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Subject: The Conspiracy Was Strong
   Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 21:03:50 -0400
   From: "Timothy Aho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     To: "Watch Unto Prayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 To: The WatchmenFrom: Watch Unto Prayer
http://watch.pair.com/pray.htmlDate: August 20, 1999
                    THE CONSPIRACY WAS STRONG Part 2


                               Barbara Aho

               And the conspiracy was strong; for the
               people increased continually with Absalom.
               II Sam15:12a

                            Patrick Blackett

Professor Patrick Blackett, an ex-naval officer and nuclear physicist,
had received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948. In 1932, Blackett identified
the electron with a positive charge, a discovery which built upon the
former breakthroughs in physics, splitting of the atom and discovery of
the neutron. These three discoveries laid the foundation for the
development of nuclear weapons. In 1939, Blackett initiated the
technique of Operational Research, which was discussed at length in
Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope as Blackett's application of a
British philosophical doctrine called "rationalization" to the
unpleasant realities of war. The concept of "rationalization" had
appeared at the end of the 19th Century, at the same time the
Rhodes-Milner secret eugenics society was formed.

     As in so many other innovations, the introduction of
     rationalization into war was begun by the British and then
     taken over on an enormous scale, by the Americans. Its origin
     is usually attributed to the efforts of Professor P. M. S.
     Blackett (Nobel Prize 1948) to apply radar to antiaircraft
     guns. From there Blackett took the technique into
     antisubmarine defense whence it spread, under the name
     'Operational Research' into many aspects of the War effort. In
     its original form, the Anti-Aircraft Command Research Group,
     known as "Blackett's Circus,"...was a mixed-team approach to
     operational problems, emphasizing an objective, analytical,
     and quantitative method. As Blackett wrote in 1941, "The
     scientist can encourage numerical thinking on operational
     matters, and so can help to avoid running the war on gusts of
     emotion.". . .

     Rationalization of behavior, as represented in Operations
     Research, and the application of science to new weapons, as
     practiced by the English-speaking countries, were in sharp
     contrast with the methods of waging war used by the Tripartite
     aggressors. Hitler fought the war by basing his hopes on
     inspiration (his own) and will power (usually, refusal to
     retreat an inch); Mussolini tried to fight his war on rhetoric
     and slogans; the Japanese tried to gain victory by
     self-sacrifice and willingness to die. All three irrational
     methods were obsolete as compared with the Anglo-American
     method of rationalization and science.

     First news of the success of Operations Research in Britain
     was brought to the United States by President Conant in 1940
     and was formally introduced by Vannevar Bush [Freemason, BA],
     as chairman of the New Weapons Committee of the Joint Chiefs
     of Staff, in 1942." (pp. 838, 842)

                                  * * *

To say that Sir Anthony Wass Buzzard had connections in high places
would be an enormous understatement. Sir Anthony W. Buzzard was also a
knight in Her Majesty, the Queen of England's empire. This distinction
is also indicated by the title of "Sir" which precedes Anthony F.
Buzzard, whose honors additionally include nomination for the Templeton
Prize for Progress in Religion in 1996. Sir John Marks Templeton, the
founder of the Prize, won a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University and
was also knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1987 for his philanthropic
efforts, which included his endowment of Templeton College, Oxford. On
the staff of the Templeton Foundation are a high percentage of Oxford
University graduates, including Executive Director and Senior Vice
President Dr. Charles L. Harper, Jr.

