Folks, What's a 'tooter'?  Unable to find a definition in my dictionary
'toot' being used as a Noun.

Thursday August 26, 1:15 PM

Media Mum on Clinton Cocaine Witness List

Is it just Inside Cover, or has anybody else noticed that reporters have
suddenly cooled on their favorite pursuit: hounding George W. on the cocaine

Maybe it's the recent surveys showing Americans don't care if Bush Jr. used
the drug a generation ago? But more probably it's the fact that the press'
own double standard has become so blatantly apparent that even they now
worry about seeming unfair.

Reporters have been slammed lately for not going after President Clinton on
the same question -- and the entire U.S. media knows it risks a credibility
crisis should the Bush bashing continue.

Thanks to Gennifer Flowers' Aug. 6 allegation -- first reported here --
where she claimed Clinton used a "substantial amount" of cocaine, news
editors have been faced with a stark choice: Find an allegation against
George W. as credible and damaging as Flowers' account -- or let the coke
rumors about Bush die a natural death.

Otherwise America's information gatekeepers might be forced to cover the
list of witnesses who have gone public about what they say was our
President's own nasty habit.

Besides Flowers, those witnesses could include:

SHARLINE WILSON, the former Little Rock drug dealer who told a federal grand
jury in 1990 that she watched as Bill Clinton used cocaine in her presence.
Her testimony is sealed. But she recounted the Clinton coke shocker, which
she witnessed at Little Rock's LeBistro restaurant, for the London
Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in 1994.

"'Roger the Dodger' (Clinton's brother) came back to the bar and said he
needed two grams of cocaine right away. They carried out the deal near the
ladies room. The Dodger then borrowed her 'tooter,' her 'one hitter' as she
called it, and handed it to the governor.

'I watched Bill Clinton lean up against a brick wall....he casually stuck my
tooter up his nose. He was so messed up that night, he slid down the wall
into a garbage can and just sat there like a complete idiot.'" ("The Secret
Life of Bill Clinton" by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard)

Wilson also claimed to have seen then-Governor Clinton use the drug at
Little Rock's Coachman's Inn. She is currently serving a 31 year jail
sentence which she believes is retribution for her candor.

SALLY PERDUE, the former Arkansas beauty queen who claims she had a four
month affair with the President in 1983, has told reporters that Clinton
used cocaine in her presence and that he seemed quite familiar with how the
drug is used:

"He had all the equipment laid out, like a real pro," said Perdue.

Perdue says she was threatened with violence if she didn't stay silent about
the details of her Clinton affair. She currently resides in China.

L.D. BROWN, the former Clinton bodyguard and onetime head of the Arkansas
Police Association, recounts his own suspicions about the President's
cocaine use in his book: "Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation."

Brown says he was guarding Clinton at a Boca Raton hotel when the
then-governor suddenly disappeared from sight:

"Bill stepped out for a few minutes, long enough for me to become
concerned...I first checked the bathroom. I called his name but got no
answer. Just as I was about to leave I saw his number 13's (shoes)
protruding from under one of the stalls. 'Bill, are you okay?' I asked,
knowing that there couldn't be another foot that big in Boca Raton. 'Yeah,
yeah, L.D., these damn sinuses are killing me.' As I retreated to the bar I
realized what was going on....Bill knew that with my prior experience in
drug enforcement, I didn't tolerate illicit drug use -- particularly 'nose

JANE PARKS, Roger Clinton's onetime landlady, has said that during the
mid-1980's Bill Clinton was a "frequent visitor" to his little brother's
expensive Vantage Point apartment, which shared a wall with Parks' office.
According to the account Parks has given reporters, the Clinton brothers
enjoyed partying with girls who appeared to be high school age.

"There was drug use at these gatherings....and (Parks) could clearly
distinguish Bill's voice as he chatted with his brother about the quality of
the marijuana they were smoking. She said she could also hear them talking
about the cocaine as they passed it back and forth." ("Partners in Power" by
Roger Morris)

ROGER CLINTON, the President's own half-brother, is said to have offered one
of the most damning accounts of his sibling's cocaine use. A 1984 police
surveillance videotape reportedly shows Roger telling one of his coke
connections, "Got to get some for my brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum

Roger himself would do time for distributing coke, as would one his older
brother's biggest campaign contributors, Danny Ray Lasater. According to
L.D. Brown, then-Gov. Clinton casually dismissed the cocaine smuggling Brown
had witnessed at Mena airport, saying, "That's Lasater's deal".

TERRY DON CAMP, an Arkansas prisoner who testified on behalf of fellow
inmate Perry Steve Risinger in Risinger's 1996 jail break trial, put Clinton
in the company of Mena cocaine smuggler Barry Seal on at least one occasion.

Camp told the court that he "saw Seal get off an airplane with Clinton and
two apparent plain clothes police officers at the Magnolia Airport in the
early 1980's." Rissigner, a onetime drug dealer himself, told the court that
he feared for his life while in jail, "because of his knowledge of convicted
drug smuggler Barry Seal's ties to President Clinton and other powerful
people in Arkansas and Louisiana." (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette -- March 19,

DR. SUSAN SANTA CRUZ claims no direct knowledge of Clinton's involvement
with cocaine. But in 1992, instead of releasing the then-candidate's medical
records, Santa Cruz and other doctors who had treated Clinton were called
upon to verbally detail Clinton's medical history for the press.

"Her listing of Mr. Clinton's history included allergies, a strained
ligament in his left knee from unspecified causes and rectal bleeding from
hemorrhoids in 1984. His surgical history includes a procedure to open up
his sinuses in 1979 and a tonsillectomy in 1952." (Washington Times -- March
12, 1996)

Medical experts say that heavy cocaine usage often leads to sinus damage.

When asked to respond to the Clinton coke question Monday night, Dick Morris
told Fox News that his client had a "perpetually runny nose" while Morris
worked for him in Arkansas. Morris goes back with Clinton to 1977. Sharline
Wilson alleges that she witnessed Clinton using cocaine in 1979 and 1980.

MONICA LEWINSKY, the sex crazed White House intern who nearly destroyed a
presidency, told Linda Tripp that Clinton "sometimes seemed to 'zone out' on
her." When Tripp asked for an explanation, Monica replied, "I think he's on
drugs". (New York Post -- Oct. 3, 1998)


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