Ya know, this story below about Russbacher being a complete liar, con man,
etc., etc., sounds just like something the government would say in order to
discredit him. I  don't have any knowledge of the man's "psychological
profile" as mentioned herein, however, I do know that claiming someone is
crazy, a liar, a con man, insane, delusional, paranoid, etc., IS a COMMON
tactic used by our wonderful government agencies to discredit their enemies -
perceived or otherwise.

They used this same tactic against Claude Eatherly (Hiroshima pilot) back in
the 40's to discredit him...said he was a looney bird and a liar when he
began talking about things that happened during World War II, and "Operation
40", amongst other things.

"Psychological profiles" can be whatever they want to make them appear as...
just like everything else in life. Interpretation is everything, and they can
manipulate the translation into anything they want it to be.

I don't know Gunther Russbacher, but he may be exactly who he says he is. I
do know that I am very curious about this...

I just got this video from Congressman Hansen in the mail and will let you
know what I think of this when I'm finished with it.

- GC

  P. S. ---- Since you mention Malak in this post - just out of curiosity,
does anyone know if Fahmy Malak and Fred Malek are related somehow?

  Comical thought? Maybe...but both men are tied to drug cover ups, etc. and
other pond scum formerly and presently in the White House, CIA, NSA, etc...
Malak and Malek also appear to be of the same moral class (LOW).

  I wonder because so many Italian families have changed letters in their
surnames to "separate themselves" from other family members in the past which
just made me wonder about these guys...
 [CIA-DRUGS] Re: George W. Bush May Have Big Surprise From DEA
 Date:  08/10/1999 6:44:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time

 I was thinking that the Gunther Russbacher prison interview video
 was not going to show up, like Chip Tatum's video. "The Mystery
 of the Covert Criminal Conspiracy", is an interview of Gunther
 Russbacher in prison by the editor of probe mag, with nightly TV
 news clips of Brenneke and Russbacher at the end, and citations
 of Rodney Stich's Defrauding America that have to do with GR.
I already trust Mike Ruppert and Daniel Hopsicker a lot, so my
 few pennies went to a higher priority, to check out where the
 estranged Russbachers are coming from(well before the Train
 Deaths trial became a financial priority). Also the tape is advertised
 using Rep. Hansen's name, <A
HREF=""></A>,so I wanted to see
 if all was well with that association, because I sure trust Rep. Hansen
 and value his good name. A good name is worth a lot, and I consider
 his name a good investment.
The short of it is, in my opinion, that the following Chicago Tribune
 article, from the Windy City where Henry Hyde and the Rodhams
 have shared the management of a few black ops cash flows over
 the years, is pretty windy. It's about misdeamenors and parking
 tickets. What about Vinson's knee caps, are they messed up or not?
 Maybe Mike Ruppert, Russell Welch and Mike Levine could
 fan out through California, track down Vinson, pull up his
 pants, and see if Bill Clinton's identifying feature has been
 grafted onto Vinson's knees by Fahmy Malak. That would
 be a lot more interesting to me than a neat bundle of parking tickets.
 Does Oliver North's buddy of Tatum's Op Whalewatch document,
 Robert Hunt, really have much to say about Gunter Russbacher as
 being something other than a screaming wannabe? Maybe Hunt should
 have taken that tack, but I think he took a more obvious line, which
 for our purposes was just a different line, and as such, a rebuttalby
 contradiction of the party line that Russbacher is a con and a nut.
The long way around would involve Catherine looking at all the
 companies Russbacher identifies on vid from Rodney Stich's book
 index, Defrauding America, and see if they look like CIA fronts,
 and if Daniel recognizes them as such, or as just a fleet of scams
 belonging to Russbacher personally, the lonesome crazed etc.