                       THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD

Due to his involvement with the Discernment Ministries, which purport to
expose the New World Order, Sir Anthony F. Buzzard seemed to warrant
further investigation. A logical place to begin was the Worldwide Church
of God in which he formerly held membership and employment for some
time. The Worldwide Church of God was founded by Herbert W. Armstrong in
1934 as "The World Tomorrow" radio program with a magazine called The
Plain Truth. The WCG was led by Herbert Armstrong and his son, Garner
Ted Armstrong, prior to its transformation into an Evangelical
denomination after highly publicized exposure of criminal and immoral

Sir Anthony had informed me that he separated from the WCG when the
denomination embraced orthodox doctrine and thereafter affiliated with
the Church of God General Council, which maintained the Unitarian
beliefs of the former WCG. A listing of the Worldwide Church of God -
Organizational Splits states that Anthony Buzzard formed his Restoration
Fellowship in 1972, the year he left his teaching post at WCG Ambassador
College. A publication of the Church of God, The Journal, still promotes
the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association and the Worldwide
Church of God. [This COG website also interconnects a large network of
Unitarian -- Nazarene, Sabbatarian, Hebrew Roots, Seventh Day Adventist
and Jewish -- web sites.]

Anthony Buzzard wrote in The Journal: "I was in the WCG from 1960 to
1972 and taught music and biblical languages in Pasadena [Ambassador
College at the WCG Headquarters] and Bricket Wood [College in England]."
According to a 1978 BBC broadcast, Sir Anthony Buzzard was "a man who
knew Herbert Armstrong well." In a publication titled the Ambassador
Report, Sir Anthony explained Armstrong's "main ambition to meet top
people around the world," such as the Queen of England, whom he
considered to be the descendant of King David:

     "He felt that if he could do that he would have preached the
     gospel to the nations through getting at their leaders and
     after that has been done it was his firm belief that the end
     of the world would come. I'm sure that to meet Her Majesty the
     Queen would be his ultimate ambition. He's always had a great
     love of England, and he would look upon the Queen as being a
     direct descendant of King David because he believes, or
     believed certainly when I knew him, that England and America
     are the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, and
     therefore to meet the direct descendant of David would be the
     highest privilege he could think of." (Ambassador Report,

An expose of the Worldwide Church of God, The Truth Shall Make You Free
by John Tuit, describes a religious empire which extorted not one, but
three, tithes (30% of income) from its members to support extravagant
lifestyles for Herbert W. and Garner Ted Armstrong and a law firm of
Jewish attorneys who controlled the WCG for twenty years. The most
prominent of these was Stanley Rader, who with Herbert Armstrong "had
gained access to the heads of state in at least a dozen world capitals."
Former WCG member, John Tuit, who initiated the litigation and
investigation of the denomination, wrote in 1981 of the power elites
with whom Armstrong and Rader had connections, including members and
even the founder of the Bilderberg Group:

     "It is more than passing significance that Armstrong's
     original contacts were made through high-ranking members of
     the Japanese government. Perhaps the mysterious Osamu Gotoh's
     part in this will never be totally known. The Japanese, who
     have such a significant part in the Trilateral Commission, are
     also the very ones who have introduced Armstrong to many world

     "Through the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation,
     Rader has established an institute for political research in
     Tokyo as well as a Society for Near Eastern Studies in Tokyo.
     There is a close relationship with King Leopold III of
     Belgium, who is one of the members of Prince Bernhard's
     Bilderberg Group. And there has also been very close contact
     with Prince Bernhard. Doctor Singh of the World Court also
     figures prominently in the Armstrong-Rader contacts." (The
     Truth Shall Make You Free, p. 289)

The Ambassador Report, which is dedicated to exposing the Worldwide
Church of God, explained in its May 1991 issue the close relationship
between Herbert Armstrong and the King of Belgium, a Bilderberger and
former Nazi collaborator:

     "...it is interesting to note HWA's long friendship with
     Leopold III of Belgium. According to the WN (Feb. 10, 1986, p.
     2) Leopold was instrumental in arranging many of HWA's
     meetings with heads of state...Leopold had surrendered Belgium
     to the Nazis in 1940 and had refused to flee the country to
     set up a Belgian government-in-exile in France or England. He
     spent most of the war in Germany. One international relations
     expert told AR, 'Deep down Leopold was really a... fascist.'"

According to an Authorized Biography of H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, the founder of the Bilderbergers also enlisted in Adolf
Hitler&rsquo;s SS and was employed by the notorious I.G. Farben which
financed Hitler.

