of "Desacato Laws" with the American Convention on Human
Rights (Annual Report 1994) OEA/Ser.L/V/II. 88, Doc. 9 rev., 17 February
1995 at 197.

16 The General Comptrollership of the Republic (Contraloría General de
la República) is an organ of the Executive Branch which determines
whether or not Executive decrees and regulations are in accordance with
the law. Regarding causes for confidentiality, see, for instance,
Dictamen No 50.907 of 1978, Dictamen No 30.790 of 1989, Dictamen No
28.977 of 1993, and Dictamen No 20.680 of 1994.

17 For instance, the military regime created a new crime against the
public order, consisting in "promoting or convoking public and
collective demonstrations without authorization, and promoting or
inciting to demonstrations of any other nature that permit or facilitate
the disturbance of the public tranquility." The penalty was up to-five
years (up to 20 years in time of War). According to this legislation,
the Regime punished those who acted without authorization. It has to be
noted that by that time the Government had an absolute discretion on
whether or not to issue permits and, in fact, to the date of the
establishment of this act as a crime, a permit for a demonstration for
the Opposition had been issued on only one occasion. Concerning the
disturbance of public tranquility, through this provision the Government
was trying to make its opponents responsible for the violence that they
themselves were victims of during the demonstrations, coming from
military and paramilitary groups.

18 Against Jose Antonio Gómez, Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia,
T.LXIX, 2a p., Secc. 4a, pp.4 ss. Jose Antonio Gómez was the director of
the leftist newspaper "Puro Chile." The process against him took place
prior to the military regime. This jurisprudence has been reaffirmed on
many occasions.

19 Against Carlos Altamirano, Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia,
T.LXV, 2a. parte, sección 4a, 9 ss. See also Revista de Derecho y
Jurisprudencia, T.LXIV, 2a parte, sección 4a, 272 ss.

20 "Incumbe al legislador, que dicta la ley, y no al juez, que se limita
a aplicarla, precaver que aquella garantía no sea desvirtuada

21 See Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia T.LXIV, 2a parte, secc. 4a,
266 ss., and T.LXV, 2a parte, secc. 4a, 95 ss.

22 See Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia T.LXVI, 2a parte, secc. 4a,
302 ss.

23 Mr. Díaz words in Spanish were as follows: "Pretenden que ahora
hagamos el servicio militar teniendo al mismo anciano, ex-dictador, como
Comandante en Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas."

24 For a more detailed revision of the jurisprudence on national
security and public order in Chile, see González, Mera and Vargas,
Protección Democrática de la Seguridad Interior: Estados de Excepción y
Derecho Penal Político (cit).

25 Under the current Constitution, the Executive does not have the power
to remove the Commanders in Chief of the Armed Forces and of
Carabineros, a legacy of the military regime.

26 In Spanish, "Yo le pregunto a cualquier carabinero de Chile si está
en condiciones de cumplir una orden emanada del general Stange,
corriendo el riesgo, como lo han corrido otros, de enfrentar cadena

27 It has to be noted that no charges against General Stange were issued
in the end. However, attorney Salazar's statement was made while the
situation of Gen. Stange was uncertain. Gen. Stange resign about a year
later, making clear that this was his decision and that he was not
following a governmental order.


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