-Caveat Lector-

> GERMANY SAID it had uncovered a drug ring of at least 25 border
> police, who in one case allegedly smuggled cocaine through
> Customs by carrying suitcases full of the drug while wearing
> their uniforms. Five police at Frankfurt airport were arrested in
> the sting operation.

> MONDAY: Olara Otunnu, the special United Nations representative
> for children and armed conflict, is on a fact- finding mission in
> the Colombian town of Medellin. As far as Colombians are
> concerned, Medellin is the murder capital of the world.
> He has come to put children on the international agenda - a tall
> order in a country where 15 million live below the poverty line
> and a third of all paramilitary fighters are children. At a home
> for prostitutes and former gang members, Mr Otunnu meets Valeria,
> a 15-year-old "sicario", or assassin. Sicarios are often paid by
> the drug barons to kill at point- blank range. With no emotion,
> Valeria talks of how she held up a taxi driver and cut his throat
> "by accident". She coyly admits that in the future she wants to
> be a marine biologist.
> TUESDAY: Next stop, Soacha, a shanty town on the outskirts of the
> capital, Bogota. The police refuse to patrol this area, and Mr
> Otunnu is accompanied by a security guard. At a school run by
> police cadets because of the murder rate among the teaching
> staff, he is told that this is a microcosm of Colombia's
> fractured society. Among the students are gangs loyal to the
> paramilitaries, the rebels and the drug barons. And the school
> building reflects the nation's recent history - battered and
> decaying. There are few books and virtually no furniture. Mr
> Otunnu hears that many children witnessed the recent murder of a
> teacher, but that not a single one would talk about it.
> WEDNESDAY: Mr Otunnu meets Javier. He left his village at 14 and
> joined the rebels. He says he did it because he was hungry. He
> gave himself up to the army at 16 after seeing a group of his
> friends slaughtered for trying to desert the guerrilla militia.
> They were caught, tied to a tree and Javier saw a bullet go into
> each head. Mr Otunnu, who is from Uganda, sings an Acholi welcome
> song. This should be surreal, but somehow it isn't.
> THURSDAY: Before leaving Colombia, he meets the other UN agencies
> on the ground - the children's fund, Unicef, is there, as is
> UNHCR - the refugee agency - and UNDP, the development programme.
> When he was appointed in 1997, critics said yet another layer of
> UN bureaucracy would be created. But perhaps he is pointing the
> way. With an office of fewer than 12 people, he has wrested
> pledges from the Tamil Tiger rebels in Sri Lanka not to recruit
> children under 17. And he has obtained commitments, from
> governments and guerrilla factions in Sudan, Burundi, Congo and
> Angola not to use soldiers under 18. Whether they fulfil their
> promises is another matter.
> FRIDAY: New York. The contrasts in Mr Otunnu's life are huge.
> Today he is at UN headquarters drumming up support for a security
> council resolution on children - the first of its kind. He says
> that resolutions are international law, and that even rebel
> groups eventually want power and legitimacy. They may not have
> signed treaties such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the
> Child, but they can be shamed.
> SATURDAY: Mr Otunnu relaxes. He has no children of his own. But
> he has adopted six from his brother and sister, who are both
> dead. If it were not for the bad blood between himself and the
> Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, he might have been secretary
> general of the UN. Museveni intervened to prevent it and Kofi
> Annan ultimately took the top job.
> Christopher Gunness
> Olara Otunnu was interviewed for the Children in Arms
> documentary, to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 8pm on 7
> September.