The December 31, 1981 Ambassador Report published Herbert Armstrong's
Nov. 27 letter to Plain Truth, which included his recent schedule of
meetings with Zionist leaders: "A week ago yesterday, Thursday, November
19, I had a personal meeting with President Yitzak Navon of Israel in
Jerusalem, and the night before I was guest of honor at the banquet
hosted by Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem. Present also were former
Mayor John Lindsay of New York City, and Jacob Rothschild of London."
The May 30, 1983 Worldwide News reported that Armstrong's presence in
Oxford, England. "While in England, HWA met with Leopold de Rothschild,
Edmond de Rothschild, and other British royalty." [Ambassador Report,
Sept. 1983]

Herbert Armstrong would occasionally boast that, following his visits
with certain heads of state, their governments would mysteriously

     "August 15, a man I knew--President Mujibur Rahman of
     Bangladesh--was shot and killed in a military coup. Sitting
     with us, when I visited President Rahman (then Prime Minister
     but actual head of state), was Khandaker Moshtaque Ahmed,
     Commerce Minister. Ahmed led the military coup and took over
     as head of the government.

     "August, 1973, I was in Santiago, Chile (South America) to
     visit President Allende. Three weeks later, he was
     assassinated--machine gunned in the back--in the very room
     where I had the conference. Three weeks after I had visited
     Prime Minister Kittikachorn of Thailand and spoken in Bangkok
     before an audience which included Doctor Sanya, Rector of the
     University, a riot of 200,000 students overthrew the military
     government, and Prime Minister Kittikachorn fled to the United

     "I had become well acquainted with Emperor Haile Selassie of
     Ethiopia. Twice when I visited him in Addis Ababa he placed
     one of his personal limousines with chauffeur at my disposal
     for my entire stay. But the military forces took him prisoner
     and took over the government.

     "Last July a bloodless coup overthrew the government of
     General Yakubu Gowon in Nigeria (Africa)." (Tuit, p. 26)

It is commonly known and reported by publications such as the Covert
Action Information Bulletin that the assassination of Salvador Allende
of Chile was an operation of the CIA. However, the CAIB also implicates
another organization, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) with ties to
the Christian Right in the U.S., namely Paul Weyrich and Morton
Blackwell, principals of the Council for National Policy, and other CNP
organizations such as Christian Voice, Citizens Against Government
Waste, Citizens Committe for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

     "In Chile and other Latin American countries, the CIA helped
     finance the right-wing Tradition, Family and Property which
     played a role in the overthrow of both Allende in Chile and
     Goulart in Brazil. In many instances it pitted one sector of
     the Church against another." (CAIB, Winter 1983, p. 17)

Although the FBI and CIA have files on Herbert Armstrong and Stanley
Rader, for the most part these have been unavailable to inquirers, such
as former WCG member, Gene Bailey. According to the May, 1991 Ambassador

     "...one CIA employee told Bailey that after each meeting with
     foreign leaders during the 1970s and early 1980s Herbert
     Armstrong and his Jewish attorney- accountant Stanley R. Rader
     had probably been debriefed by the CIA and that there would be
     files on those debriefings. But now, however -- months after
     being told by the government that the CIA had files on the WCG
     -- Bailey has been told by the CIA that no such files can be

     "Over the years, many noticed that in a number of cases, after
     HWA visited a country, that country's government would fall or
     there would be a major change of leadership. Examples:
     Ethiopia after HWA visited Haile Selassie, the Philippines
     after HWA visited Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, India after HWA
     visited Indira Gandhi, and Egypt after HWA visited Anwar
     Sadat. (Some even recall how HWA was to have met with Allende
     of Chile but Allende was overthrown and killed -- CIA help
     many say -- shortly before HWA was to go to that country.)