To: Adroit
 Metalbird1 has posted several articles and attempted to pass them offas
 legitimate. The articles author is a con-man known as Gunther
 Russbacher. According to many articles Gunther may be delusional aswell
 as a con-man. He always claims to have "inside" information that is
 sourced from his undercover work for the CIA.
The below noted was a response that exposed Gunther as a fraud and makes
 you wonder why mentalbird1 would repeatedly post articles of a known
To: metalbird1
Gunther Russbacher... read 'em and weep:
Chicago Tribune March 17, 1992
A pro con. With a uniform and a line, Gunther Russbacher eased his way
 into the confidence of military and law enforcement officials.
He carried himself with the imperious bearing of a military officer.He
 talked like a man who humbled enlisted men for sport. Gunther Russbacher
 looked the part of a Navy captain when his Learjet landed at Crow's
 Landing Naval Air Station in California in the summer of 1990. When
 asked to log his phone calls, he signed "Capt. Gunther Russbacher."
 Forty minutes after landing, he was in the air again.
A few days later, wearing a Navy captain's white uniform, he drove to
 Castle Air Force base, an arm of the Strategic Air Command, in Atwater,
 Calif., bluffed his way past the guard and secured VIP lodging.
No one tried to stop him at either base - even though the insignia on
 his uniform were upside down.
It has been a long run for Gunther Karl Russbacher, 47, an Austrian
 citizen - apparently - who has lived a life of intrigue, deceptionand
 crime and served little time for it. What sets the balding, steely-eyed
 Russbacher apart from run-of-the-mill con men is the ease with whichhe
 gained access to guarded military facilities and gained the confidence
 of law enforcement officials.
It finally came crashing down on him last month in a St. Charles County,
 Mo., courtroom when his probation was revoked and he was sentencedto 21
 years in prison for one of the lesser of his masterful cons: stealing
 money from people while posing as a stockbroker.
He also has posed as an Army captain, an Air Force officer, an Air
 France pilot and a federal prosecutor. And these are merely the scams
 that authorities have caught him doing during the last three decades.
In addition to talking his way onto military bases, he apparently has
 persuaded government workers to give him blank vouchers, then passed
 himself off as a secret agent with the authority to charter learjets.He
 has convinced the FBI he was a valuable informant, and he once fakeda
 heart attack at the Immigration and Naturalization Service office inSt.
 Louis when he feared deportation.
As he was being sentenced, his wife, Raye, insisted that Russbacheris
 actually a deep-cover CIA operative whom the government is trying to
 suppress because he piloted a flight that carried George Bush to meet
 with Iranians in 1980 to delay release of the U.S. hostages in Tehran-
 the so-called October Surprise.
Raye Russbacher, who has written a proposal for a tell-all book called
 "I Call It Treason," has absolute confidence in her husband. She
 testified in court that Russbacher introduced her to former CIA Director
 William Webster at Offut Air Force Base in Nebraska, another of the
 military facilities where Russbacher gained access and slept in a bed
 reserved for VIPs.
He also has used a variety of names over the years, including that of
 Bobby Ray Inman, a retired admiral who was former head of the
 super-secret National Security Agency and deputy director of the CIA.
Investigators say Russbacher is brilliant, cunning, engaging and
 persistent. They say he is adept at taking public facts and marketing
 them as original information, which he spins into tales of intrigueand
 suspense that sound just authoritative enough to be credible. It's
 almost uncanny, they say, how he can pick out a topic that interests law
 enforcement agents, such as organized crime or drug trafficking, and
 pass himself off as an expert.
All this may explain why prison officials denied requests to arrangean
 interview with Russbacher himself.
"He's polished. He's smooth," said one FBI agent who has tracked himfor
 three years. "He can give you the impression that he can do you a lotof
Contradictions about him abound, beginning with his birth. When asked
 for his birthdate, both the FBI and the INS replied, "He has several."
Authorities believe he was born in Salzburg, Austria, either on July1,
 1944, or on Jan. 22, 1945. He has told authorities his mother marrieda
 U.S. serviceman after World War II.
He apparently moved to the U.S. when he was about 12. He lived in
 Oklahoma for a time, and his first recorded brush with the police,
 according to the FBI, was on Sept. 18, 1961, when he was charged with
 disorderly conduct and writing bad checks. The charges were dismissed.
 Records indicated he also was investigated for impersonating an Air
 Force officer.
The next month, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and was assigned to Ft.
 Carson, Colo. On Aug. 15, 1962, after being reported AWOL, he was
 charged with impersonating an officer by wearing a captain's uniformand
 was sentenced to two months' hard labor.
By October of that year, he was AWOL again. He left the Army on Oct.1,
 1963. Just four months later, he was sentenced to one year in an
 Oklahoma state prison for writing bad checks, and on Nov. 21, 1965,he
 was charged with trying to impersonate a U.S. marshal in Dallas. That
 charge was dismissed.
Back in jail On Dec. 3, 1973, he was sentenced in New Orleans in
 connection with impersonating an Air Force major and was placed on
 probation. Within two months, he had violated the terms of his probation
 and was returned to jail.
Apparently he served little, if any, time in New Orleans: on May 18,
 1974, he was sentenced to five years in prison in texarkana, Texas,on
 charges of securities fraud and impersonation.
After his Texas prison term, he moved to Missouri and, on Oct. 5, 1986,