> DESCRIBED AS "the most dangerous mobster in the world", Semion
> Mogilevich is in the mould of James Bond's adversaries, Ernst
> Blofeld and Dr No - except that Mogilevich is real. The
> 53-year-old is said to be an evil genius who, from his base in
> Budapest, controls a crime syndicate with tentacles across the
> world. He is also known as the "Brainy Don" because he has an
> economics degree from the University of Lvov.
> According to The New York Times, investigations into Mogilevich
> have uncovered a massive East-to-West money-laundering operation
> using facilities at the Bank of New York. A senior London-based
> executive of the bank is suspended on paid leave. The New York
> Times claims her husband's company had an account through which
> up to $10bn was passed. Both were Russian-born.
> Semion Mogilevich has had close connections with Britain and it
> was the British intelligence service, MI6, which tipped off the
> American federal authorities of its suspicions that the bank was
> being used by money launderers.
> MI6 and the Police National Crime Intelligence Service (NCIS)
> have been keeping a close eye on Mogilevich since the mid-1990s,
> when he tried to set up an earlier money-laundering operation. A
> leaked NCIS report from 1995 said: "Semion Mogilevich is one of
> the world's top criminals who has a personal wealth of $100m. He
> is the target of law-enforcement agencies and security services
> in several countries and as a result of the effect of his
> financial impact on the City of London he clearly falls in the
> category of an NCIS core criminal."
> Last year New York's Village Voice magazine obtained secret FBI,
> CIA and Mossad reports that assert that Mogilevich traffics in
> nuclear materials, drugs, prostitutes, precious gems and stolen
> art. His hit men operate in the U.S and Europe.
> He is said to control everything that goes in and out of Moscow's
> Sheremetyevo International airport. He even bought a bankrupt
> airline of the former Central Asian Soviet Republic to ship
> heroin out of the Golden Triangle. Legally he has bought a large
> tranche of the Hungarian armaments industry.
> After the article was published, American intelligence warned the
> writer, Robert Friedman, that Mogilevich had put out a $100,000
> contract on him. The writer and his wife had to go into hiding.
> For once the expression "Mr Big" is no exaggeration. Yet little
> is known of Mogilevich's early years. He first came to the
> attention of the Soviet authorities in the 1970s when he was
> involved involved in petty theft and counterfeiting with a gang
> based in the Moscow suburb of Liubertskaya.
> Mogilevich made his first millions in the early 1980s, stealing
> from his fellow Jews. During the great exodus of Soviet Jews to
> Israel he made countless deals to buy the assets that emigrants
> were not allowed to take - roubles, furniture and art - promising
> to forward the proceeds to Israel. He never did. Thousands of
> Jews were fleeced.
> On these proceeds he established a petroleum company, Arbat
> International, and registered it on Alderney, the tax haven in
> the Channel Islands. One of his partners in this venture was
> Vyacheslav Ivankov, the infamous Russian Mafioso. Ivankov went to
> New York to take over the Russian Mafia, and was convicted in
> 1996 of extortion against two Wall Street brokers. Arbat was
> later sold.
> In the 1990s, bloody gang wars in Moscow forced many of the top
> mobsters to leave town. Mogilevich and his lieutenants moved to
> Israel and acquired Israeli citizenship. According to an Israeli
> intelligence report, Mogilevich "succeeded in building a
> bridgehead in Israel" and was "developing significant and
> influential [political] ties".
> In 1990 Mogilevich married a Hungarian woman. This gave him
> Hungarian nationality and, with Mossad breathing down his neck,
> he moved his operations to Budapest. From there he bought a
> string of nightclubs across Eastern Europe which were also fronts
> for prostitution.
> By the mid-1990s, Mogilevich needed to take money earned in his
> wide range of criminal activities in the East and "launder" it
> through legitimate companies in the West, without arousing the
> interest of authorities here. In one of his first attempts, he
> used an unsuspecting London law firm. One of the principals of
> the practice was Adrian Churchward, 53, a solicitor from Romford,
> Essex, whose Russian wife had been one of Mogilevich's earlier
> girlfriends but knew nothing of his criminal activities.
> Mogilevich, posing as a legitimate businessman, set up two
> British companies with Mr Churchward and his partner. Large sums
> of money started going through the hands of the London lawyers.
> This attracted the attention of the Metropolitan Police, who in
> an operation codenamed "Sword", raided the homes of the lawyers
> in May 1995, and seized pounds 2mfrom their account in the Royal
> Bank of Scotland.
> No prosecutions followed. The two joint companies were dissolved,
> as was the law practice. Mr Churchward now runs his own practice.
> As a result of Operation Sword, the police thwarted Mogilevich's
> attempt to launder money here, and he is banned from entering
> Britain. But British intelligence has kept a close eye on him.
> MI6 became suspicious of an account at the Bank of New York. The
> account was linked to a British company called Benex Worldwide
> Ltd, which was set up in 1998 with an address in Woodford Green,
> Essex. The main director is a 44-year-old Russian businessman
> called Peter Berlin.
> Mr Berlin's wife is Lucy Edwards, who is a London-based vice
> president of the Bank of New York. Over a year ago, British
> intelligence told the American authorities that Benex had an
> account at the bank which was experiencing massive transfers of
> money. Benex is said to have links to a Canadian company called
> YBM Magnex which has been identified as a front for Semion
> Mogilevich.
> Following the tip-off, the FBI approached the bank and with its
> co-operation monitored transfers going through the account. In
> the period from October to March this amounted to some $4.2bn in
> more than 10,000 transactions. Federal authorities believe as
> much as $10bn has passed through the account.
> As a result, Lucy Edwards has been suspended on paid leave. A New
> York- based vice president of the bank, Natasha Gurfinkel
> Kagalovsky, who controlled the accounts for the bank, has also
> been suspended. Both she and her husband are also Russian-born.
> Despite the staggering amount of money passing through the
> account, the bank had only filed one "suspicious activity report"
> with the Federal authorities. These reports are meant to be filed
> at the slightest hint of money laundering.
> On Wednesday night the National Crime Squad raided the luxury
> home of Peter Berlin and Lucy Edwards in a West End apartment
> block. Mr Berlin told The Independent that they have no comment.
> Mr Berlin and his wife later drove to their solicitors, Theodore
> Goddard, to take advice over the allegations. Neighbours say the
> couple were quiet and unflamboyant. One said she thought that
> they bought the flat two years ago for pounds 500,000 in cash.
> Investigations are still at an early stage. No one has been
> charged. The Bank of New York said yesterday that there is no
> suggestion of wrongdoing by the bank.
> "The bank has been co-operating with the office of the United
> States Attorney General for the Southern District of New York,"
> it said.
> In his rare interviews, Semion Mogilevich maintains that he is a
> honest and straightforward businessman.

>From TheIndependent (UK)

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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