     "Because of the above coincidences (and perhaps because Rader
     was reported to have had friends in the White House during
     Republican administrations beginning with Nixon), some at WCG
     headquarters kidded that HWA or someone close to him was
     somehow being used by the CIA to bring down governments. While
     the idea sounds like something out of a spy novel, such a
     theory should not be dismissed out of hand." (Ambassador
     Report, May 1991)

Rockefeller, Internationalist by Emmanuel Josephson tells the story of
Emperor Selassie's resistance years earlier to the Rockefeller oil
racket, which prompted Rockefeller's agent, Mussolini to invade

     "The story of the Ethiopian War is that of another oily
     Rockefeller Crusade. It began on July 1, 1923, when the press
     announced that the Anglo-American Oil Co., a Standard Oil
     subsidiary, had obtained an exclusive oil concession in the
     northern half of the Harrar Province of Abyssinia. Nothing
     more was heard of this concession for more than a decade
     despite the urgent need of the Rockefeller interests for a
     source of oil for the Mediterranean basin that was close at
     hand and did not require costly haulage by tankers, from the
     far-off Gulf and Venezuelan ports, or from East India. Behind
     the scenes there raged a fierce diplomatic battle. For
     Ethiopia holds the source of the Nile and was regarded by the
     British Empire as one of its critical spheres of interest. It
     vigorously opposed permitting its deadly rival, the
     Rockefeller Empire, to gain a foothold there. Under pressure
     of the British, Haile Selassie denied permission to the
     Rockefeller interests to proceed with the development of the
     concession that had been given them.

     "Following negotiations of Sir Francis Rickett, a director of
     Rockefeller's Socony Vacuum Oil So, with Mussolini, in which
     it is apparent that the Rockefeller interests assured Il Duce
     of supplies of oil for a war on Abyssinia in exchange for a
     thirty year monopoly of the Italian oil market and the
     ratification of their Ethiopian concession, as well as other
     considerations, border incidents on December 9, 1934, between
     Italian and Ethiopian troops, in connection with a dispute
     over the Italian Somalian frontier, served as a pretext for
     the waging by Italy of an undeclared war. In the midst of the
     war, on September 1, 1935, the press announced the text of an
     Ethiopian concession, negotiated by Sir Francis Rickett, to
     the African Exploration and Development Co., organized in 1933
     as a subsidiary of the Socony Vacuum. The names of Mellon,
     Mitchell and Teagle were mentioned in connection with the
     deal, and in the following month, October 15, the press linked
     an Ethiopian arms order to the Rickett deal. This followed the
     traditional practise of the Rockefeller Empire, of playing all
     ends against the center. Shortly thereafter, the British,
     acting on behalf of the League of Nations, offered Haile
     Selassie a negotiated peace for surrender to the Italians of
     the oil-rich Fafan Valley in the Harrar Province---the
     original 1923 concession to the Rockefeller interests. This
     was rejected on December 12, 1935.

     "In the meantime, belated economic sanctions were ordered by
     the League of Nations to go into effect November 18, 1935, and
     continued until July 15, 1936, after termination of the war.
     The Rockefeller empire, which had assured Mussolini in advance
     that no effective sanctions would be applied in respect to
     that absolute essential of modern war---oil---made good on its
     assurance. On December 4, 1935, the press announced that the
     Rockefeller interests would defy the League and supply
     Mussolini with oil from the Romanian fields; on December 12,
     Socony Vacuum announced the building of two refineries for
     Mussolini in Naples; and on January 8, 1936, it was announced
     that Italy might get oil from Germany. The Ethiopian oilfields
     are now controlled by the Rockefeller interests through the
     Sinclair Oil Corporation. The red that tints their end
     product, ethyl gasoline, might well be Italian and Ethiopian
     blood. " (Chedney Press, NY, 1952, pp. 202-3)

During the Italian invasion (1935-36) Haile Selassie personally led his
troops against the enemy. He lived in exile in England until 1941, when
he returned and claimed the throne. After World War II he instituted
social and political reforms, such as establishing a national assembly
in 1955. In September 1974, however, he was deposed by an army coup and
arrested, and in August 1975, died under house arrest and questionable
circumstances, and was secretly buried. It is noteworthy that the last
monarch of this African nation, Haile Selassie, was a Coptic Christian
who called himself the "Lion of Judah" and claimed direct descent from
King Solomon of Israel. Rastafarians believe in the divinity of
Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, referred to as "the most High" and
"Jah," or God. Salvator Allende, who was murdered in the coup which
installed Pinochet, was a member of the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge.