 was charged with stealing by deception, violating his probation. Hewas
 sent to a federal prison in Minnesota, according to the FBI.
On his release, he returned to Missouri and opened a firm called
 National Brokerage Co. in St. Charles. The company's letterhead listed
 him as chairman, using the alias Emery Peden, and said he held an MBA
During this period, Russbacher started calling the St. Louis FBI office,
 telling them he had valuable information. Russbacher said he would
 provide information about drug trafficking if the FBI helped him with
 some immigration problems. The FBI acknowledges paying him as an
 informant for a short time, but said it did nothing to help him withthe
 INS. Payment stopped when agents determined that his information was
He also successfully impersonated a commercial airline pilot, at least
 twice, in the summer of 1986. Wearing an Air France pilot's uniform,and
 using a homemade identification card, Russbacher persuaded Trans World
 Airlines captains to approve him as an additional crew member, allowing
 him to fly in the cockpit.
He was arrested trying to pull the same stunt on a Southwest Airlines
Philip Groenweghe, a St. Charles County assistant state's attorney,said
 that in his work as a stockbroker, Russbacher bilked clients out of
 thousands of dollars for services he never provided. He was found guilty
 in 1990 and sentenced to 21 years in prison, but he was placed on
 probation and ordered to pay restitution. The money would come, hetold
 the court, from a $150,000 contract to write a screenplay about hislife
VIP treatment
Then, according to the public record, his odyssey took its most dramatic
 turn. With his wife, Russbacher drove to the gates of Offut Air Force
 base, headquarters of the Strategic Air Command, on July 19, 1990.
 Russbacher, posing as a Navy captain, had called ahead to make a
 reservation. He and his wife were given two keys to Room 3208 in the VIP
 headquarters. He also obtained a visitor's pass and passes for hiscar.
 They stayed four nights. His wife testified (her testimony later was
 stricken by the judge in St. Charles as irrelevant) that she and her
 husband talked with then-CIA Director William Webster at the officers'
 club. Her story has never been corroborated, and a spokesman at Offut
 said there is no record of Webster visiting the base.
>From Offut they traveled to Reno, where Russbacher picked up a military
 uniform from a surplus store. He also procured blank government vouchers
 from the federal Bureau of Land Management office there, which he later
 used to contract for charter service on the Learjets. "They just handed
 them over to him," said Special Agent Terry Scott of the FBI's
 Sacramento office.
According to relatives of Raye Russbacher, who has not been chargedwith
 any wrongdoing, the couple came to visit them in California's Central
 Valley, but because of a family problem, they needed to leave quickly
 for Seattle. As relative Carole Barry recalls it, Russbacher said he
 could command a plane at once - and he did, convincing a charter service
 that he was a federal prosecutor on a secret mission.
On July 27, 1990, Russbacher, again in a Learjet, arrived at Crow's
 Landing Naval Air Station near the home of his wife's relatives.
 Apparently, his only interest in landing there was that it was the
 closest airfield. Lt. Cmdr. William Carpenter, who was not on the base
 at the time, said Russbacher appeared to be flying legitimately ina
 government-contract plane. Lower-level officers did not confront him.
 "If you realize you are dealing with a captain," he said, "it's somany
 grades removed, it would be like asking a congressman for ID. (But)they
 probably should have."
On July 30, he drove to the gates of Castle Air Force Base, wearinga
 Navy captain's whites, with a military decal on his car. He and hiswife
 were issued keys for VIP quarters.
"He claimed to be a Navy captain," said Lt. Todd Vician, a public
 affairs officer at Castle, but his insignia were on upside-down.
Meanwhile, the FBI's Scott, with help from Barry and other relatives,
 had pieced together at least a portion of Russbacher's remarkable
On July 31, in the VIP room at Castle, Scott arrested Russbacher on
 charges of impersonating a federal prosecutor. Russbacher was sentenced
 to 15 to 20 months in federal prison.
"They (the Air Force) realized it was pretty lax of them because ofnot
 wanting to ruffle feathers," Scott said.
After his federal prison term, Russbacher was returned to St. Charles.
 His probation finally was revoked and he was committed to the Missouri
 prison system for 21 years.
A CIA connection?
To Raye Russbacher, the fact that her husband was twice admitted to
 secure military installations merely bolsters her story that he wasa
 deep cover CIA officer whose deeds were so politically combustiblethat
 he had to be completely discredited. "The only way people can dismissit
 is to say that we are absolute liars," Raye Russbacher said.
Is he CIA?
David Whipple, executive director of the Association of Former
 Intelligence Officers, says: "It's not a bad cover, because it's very
 difficult to verify. If you say you are CIA and the CIA says nothing,it
 rather sustains the legend." However, he said he didn't recognize
 Russbacher's name.
Harry Reeves of the Naval Investigative Service calls it "absolutely
 ludicrous." The FBI's Scott says: "He's a con man from the word go."
 Says Groenweghe, the prosecutor: "I can't prove or disprove his
 involvement with the CIA. (But) I would be amazed the CIA would use
 someone with his record and psychological profile. You can't believe
 anything he tells you.
He's a liar."
> 22 Posted on 07/05/1999 16:02:10 PDT by Nick Danger
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > [ Reply | To 1 | Top | Last ]
 To: metalbird1
 Soooooooo...there's a movie in the works, huh? Who's the producer,
 Oliver Stone?
282 Posted on 08/08/1999 13:21:51 PDT by blake6900</blockquote>

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