-Caveat Lector-

Below please find information from a book with information on cult mind
For mind control survivors, mind control could also possibly be triggered by
words, phrases, sounds, etc.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Hassan's web site is : http://www.shassan.com/index.htm

>From "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Stephen Hassan, Park Street Press c

>From pages 106 - 111

Asking Questions : The Key to Protecting Yourself From Destructive Cults

How long have you (the recruiter) been involved ? Are you trying to recruit
me into any type of organization ?

If you find out you are being lied to later, get angry and walk away from the

Can you tell me the names of all other organizations that are affiliated with
this group ?

Who is the top leader ? What are his background and qualifications ? Does he
have any criminal record ?

"a destructive cult tries to get a person's commitment first, before
disclosing important information."

What does your group believe ? Does it believe that the ends justify the
means ? Is deception allowed in certain circumstances ?

"If a person is not willing to summarize the key points of the group's
beliefs right then and there, you can be sure he is hiding something."

What are members expected to do once they join ?

"Ask the person  what he did  when he first met the group and what he is
doing now ? " He mentions to watch the recruiter's nonverbal reaction

Is the group considered to be controversial to anyone ?

The recruiter may mention that some people think they are a cult and they are
all brainwashed and say something like, Do I look brainwashed ? One could
respond: How are people supposed to look if they are brainwashed ?

How do you feel about former members of the group ?

"Any legitimate organization would never discourage contact with former
members...legitimate groups would support any member's decision to leave,
even though they may not like it... cult groups instill fear in members,
insuring they stay away from critics and former members."

What are the three things you like least about the group and the leader ?

He replies to the question of asking a cult member if they are brainwashed.
"It is absurd to expect an objective answer from someone under mind control."

He mentions that cults will try to split friends up during indoctrination

"If you find yourself in an indoctrination session, stand up and announce
that you don't like being manipulated and controlled. The louder you speak,
the faster you will be escorted from the room...Don't let your curiosity get
the best of you. Too many people have been recruited into these organizations
because they were overconfident ...Placing yourself in a potentially
dangerous situation just isn't worth it."

Page 57 - A Note on Hypnotism

"Hypnotism relates to the unethical mind control practices of destructive
cults... being in a trance is usually a pleasant, relaxing experience...it
has been clinically established by psychological researchers that people's
critical faculties are diminished in a trance state. One is less able to
evaluate information received in a trance than when in a normal state of

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