In 1979, Mr. John Tuit and other church officials brought a class action
suit against the various WCG entities for "siphoning off the property
and assets of the Church and appropriating them to their own personal
use and benefit on a massive scale amounting to several million dollars
per year." (Tuit, p. 186) A reporter with the Los Angeles Times, invited
to write the story, was removed from the assignment due to the
newspaper's (i.e., CFR) interest in protecting the WCG:

     Ambassador College, in conjunction with the Kress Foundation,
     has been engaged in archeological expeditions in Syria.
     Franklin Murphy, the chairman of the Board of the Kress
     Foundation, was the former Chancellor of the University of
     California, Los Angeles, and is now chairman of the Board of
     the Times Mirror Corporation, publishers of the Los Angeles
     Times. Franklin Murphy is also a member of the Council of
     Foreign Relations. The pieces fit very well here as this
     begins to explain why Bert Mann, the reporter for the Los
     Angeles Times, was pulled off the receivership story in
     January 1979. While the story was prominently featured in the
     Pasadena papers, it was buried in the back pages of the Times.
     (The Truth Shall Make You Free, p. 289)

What was left of the Worldwide Church of God after public exposure of
massive corruption -- criminal fraud, obstruction of justice, bribery,
abject immorality at the highest levels and cult-like control of church
members -- changed its doctrinal statement to resemble the
formerly-regarded "Satanic" Protestant churches. This superficial reform
conveniently qualified WCG to join the apostate World Evangelical
Fellowship. Joseph W. Tkach, who succeeded Herbert Armstrong in 1986,
was Stanley Rader's lieutenant and had been ordained with Rader and his
accomplice Ellis LaRavia in their 1979 emergency attempt to maintain
control of the WCG.

There are references in sermons by WCG evangelist, Gerald Waterhouse, to
Tkach having been "born of the right lineage" and "a physical Levite."
Joseph Tkach, like his predecessor, "maintain[ed] contacts with the rich
and powerful. [In 1988], for instance, Tkach and his entourage attended
private receptions for the Duke and Duchess of York ('Andy and Fergy')
at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles and aboard the royal yacht
Britannia (WN, 3/28/88, p. 1) Joseph W. Tkach's son, Joseph Tkach, Jr.,
became president of the Worldwide Church of God in 1995. [Ambassador
Report, March 1989]

An ally of the Worldwide Church of God throughout its demise was the
Faith Center Church of W. Eugene Scott, who still preaches the doctrine
of British-Israel that was popularized by Herbert W. Armstrong. It was
the Los Angeles attorney general's investigation of Scott's misuse of
funds in 1978 that prompted members of the Worldwide Church of God to
request an investigation of their own church.

     Rader's attempts to woo the public, though mostly futile, have
     resulted in at least one alliance. HWA has for years branded
     all churches other than his own as being "Satan's churches."
     However, Stanley Rader, along with Ralph Helge, recently
     appeared on the "Festival of Faith," a controversial religious
     television program hosted by media-minister Gene Scott. (In
     Los Angeles, "Festival of Faith" is telecast almost around the
     clock on Scott's own station, KHOF, channel 30.) Scott, a
     former financial consultant to Oral Roberts, is himself under
     investigation by both the attorney general and the FCC over
     financial dealings. Rader, of course, had nothing but kind
     words for Scott as both pledged their mutual support in
     fighting the attorney general. (Ambassador Report, 6/1/79)

                         Part II: British-Israel

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